Is this a joke?
Is this a joke?
no, its a toy replaca of an ingame item. as far as i know you dont need the replica to use the z-moves, so its not like an amiibo
No I meant the actual z-moves
But knowing there's a toy replica makes it even worse
No, it's the new pro meta, overpowered legendaries and now z move users
Damn pokemon is so stupid these days, RBY are the only good gems amiright reddit?
You are not being funny, user.
I suppose you've been out of the loop then.
Isn't it basically a better equivalent to Hydro canon or Giga Impact where it can only be used once a match instead of multiple times with some drawbacks
Why has Gengar been the most consistently based pokemon since RBY?
Competitively, they might be jokes, since you can only use them once per battle AND you have to sacrifice an item slot for it.
What i do like about the z-crystals is that they essentially give each type an official symbol. That pleases my autism, i guess.
Haunter was always cooler, and didn't need to be traded to some other kid who might just decide to run off with it
Z-moves should be way more balanced than mega-evolutions since anything can use them and they're only once per battle. They'll have a niche depending specifically one what the moves do and if the pokemon had other moves or abilities that synergise well with them.
- Good movepool
- Powerful mega
- 130 base sp. atk and 110 base speed
- Typing allows it to have 3 immunities
- Great design
I can't even tell at a glance what half of those are supposed to be
They all seem to be just single-use damaging moves that take up an item slot
IE nearly worthless except in niche cases
I've noticed something about a lot of pokemon sun n moon footage i've seen so far: The game's running consistent 60fps no matter what happens.
Now tell me, OP:
Is this a joke?
"great" might be exaggarating, but i do like it
i think its:
first row: electric, fire, grass, water, fighting, normal
second row: steel, rock, poison, ghost. dark, bug, dragon, flying
3rd row: ice, fairy, psychic, ground
im not sure about dragon and flying, though. but dragon is displayed ingame as a darker blue than flying
They've only shown a few of them and they cut away before you could see any special effects they had. We don't even know if they hit both enemies in a double battle.
With eighteen of them and more for specific pokemon they can't ALL be boring.
I stopped following anything pokemon after the shitfest X and Y were
No user, they're not boring
They have cool animations don't you see how cool they are they're so cool didn't you see how cool it was when snorlax sat on donald trump wasn't that cool
Also this. Casualized pokemon is no good.
Yep, just like it always has been.
Probably recorded from new3DS.
X and Y ran at sub 30 without 3D enabled
**i had it dip to 20s so many times with hardly any shit going on*
you're probably right though. just a ruse by good ole jewtendo.
It's not even out officialy and Citra can already surpass the shitty consoles thanks to high resolution rendering
The graphical glitches will be eliminated soon anyway
Which might mean new designs for energy cards in TCG
Upboated, fellow redditor!
No, the joke is you and your shit thread, OP.
As someone from fullderp, no battle goes beyond 25 or so turns unless heavy stalling is involved. Single use items are already significant in the meta (sashes, berries, etc). Z-moves will be either too weak to matter, or will be instabanned to ubers or whatever meta nobody plays.
Still looks like shit user