One of the last tactical shooter developers is about to kill himself
what's your excuse, Holla Forums?
One of the last tactical shooter developers is about to kill himself
what's your excuse, Holla Forums?
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I don't give a fuck, since I don't play first person anything on principle.
I just hate it.
You must hate your life for being in first-person too.
Trying to make 3D games is a fool's errand.
you are retarded
anyway, dumping some of the cooler images I've got
Not really, but you're close.
Why play games in first person when life is already in first person?
Randomly slapping anime girls on dudebro normalfag garbage doesn't make it any less shit. You should at least post Quake or Unreal, for those I have a bit or respect.
Who is he?
Check the thread title, you mongrel. Then get the fuck out. Not playing the original Rainbow or Ghost recon titles make you a pleb,
One of the designers for Raven Shield, Ghost Recon 2, GRAW. Later decided to go independent and make tac shooters on his own. These are Takedown and Epsilon, the last one seems to cause him trouble.
I wish there were more tactical shooters that weren't in a realistic setting. Something like STALKER for example.
Your opinion doesn't matter, so don't act like it does.
Check out the suicidal guy's game. It's more of a sci-fi thing.
Oh that reminds me that abortion that for me turned into a guilty pleasure Ghost Recon Online/Phantoms is getting shut down within a month. All the shit in the game is basically free so it's your last chance to see what the Ghost Recon franchise has become.
is squad worth it? in the project reality thread yesterday a lot of people seem to be recommending it but it's 40$ and early access so I am having some doubts .
Haven't played it myself but it does seem like a golden mean between ARMA and Insurgency. I will definitely buy it once the price gets sensible.
Out of recent tac shooters that seem fun, these in my opinion are be worth keeping an eye on:
""Susicidal"" Serellan's Epsilon
Lazy faggot Superboss Intruder
we got too much press attention and don't know how to deliver Due Process
failed kickstarter NEVER EVER
This VR shit doesn't look bad either
My excuse is that I did not buy Takedown Red Sabre or Interstellar Marines, two incredibly bad games that people claim were going to revive the genre when all they did was just fuck up hard.
Having never been big on shooters or guns in general, it doesn't affect me much.
If he can fix the random crashes and stuttering onward will be amazing. Already the best VIVE game though.
Battledome is ok too, but its awful balance ruins it.
Is it worth downloading both Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter games? Are they good.
I heard the PC versions were pretty good
What's the better of the 2?
GRAW came out in that lovely time back when each platform had its own version of a game. GRAW is actually 4 different games.
Each version has its own merits IMO.
1. The PS2 version is rather shit. You play it for fun to see how much of a trainwreck a game can become
2. The Xbox1 version is something for people who enjoyed Rainbow Six 3 and Athena Sword. I personally am still trying to finish those Xbox1 Ubi titles for completion's sake
3. Xbox 360 is THE Red Storm title among the four. It has their attention to details and an evolution of the GR2 formula. It is fun but most will tell you it deviated too much from the original. This is the only version of GRAW in third person.
4. Grin GRAW PC. Great for coop. In my opinion it's the best the above mentioned fans could have gotten. It's hard too.
All have different gameplay and identical story, pretty interesting.
Many have said this game was too futuristic. Funnily enough, that isn't a departure from GR1. They had the land warrior system & OICW, for Christ's sake.
Get your ass on Kai/XBSlink and play the xboxhuge Ghost Recon games with me.
Anyone have a list of fun hardcore or tactical shooters?
I backed Red Sabre, I don't feel cheated. he didn't ask for enough money. the guy really wanted to make the game happen but it wasn't enough.
he has all the right ideas and vision, but he needs to pair up with someone with business sense.
I really hope he succeeds.
Rainbow 6 from the original to the last expansion for 3.
SWAT 3 and 4.
The original Ghost Recon and its expansions.
The original OFP and its ARMA sequels.
Hidden and Dangerous 1&2
Oh and of course Ubi stopped all support for GRAW 1 & 2, including actually selling it. It woun't hurt you to download it though.
