Share Thread Celebrations Edition

Brexit kills TTIP more at eleven.

We prefer Danknets Magnet links and not that shitty clearnet shit like bittorents and IPFS. Read a book or something if you want to catchup SLOWPOKE:
>>>/eternalarchive/ ,RUURS.webm:

Check IGG-Games first
For Wii ISO`s first check Roms+ISO - useful site to help fix most PC games.
Vola -
Check before posting -
Archives -
Mega Archives -
Rom/ISO's - ISO
GNU/Linux - LinuxVidya
Holla Forums OST -
Not games -

Guide to a Happy Share Thread ,Only hosting, did not write
1. Before you request, search online for the file you want, even use distributed search engines e.g. InfraSearch, Opencola, YaCy, FAROO. See below for famous links.
2. Look first in the archives and on volafile for the file you are looking for.
3. When requesting, be as specific as possible. If you have the cover art of the file you want, post it on both the share thread and on vola room.
4. Due to asshats in our share thread, links to files will be purposely misleading (have spaces, lines, keys&passwords split in the post), including torrent hashes.
If you see something like: c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a |or| c12-fe1c-06bba25-4a9dc9f519-b335aa7c1-367a88a,it's a magnet link's identifier, probably being a BitTorrent Info Hash (BTIH).
Assuming you have a shitty bittorrent client, make a url prepending magnet:?xt=urn:btih:, so that it works out to magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a&dn=youDIMWITTEDmother.fucker.tar
a. Find and Replace (sed/tr/awk) is your friend

1. When in doubt, upload. Ask questions later.
2. Upload to many alternative sources (5+) and keep a local copy if space permits.
3. Use a URL shorterner (spaced or split) and/or paste relinks ( on file links to confuse bots
4. Encrypt your uploads now with a password, key, or generator. Rename the files something random, even their checksums.Maybe even pad files to the nearest GB or so, to confuse bots.
5. If you have a stable computer connection, it is extremely advisable to self host the file, using anonymity tools like Freenet, I2P, Gnunet, distributed NNTP or MixMinion/Mixmaster.

Volafile edition:
1. Before you upload a batch of miscellaneous files, like images and music, be sure they are unique enough to stand on their own, and that you ask for the majority's the consensus whether to upload the files individually.
2. Vola room owner edit- Upload 5 files and then zip the rest if the dump is larger then 6-7 files. Music Albums exceeding 5 files are to be zipped. When uploading a raw torrent which includes skidrow, codex, etc files either add them to the a zip of the game or just don’t upload those misc files. Properly label files so that they can be identified without asking someone else. For lewd stuff with filenames like RJ74765 either add a .txt file linking to the contents on a website or just add the title to the file "BIG BOOTY WOMEN SIT ON SHOTA FACE (RJ34734)"
3. You can filter files by file type (.txt, .rar, etc) or search the file list with the bar hidden by the filter files button.
a. When in doubt, archive as a single [or split file if too large], then upload.

We do have bunkers in case 8ch falls of the cliff again:
nntpchan' -, g7c54d4b7yva4ktpbaabqeu2yx6axalh4gevb44afpbwm23xuuya.b32.i2p/, oniichanylo2tsi4.onion/,,
alternatives -,,

Neatified version of Mega Archives - - organised and neatened up mega links.
Voice user's ASMR shares -
Lewd games bith -
ReadMe - , ways to add items to the git repo.
Suggested OP copy pasta -

