Oy vey! No more german weapons for jews!
H&K Announce It Will No Longer Sell Weapons To Israel
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But most of these countries already have a trades deal with other manufacturers? KEK
Virtue Signaling corporations without clients isn't impressing me.
totally convincing
they're just being liberal faggots. It's not about Israel, it's about "oh no, we can't have our weapons killing poor brown people."
Proud to say I don't own an HK and never will own a gun from that anti-gun, libshit company of the pozzed "German" government.
You need at least two faces to deal arms, sometimes many more.
H&K USP Compact is great. Kikes don't deserve such a great firearm anyway.
I couldn't agree more, almost satan. I love my vp9. Feels good knowing hk's won't be fired by "men" wearing diapers.
Get lost butthurt kike
death to jews and cucks
Im not even a kike
im convinced
you really must be one of us
nobody would ever suspect anything
Stop babbling.
Companies love to give excuses for not managing to reach their quarterly sale performance expectancy.
When they suspect that sales won't satisfy shareholders at the end of the year, they always reply with "well, we had this moral stance the previous quarter which might have decreased our sales somewhat these past months! He He HE". Keeping the shareholders is the core of capitalism, and a killer company like H&K will do everything to achieve that, even lie to company outsiders about the intentions of the company. I promise you, at the end of next year, they will say. "Well, today we have new insurance partners and managed to innovate corporate structure with our different approach to the middle east. This will allow us to continue ethical sales in the region.".
Not only that, the stock is highly over-valued. It used to be at 16.5 just last year, and it skyrocketed to 301 now because of the Syrian war. Now the stuck is plummeting and they need excuses for this. For an entire month, the stock has been falling, every single day. It will probably continue doing so. It's already fallen by 30% since its peak earlier this year. This company is about to get wrecked. Enjoy.
actually HK tried to fight the many import bans put forth by the Bush Sr. and the AWB by Clinton. Then they just gave in because it was all so bullshit.
Actually not bad idea. Isreal being included is a sign of a shift politcal shift. The kikes are losing their golems.
If only the US would stop sending billions to warzones and isreal.
The next step is to push open borders for isreal. Germany has taken enough refugees and its now isreals turn to prove it deserves western aid.
Whatever their reasons are, I wish more gun manufacturers were like this. Selling guns to shitskins just so they can be turned around and used to kill white people is retarded.
Gun companies like Sig Sauer are run by kikes, so is it any wonder why the quality has gone down the shitter? And the Eastern Europeans need to stop selling guns to the fucking hajis. Stupid assholes are fueling the global Jihad.
This gave me cancer
In todays news: shills try turning a gun manufacturer openly disapproving of the kikes into a "we can win fellow goym everything is bad" thread.
Heckler & Koch is a shitty company, but who can be against anyone refusing to give the kikes more (((weaponry)))?
Only kikes are pissed about this, including this kike over at OP.
I dont get it. Surely this is financial suicide from the companies perspective? Since when do fucking weapons manufacturers care about public relations?
Why would they want to cut off what must be the easiest way for arms manufacturers to make money?
How did the shareholders support this? How could the company realistically continue functioning without downsizing after this?
Unless it's all a farce and they're just going to be selling to these places via-proxy. Which I guess is most likely even if they don't intend for it to happen.
Fuck firearms manufacturers. Just as bad as (((THEM))) greedy cocksucking faggots,suckle on the tax-papers tit and mark up all their products to unreasonable prices. Simultaneously refuse to sell the products they sell to governments to the civilian market because of muh regulations. I'd love to own automatics and a reasonable price.
Duplicitous Firearms manufacturers get the bullet too.
It's not because they don't want to make the sale to the public, it's that they don't want (((uncle sam))) to shut it down™. There are gun stores in my area that just last year were shut down for accidentally giving people magazines that hold more than ten rounds.
Fuck Massachusetts so much.
HK was only company that protested 1968 GCA’s “sporting purposes” import ban bullshit
When did Israel stop conscription?
H&K is the Apple of guns.
I take exception to that, sir. Apple makes a shit product.
So Israelis will start buying Kalashnikov and niggers and other eastern niggers will continue to use them.
The shitskin countries weren't buying HK to begin with because they can't afford their overpriced crap, while Israel makes enough of their own crap they didn't buy much from the krauts and wanted the nazi suppliers out of business anyway.
This is a complete red herring. H&K's guns are already made by Turkish companies (MKE!) that don't have any compunction against selling to anyone on this list.
That's why I got a CZ. Czechs are still based.
Likewise, see you in the chemo ward.
I'm not sure how much of a market really exists for their weapons in the places they are going to stop sales.
But still selling to PMCs and weapon lords
MKE has a license from H&K but they aren't part of the same corporation and H&K has no say in what MKE does with its guns or who it sells them to after the Turks already have the license
H&K actually licensed out the G3 and MP5 design to a lot of countries including Iran, Mexico, Sudan and Saudi Arabia which they have no control over either
You're a faggot. Israel makes copies of everything through its state company IWI. They copy CZs, they copy tactical bullpups, etc. Shit thread, tbh.
Being dumb enough to think these are mutually exclusive.
HK was already my favorite gun company and this just cinches it for me. To the people saying their guns are overpriced. Complain about import taxes, they sell their guns at a reasonable price in Europe. Might have to buy a new SP5K instead of a used P7 after hearing this news.