Also, that Ageia Island level in GRAW2 still amazes me… What could have been…
this is the consensus. Everyone will agree. The list can get longer if you are not a 100% purist, but that can lead to shitposting. I'll try compile something more inflamatory later…
could be fun. I could never force my friends to play on my XB1s, we only do Siege these days… But then again, me finding time for that might be hard (I rarely even go to Holla Forums anymore, even my AGDG project is on hold). Do people from the Xbox1 threads play through Kai?
There's a pretty active discord community that play every weekend - most of it ends up being recorded also.
Chances are you will find some of the players in the xbox threads.
I don't see the point of playing Island Thunder on a console but man, do I love that OICW mechanic in GR2. I remember playing through the abandoned city solo mission. Felt good man.
Also, Summit Strike does seem a lot closer to GR1 than GR2 vanilla.
Fuck Ubi for not releasing the goddamn port.
Is Xenia ever gonna work for XB1 games?
Oh, and a question: you ever played Critical Hour? Am I the only one not able to complete the nuclear plant mission because of some bug?
Damn, wasn't that game an anomaly…
Oh, and while I'm at it: Do any PEC features work on Kai? Or is that another forever lost to time feature?
Often it's just easier for us to play it on the xbox rather than organize it on PC - especially with xbslink. It's also incredibly comfy.
No idea where xenia is at currently.
Looks like that feature is lost to time, sadly.
The most memorable game we had was 6 v 6 on OFP:Elite, it was goddamn fantastic.
also, grabbing critical hour now.
It's an interesting thing, really, an early example of Ubi's total incompetence.
Rainbow Six: Lockdown was developed by Uni Montreal, which meant it was largely based on Athena Sword, which was a great success on consoles, from what I know. The PC and PS2 versions were made by Red Storm, but apparently while they made the PS2 version even better, they completely fucked up the PC port. Everyone who ever player Rainbow on PC, including most reviewers, said that the game is too much of a departure.
Well duh, it was a port from a console, more action-oriented title.
This is when the geniuses at Ubi said: we need to appease the angry crowd! Let's make a game that is more like the classic titles, one with remakes of old maps.
Well, they assigned a noob developer to do the job and decided the game will be released on Xbox, not on PC. So none of the people who hated Lockdown PC got what they wanted and the Xbox people didn't care for the game. It vanished into total obscurity (it isn't even emulated on X360!) and guess what? This made the suits at Ubi decide to go full action with the series and release Vegas, because apparently the old formula didn't work. After all, none of the PC players bought their Xbox title!
I enjoyed it for what it was. It was refreshing to see reimagined levels from the older games BUT there were things I didn't like:
1. They chose a different actor for Clark
2. They retired Clark
3. Most of the levels were not remakes but total reimaginings for a very different gameplay style
It also looks like the majority of content it locked behind the multiplayer - hopefully it's all available on systemlink.
Poor guy. He should focus on getting that debt steadily paid off.
Oversimplifying reality to make a trite point is a child's dream.
I remember telling this guy he wouldn't get sales when he poked his head into gamergate, you can't do a game like that without a marketing budget or sucking press dick.
Good cause Takedown Red Sabre killed the return of the tactical shooter.
Next up Interstellar Marines dev to kill himself
Are those guys still going?
Yup barely
Dev is sticking to his guns with Unity Engine though, despite the fact that it takes an age for him to make anything with it.
The first time I even heard about IM was on some flash game website at least 7 years ago. What the fuck have they been doing all this time?
Fuck knows honestly. They seemed to be sitting with their thumbs up their asses considering how slow their game progress has been.
yeah well he was doing this based off the success of Takedown. At least a 'success' compared to other kickstarters. In all honesty, I thought he was making Epsilon as some kind of a publisher deal…
Dunno man, as I pointed in this post
things are still happening
And even Siege is more tactical than anything from the last console gen
And as some people said earlier, some of us did get what we wanted from Takedown. At least me and my bros: a coop experience reminiscent of GR and Rogue Spear terrohunt
Same with Ground Branch. I am pretty sure it's as Serellan says. They are working on commissioned projects and the main game dev is secondary.
He didn't really advertise his game, did he? At least that's what I'm understanding from the vid I posted. He's not really good at marketing.
Also: pic related
Is there any chance you'd know a way to get a softmodded xbox use a vga display? I imagine GR2 and Rainbow titles looking amazing on a 21 inch razor sharp CRT.
