It is too late. We are awake.
Finally a group of actual nationalists that stand against the real threat to the west, the pro-Israel alt-kike in the US could learn a bit from these Swedes.
Brace yourselves, anons.. The kvetching of our lifetime is about to begin
Good luck brave Aryan men from your neighbors down south. We will punish the weakened race.
If there are any eruofags here, white americans support this. I support this. DotR soon. Kill them all
Jesus Christ. Are they Nazis or are they racists? Which is it? Plus:
They can thank the city for that, they wanted to march down a road and weren't allowed to. And of course can't forget the shoahcaust:
Explain to me what point an efficient genocide is if it can only be done on kike holy days? And of course the best part is:
The kike truly cries out in pain as he strikes you, chutzpah doesn't even begin to describe it
This is strange oddly enough even most cucked Swedes I know are are anti semitic but pro muslim.
Ahmed dindu nuffin, rape crime dun exist etc etc. Is this just theatre or a genuine happening? I don't know.
This is a common enough sentiment on here, but this was the childhood redpill.
Thread Theme
inb4 muh nigga music
Who would have thought?
Is there really any hope for Sweden at this point?
To be fair, marching in front of Synagogues on Yom Kippur is pretty hopeful.
Apparently the member list of Nordfront and their supporters have just been leaked. Anyone got info on this?
Hate to blackpill but no. That place is powder keg just waiting to erupt. There will be no peaceful solution to Sweden Question and it will become another Libanon. Norway is woke on this and has already flashed sending troops on border when Sweden collapses.
Source: jag kan läsa och fatta svensk och följar deras media.
Nordfront is controlled opposition. This is just Bread&Circus.
There will be no peaceful solution to what the kike ruled US has deliberately done to Europe, from Libya to Eastern Europe, the re-education scheme sold as 'de-nazification'. Whether the American populace was willing is no concern to the Europeans, just as the populace was of no concern to the Americans during WWII. Pray the CIA co-sponsored Rothschild endorsed European CommieUnion scheme stays in place and the fraudulent elections are not exposed as useless, it will spark mass secession and they will return to their war waging ways, it is the history of the European people, nuclear proliferation will be rapidly sought from their already mass existent nuclear industry. These are the kind of people to press that MAD button.
Daily reminder that all non europeans are unwelcome.
Don't let the kikes psyop all this into removing muslims but not kikes when immigration is halted and reversed.
Why the hell do you think they haven't resorted to direct war/extermination to begin with? In the past, it would have meant defeat for them…today things are bad. Very bad. We might even only have a marginal chance…but it's better than NONE, and it's sure as shit better than laying down and dying while humiliated and abused by subhumans.
You people speak of solutions…but do you really think the jews will concede? Let us elect a new Hitler, or even if they did, allow the time to organize, arm and militarize? The moment they lose control is the moment they unleash zogbots, air raids and chemical/viral weapons. Normies will join the winning side regardless - which in present conditions, simply means (((them))).
The only question left is: would you rather die as a warrior fighting against all odds or as a cowering, humiliated rat?
So this.
Dig your heels in until they make the first move (race war, famine/economy, disease). Then unleash the beast!
They conviently forgot they were calling them racists when they were starting to look for illegal immigrants at the subway-stations. Which was just them doing there fucking jobs.
They were also called racists when they were starting to look through cars and passengers at the train whenever they were going to and from Denmark, the single most trafficated drug/weapon and other illegal-shit trade-route.
Some swedes are unfortunately still a bit naive and try not to think about stuff like this, but they have a great sense of what's right and wrong and that has been misguided for several decades by the kikes in the media and whatnot. However, the situation with the Israel/Palestina-thing has always made swedes hate the kikes.
Just a matter of time! We all know the left won't stop pushing.
inB4 all white nationalists are labeled domestic terrorism because someone farted in front of a synagogue
Soon the Hashemites and their shit skinned golems will be culled. Aryan stock will rule the world with justice as the Kali Yuga ends.
Written like a stupid nigger. I'm pretty sure you're reading comprehension is about as good as your writing.
This march will be even bigger
There's literally nothing wrong with that sentence.
Nordfront is simply a Scandinavian version of National Action, or Trad Workers, it's a security services controlled false front of controlled opposition, painfully so.
Their reason for existence is to "leak", whether to their controllers or, as a warning to others, the general public.
Except that it's misspelled and not grammatically correct.
Literally looks like a nigger wrote it.
Again, there's literally nothing wrong with that sentence.
Kikes of the feather flock together.
There's literally nothing right with it
Yes, of course, it's a rune, it's not a Jewish esoteric symbol.
It's (((pure coincidence))) that all the alt-right groups, who also cooperate and cross-promote overtly, all happen to use variations of the same "rune", rather than the more traditional "life" rune, which was standard far-right symbol until recently.
No. This is the thread theme, faggot
I really want Sweden to live. That song gives me hopes.
Bet they will have their private security there to cause trouble.
But I'll tell you hebes what… stay the fuck out of white areas and interests, and whites will stay out of your nests. Do you have any idea how triggering it is for a nazi to have to relive such an agonizing defeat at the hands of kikes? My grandchildren's grandchildren will remember it in their DNA.
Also, fuck you kikes. I don't hate all semites, just the jews. Without them the rest would fall in line or stay the fuck out of the way.
You're a little late to the game Chef.
These really look like controlled opposition. Always the same lazy, niggerish red-yellow-green gradient with black lettering, almost like it was trying to create a recognizable "bad goy brand" boogeyman to scare normies. 14 is not their words, but their number of supporters.
Westboro hates fags too. They just reused the rainbow boards they had from the rest of their "hate speech."
Checked. Me too, user, me too. I want every white country to live on forevermore as white.
I don't want a SINGLE JEW in my country. They're all as bad as each other.
More like Tyrone.
It is correct that it in fact a battle rune. Óðinn would have his men signed with these runes, twice on the shoulder as it says.
Painted in red as they always should be
American white nationalism is a joke, go figure.
Swedes are actively censored on the net + avg joe is terrified to say anything in public against wrong speak. Yet this group is allowed to roam freely alongside cops and have rallies. Doesn't pass the smell test. The set up before the final false flag against whites.
Prediction: (((Car of peace))) followed by a civil war.
It wouldn't be the first time kikes have "appropriated" symbols which don't belong to them. The Star of David has nothing to do with kikes.
Thanks for the redpill, I stand corrected.