When are they doing F2P?
post nu male sky
This is old news faggots, go back to leddit to make ebin posts
Choose one.
what the fuck even is battleborn? ive only heard the name
wew that's an awful lot.
It hurts, it had a chance to be actually good game
I really would rather see Borderlands crash and burn. Shitty writing you can skip, but BL2 was genuinely a fucking boring game.
Pick one.
what was the budget of this game anyway?
Birderlands 1 + 2.
Apart me like to think APB reloaded meant to be a so bad it's good game. In the sense it's actually funny.
how new are you
Good. Serves these fuckers right for killing off Global Agenda and Tribes. Now if only someone would compete with smite and crush it, this year will really be one of my favorites.
talking about shit games, I just accidentally noticed this, and since there's no thread about it…
Why does earth have to be so cruel?
I hope it will get a discount due to that, 30$ is a good price for it
You really are a special kind of retard
From IGG. GoG Version with new patch. Parts 1, 2 and of course 3. Download parts 4 and 5 with your friends!
Hey shill
Oh, wait.
I thought you were talking about this.
Sorry, I'm retarded.
Amerifats are mindless sheep.
Even Gamestop gave up and priced Battleborn used as a $15 "please buy this garbage" title.
What's Smite competing with? Nobody is playing it, and not even Pewdiepie can get people into Smite (It has a Pewdiepie icon you can unlock/buy…no, I'm not kidding).
I wonder how long it'll take for them to drop it down to $1 like they did with Bulletstorm
the pewdiepie icon isnt buyable it was a promo to play with him you misinformed pile of rejected doughnuts
Nothing, that's why it's still reletively alive.
If Paragon would step up, or someone would make a third person assfaggots that is actual true third person instead of SHITE I guarantee you Hirez will either have to step up their game or die horribly.
I just want a new MNC
Was this panel called Virtue Signaling Live and Uncut?
He is implying he killed 3.5 million
That's been that way for a while. Notice it's a bigger deal than Aliens: Colonial Marines was, way more talked about. That's because the normal gaming journalism shield given to con men is breaking. Randy sees shit like this getting openly torn apart, how is he supposed to make money off of complete fuck ups like Duke Nukem Forever or A:CM? He knows that he NEEDS that positive coverage to even stay in business, that's the point of the virtue signalling.
He needs to tell game journalist "I'm on your side!" so that they know it's okay to support him. GamerGate is threatening this guy's ability to be a shitbag. Guys like Pitchford and Schafer know they need to keep a good rep with journos, because if the larger audience was aware of the shit they fucked up on, they'd lose everything.
It really is sad. APB actually had a lot of effort put into it. No dev is going to try and make anything similar nowadays now that you can sell literal shit and people buy it. And there's nothing similar to it out there that I know of.
It was so close to being good too. A few tweaks to the gameplay and maybe a bit more content was all it needed.
you realize that russia alone lost ~20 million people. That's why I'm so fucking sick of the oy vey's pretending to be the only and biggest victims of the war
Did you motherfuckers just say 1 million?
In all seriousness I agree with you on this. You can shame normalfags quite easily by asking why they didn't know how many Russians died in WW2. Ask if they think Russian lives are worth less. The more angry and indignant you are the better. Later you can bring up ZOG and question why it needs to be illegal to question the holocaust in some countries. Your typical normalfag reddit "intellectual" will always agree that alleged crackpots should be debated and debunked, so why do some countries like Germany disallow such debate? Very suspicious.
7.4 M I L L I O N
So, how much did they lose on blunder?
best play-dressup in a game, awful actual game. it was weird.
This was to be expected with its being zero appeal cashgrab AAA shit through and through and all, but this still makes me happy.