Didn't he also release some sort of Hunger Games style shit that ate a lot of dev time?
Not videogames.
ignorant cunt…
Tacticool shooters are the most patrician shit out there. No wonder so little people who enjoy them are left. The only 'tactics' they know is some weeb shit that only bears the name
I preordered that game since I was so hyped as it had the guys who did the artwork for Halo Reach with the guys who did the gameplay of the old Rainbow Six games making one glorious game and for $15 it's worth it to try and revive the dead genre. Instead I get a game with awful controls, terrible gunplay, AI that's either totally retarded or terminator deadly on top of a dead multiplayer and then shortly after launch they scuttle the game after they get it on Xbox.
Doesn't surprise me though seeing as 505 Games was the one who published it, they'll shovel any nickel and diming they can such as Payday 2's shitshows and tell the devs to fuck off and work on a new game or DLC.
Pretty much dead, they haven't even posted news saying they're still alive or not.
According to what I could dig up, they're in some financial shit hence why they've pretty much halted most progress while looking for a publisher to invest in. It sounds like they're going to roll out one last update soon and then hand over the development to volunteers while they fix their financial situation.
Here have a bump
That's exactly what me and my friends wanted. We used to play Rogue Spear on Elite and got used to having to play VERY cauciously and methodically. Red Sabre was a fun return to the good ol' days.
I guess tac shooters used to be a mix of intricate mission planning, great coop, realistic level design, demanding gunplay, merciless AI, squad management, issuing real-time orders and customization…
When the first 3 PC rainbow titles, OGR and SWAT3/4 had most if not all of that, later titles just
never could recreate the mix… But the genre is on some sort of life support and everyone can get their fix some way or another. Hell, people who spent hours planning missions in Rainbow now most likely play Doorkickers or Frozen Synapse, none of which are shooters.
Except this is the bad kind of AI. Basically the AI can stand there stupid for seconds straight and be stupid to the point where you could be within 20 feet of the AI and it wouldn't react, or it would take 3-4 seconds to react to another AI getting shot. However once it reacts, it can flip 180 around and blast your head off even if it's looking at a wall.
There's good and bad AI in a video game, and there's really fucking awful AI.
I'm not saying the AI is any good though. It's the "so bad it's good" kind of situation. I guess this was totally unintentional by the devs, but I really got that Rogue Spear Elite feel from it. Nostalgia is very deceiving, isn't it?
It is also one of those games that I actually got to play with a group of friends and let me tell ya:
1. The AI was a source of great hilarity
2. The game was so hard that finishing a mission with one guy alive was the most satisfying game ever.
It's actually comparable to Siege. We only enjoy that game as a team. Communication, coordination, the shit. And that game is an example of "good" AI that turns out to be shit. Terro hunt bots can flank, breach doors, gang up on opponents… They really tried to make Terrohunt fun but it just feels so underwhelming and easy. Probably because they were designed to pose a threat to console players. The only threat are the suicidal bomber bullet sponges.
505 is probably why it got shoved out the door way too early. they have a repeat history of fucking up games for quick cash. they fucked up the ArmA1 release and almost crash-and-burned the game. later BIS said the company almost failed, the boost from selling on Steam later saved them.
I've been re-visiting the old Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six games myself, recently, and I've fallen completely in love.
Only thing is, I've got no one to try co-op with, and I'd love to give that a shot - going full autist, saying "roger that!" unironically, etc. Any of you faggots wanna play some co-op? I've got GR1+expansions, GRAW 1, GRAW 2, RS1 and RS3.
Hey Dude, RS1 and no 2? You crazy? The entire campaign of Rainbow Six 1 and Eagle Watch has been remade in Rogue Spear.
Some guys from the Techknow forums (for some reason the forums are now member-only) made a complete Rogue Spear pack with all the expansions and content from the korean standalone title Takedown.
Here are the links:
they also made a full repack of Raven Shield with its two expansions (I don't think even Rainbow fans have the Iron Wrath expansion)
I'd love to play, just as with the xbox dude, but don't have the time. But I can provide other tacticool games if you wish.
Ok so the Techknow forum is dead. Additional download link for Rainbow Six Rogue Spear: Black Ops is here:
and here I uploaded the Raven Shield collection:
I know this is a long shot, but does anybody here still have some of the hundreds/thousands of maps and mods for rainbow six: rogue spear? I remember playing a lot of them back in the day and am quite sad that they all seem lost.
