How soon until we see Black Nazis in games in the name of Diversity quotas? I'm honestly surprised WE WUZ KINGS crowds are not calming they were the original Nazis and Hitler was black as it is.
How soon until we see Black Nazis in games in the name of Diversity quotas...
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they'll never make nazis black cuz anyone who's throwing wanton diversity into their game also thinks that nazis were all pure evil and white people are the devil
shit thread
We'll probably see nigzis in Battlefield 2.
This, but then again…
Nigzis honestly makes far more sense than Blacks being the first Samurais and the original Japanese. Yes this is a thing.
get out
So it's all but guaranteed that the We Wuz Hellfighters niggers in BF1's SP campagign are gunna rough up young hitler along the way, no?
No one cares about nazis anyway.
Depict them as monsters, zombies, anything.
They were evil so it's acceptable.
they are called volunteers, heard of it?
wtf do I care about the japs, I'm White
You just copied posts from >>>Holla Forums466884 didn't you?
Hell you even used the exact same image I posted.
Hitler needs to be portrayed realistically. As a proud woman of colour.
Who does not matter who done it first. what matters is who done it better.
Today's satire is tomorrow's reality.
Black people are so narcissistic and ethnocentric that dealing with them in any capacity is more trouble than it's worth.
Also, they're now claiming that Mozart and Beethoven were both black, and that England was originally settled not by Celts or Saxons, but by black people. And Croatia was ruled by blacks. And Charlemagne was black. And China and Korea were both black.
At this point I really just want them to go away.
Blacks might be the first folks in history that actually Stole other people history. Not even mexican and south American history are safe. Blacks ARE now the original Mayans Hell according to blacks The Natives Americans stole their land..
Tell me about it, last time a nigger told me my bike historically belonged to his people
This tbh fam
It'd be easier to go with Arabs surely? They were actually declared Aryan and a lot of them are still pro-Nazi nowadays. If memory serves a similar thing might have gone on in India or Pakistan.
only because of the joos
There have alrready been National Socialist dindus and even Kebabs
But if that's not enough for you
Holla Forums may actually be memeing Black Hitler into existance
The phrase "Mein nigga" has takken a completly different meaning
I'm surprise nigger stole my bike wasn't censored out of YouTube yet
they also had no plans of allowing them in Germany, stupid faggot
Nor would they want to move to Germany if they were true National Socialists. They worked together because all of them believed in improving their own nation and allowing other people's the same opportunity.
they "worked together" because many wanted to see the british rule of their lands to end
I never said the Germans wanted dindus in Germany, but they sire wanted dindus aplying National Socialist politics in their own dindulands to try and improve themselves
Nazism is a political sistem just like capitalism and communism, people does not have to be either caucasoid or German in order to be Nazis
Don't you mean (((British)))?
I realize that the "Out of Africa" theory of evolution is a credible theory, but this shit is goes too far.
There was a reason why we evolved away from the niggers in the first place.
Are you retarded? I'm pretty certain the woman in OP's picture is trolling/satirizing/being an irreverent comedian.