Other urls found in this thread: v3.2.2.1111 Final + Keygen - {Core-X}.html!WRcEybiS!XkS89zjkXlgscw9AJjXwrQ!jgkjwIzL!w2-eCzj7bdbxJJnuTlKtpw!op4EUTgS!wesuidqMyO6QicXQILBiME_hWJKdUIS6b_9rri8owo0!4sRAWTjL!UBVmhqJc9aqkBFl1D_b2MC_rLFVsYpDbEsJ7ycSzuik!MxRxkSxS!K39n5685acD8wf6modoEtvr1b36GdPMcmhSJgK4g5U8!9o4kWRyA!2ggPNhQnb0GCtGq3aU-yAiX-3lnk6scTpyeAXSnMhls!0sJ21ChR!Ygbte7p4GcNF2yekWBQsf15mReI87PI2WDh3kqXvJH4!Q1YV2ZRA!tnGKXsccBz8ozYWCVKnSdIuNRlHSd1HpP2HGYh--MWo!Bh4VBKxI!Fnwkoy9Aqh54bGJ_AXuD1y-O6-Iew_jcXx6wSnFnPlM!1lwxHBba!TN4W7UwU-x3zTBd-_wDB9Utuhr3GzvacSDV5dNbvRMg!01ZAjJxB!WhLIf3De2w9CiBgcILvNCq8OtHOElgPnCP5JHcF7WrI!lgwUmazI!icuBgw6J2FYKCAjcXUaiIHjq-N1lnQi9UhzmN41ZI80!wsxyQahY!dSlEM_SgAiFLG3z7zboUoB0gcqZfECK2ZU3IyiYnZhI!k9oESSgC!ygTW9kCnFPqAplg8LlkPZ0_eH-69FiNqioraGB0oiyc!V5RDwThL!DkfnyQoarXuUs4v_Te_VxHFpjOqnzCmRLlVDEhbvr64!w94mUQhQ!qvwJeZGZw1Xsc5ZZ0M1SN7Ak461l9IjnUtQJnRfbsT0!ItoRCJ5J!emkSywoDew3CgVfmjB0qjHyA3Skk3QVzRFscOWfbtwE!1pwGCAjA!nWMfnmDees9huPS1NqcaIFyLDXI98Nru7SxhR6dESWU!A9IXmJbA!h6prSR586WC1924vaH6ZpXgt5T-dE0hRLmG7ywuKN1M!hh4w0L6R!rCtRfsSQuaRJ94YIBYyoDYEGzaBEMnijX3pe97QhrYo!osQClK6A!zl4Mvx44Yh_e_0zMxZ-XGrS0Sbh1XVCipGSAJtgoQ1E!J0gAGK4A!k3oUy5vnkf0PzuOJHEpX0ATfPY53aIUccOqFhXCoabY!p0ZnxBqD!IBWegODkJyOOWov7bVhtRxdqQNnUd2qr9IYMWdL5IH0!18oGmDxC!8cPtTY5p1yn5oznx3k35RIgndnmU3CqzbAptYdLafAM!QhQxEZiA!iER1mPZwh0DKwFP2x7m_iP_d2H51JHIxoScp_nst48c!YwZTyKwK!GTWkg2Jb9ITMlxiaoTsqQqew819lO2daPguktz_ZjxQ!d0A3wARb!Fvg39nyvSO_29yztK_AE4crayJg0o_pMP_MbV-Mnjkk!QgJVGBhR!wesuidqMyO6QicXQILBiME_hWJKdUIS6b_9rri8owo0!YhBTjRTD!UBVmhqJc9aqkBFl1D_b2MC_rLFVsYpDbEsJ7ycSzuik!YkgExaTQ!K39n5685acD8wf6modoEtvr1b36GdPMcmhSJgK4g5U8!C9UARAaK!zJ20jJchF0bAfAxNrqK8lw!bc0wXAzJ!Sc1kTCJJ!4g6VlGkdYCwrf-135A4XrAKEoMP8S8LhbvitJa0tyIc&dn=tsukihime.smh.fam.rar!ZwYGjYJI!3J0GvNpWoXdiop6gcO9fuQ!bc0wXAzJ!RGEM6TWX8u_4b2GygfwPc8HRpBxYsg08ZHUlpxjxrsg!a5gRAD6D!7bSppRsvJhKK7A_8zfbU0g!2gB0SZyB!V5UxPo4DiOSuAXiKDvio8w!L9ZT1QrJ!qpwXVfezDNpYVf-eCZNnlQ!ul4miCKQ!6bYil6LUqBux9VAHS1cf1Q!okBwXazZ!B7goBkb1W0r3Ed8pZNXtLkYv6ioCVJCtVnjRfSie6co!r8hDHQbb!uNDFnFBkOqZAeJyaFWQVlQ!C4oySCTD!GC0ZWKa_DYSh_nPgiQ9ZNw!asQzQSRS!O9sN15ZIJVoR1EReJdHNWQ!fghgRDjT!gaWR9CfEJmCwxG9mxoeP-A LinuxVidya!ikYDTRba!e991ADiuu1CyzFkb8TTrVQ!GwAjURhJ!aJJF8xUlC9w4ekRPt2GHMg!WhhHBDBI!5_TGJqpJLByuTv-4jiDZnQ!LspwRSyC!UG9jHHhHCZEoFxWCQbl26A!XxARVIgQ!PHk4qXYdRzFYb1trhrXkKg!L8BD2YLD!r0Jju_7m2CXefCfO8E8wyw!nwZjnL6D!mZ6jo9B1c--ZaWJX5ryX1Q!C5oiDTAJ!_rIKRQoX5uBJWt0o6TLnIg!iMViXDDZ!sm7ra0JFr0oYFuddEQ0OKTQKGOPFb2NIp_LZXOrpqnI!G5RACQbb!Z_n-pQ9IBd071kbfLVBSaQ!q0xS2bxL!zm6e-K8GqWh5KdrStGkDWw!RgFCASBY!0xG0PpFL5JKRmeRAR0umfPGiD-1tcrhv9dUIosg3igM!bxZjWbBS!AW9tmigDg5xwRPTeY2-zpw!D04VlbYI!WpJOL7MIaqF0aGN21685pg!XtJBEZKB!D_PdTuFoqAYYxQ8TDRYmYw!ikpUnL6K!nW3InHKQLQSIKY6LWfXKcQ!f1onmaiA!QMuAtUlkskxo_JHjfLtAtQ!6pZj2aha!aMxqAokMZnDL3GXkZIBT9g!K04gyCbC!1KhN14F3wpmGaEyGN-a7SA!LgRwgDyQ!53caukoQZfTzD25QUXrR0w!zwYUnaBY!tS4MZLT-h4waz17tcRF53A!v0BWlbxT!ER-1cHT75cAjIYJnB_Odrw!Do4xCQQT!6j_O_9CL1-HL6GYj-6mc-Q!C95wEBZJ!VW5JeL40FdzslNtHiFI5og!n0QQ1Bib!kTZ2S4S16UQZvEMFRJS2kw!H0BiBQab!JYpRgJ2-0O_TwkrsxYFIag!PAF2gSCa!SzrlgQrwWQanv01QtFrIAlGPBalsceBF7n3SEsi_X0g!Xtx3iTwY!P4iHda4WW2i3nGE1Pz9mxQ!q5oAjRAT!eHjREN0cyPYZtGYwM_CZ6w!3oZzRagZ!lUxKZMyV5DdB2DjWuczdYQ!nhQDUazA!DcwSLkpzAO9VJWOjZxLQcQ!qhgigKIC!HyE2PB-wy09Xn7esRmfPIA!y84wgSoa!dgJxYcpr3DC4fky2gEPagw!Qpk2jIjZ!ldniUr5tqKnjv2rU-uNTLF3Yhz2isW6D1v5-J3_3r4w!MlkmTTaD!CyKOxqXhLAOAp4TVrNhEDjxJvOu5XvrvteAkX3ibHIo!Js9DEBSB!6u4VGQD9HvW9hLz8J-nrVu1vOxhHdOQC33Nb6Qxfd_c Quest Anniversary GOG torrent&s=sbv2

*Last Thread:


for a second, I thought user was gonna pull a Mark and use Umaru

Sup Holla Forums
I ripped all of the music from stalker clear sky and shadow of chernobyl, the reason being the fact that the OST of the games is far from including all music
If you download it make sure to read the readme for some clarifications
download link:

Here's a sample in webm format for visibility and example, that's how the audio actually sounds since i didn't have to reencode the vorbis audio to put it in a webm container and the image i grabbed from the internet

Has anyone tried romulation? Are they legit and safe like emuparadise?

Has anyone been paying attention to what's happening with FitGirl?

Some faggot keeps reporting FitGirl's domain and torrents.
He is most likely doing it to remove competition, has a jewtube with vids linking to releases behind adlinks. Some of them seem to be regular torrent files from some groups while other seems to be fake releases, probably with some nasty surprises.

Does anyone have the latest GoG of Stardew Valley?
Sorry if I come asking to be spoonfed but after kickass went down I began feeling like a headless chicken, breaking old routines is pretty hard.

no but try using isohunt or qbittorrent's built in search engine, works good for me most of the time

Requesting Scan X "How To Make The Unpredictable Necessary?" album in flac again.

Isn't that Python?
Trying to use the search tells me I have to install it.

python is a scripting language, qbittorrent needs it installed for the search engine function to work

Anyone got a Red Out torrent?

Somehow I'm not surprised.

Hey lads, are these safe? v3.2.2.1111 Final + Keygen - {Core-X}.html

I share with you, people of Earth, Jupiter.

fuck off, chaika nigger, let it die


i just want to see chaika on facial abuse is that too much to ask?