Lel, stay mad sigtard
It's worth noting that the infamous "you suck and we hate you" meme is because HK is banned, by German law, from selling more military-style stuff to civilians, and the German export tax on weapons and American import tax on weapons is a large part of why their guns are so over-priced. HK is attempting to get around this by building a factory in the US, and while they haven't committed to anything have officially acknowledged interest in a civilian version of the MP7.
HK is also the only foreign gun manufacturer that lodged a formal protest against both the 1968 Gun Control Act and the 1994 AWB.
Only HK product I own is a USP 45, but I'd love to get an MP5 clone some day.
very antisemitic i'd buy it tbh
Got the PTR clone of the H&K 91. It's like a dream. Rolling up to a firing line full of .223 ARs (and mini 14's) is a blast. When someone else shoots mine I love to watch all the heads turn.
Don't get me wrong, Armalite pattern guns are great too.
try a sturmgewehr you don't want to fight in the upcoming european racewar without hitler at your side!
I've owned the p2000 and the usp.
Both fine guns, but for the price I could also get a cz and a Springfield.
I'll never sell my cz, but if I see a new p2000 I might get it back
P2000 in 9mm for only $560. Why not support our fine nazi friends in Germany?
I flipped my shit when I saw one at my local dealer. I demanded to hold it… tgen I saw the tag…
I was straight mad. I did hear recently they wanted to repro them in an intermediate cartridge though. That would be neat, but I'm not made of shekels.
I thought hitler didn't initially approve of them.
oy vey good goy
i really wanted one but unfortunately my credit isn't good enough to afford the proprietary oven mitts.
I see you still want to have sex with men
Haha! Epic burn my fellow white!
Tell your employer you need a few more weeks of training
Who cares? If you don't want to buy from the company directly, then don't, you autiste.
Indeed. I am still waiting for "gravityism" to be the next SJW cause and for the day/night cycle to be the KKK. Seasons are already literal Nazis (muh Swatika is hate, oy vey!), and 2+2=5 because Common Core. I'm just not sure how much more shit there is left to even be this insane.
What a bunch of faggots. Back in the day, a man wasn't a man until he had seen combat, and a weapon wasn't a weapon until it drew blood.
What bad goyim
They will just copy all their guns as always.
Besides, all Israel guns are shit. The only decent gun they've ever made is the Uzi. Which stole the main design by the Czech vz. 24/26 subguns.
Hitler believed in arming soldiers with guns that shoot accurately over two miles. This has proven to be shitty idea. Look at 'Nam.
Fuck off nigger. Just because their arms are tied due to regulations from the state is not their problem. If anything, they would make a fortune if there weren't any gun laws. Sucking tax-payers money is not the workers fault, nor the designer. It is fault of the (((CEOs))) and (((politicians))).
shoo jew
What fucking scifi planet do you live on?
Oh yeah, marksman were completely combat ineffective! The north vietnamese certainly didn't put a YUUUGE bounty on carlos hathcock. Nope. Nosiree. He most certainly didn't cause massive damage to enemy operations, induce confusion in enemy lines, and cause countless resourse sinking manhunts to be launched to catch him. Definitely fiction.
There was also the matter of being resistant to adopting a third caliber for already stretched supply lines, which turned out to be prescient as lack of ammunition was a huge problem for units assigned StGs.
Quit whining and buy a hipoint. Cheap weapons, perfectly fine, just don't have MUH LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKS going for them like higher priced companies have.
You're special, aren't you?
Want to know how I know you're not from around here and arrived through the nerve center to shitpost and type like a freechnigger?
No longer Shekel & Kosher I guess.
No longer Shekel & Kosher I guess.
Get fucked, you damn well know Firearms manufacturers love the (((Status Quo))). Minimal effort for maximum returns, I sure wish i could under deliver and then demand to be praised for my piss poor performance.
I sure wish i could make no innovations & recycle 80's designs then charge like a wounded bull for 30 dollary-doos of metal and plastic. Oh how fucking sweet life could be if i get on one of those fat government contracts to deliver coldwar era weapons.
Oh how marvelous it could be to pay lip service to dumb shits and shrug off any criticism of my unethical behavior by mentioning MUH Hands are tied by MUH (((Status Quo))) while simultaneously continuing to supply that (((Status Quo))) with above civilian market products.
You all deserve the abuse.
Get fucked, you damn well know Firearms manufacturers love the (((Status Quo))). Minimal effort for maximum returns, I sure wish i could under deliver and then demand to be praised for my piss poor performance.
I sure wish i could make no innovations & recycle 80's designs then charge like a wounded bull for 30 dollary-doos of metal and plastic. Oh how fucking sweet life could be if i get on one of those fat government contracts to deliver coldwar era weapons.
Oh how marvelous it could be to pay lip service to dumb shits and shrug off any criticism of my unethical behavior by mentioning MUH Hands are tied by MUH (((Status Quo))) while simultaneously continuing to supply that (((Status Quo))) with above civilian market products.
You all deserve the abuse.
Incorrect both of you. Hitler was only concerned about having enough rifles and having enough ammunition for the army.
Moishe, your Israeli stuff is complete shit, even the copies.
If is correct about H&K building a factory in the USA we could finally see some of their weapons at appropriate price points, which would make them much more common than they are currently. Theoretically H&K guns should be cheap to manufacture, as RDB(Roller Delayed Blowback) actions are cheaper to build than gas operated weapons, and they rely less on machined parts and more on plastic or sheet metal parts.
So, preemptive narrative building before opening US factory…
Have to prep the bull before going full cuckold right?
I'll just continue to buy used because I'm a poor fag , thanks though.
The JIDF are mad today. Are they not?
epic win my fellow white