Haven't seen one in a while. Rhodesia is proof whites can go anywhere and make a paradise.
Rhodesia Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh stop it. It's so sad to see the beautiful country destroyed.
Oh, am I just supposed to make a thread for you? Faggot, how about you post something next time instead of just going "rhodesia thread"
This isnt cuckchan. Put some effort into your thread. It takes 5 seconds to get the documentary on Rhodesia in the 70s, and include it in your OP. The find a PDF of Bitter Harvest, Ian Douglas Smiths memoirs. Then find some other stuff, about the Selous Scouts and such. Include all those links and voila, a moderately non shit thread.
also this
cautionary sage for shit thread - lurk moar faggot
Rhodesia 1976
Bitter Harvest on /pdfs/
Ive seen a nigger claim raids like these on guerilla camps were genocide, because they killed thousands of armed guerillas in their military camp, and they happened to be living there with their wives and kids.
Rhodesian "SAS" - Selous Scouts
Oh, and they had this common tactic where they would sneak inside enemy camps painted up as niggers, and then sound the trumpet that would call everyone to the parade grounds. When all the niggers fell in line, in formation, they would open up with machine guns and clear them out. Thats apparently genocide, in nigger terms.
wow….. it looks like San Fransisco during the 1950's
Not really a common tactic, it only happened a couple of times before they caught on.
The Selous Scouts inside the border would lure Guerrillas out into planned ambushes though.
I know people who are worse off than the cab driving nigger in this video.
Race war is coming. Dont let it happen to you. Read military history.
So why prevent the uninitiated from knowing the story of this country, that the kikes have tried to bury its existence? The story of Rhodesia is both a cautionary tale and reminder that jews will do anything to destroy what whites have built and then work to make people forget about it. That pain you feel when thinking about Rhodesia is what people need to feel when thinking about their own countries so they don't let what happened to Rhodesia happen to home.
Rhodesian cities looked pretty nice in the 1950s.
Yea, that pretty much sums it up.
Are you a Rhodesian or do you just have an interest in the topic?
Do you have any stories to share?
Anyone have a link to said doc?
Sorry, missed this one.
Some others I found:
Fuck off faggot. I browse Holla Forums because I don't want or need someone to spoonfeed me everything.
Kill yourself
I can tell who is and who isn't a yank LARPer tbh
It was great but not a paradise. Stop this meme of making everywhere you idolise into a perfect place even though you never lived there.
Although when you compare to Zimbabwe, it certainly looks like a paradise.
They only did it once or twice, read more nigger.
A bit of an oversimplification. It was more that Rhodesia was the last major bastion of colonialism, which the USA was intent on destroying. Of course Harold Wilson was more than happy to go along with this. Even the Conservative Party during this period was still generally and officially in support of Rhodesia, the problem was that the men at the top of the party - Butler, etc. welshed on their promises.
He obviously isn't.
The Selous Scouts by Col. Ron Reid Daly. Read it.
Agree with pretty much everything else you said. Although i'd take "Paradise" over the shithole it is today anyday.
Such strength and beauty. Could we ever create this again?
I feel sad and proud.
It's a shame, it has so much natural beauty, but Mugabe can't maintain it. From what I've heard, there's a lot of pollution in Victoria Falls now.
They're pretty much genetically, intellectually, and physically superior to all modern Western European peoples. If they couldn't win, how can we? From Germany, to the US, to France, to UK, to Australia etc., we're all a bunch of bloated fat estrogenic slobs with low T, passive mentalities, and no racial or ethnic consciousness. 10,000 of them beats 10,000,000 of us. And we have more against us than they ever did.
Every successful country in Africa has been white. Coincidence?
Rhodesia was sadly cuckservative to the core. All the based niggers abandoned their masters and started killing Whites en masse. Church groups provided free education for the Negro and when he could muster reading a simple text, all he wanted to do was studding communist manifesto sent by the Soviet Union. By the heroic spirit of White Rhodesian their country lasted so long while being under international embargo and having to fight endless hordes of feral niggers.
Most of the based niggers got removed by Mugabe, most niggers who didn't fall in line for that fat fuck got removed.
/r/ing the indie hip-hop music video of South African policemen colliding with bandits on a random highway, with a perfectly-timed helicopter eclipsing the sun
It was this one.
Rhodesia is proof whites can go anywhere and make a paradise, only to be mercilessly hunted down by jews, freemasons and their globalist slaves.
*only as far as whites fight and quarrel amongst themselves.
We lost our colonies by trying to out jew each other thanks to listening to the (((echos)))
And that subhumans and other, jealous whites will destroy it.
Also, fuck Cecil Rhodes.
Rhodesia was destroyed by the British:
They hated Rhodesia because there was economic development, the races lived in peace, and blacks were becoming educated and civilized there.
take it to cuckchan
(((you have to go back)))
He's Right. The British ( with very few exceptions ) don't have anymore excuses for themselves. They have been willing accomplices to the Synagogue of Satan for centuries. A traitor is worse than an enemy.
fuck you, you ANC cuck
Rothschilds are British. Royal Family are Crypto Jews. Kikery has a territorial home, and it is the City of London.
Keep the Jew psy-op going, though, Shareblue. Everyone knows you're just trying to create bad optics and discredit.
Not an argument. Cecil Rhodes created the Round Table which led to the CFR, Bilderberg, and countless left-globalist policy groups. The British Empire destroyed Rhodesia.
lol bump
This video was originally posted to the youtube account, rbismylife, but it was taken down though I'm not sure it was the OP, because the account has remained inactive for over 3 years.
no one argues that it was paradise, we simply use Rhodesia and South Africa as a litmus test to show that multiculturalism is bullshit and that if there isn't a "white nationalist government", then there is either fucking anarchy or a horrid police state like how it's become; paradoxically, zimbabwe is both anarchic and a police state.
it was viewed as a bastion of colonialism, but that's nonsense as most whites were born there. Do you suppose that USA, viewing Rhodesia as a colonial state, wanted it destroyed so that it could only go up against the Soviets and thus, ultimately retain a world empire?
can we stop this now please
pretending we know all the specifics of the form of our enemy's subversion
the only point in naming an arm of their apparatus is to attack it, otherwise we are inflating our fellows' sense of our control of the situation outside of reality
we are not in control here and making up names for the enemy's pinky toe helps nothing and indeed breeds ignorance
you can't just go around calling everyone who you disagree with a "jew" and when you get made fun of for saying "jew" too much switch to "shareblue".
if you feel compelled to respond to a shill then pick apart their statements to show some weakness or falsehood, don't just call them a "jewkikeshareblue", post a picture, and call it done. simply not how we will breed the strength to win.