Chaika, forever!

Does anyone have the gog version of Kingdom Rush?

I love excuses to post Chaika!



To the user who was asking for the .exe bug fix for Y's: Memories of Celceta for PC in the last thread, here it is. , password: {around-the-file-name} From the downloads readme "4: This chinese PC port is not bad at all, but has some bugs relationed to hardcoding (this PC version forces 60 fps, while the original PS Vita version was coded to 30 fps — yeah, that's crazy). If the game hangs at the Sacred Beast Lair boss or at the Tower of Provicende boss or some other place, copy the executable located on the "bug fix" folder into the game directory, replacing the existing one (it only makes the cutscenes going faster, after these scenes and battles you can put the original .exe file back to his place)"

The cynic in me says "not very likely, it is still going to be alive behind the scenes under a new and more "freindly" name.".


that's a lot of sperm

Where is lewd red Chaika?

I know it's not vidya but does anyone have "Love Live! The School Idol Movie"? I've looked everywhere for one with english subtitles. It's for a relative that can't stream and I'm taking it to them in a flash drive so I can't just go to any stream site.

TTIP may be dead, but there is something else to worry about before the TPP, Obama handing over the DNS to the U.N. That means the law of every country will apply to the internet, making it much easier to selectively take down shit. Like the OP says, SAVE EVERYTHING




He isn't.

Don't care if you don't like it, when I make the OP it's a Chaika pic. If others make the OP next time they can pick whatever they want.

Come on user. He and his kind will always answer to a higher power.

U.N., multinational corperations, what's the effective difference? Also, do you happen to have the update mentioned in Article 2?

Does anyone have star wars battlefront 1?

Someone does.

I hope they will share it then

why did brexit kill TTIP?

as a british boy who voted for brexit i think i a thank you is in order.

Does anybody know where I can download P*Light songs for free? There are some torrents on, but I was wondering if there are better options.

Titan Quest GOG?

I asked last thread but did anyone deliver as I missed it. I asked for Metro 2033, and Last Light not the Redux variants. Does anyone have them per chance?

Requesting Shiren The Wanderer

Also Super Mario 64 wad for the wii

downloading it and uploading it momentarily

that will take some time

I'll download shiren and upload it to mega

the wads for all the wii vc games are here straight from the op btw!WRcEybiS!XkS89zjkXlgscw9AJjXwrQ

I downloaded aviary attorney from MEGA, but it requires a password.

What is it? Or am I missing something obvious, because I tried the name and that didn't work.


Nope, wrong password.

Why do they all have passwords anyway?

where did you download it from ?!hUNHHAzK!ir3m1Fsd14FGymKSAOODvQ

Straight from the mega archives.


Ahhhhh thanks! It's working now, cheers m8.

Star Wars Battlefront 1 PC!jgkjwIzL!w2-eCzj7bdbxJJnuTlKtpw

Could someone upload, or at least post a good torrent link, to the most patched and complete versions of Battlefield 1942 and battlefield 2?


I am the BO of the following dead board.
>>>/radcorp/ has links to Battefield 1942 . Both are free I believe. I`l check for the second one anyway when I can.


Which version? Also if you don't mind I`l try and create a repack based off of it.

I want to try Red Orchestra Ostfront, but there is only one torrent with seeds, and looks like the retail version. Downloaded anyways, but the thing is that I get aplicattion error, and cant get the game start.

Could someone upload Red Orchestra Ostfront? Perhaps the multi is "dead", but there is singleplayer mode, and I want to play it anyway.

Voice user here with a weekend dump of ASMR. Mainly comfy non lewd audio and lots of monster girls.

Here's a quick reference for common ero Jap words. Provided by 4/h/.

You don't need to know any of the language to enjoy many of the audios. The sound of a blowjob is a universal language. There are also sleep aid audios there are comfy to listen to even if you don't understand them all the time. Obviously knowing the language greatly amplifies the experience and allows you to access the more story centric audios. But the link above can at least let you get the picture of what's going on through key words/phrases. Some works also come with a script so you can always throw those into google translate.

