/lit/ on halfchan had an interesting thread with a knowledgeable user about Islam and its bullshit.
Here are the screenshots. Maybe it's stuff you already know, but there a lot of sources and citations I found very useful and illuminating.
/lit/ on halfchan had an interesting thread with a knowledgeable user about Islam and its bullshit.
Here are the screenshots. Maybe it's stuff you already know, but there a lot of sources and citations I found very useful and illuminating.
Other urls found in this thread:
Islam needs to be wiped off the face of the planet.
Part 2.
Good thread OP. Invite that user over.
wew. lads.
That was a good read. Nice to see that even the darkest corners of cuckchan still aren't completely lost.
Everybody is angry at Islam, even true religion of peace Buddhists.
I do not know how anyone educated and well read especially about history cannot be angry at Islam.
Muhammad was such an autistic cuck it's unreal.
Sources about the four witnesses law: Quran 4:13 and 24:4.
And the story about the cheating is narrated in the long hadith from Sahih Bukhari n. 4141. The hadiths are online: sunnah.com
I'm only through the first cap, and this is fucking brutal. 10/10
Everybody is angry at Islam, even true religion of peace Buddhists.
I do not know how anyone educated and well read especially about history cannot be angry at Islam.
/lit/ was always bretty based.
I did not know about the persecution complex built into the theology. I knew muslims were whiny bitches, but I did not know it was part of the faith. No wonder they ally so readily with leftists.
I once joked that he was the Chrischan of his day, sperging out and peddling his self insert fanfics.
Reading some of this, I wonder if I was on to something.
Everybody is angry at Islam, even true religion of peace Buddhists.
I do not know how anyone educated and well read especially about history cannot be angry at Islam.
Fucking good shit. I'm surprised this came from half-/lit/; a place where proto-commies hang out mostly
Everybody is angry at Islam, even true religion of peace Buddhists.
I do not know how anyone educated and well read especially about history cannot be angry at Islam.
Terrible, the rage of the nerd is.
Oh boy I love stories about how miserable Islam is as any sort of belief system, let alone a complete top-down belief and societal system.
Saved. I'm going to need to memorize these.
Absolutely agreed.
Semites BTFO once again.
needs its own webcomic series
It's worse than you guys think
All because of some autist. Really makes you think.
Man, Islam really rustles my jimmies.
An autist and a bunch of violent horny shitskins.
I don't hang out there much, but it seems like for every user who has lost himself to post-modernist thought, there is a classical focused neoplatonist.
Lel, pisslam is officially Religion of Cuck™, it's time to merge mudshit with louie posting.
This is probably the most brutal intellectual beatdown I've ever seen.
Is there a problem?
Not that I'm particularly educated on the subject, but aren't there some militant Buddhists that have genocided certain cultures?
You Rage You Lose
They're not his neighbors. Duh.
I wonder who posted this.
neighbor ≠ jew
Jews are the literal sons of satan. Look up two seedline serpent seed doctrine.
Here is a comparison of Muslim battles VS Crusades
I can't believe this thread is getting bumped. WTF is wrong with you morons? It's borning and meaningless.
hey muhammed, bad news man, we saw your wife cheating on you dude,
what are you talking about? all three of us saw her getting plowed hard by a pack of ripped greek chads
muhammed-san? is this semen on your robe?
muhammed-san, we haven't had pasta in weeks
are you at least going to wash the cumstains out before you go to the mosque
don't worry about what all the other infidels say, muhammed. i think you're a really good prophet
Jews have a similar word, what is it?
The wrapper is the most healthy part of that entire shit constipation of a picture. Cut your hand off with a belt sander and film it with your other hand
That map is incomplete, there were a lot more muslim conquest battles (like in Genoa, Rhodes and lots of naval battles) and the reaction was way bigger than that (crusades in Tunisia, invasions of Cilicia and others). Now the only thing that image proves is the passiveness and weakness of Christendom, to be invaded by a bunch of arab tribes (who are a physically weaker people) and allow such depredations to go on unpunished for so long. There is no benefit at all in having a "religion of peace" as something to be endorsed.
Not sure what point you are making but okay. Take another random image
Take a look at this picture user.
Normally when an old roman town becomes dilapidated or ravaged by war, the remainders scavenge stones from the ruins to build new buildings. This is why there are few surviving ruins through-out europe. Because they were picked apart piece-meal.
But what happens when there are NO survivors? What happens when EVERYONE is DEAD? There is no one to take the stones, so the ruins and columns remain standing…
This was Palmyra, a large city on the silk road. And like other towns they would subsist on food from surrounding farms, but as you see today it's barren.
That's because when Khalid ibn al-Walid invaded on his march to Damascus he BURNED EVERYTHING. Every olive tree, every orchard, everything. Then soil erosion takes over and you're left with a dead skeleton of land.
You shouldn't be bored user, you should be mad, mad enough so that when they come for you, you will know what to do.
Bacon bits are healthy. Also bacon that is baked in an oven is way more healthy than fried bacon
Myanmar (about 90% buddhist) very, very recently got fed the fuck up with islamic terrorists on their border regions and are currently, AS WE SPEAK, kicking the everloving shit out of the muslim rohingya people. UN is even pushing to have it labeled as ethnic cleansing. Myanmar is like, "suck my enlightened dick, faggots."
The Chinese are doing the same thing to mudslimes in their western half and of course what the Philippines is doing to mudslimes and druggies. How the fuck did we reach the point where even gooks have more balls then us? Western civilisation is dead and white men don't fight for anything except how much they can virtue signal who the biggest cuck is like our limp-wrist faggot fuckboi politicians in the EU and USA.
Thank you for sharing this, OP.