I know that at some point, there were over 12 gigs of maps and mods and would love to find archives of them. I used to get them from "enter the lions domain" in the black thorn days.
Nope. I don't intend to sully my memories of the first and the only Ghost Recon game I have played. Was any later in the franchise better than the first one?
would anyone happen to have the old torrent for SWAT 4 that used to get passed around for the "Holla Forums plays" thread?
The only one that came close was GRAW 2 PC
At least with the "hard squad command-based realistic shooter" aspect
I personally enjoy both GR 2 and Future Soldier for what they are. They are made by Red Storm, so they both retain their beautiful aesthetic and love for detail. But they are console third person shooters at heart… So it's not the same anymore.
While Grin's GRAW games on PC were a love letter to PC players and OGR fans, they did what they could with their limited expertise and corporate meddling.
Phantoms… was supposed to be the PC version of Future Soldier,it became it;s own thing… They made a lot of mistakes during the game's development BUT it has one refeeming factor: it is as far as I know the only PC shooter with atcually responsive controls and an enjoyable, fast pace, despite it being cover based. Try it. It will be dead on December 1st and you can still replay GR1 either on PC or XB1 with Holla Forums.
I personally love all the GR titles, but perhaps for all the wrong reasons for an original Ghost Recon fan. The "plausibly futuristic" tech in the games, based off actual prototypes and in retrospect tech that was actually adopted was always the main draw of those games for me. Probably this will be why I'll hate Wildlands.
Sounds like one of those legendary "lost data" holy grails to me… I imagine looking at cover CDs from early 2000s magazines might help get them back. If you have the time and the autism, check for them. Unfortunately doesn't seem to host all those maps anymore… Nut the website's owner MIGHT actually have them stashed somewhere on a DVD.
Fuck. I only now realized that I don't have any SWAT 4 ISO… Just the executables. I'm not sure if I got them from Holla Forums. Did it include any mods? Or was it vanilla+syndicate?
grab it while it still exists.
It's amazing that FilePlanet survived so long without bit rot…
Thanks for the link, its more than I found before. It is really quite a loss for any game. We need better archiving of community made maps and mods, especially for older games.
They will be gone before you realize it. Older niche MMOs are also very vulnerable.
I already tried contacting the admin of the site from back in the days, but sadly I did not get a reply, don't even know if he is still alive.
I think it was just the main game and the expansion. I believe Holla Forums made a separate MEGA for all the extras.
I think it would still be possible to recreate the old collections and start keeping them on some FTP or torrent. People have huge storages these days. I personally learned not to trust any hosting service or tracker. Everything can be gone with no warning. These days I HTTTrack every website I find important and keep all the ISOs, ROMs and other resources I know might be lost like I did with that fucking SWAT4 ISO
Though I dread the day beyondunreal dies for example
Yes, aa4f8a, you smegma infested prick, I do play the shit you mentioned. It's just not a thread for that. FUCK
I'm pretty sure it's the same Rocky as in He's just more active in the GR community can't blame him, though I'm more of a rainbow man myself. Try the forums, he keeps posting.
I'm really embarassed I lost that ISO. You want me to upload the binaries? It werks
>Though I dread the day beyondunreal dies
ok, the fileworks are gone, with no explanation. Time to run htttrack on that site…And begin scrambling for what still can be saved. What horrible times we live in…Thank God I have all the community map packs, mods and skins I liked saved in a huge UT2k4 installation.
… but to make this small Unreal digression a bit more on topic of tac shooter: Guess what, Infiltration is still somewhat alive, despite the 2.9 CE version being 10 years old. Now what I'd play with Holla Forums but if you cunts refuse, I still have my friends… I think
It seems this game was quite an inspiration to the Ground Branch guys.
It's pretty awesome, I bought it in the last week of preorder because it was at half price. They're late as fuck adding the vehicles (they're in now) but it was a good game without them. Good comms banter too, my first game had an armyfag as squad leader and some little kid was ignoring everything he said so he was ripping into him with the whole squad sniggering on comms.