RJ183594 181.8 MB!op4EUTgS!wesuidqMyO6QicXQILBiME_hWJKdUIS6b_9rri8owo0

RJ183043 579.8 MB!4sRAWTjL!UBVmhqJc9aqkBFl1D_b2MC_rLFVsYpDbEsJ7ycSzuik

RJ182098 154.2 MB!MxRxkSxS!K39n5685acD8wf6modoEtvr1b36GdPMcmhSJgK4g5U8

RJ172332 1.53 GB!9o4kWRyA!2ggPNhQnb0GCtGq3aU-yAiX-3lnk6scTpyeAXSnMhls

RJ168314 245.6 MB!0sJ21ChR!Ygbte7p4GcNF2yekWBQsf15mReI87PI2WDh3kqXvJH4

RJ158788 58.7 MB!Q1YV2ZRA!tnGKXsccBz8ozYWCVKnSdIuNRlHSd1HpP2HGYh--MWo

RJ157556 231.3 MB!Bh4VBKxI!Fnwkoy9Aqh54bGJ_AXuD1y-O6-Iew_jcXx6wSnFnPlM

RJ152143 119.2 MB!1lwxHBba!TN4W7UwU-x3zTBd-_wDB9Utuhr3GzvacSDV5dNbvRMg

RJ150446 260.5 MB!01ZAjJxB!WhLIf3De2w9CiBgcILvNCq8OtHOElgPnCP5JHcF7WrI

RJ137998 369.0 MB!lgwUmazI!icuBgw6J2FYKCAjcXUaiIHjq-N1lnQi9UhzmN41ZI80

RJ127344 221.8 MB!wsxyQahY!dSlEM_SgAiFLG3z7zboUoB0gcqZfECK2ZU3IyiYnZhI

RJ126928 162.2 MB!k9oESSgC!ygTW9kCnFPqAplg8LlkPZ0_eH-69FiNqioraGB0oiyc

RJ123204 67.6 MB!V5RDwThL!DkfnyQoarXuUs4v_Te_VxHFpjOqnzCmRLlVDEhbvr64

RJ118334 225.7 MB!w94mUQhQ!qvwJeZGZw1Xsc5ZZ0M1SN7Ak461l9IjnUtQJnRfbsT0

RJ117904 291.3 MB!ItoRCJ5J!emkSywoDew3CgVfmjB0qjHyA3Skk3QVzRFscOWfbtwE


RJ181385 1.36 GB!1pwGCAjA!nWMfnmDees9huPS1NqcaIFyLDXI98Nru7SxhR6dESWU

RJ180552 62.4 MB!A9IXmJbA!h6prSR586WC1924vaH6ZpXgt5T-dE0hRLmG7ywuKN1M

RJ179986 218.3 MB!hh4w0L6R!rCtRfsSQuaRJ94YIBYyoDYEGzaBEMnijX3pe97QhrYo

RJ177161 49.3 MB!osQClK6A!zl4Mvx44Yh_e_0zMxZ-XGrS0Sbh1XVCipGSAJtgoQ1E

RJ180698 1.86 GB!J0gAGK4A!k3oUy5vnkf0PzuOJHEpX0ATfPY53aIUccOqFhXCoabY

RJ181420 136.0 MB!p0ZnxBqD!IBWegODkJyOOWov7bVhtRxdqQNnUd2qr9IYMWdL5IH0

RJ184375 256.9 MB!18oGmDxC!8cPtTY5p1yn5oznx3k35RIgndnmU3CqzbAptYdLafAM

RJ184026 182.0 MB!QhQxEZiA!iER1mPZwh0DKwFP2x7m_iP_d2H51JHIxoScp_nst48c

RJ183659 914.7 MB!YwZTyKwK!GTWkg2Jb9ITMlxiaoTsqQqew819lO2daPguktz_ZjxQ

RJ183468 3.28 GB!d0A3wARb!Fvg39nyvSO_29yztK_AE4crayJg0o_pMP_MbV-Mnjkk

RJ183594 181.8 MB!QgJVGBhR!wesuidqMyO6QicXQILBiME_hWJKdUIS6b_9rri8owo0

RJ183043 579.8 MB!YhBTjRTD!UBVmhqJc9aqkBFl1D_b2MC_rLFVsYpDbEsJ7ycSzuik

RJ182098 154.2 MB!YkgExaTQ!K39n5685acD8wf6modoEtvr1b36GdPMcmhSJgK4g5U8

That should be everything. Happy Labor day weekend.

Everytime I download something that is zipped into two or more zip files from PCGames-Download I can't play it. I can unzip the first file with no issues but when I try to unzip the second file it always has an error. Anything I'm doing wrong? At the end of the error it says wrong password but I'm using the same one from the first unzip.

If you're up for uploading that I would greatly appreciate it, that is if you can.

Try using winrar.

I can't believe that actually worked. Why does the zipping software matter?

cause black lives matter now use 7zip

winrar is cancer

Cancer works.

Anyone got the latest update to Interstellaria? Only finding older versions.
Want to see if the dev actually fixed some of the terrible problems with gameplay and UI before giving him shekels. I believe the latest version number is 1.087

Also in the MegaArchive, "TO the bottom of the sea part 1" link is dead, says TOS violation.

Thanks again for all the good stuff, Voice user.
You the real MVP

That was quick. I`l create a new link when possible.

7zip works just as well. Also .7z is a much better format than .rar as any version can open the .7z.

Found a cd key that you can use to install it and im going to add that and a crack to the mega. It's version 1.2
Also I don't care what you do with it afterwards.

Yeah I'll download and upload them. I'm going to have to start a 4th mega account at this point but I don't mind.

Does anyone have no one lives forever 1 and 2 in a pack? the link on IGG is dead

I`l start on creating a repack.

Shiren The Wanderer wii!C9UARAaK!zJ20jJchF0bAfAxNrqK8lw






Those files seem to be down, can you reupload them?
And anyone any idea why they are down so fast?

Requesting Risk of Rain OST and FTL OST

Requesting that people look at the links in OP. Ctrl +F is your friend. In your case v-OST and the first link therein has your sorted.

Either A) there is a bot that crawls the web for any mention of those codes. Turing off indexing in the BO options may not be much help now seeing as it has been severall since Holla Forums has created here.

Or B) which I believe is more likely, based off of my lack generally very low trust in humanity. There is one or many snitches lurking in these threads, in the past two or three people shared the pastebin's to their shitbooks.

Usercloud seems like a good alternative to mega. As it has unlimited space available. Also it doesn't have anything special as far as a site (no encryption goes), however this could be of use as there is less untested and verifiable stuff to rely on.

I'l check but I remember uploading some stuff way back as a test, I'l see if all of it is still up. It is hosted in China, which is typically seen as not giving a shit about copyrights. Some times it is safer to be in the eye of the storm.

How are you?
Have you managed to create a GPG key pair yet? GPG encryption relies on both parties having the public key of the other.

Actually I don't need to create a repack seeing as the google drive links are still up. Google drive seems to be only one up most of the time. Here are the direct links.

The Diablo II thread got me gunning for a copy that's got modded to simply feel better.

I got v 1.12 working with PlugY (Stash Inventory limit breaker, run more then 1 game window at once, Battle.Net content like runes, uber bosses and the Pandimonium Event are accessible from Single Player and IP Connect Multi Player) and MultiRes (Get a resolution well above 800X600 that doesn't break the UI), Battle.Net is disabled, but you can direct IP connect and play with locally saved characters online otherwise.!bc0wXAzJ

You just need to run PatchD2gfxDll.exe and then run the game from D2MultiResGame.exe (You can shortcut this to at -w to the target command line for windowed).

Does someone have the soundtrack of Aviary Attorney ?
I already checked the Holla Forums OST pastebin and the basic soundtrack website but I can't find it anywhere.

The decreyption key is missing.

I`l see if I can rip them from the game.

All right toss a reply to me once you got it going.


downloading metro 2033 right now and im going to test out usercloud when it finishes.

try to apply a crack

It is going to be pain to try and rip from the game. Unfortunately the OST is tied the game on steam. I should have both soonish.

kek userfiles 100mb max upload for free users.
Back to mega.

requesting mother russia bleeds ganoo+loonix

Not even out yet. You have to wait a few hours

A, B, and C: Mega, preparing for TPP, is also pre-removing marked files.
If you aren't self-hosting, SOoL.

Even made a thread about it on SRNDv2/nntpchan: /thread-6bfdbae2f63b7f1efa31e0d8a24cd7df4dc46f22.html

btw, 17% done on super archive: buying M-Discs now.
The LG burner is working superbly.

