Congressional Deputy Trades DACA Amnesty for Tax Cuts, Not Border Wall
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No one cares to comment on this? I seem to recall you saying amnesty wasn't going to happen.
Now the wall isn't going to happen, but amnesty is.
based trumpowitz
the golden goy
800,000-D Chess
Praise Trump
Oh boy another shill thread with OP "Why no-one cares!?"
Take a guess, dipshit
It's just one million more gibsmedat voters who will vote for Democrats in 3 years. I guess that's better than tens of millions of cucks voting against him after seeing crying pablo being taken back to his dreaded homeland.
Trump MAGA'd. The border crossings are down by 80% and the white birthrate is skyrocketing. The economy is doing great. You tired of winning yet rabbi?
Tax Cuts for who?
International Jews?
When will Republicans stop the trade deficit with China, hardly anything physical can be made in the United States. Why can't NAFTA be ended, how about stop flooding all the high salary jobs with Gooks and Indians and all the low salary jobs with Mexicans?
Does no one stand for the struggling white family anymore?
Trump stands for whites. He is the first White Nationalist president. Hail Trump
Things need to get worse before they get better. Trump probably won't unveil his master plan until his second term, make sure to vote 2020.
The Wall was already approved in Congress in 2007. So like Trump said it is strictly a budget issue.
The wall gets built by 2024 and Trump's successor will deport some illegals and bring white percentage up to 50% again.
I used to buy the "we don't manufacture anything in America anymore" meme. It's not true though. We don't manufacture as much as we used to and have outsourced a shit ton of jobs to the chinks. That's true. However, we manufacture more stuff in the US than any other country in the world other than China…and China only took 1st place because thier labor is so cheap. We should and could easily go back to 1st place if we actually could implement an America First Policy without the kosher kongress sabotaging it.
I double checked I was wrong it was 2006, it was introduced and passed thanks to Bush Jr, ever since then the Democrats (and Republicucks too since it's so ovbvious now) have basically been stonewalling this piece of legislation by simply not giving the project any money. There is also an amendment to it which basically means the DHS can build it whenever as they see fit, the reason this isn't brought up is purely because once the inevitable paki Judge says "lolno" the Supreme Court will say "lolyes" once the lawyers come fourth.
is there anything about this sentence that is not ABSOLUTELY REPUBLICAN
Well at least he didn't post the Ben Shapiro one. Christ the Dream Act hasn't even made any progress through congress yet, and not even Bannon thinks Paul Ryan's proposal will fly. Clearly there is no meaningful progress behind closed doors or the Dream Act would've passed at least the Senate by now.
I understand your black pill dissolutions.
what you fail to see is the great opportunity.
This potentially a 3rd way platform legitimizer.
This victory will leave the mass mind of the left open. The defeated will be open
to more extreme ideas. Ideas that are already there.
All you have to do is sockpuppet "awakening".
this counts as an effort post for me
Jews. There, that's my comment on this.
wat? I called this days ago.
Border crossings have constituted a minority of hispanic growth relative to in-country births since 2000.
No it isn't you lying administration shilling faggot.
fuck off TRShill
you cant stop a good idea
hang yourself alt-kike cancer
no where did i say that
you offer nothing
Those are Injuns you stupid nigger.
They're White? Oh, no, they're not - their muds who illegally entered the country.
I don't care, at all.
Nah, you'd be fine.
Whats with the sudden influx of cuckservative posters in the last few days?
This is the single most cuckolded thing I've ever seen posted.
Trump also said he believed in the race horse theory, but gave up on that shit before the election had even finished.
This is the single most cuckolded thing I've ever seen posted.
Trump also said he believed in the race horse theory, but gave up on that shit before the election had even finished.
They can fuck off back to Mexico.
wew lad
This is the single most cuckolded thing I've ever seen posted.
Trump also said he believed in the race horse theory, but gave up on that shit before the election had even finished.
They can fuck off back to Mexico.
consensus cracking
Yeah thatll work out soooooo well. You fail to understand two key things
1) the left will NEVER split from the democrats. Look at wtf they did to them last year. The far left wanted sanders, the moderate left didnt like hillary, only the brain dead twats and boomers wanted her. Shit was rigged for her to win the primary, and what happened afterward? Oh boy, lots of "protesting" at the DNC, followed by a few months later all of those "muh socialism, muh president sanders or bust" fucks ALL TURNED AROUND AND VOTED FOR HILLARY. They would absolutely LOVE the right and "slightly right of center" establishing a third party under the pretense it would draw in leftists as well. They'd bait you on that idea all day long, get you to vote that way, and then they'd all mass vote democrat and you'd see massive landslide wins for the left.
Again, example, despite all the shit hillary and the democrats did, and the open and visible third parties like green/etc those parties got NOTHING in terms of support.
2) Even if it were to gain traction, the media would easily paint it all as "the nazi party 2.0" because some idiots on our side cant keep their fucking power levels in check. But even if they could, it would be painted that way because they would need to make it as "horrible" looking as possible, a party purely for racists and sexists. So even if you could initially draw in some of the left, they would then run screaming from fear at being labeled or associated with "racists," and the right would fear losing support, and naturally the older boomercucks would stay republican because they'd listen to the likes of ryan and mccain and graham calling it the "nazi party 2.0" as well and since it would be coming from the mouths of supposed "conservatives," they'd listen to it.
Sorry, but 3rd party is asking to lose this country over night to democrats. Even Trump understood this, so rather than running third party, he ran republican. Hes not a republican, he very clearly despises the majority of them, but he understood the only way to possibly win was to co-opt the party, to take it over and oust the kike puppets as much as possible.
