Battlefield 1 = WWI
Battlefield 2 = WWII?
Are you ready to play as communist rebels and escaped jewish womyn next year?
Battlefield 1 = WWI
I for one look forward to killing some Nazi scum
Are you retarded OP
I hold the title of OP with pride.
I'm triggered tbh.
they should call it alt history nattlefields, that way they could make some actually interesting shit (Napolen with machine guns and battle magic)
Battlefield 1 = Battlefield 4 wearing a WW2 skin calling itself a WW1 game
I'm sorry you hate fun user.
but BF1 really does look like more casual shit churned out into the normalfag trough
There's already a Battlefield 2 set in the modern world and two Battlefields set in WW2. What's your next groundbreaking prediction? A Battlefield set in Vietnam?
Battlefield three will be set in a fictional word war three.
nah it wont be fictional if hillary gets elected.. She just threatened war on russia :D
I played the open beta, its literally that same reskin of BF3 they've been selling for years. The only new feature is riding horses, and they probably took that from Tauntauns in Battlefront (i didn't play it so I don't know if that game had them)
Just a better polished Battlefield game with hordes of shitskins infinitely killing each other. I don't know why people even care about the singleplayer, have you ever played a BF singleplayer? I have, it was terrible. The multiplayer is plagued with thousands of kiddies laying behind rocks "contributing" to the team by sniping 6 guys over the course of 2 hours.
we really need some new wars so war video games can have more variety
another civil war on murica would be interesting but the amerifats will be cucked to death before they do anything
Bad Company was the best. Fun campaign, great multiplayer.
Battlefield 1 is like an LA riots simulator.
Thats rite !
Don't give them ideas.
Muh six million crackas
Why dont they make a civil war game? Or a Spanish American war? or you play in the finnish soviet war? or Korean war? or a game based on the French resistance? or gulf war 1? or Mogadishu? or the invasion of Grenada?
They will be as any other ww2 game with some slight change:
Germans - White males
America = black women
Britain = black women
Soviet Union = black women
Japan = black women
because normalfags are unlikely to have ever heard of any of these wars
last time I checked that game already exists
OP confirmed 10yo at most