No more yasashisan

Guys, am i retarded and fucked something up or nobody's seeding tsukihime from ?
Somebody if can check it please if i made right magnet magnet:?xt=urn:btih:#!Sc1kTCJJ!4g6VlGkdYCwrf-135A4XrAKEoMP8S8LhbvitJa0tyIc

nothing is happening

I can see the problem right away. Some how a magnet has been mashed with a mega link.

oh yeah it is. wtf

so, it means no tsukihime for me or what?

like said, the problem is that whomever made that torrent didn't include the special flag to allow your to download the file, here's the corrected torrent link:

The new veges mega link is outdated .-. help plz

Which one?
There is several other solutions. Also IPFS should now work.

I had duplicate files so I deleted them. Those just happened to be duplicates. You can find them all reuploaded here.

Voice user's folder 3:!ZwYGjYJI!3J0GvNpWoXdiop6gcO9fuQ

Can someone explain to me what the fuck is that steamworks thing and how does it work?

Uh afaik steamworks is volvos network that handles all steam related things. This includes: microtransactions, multiplayer, game updates, community profiles, developer stuff and loads of other shit. Regarding cracks there are steamworks emulators, most scene releases pack their own (probably) emulator with only barebones functionality so your game can save and load dlc stuff. There are also more generalized steamworks emulators such as SmartSteamEmu and LumaEmu. Notable feature of first one is that it can emulate multiplayer features so you can play multiplayer without steam in LAN or over internets(online support is kind of wonky so it doesnt work in some games). Also it has its own overlay(kind of like shift+tab on steam) and it's kind of janky too.

What key?
Although, I forgot to mention that D2MultiResGame.exe needs to run in compatibility mode (I use Win XP SP3)

nvm, I realized I fucked up the link.!bc0wXAzJ!RGEM6TWX8u_4b2GygfwPc8HRpBxYsg08ZHUlpxjxrsg

there you go.

I have two requests:
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2

igg-games only has one of the two and I don't really know what the best torrent version would be.

A friend recommended the second game and I thought I'd like to try the first one too.

It's shit like this that is making me archive all my vidya and go offline on my normalfag computer while still shitposting tails on a ToR connection.

I mean shitpost using tails

Scat isn't my thing.

Requesting Conception II if any brave user can provide it

I'm honestly considering to install Win7 in my Notebook
Win10 has major compatibility issues with most of my older games like Final Liberation, Chaos Gate, American Mcgee' Alice and a shit ton more
Only Alpha Centauri, Interstate 76 and Dredd vs Death seem to work, and even then Interstate 76 crashed with no survivors after mission 9 or so

Metro 2033!a5gRAD6D!7bSppRsvJhKK7A_8zfbU0g

Will do after I download and upload metro last light

Requesting Men of War GOG

The original or
Red Tide
Assault Squad

Thank you.

I just wasted 8gb downloading Divinity OS enhanced and it wasn't the latest version. Since is down, I don't know where to get torrents.

I want to try it before I buy it.

you are welcome.

Thank you m8, I'll be waiting

Oh man, thanks a lot.

I decided to save metro for last because its the bigger game.

Conception 2 Child Of The Seven Stars!2gB0SZyB!V5UxPo4DiOSuAXiKDvio8w

According to the pcgamingwiki pages.
Which this one has.
I can work on creating a repack with mods applied if you want. Or you can you use them as is.

The original.

Men Of War (GOG)!L9ZT1QrJ!qpwXVfezDNpYVf-eCZNnlQ

Thanks user.

I made this post yesterday, and now I am here to bump it

Wait you actually want an answer? Basically Britain puts the EU in a bit of a problem with various trade deals since Brexit basically threatens to dissolve the EU and both the EU and Britain have to be negotiated with separately. Also they're still in the middle of leaving so until that gets sorted out anything involving trade deals in the middle of being negotiated with the EU pretty much needs to be on hold and the mass lack of support for the TTIP pretty much killed the best chance to get it through so it's now in Bureaucratic limbo.

The things I would do to that squid.

Way too cute.

So I'd like to play Final Fantasy tactics, but there are a lot of different releases, which one is the one I should get? (Didn't want to make a thread just for this.)

Sleep won the battle yesterday, so I'll say thank you today

Requesting Linux versions (GoG/Humble Bundle) of the following games

Steam has Linux versions of those games

Daily reminder, if you haven't edited your hosts file to bypass king nigger's dumbest decision yet then you are already behind!

Well I'm still here and I ain't goin' anywhere so I can keep waiting.

Wait, is that true?

Editing your hosts file will do fuck all against that. Not even a VPN will save you. ICANN controls both domain names and IP addresses.

Citation needed. Last I checked they were only handing the keys of the DNS servers over. At worst, new bad goyim sites will be hard as fuck to find due to them going back to an actual IP address rather than a website name.

Is this under a different title on exh because im gettin nothing


does anyone have the paradox game save converter?
specifically the EU4 to Vic2 one?

Not vidya related, but I really want to watch The Evil Dead original trilogy.

It's on AB

Anyone have combat mission?

i fapped. twice.

Isn't the soundtrack on Steam just mp3 files ?

The British were one of primary lobbying groups in favour of TTIP. Isn't it strange that a country's political class could be so at odds with its own peasantry? Anyway with the UK set to leave the EU, that lobbying power is gone, even if only because none of the member states would stand for it. Don't worry though, our globalist overlords will find some other way to officially incorporate us into their empire.

Anyone have the Linux GOG installer for Arcanum of Steamworks and Magic Obscura? Much obliged :D

Very likely that is the case.

It is apart of the may 16th GOG dumo, based off the release date. Check MegaArchive for it and the OP if you are having issues getting it to work.

It is very likely that is the case.

It is apart of the May 16th GOG dump, based off the release date. Check MegaArchive for it and the OP if you are having issues getting it to work.

If you mean Combat Mission: Beyond Overloard, then yes it will once again be apart if the May 16 GOG dump.

So nobody ever bought it and uploaded it on the internet ?
It seems weird, and I'm too much of a jew to do it.

I went back to the May 16th archive but I can't get any of the mega links in it to work. Rip

Do any of you have the Zankuro ECM and Apricot folder that was shared some threads ago? The mega archive link is dead it's #F!8pghRQSJ!qXxu4JfHm9Ef8-JEL8QTTQ if you want to give it a shot, who knows, maybe I'm fucking up somewhere.
I must have forgotten to back it up since I can't find it in my HD and now I can't find the games anywhere.

Does anyone have ToonBoom

Anyone have the VN Swan Song??

Anyone have Warhammer total war? Is it even cracked yet?

Sorry user had a bad storm and power went off.
They just fixed it awhile ago so I'll upload it later tonight.

I Will upload it for you.