If NOTHING else he has done was worth anything, THAT should be worth something. Showing you the true way forward is not to discard the RINO party and try to make a new party and fracture the right so its easily beaten by the left. But to change the party from within and take it for ourselves.
Before 1990 there were sporadic fences, most was privately funded or locally funded by counties or States. Then that BORDERSTAR program happened in 1994 and they wanted to move the immigrants who worked in the US and then went back to mexico out of specific cities like San Diego by building concrete walls. In the 1990's other area's also gained intermittent fencing but that was mostly locally funded. Even in cities like Nogales you can see this fortified wall clear as day. These are actual 2 to 3 stories high concrete reinforced walls due to building being right across the street of the wall. These border towns have it's origin in illegal entry into the US for work/crime and then fleeing back to the Mexican side.
In 1995 under that same BORDERSTAR program they started building actual anti migration fences along long stretches of border where most of the illegal entry occurred.
In 2007 a new funding was acquired by Bush, who had worked on it since 2001 but failed to get anywhere due to the tremendous task of the Patriot Act. It wasn't until 2003 that DHS was formed. until 2007 where Bush in his last year got what he had promised, hoping that it would get him re-elected. They they built a extensive sensor network to detect illegal entry as well as create extensive fence lining and only finished around 2014.
Let's just hope Trump builds his quickly since having to experience another focus on "Border" mania will tire the public.
What a fucking joke
Note: not Trump's fault
Fucking finally! I was afraid my parents were going to spend their first tax year under Trump getting raped by the IRS. Took me a long time to convince them to vote for Trump.
This proves that when the DHS builds the wall, no one will be able to get out. I used to nervously laugh at the idea of FEMA camps near the wall (for people that attempt to escape), but now, holy shit.
you mean Overton Window?
what ever you are doing, your doing it wrong
>(((overton window)))
alt-kike tier tbh
Lots of people are arguing about what they would trade for amnesty of the 800 thousand. The thing is, this shouldn't be up for negotiation at all. The democrats have no bartering chip because the 800 thousand are illegal and enforcing the law isn't negotiable (this is the fundamental definition of corruption, enforcing the law for some but not others).
This would be like the right wing saying, well its been our platform to genocide everyone who isn't white and it's basically a foregone conclusion, so you democrats better meet us in the middle and maybe we will agree to simply reducing legal immigration! It would be beyond ridiculous because it would never be in the cards, but for some (((reason))) not enforcing laws and giving away citizenship to aliens who disenfranchise actual Americans is a viable course of action. Really makes you think.
I know you wont be fired, but still
this is the narrative to push if you all have sock puppets
pic left or right of this and discover this conclusion
If I associate something with a completely unrelated outgroup, I win
what the fuck how did my > get eaten
I just hope the Aryan princess ivanka can use her daddy's deal making skills now that she's involved in this project
It's like you fools actually think this country can be saved peacefully through political means.
if I have less income taxes, that would be a big help at least. id rather have a wall of course, but everytime I look at my paystub I rage so much. I make 20 an hour but it feels like 10 bucks an hour because I have to pay state sheckels too. the nigger bux are WAY out of control
This is just getting stupid.
Reminder that "butthurt at the chess meme" = kike, guaranteed.
Ah yes the trumpnigger brigade "talking points" all in one thread. Again. Just like every other thread, whether it's related to Trump or not
Two digit dubs confirm
What state do you live in?
The wall is being built anyways, just give me my fucking tax cuts.
What needs to be pushed next is abolishing all these communist gun laws pushed by previous traitor-in-chiefs
Keeping the middle and lower classes away from military weapons has been their goal since the beginning
[citation needed]
we can have the tax cuts without amnesty.
The amnesty seems like something the cucked congress is cooking up and the Trump administrations seems to be using it as a carrot to get them to do their fucking job.
It seems like they're using loopholes to inch the project forward. I remember seeing months ago theyre starting with these giant metal fences
I cannot emphasize the importance of tax cuts to the lower and middle classes though. This is more income for whites to prepare and arm themselves with.
Any citations that actually confirm that the wall is being built or just fluff that confirms that the wall isn't being built?
Indeed, he is just tricking the kikes for sure, american whites totaly didint get played by a television conman like every single time before. It is truly chessworthy, isint it? Being a sekrit white nationalist and having a rabbi announce the creation of zion on your innauguration. So much chess.
Wow the Cadreniggers are in full damage control.
The working and middle class never got tax cuts before during these tax reforms, so why would it be any different this time?
With DACA looking like it's going to become permanent and the fact that the wall being built looks more and more unlikely by the day, they're always in full damage control.
Get fucked, Kike.
delet plox
Suddenly Bumped from Wednesday
Democracy is a joke
No, its not. The U.S. is not a democracy. If it were, there would be referendums on DACA, bailouts, and continuing war. We have a subverted republic. Removing representative "democracy" and replacing it with real democracy is what we should be fighting for.
Hi, Shariablue, i see you bumping all the anti-trvmp threads to keep them visible.
Tactic noted.
I know its getting fucking ridiculous are people leaving the board or something because we are seeing more and more
You sound like a wannabe saying this shit
How many threads do you need?
And that's not including the 3 other that are about this that decided to skip on posting a link. The first one is for the exact same article too. Holla Forums should be changed to /shill/.
The people vote for a guy who says he will do x,y, and z. After election, he gives all our money to Israel. How can that be considered a form of rule by the people?
This old same song and dance tune of trying to capitalize on the momentary confusion to sew seeds of disarray and "chaos" is rather old and way to obvious to see. You niggers stick out like sore thumbs.