You're the same sort of moron with a such a pervasive ignorance of the past that he would talk shit about Ralph Baer because he invented the home console.
Tom Clancy himself set up Red Storm Entertainment to make a realistic anti-terrorist simulator that was concentrated casual deterrent and he succeeded.
Unlike other EA games, it's been updating promised features pretty regularly, so I'd say so.
Are you fucking high?
you replied to the wrong post, bro.
Nicely said, though.
I found another archive of Rogue Spear maps. One Woody 2000 keeps them on his website. Better grab'em. I have no idea what quality they are tho. It amazes me though that this 15 year old website is still up.
(there are a lot of tabs to the left you might wanna check)
These guys have ladder maps:
If you're dedicated, here's an old Geocities map with defunct downloads, Maybe some are available from the links above:
There's also the map lists from saved websites:
and some old clan website linking to dead fileplanet files:
Again, there are no downloads, but maybe we'll find them elsewhere
Well, that's one way to ruin realism.
what can you do man, even RS1 had female operators…
Post your waifu with your favourite raifu?
are you actually playing? that fucking 10 year old UT mod Infiltration is still unbeaten for weapons handling in a videogame.
There were always female operators in R6, you silly goose.
I want to see a tactical shooter set before the modernization of weaponry.
Yes, but now shitting your pants when you can play as anyone but a white male is trendy, because muh political correctness.
you mean Hidden & Dangerous? I wish i played it.
I managed to run the thing and play for a few hours with bots DirectX10 renderer fixed the typical UE1 slow motion. It was… refreshing, to say the least. I do enjoy the weapon handling immensely. And I do wonder to what extent this mod influenced Insurgency, Ground Branch and Arma in that regard.
And how cool it would be to play this against humans…
Actually it's because women are not really fit for military roles for simple biological reasons. I personally never had anything against there being female operators in vidya (I mained Rakuzanka in R6) but I imagine it can decrease the immersion for some…
xbox fag from before here.
Get Hidden & Dangerous II + the expansion.
You won't regret it.
If you can be bothered there's still an active multiplayer community.
"" and "Hidden And Dangerous 2.Gold Edition.v 1.12.0.iso" lie waiting, I just never got around to installing or playing them. I will have to rectify that.
I like to believe that I have a collection of most stealth and tacticool games ever released, though I'd love to be proven wrong
I have pic related in my collection but never played it. Anyone have any experience with the title? Heard it's hellishly hard. Mekes me wanna torture my friends with its coop.
My excuse for what?
I'm sad about the swat4 servers failing with gamespy.
If there was only some way to find servers…
Most Gamespy games are on Gameranger.
For letting both the tac shooter genre and his game Epsilon die.
Isn't that what the dev did himself?
Trying to keep up with an engine's version is a recipe for disaster. If he's an industry veteran, he should've known better.
>Early 'Access
Just tried Homefront over the steam free weekend. That co-op mode is surprisingly tactical as shit. You need to think before you engage, positioning and teamwork is everything.
wait, Epsilon is completely dead? well shit.
It looked like it was going infinitely better than takedown
Takedown a shit.
Im 100% sure ive seen this OP with that video at least once before.
Am i going fucking insane?
I've been playing through R6 Black Ops and I'm pretty sure there are some AI/functionality changes from the originals.
Heartbeat sensor only shows hostages and the AI seems to hear when you change weapons across a mansion and and will wipe the hostages when they do. It's making the game pretty frustrating.
There's nothing better than spending 40 minutes in a mission only for you to get a hostage dead notice without even being close enough to hear the gunfire.
Oh and the graphics on the planning screen are fucked and there's massive menu lag so I have to fly everything solo, not great considering that planning and tactics is R6's standout feature.
I remember I beat the entire campaign of Rogue Spear as a kid in observer mode. No chance of that now.
That always sucked too.
For starters i'm a fat manlet but in game i'm a greek god
Yes, and tom clancy didn't make rainbow six. Even if he did that doesn't necessarily mean the game is good, you're retarded user and should kill yourself
Yeah the heartbeat sensor is most definitely nerfed in Black Ops. It's a shame; I just wanted classic R6 compatible with modern machines, not a forced rebalancing/difficulty mod.
I just realised recon missions are going to be impossible.
It was just male player models with female audio files, chill out.