Revolution 60?

user let me warn you
i've played the most god awful video games ever made on this planet
i've played the most SJW garbage
this made me want to die
it's so bad it made me feel emotions i don't think have been recorded or perceived by man since the dawn of time
you do not want this

Arcanum of Steamworks and Magic Obscura (GOG)!ul4miCKQ!6bYil6LUqBux9VAHS1cf1Q

This is from the 1.4 terabyte 1,200 GOG games torrent. So hopefully this is correct.

Guess I'll get on these as well.

someone has the most recent version of death road to canada? preference the gog one, thank you.

But i want to launch linux

If the OST was seperate I be would able to way more easily justify buying itto myslef. However as they have left the jew into them and have tied to the OST to the game, it makes it a little bit harder to justify the purchase to myself.

If you mean the torrent hash just read OP, the answer is staring you right in the face.

The May 16th dump is almost 2 TiB and includes extras for most of the games.

Are there any irc networks/channels for sharing live action movies? There's plenty for anime but I haven't seen much for live action movies.

Here is the second one, suppsoly the collection edition.
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 1942 + Expansions

Seconding this and
Mother Russia Bleeds, GOG packaged
thank you, thank you

Combat Mission is not in there. Someone requested Graviteam Tactics in that thread but it never got uploaded.

are you going to uploade some of them? you could start by uploading all games under 1 gig. Shouldn't take that long.

Looking for
Duke Nukem - Music to Score By

I've got rimworld alpha 15b here:!okBwXazZ!B7goBkb1W0r3Ed8pZNXtLkYv6ioCVJCtVnjRfSie6co
Does anyone have alpha 15c. Apparently there are a shitload of bugfixes for the new shit they added in this version and code optimizations.

What is this windows shit?

Oh ok, that's what you meant by
I thought you were trying to rip the music from the game itself for some reason.

I meant in the GOG May 16th torrent hash, pic related.
Well here is the torrent hash from the 7/30/2016 thread.
I seemed to have forgottern to add every single link from every single thread. However I am only human.

I can't find this 'dump' on May 16th, there's not really much in it. Sure you don't mean a different day? Why not just link it if you're so sure it's there?

Metro Last Light!r8hDHQbb!uNDFnFBkOqZAeJyaFWQVlQ

Well I dont have the space for a terabyte let alone 1.4tb. Hell I don't even think I have 1tb combined with all the hdds I got. I have the torrent on standby, someone requests something, I download it and then upload it, and then delete whatever I downloaded from my harddrive unless I'm interested in it.

Mother Russia Bleeds
Not gog but take what you can get.!C4oySCTD!GC0ZWKa_DYSh_nPgiQ9ZNw

Death Road To Canada!asQzQSRS!O9sN15ZIJVoR1EReJdHNWQ

Use wine

Duke Nukem Music To Score By!fghgRDjT!gaWR9CfEJmCwxG9mxoeP-A

whats this gog dump im hearing about? where can i find it?

I found it here


I've been using an older one so after I finish uploading some games I'm going to switch to this.

I am talking about
>[6/10/2016 Spoopy Mwee]
>c8-72b-434-ad3-ddc-073-c5-468-73-3b2-03-4-0a-50-9f-4-b43 - May 16th 2016

Where's my linux gogs bruh?

Have you even bothered to take a glance at OP?
>GNU/Linux - LinuxVidya

Have you even bothered to glance that there's barely anything in it? And I asked for a spcific game and the gog dumps you link don't have it or are just windows games?

get fucked linuxfag lmao, time to switch to windows 10

I only add things that have been added to these threads. There isn't a GNU/Linux version available on Gog at least.

I have one thing to say "hang yourself, quick smart".

However it does emulates almost perfectly after applying several according to the wine db entry.


Anyone have the original blitzkrieg?

It's in the gog torrent I'll get it for you.
Just the original right ? None of the expansions or whatever ?

Just the original, also if you could get me a ddl link that would be rad.

how do i dl thing #!15478etc ?
in the GNU/LINUX Vidya ?
i just want to dl Master of orion :(

Those are mega links, just prepend mega

shits dead fam guess I'll download and upload that too. then im done with requests for awhile.

ok which one the classic or the other one ?

so it's dead :(

the new one :3

Fuck it I'll upload both since the original is only 64 megabytes.

just choose source you're comfortable with (ain't matter though, FG repacks free from shit)

well ok, looking right now around on gog. i somehow have everything i wanted already.

I don't know, maybe games that aren't so often shared so far?
'Shadowrun: Hong Kong'? I saw so far only the directors cut shared here.
Kings bounty: Dark side. Already have it, it is a nice Might and magic clone.

Better question is what nigger put a password on the installation txt. Why protect a game like that?

Probably for the opposite reason, to keep people from playing it to protect them.

Would the extended edition be ok ?

no linux version :(

Why do linuxfags curl up in a ball at the mention of virtual machines? What is the excuse?

Blitzkrieg (GOG)!ikYDTRba!e991ADiuu1CyzFkb8TTrVQ

you should've mention such specific requirement

Master of Orion [amd64]
tested on Ubuntu 16.04 / amd64
requirement - ОS: Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit or newer, SteamOS


many thanks friend

Does someone have a good torrent site for linux vidya ?

i want to find Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire in linux :(


Come on now don't leave me hanging.

found it

can't find many linux torrents, free as in freedom also includes freedom to steal :^) yo

Can I get some megas to the following OSTs:

3rd Strike Arcade
all three Darkstalkers soundtracks
Final Fight CD
and Samurai Shodown 3

fucking love you mane thank you

tfw had the 3rd strike arcade ost but then hdd crash. Thank you for reminding me to go get it for myself, and I will upload it and the others you requested afterwards.

n i c e


FLAC or bust

mah niggas
even better if it was also encoded at the highest compression level, because some fucks give a shit about taking a few minutes more to encode

FLAC was the way I found it btw I didn't re-encode it or anything.

For Samsho, I was wondering about both the AST and OST btw

nvm found it :^)
tested, clean, and working. 8e0cf25042578ac2d2838978fb6905877634983f

/r/ing the webm of the trap guy sucking his own dick and masturbating while he has a casual conversation with his mom and the 2 treat the whole situation like it's normal

It's the last one in this video

kek check this video out

Anyone have an archive of some good flash games?

come on fam it's not that hard

Street Fighter 3 Third Strike OST!GwAjURhJ!aJJF8xUlC9w4ekRPt2GHMg

Vampire The Night Warriors Arcade Gametrack!WhhHBDBI!5_TGJqpJLByuTv-4jiDZnQ

Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge Arcade Gametrack!LspwRSyC!UG9jHHhHCZEoFxWCQbl26A

Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire Capcom Game Soundtrack!XxARVIgQ!PHk4qXYdRzFYb1trhrXkKg

Final Fight CD!L8BD2YLD!r0Jju_7m2CXefCfO8E8wyw

Too tired to find the ast and ost separately because of dead links everywhere but I managed to find this.
Samurai Shodown Neo-Geo’s Soundtrack Collection Box!nwZjnL6D!mZ6jo9B1c--ZaWJX5ryX1Q

I'm going to bed now because I stayed up for 34 hours pirating shit and I'm going to pass out.

Going to upload
requests (except the bottom half because I don't have the space) tomorrow

thnx bb

P.S. which JDownloader link won't fuck my computer in the ass? I'm aware there's a malware version floating around?

Yes I was orginally going to try and extract the .pak archives but there is no (current at least) standardisation for them. So it would be way easier to buy the game plus it's DLC.

Does anyone have splinter cell Pandora Tomorrow?

The regular installer has adware that I'm pretty sure you can opt out of, but here's the adware free one.

Anyone got Photoshop CS6.

The link for the one in the archive doesn't work.

For anyone who's as autistic about tower-sims as I am, igg-games just put Project Highrise up.

There is a CS5 link several threads back.

igg only has the steam crack. This game supports mods so the gog version would be better!

i dun get it, what the problem with *game from steam*+*supports mods* ?

Would anyone happen to have the soundtracks to any of the Siren games? Lossless copies, preferably, but any would be greatly appreciated.

Forbidden Siren 1-2, Siren New Translation
then [Offical & Unofficial OST & GameRip] 2004-2008, MP3 VBR 192-320 kbps
those from here, though just 1 seed

Anyone have any fun vidya?
I kinda wanted to play something that had nice rapiers

Seems to be downloading fine - thanks

I'm setting up the wizard. Should I opt out of getting the file extentions its asking me to make?

I don't have answer to your question but would like to hear everybodys experiences with rutracker (site) in general. It has lots of Linux GOG games and I have downloaded several but have not installed any of them yet due to being tinfoil. So, what do you yarrr's think?

with a steam crack game you aren't able to use mod's from the wild wild interwebs. You have to use the (((workshop)))

Meant to reply to you also in above post ^

I have 2 Steam keys for the beta of "Smash + Grab", the early access game by United Front Games.
I didn't really know where I should post that so here it is:



It should set it up so that you can just simply doubble click any file with that extension to open it in JDownloader 2.

Personally it is fine as it has been around for a long while. Also Russian sites in general don't seem to be so shady in comparsion to the blogs and smaller "torrenting" websties that have green download buttons as with the Russian sites the links are in plain sight rather than hidden behind ad fly and such.

Thanks I`l find and add it to the repo, soon if it isn't already there.

It should be apart of the Splinter Cell Anthology, link is in the MegaArchive.

Requesting Army Men: Toys in Space

Silent Hill: The Arcade (OST, MP3, 320kbps, 124MB): (KIP, RIP)

Star Wars Trilogy Original Anthology [1993] [EAC-FLAC+MP3] [BSW]

Another version of Splinter Cell Anthology that won't take 11 days or so.
Splinter Cell Anthology [Repack] R.G. Catalyst

What am i supposed to do with this?
its the ZeroBin for photoshop cs6 btw.

I have no idea. Want me to download and upload CS6 to mega ?

yeah. that would be great.

It would appear to be a public key to help ensure that the file hasn't been tamptered with and hasn't courrupted during upload/download.

what kind of link is that

I'm feeling kind of nostalgic and want to play something from a while back. Any brave user that can provide Need For Speed Carbon?

army men 1,2,toys in space released on GOG

OH and battleborn got cracked lmao

requesting inferno climber

Adobe Photoshop CS6 v13.0 Extended 2016 ACTIVATED!C5oiDTAJ!_rIKRQoX5uBJWt0o6TLnIg

Follow the instructions in the read me and you should be all good

thank you

2TB PS2 collection:


Right thanks. I'll download and install em' the Redux annoyed me a few simplistic as well as mechanical ways. If both work fine I'll thank you even more.

Well after fucking around with it Metro 2033 doesn't work and I dunno about Lastlight.


Did you try any of the fixes on the pcgamingwiki page? I can test both of them and try to make a simple install process for them if you want?

I'm trying to download Oni, but…
Is this an infohash? Deluge isn't accepting it.

Nice to know that the OP isn't being read at all. It is better than being left in the dark. Like a current situation in my life. The revelant section.

Based off of the release dates they should all be apart all of the GOG dumps.

Right, and those instructions don't seem to be working. " magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6AF-37D-A01F0-E54923E-C068753-989AEB-C1E6-30C8F " doesn't get any response from Deluge.


I don't keep up to date with the bittorrent client climate!

I`l quote the entire revelant section and see if you can now guess what to do.

Actually, no I am wrong on that. If when I check in the morning, I don't see any links to them. I`l just buy and upload them.

Ooh… sh-shitsureishimashita…!

No I had no idea there was fixes for the games like Metro: 2033 wouldn't even launch in fact I for errors before applying the crack, after the crack is applied it just quits to desktop at the opening logo. What fixes are there on the wikiYes try it out either way, dunno what's up with it.

did you install the direct x when it prompted you to do so ?

Its been a week since the request but thanks.

Its Peach so its good. Got any more?

don't you need trackers as well for those magnet links?

You just need a bootstrap link to join the meshnet of peers

I don't come to these threads often, so I don't know much about how a magnet link should work. I'd post the link I'm trying to get, but I don't want to feel like a giant faggot.

Then why are you wearing skirts?

Yes I will be padantic. Not all torrent links are the same. Magnets have magnet:?xt=urm:btih: at the start. While torrent hashes are just the string of numbers and letters.
To make the torrent hashes work, remove the -.

I've tried these hashes/magnets or whatever they are, no luck.

WIndows 7 Ultimate
#F!0BRDwJoA!alWpweCTw3kpuOSAx7MK5A [6/29/2016 Shocking Truth nuSystem Shock A Shit]
#!gQQwyRhA!bJe2kh82A43Mg09BfiETodCUrpf4nuONb2tXqdYUz88 [32/64] [Chika Edition the second]

Windows 7 Home Premium [7-30-2016]

Anyone have the 1.3.3 version of Terraria?

Might as well post it here as well:!iMViXDDZ!sm7ra0JFr0oYFuddEQ0OKTQKGOPFb2NIp_LZXOrpqnI

Zip password: Vivian James

Anyone got Freespace and/or Freespace 2 for GNU/Linux?

Anybody got Quake 3 GOG?

You can find the game data in the GNU/Linux archive here: LinuxVidya

Just use that with ioquake3 or something and you're good.

well I didnt get all of them but here is what I uploaded

AI War: Fleet Command (GOG)!G5RACQbb!Z_n-pQ9IBd071kbfLVBSaQ

Anomaly 2 (GOG)!q0xS2bxL!zm6e-K8GqWh5KdrStGkDWw

D: The Game!RgFCASBY!0xG0PpFL5JKRmeRAR0umfPGiD-1tcrhv9dUIosg3igM

Day of the Tentacle (GOG)!bxZjWbBS!AW9tmigDg5xwRPTeY2-zpw

Fran Bow!D04VlbYI!WpJOL7MIaqF0aGN21685pg

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (GOG)!XtJBEZKB!D_PdTuFoqAYYxQ8TDRYmYw


Loom (GOG)!f1onmaiA!QMuAtUlkskxo_JHjfLtAtQ

Mark of the Ninja (GOG)!6pZj2aha!aMxqAokMZnDL3GXkZIBT9g

Mousecraft (GOG)!K04gyCbC!1KhN14F3wpmGaEyGN-a7SA


Pajama Sam Vol 1 + 2 (GOG)!zwYUnaBY!tS4MZLT-h4waz17tcRF53A

Postal 1 (GOG)!v0BWlbxT!ER-1cHT75cAjIYJnB_Odrw

PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate/Shooter (GOG)!Do4xCQQT!6j_O_9CL1-HL6GYj-6mc-Q

Puppy Gales Ultrabundle!C95wEBZJ!VW5JeL40FdzslNtHiFI5og


Rogue Legacy (GOG)!H0BiBQab!JYpRgJ2-0O_TwkrsxYFIag


Shovel Knight (GOG)!Xtx3iTwY!P4iHda4WW2i3nGE1Pz9mxQ

Space Pirates & Zombies!q5oAjRAT!eHjREN0cyPYZtGYwM_CZ6w

The Cat Lady (GOG)!3oZzRagZ!lUxKZMyV5DdB2DjWuczdYQ

The Dig (GOG)!nhQDUazA!DcwSLkpzAO9VJWOjZxLQcQ

Tiny & Big Grandpa's Leftovers (GOG)!qhgigKIC!HyE2PB-wy09Xn7esRmfPIA

Toki Tori!y84wgSoa!dgJxYcpr3DC4fky2gEPagw

Are you sure these are for GNU/Linux?

At this point I don't give a shit

For what fucking purpose
Is the "scene" full of narcissists that want to plaster their group names over all the games, or is it malware?

Hopefully buying a game on a particluar OS doesn't lock me to that version and I can just select the version I want with out having to go through the hasle of installing steam.
Does anyone have a Full seed for E-Book MiniPack5
778-166-e4a3-c1bf-00eb-0850ca-6ab4d-a3a6-6aa67-59 It isn't fun to be stuck at 98.7%

A bit of A and B.

All three of those links work for me. However I am used to deal with types of links.

Sadly it isn't fully seeded.

I'l be uploading Aviary Attorney's OST

Is there any particular games you want from steam?

For the user from the previous thread who was looking for E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy + Blood Games Expansion, I'l upload it soonish. So in total I'l only have about four dollars in local currency to spend on the Linux versions on steam of .

After searching
Army Men Collection
It only has the the exe's and manuals

GOG installers, Windows only.
Army Men!Qpk2jIjZ!ldniUr5tqKnjv2rU-uNTLF3Yhz2isW6D1v5-J3_3r4w

Army Men 2!MlkmTTaD!CyKOxqXhLAOAp4TVrNhEDjxJvOu5XvrvteAkX3ibHIo

Army Men: Toys in Space!Js9DEBSB!6u4VGQD9HvW9hLz8J-nrVu1vOxhHdOQC33Nb6Qxfd_c

Here is the OST.
Password: the-name-of-the-archive

Also here what I uploaded in the past, None of which has been taken down as afar as I can tell.

E.Y.E + Blood should be done soon.

It's been creeping closer and closer to 100%. I suspect the original seeder still exists somewhere and seeds intermittently.

You sure that's going to work on Wangblows?

Yeah, i really don't understand why people do this. I mean it might make sense for the narcissist autists as said,though most steam games are apparently ery eeasy to crack so it's not even much of an achievement to brag about but it should just die out on it's own, why do people download the cracked versions torrents instead of the GoG ones that are just strictly better.

Speaking of which, anyone has Titan Quest Anniversary from GoG ?

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition (v2.3.0.5) [GOG]
be-7b5-d72-c13-424da-60143c-28a1d2-07ef-111-f8f-03 Quest Anniversary GOG torrent&s=sbv2

I had direct X already installed it said. Anyways I tried out the numerous fixes and found nothing worked out at all I'm not sure what gives but hey whatever.

Does anyone have the God Eater 2 Rage Burst OST?

The first link in v-OST has it mixed in with first one.

Thanks, I should learn to read better.


Uploaded Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans to the Volafile.

Thanks, but can you, or someone else, upload it on MEGA or on the Vola ? I can't seem to be able to download it, I always have a "File Not Found" page

Forget about it, I tried on my phone and it worked, thanks again.

Does anyone have the sound effects from Hotline Miami?

Does anyone have Volume 2 of the Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Sea Shanty Collection? I searched the Vidya OSTs and all I found was Volume 1 but not Volume 2.

Alright lads, a request and a question:

Age of Empires: Gold Edition

Are there any public sites left now that KAT has joined the honeypot?

Can't share anything right now, but have a wallpaper

Disregard that, found it in the archives, I suck cocks etc.

Thanks you alot for putting them in letter order, it makes adding them to the repo way easier.

Man this world will always be fucked. Did you read the fucking OP? Most of igg-games's links are still up as of right now.
Yes I am being hostile but towards you but towards everyone in general who, A) has bothered to look for their request themselves or B) read the OP, as it makes my seriosuly wandewer what is the point of having a organised OP if it does not appear that many people read it?
Dead links

Posting it here, probably was a mistake is the almost certanily is atleast bot buts mostlikely likely lanlibers reporting stuff.

Requesting Hotline Miami 1

Do you have the Windows version for Postal 1?

They all seem to be the Windows versions.

Check the fucking MegaArchive. What makes it so hard for people to do this before posting?

yeah, 1.3.3 from my GOG account


I can do linux/mac too if anyone's interested