The video is supposed to provide ammo for counterargument against Islam apologists like yourself. He literally says this in the first few seconds of speaking - meanwhile you regurgitate an emotional response.
Confirmed for truth.
Heil Hitler.
Thanks for the caps OP,
this is brilliant, this guy needs a tv show or somthing
at least I truly see
now we just need to prove Moses was a cuck then we've got the Holy Trinity of Cuckism.
It was a whip, not a stick. A whip he made himself to hone his anger.
Really activates the ol' almonds.
I have been looking for an image that clearly spells out the relation between Judaism and Islam. That one was the closest thing that I could find.
If you read it while equating Roman Catholicism with Judaism and also while ignoring the idea that Islam persecuted Jews then you will start to see why I have it saved.
It sheds light on some ideas that I don't see covered often, like who really created Islam and why. And yes there are no citations, and I am not sure how something like this could be proven anyways.
You should checked out E. Michael Jones' The Revolutionary Jewish Spirit.
After Titus smashed the temple in 70 AD or somewhere, most of the jewish diaspora was established around the Mediterranean and elsewhere, including the Jews who influenced Muhammed.
mangled this post a bit, but disregard the grammar
/lit/ was cucked for years, it wasn't OK until most of the libshits pissed off to goodreads and tumblr
post-modernists ARE neo-platonists
perhaps you meant Aristotelians?
Jesus literally said the Jews would be your enemy, And if the Jews entered Israel without accepting him they would be punished harshly.
Want to understand the Jew go read Leviticus they still believe in shit like eye for an eye.
There's also that one passage where Christ says "The Gentiles will have me killed".
Guess who these Gentiles were?
I mean he wasn't wrong. He also forgave anyone who was part of killing him. It's just the Jews kept right along with their Satan worship while the gentiles converted forced and willingly.
Pontius Pilate washed his hands off of the blood of Christ. It was the Jews who killed Christ, and became the gentiles.
I'll check it out. From what I've read about the author and the contents of the book it seems like it might be slightly bluepilled but I'm sure it was written with good intentions and probably has good info.
You should have WIZARD EYES by now that allow you to figure out what is true and what is false.
Blue-pilled in the sense that he disliked Hitler's neo-paganism and prosecution of Catholics in the camps.
He puts a spectacularly accurate light on many parts of history, specifically the Spanish Reconquista/Inquisition and John Dee Britain era. The later chapters cover the founding of the ADL, which is ofc, extremely important today.
The (pagan) Romans did more to stop the jews than Christ ever did. They did more than anyone else in history to stop the jews, until the 1930s. Romans like Titus should be venerated by Holla Forums, just as Adolf Hitler is.
Defaming those Romans is a profound betrayal of the white race.
Romans were squat, swarthy, and olive skinned folks who hated their aryan-germanic invaders, what say ye pagan?
ACKSHULLY Julian the Apostate worked with the Jews to persecute the Christians because he was butt-furious at Constantine's children, he went so far as to attempt to rebuild the Temple.
Which was met with fiery explosions and crosses appearing everywhere…this episode is only lightly recounted upon by history.
Romans were the inheritors of the Glory of Christ, you fool nobody Jew.
Only jews hate the Romans. They hold grudges for thousands of years. Your naked contempt for a great European civilization that accomplished more than jews ever dreamed possible betrays your semetic nature.
quit larping
the descendants of Romans were all Christian.
I mean literally, not even joking. One of the most successful mass conversions in history.
It's a fact, only jews hate the Romans. You've exposed your nose.
You sound like a fucking kike trying to twist his words. Romans were degenerate as fuck Holla Forums would fucking hate them.
Yes the Jews fucking hate them because they destroyed their temple which would be like someone nuking the White House for Americans. The Romans error was they didn't go full Carthage on the Jews because this sowed in the Jews their extreme desire to genocide the goyim.
At the same time the Romans and Germanic tribes couldn't stand each other and people who worshiped different pagan Gods did not get along at all.
You just blow in from cuckchan?
Only jews hate the Romans. Fuck off Schlomo. You will never get your temple back.
One four letter word contains two k's
The solution to it are chemicals applied in mass which are neither in a liquid nor a solid state
Can you solve the mystery, user?
Camps and gas chambers were always a dumb idea. The sort of dumb idea only mechanically disinclined jews would think of. Instead they should have driven the train cars into tunnels, closed doors on both ends, then flooded the tunnels full of gas. That's how they used to fumigate entire trains in one go when they were crossing borders to prevent the spread of pestilence. Alternatively pic related could be used.
Afterwards, the train could be driven out into the middle of nowhere, and heavy equipment (carried by the very same train) could be used to dig mass graves next to the track. That's how a mechanically inclined German would do it.
Only jews hate the Romans. All white men respect them.
I'll keep your idea in mind, thanks user.
Saved. I've been studying Islam since high-school. It's good to see nothing has changed. Nothing will ever change with Islam, until the day it is destroyed. In a sense we will be freeing these poor dumb inbreds from a thousand years of mental and moral slavery. Nuking Mecca will do them good.
I smell jew
Nigga what the fuck?
Only non-jewish reason to dislike Romans I can think of was their love of the boipussy.
Was that always a thing or did it only happen once Rome started falling?
Always a thing, they got it from the Greeks.
nice meme, alt-kike fag enabler
It's non-debatable that fucking little boys was widespread in the ancient world, and I cited it as a reason to dislike them.
Perfect example oft tawriya, taqiyyas little brother.
David Woods is user?
ex-muslim here.
i never did any taqiyya, nor did anyone in my family ever talk about it. I actually learned about it on Holla Forums.
Internet is turning into a shitposting hell.
And because you didnt, nobody does?
Your preachers in all likelihood lied to you as much as they lied to unbelievers.
Heck, it is no secret that that taqiyya and tawriya are integral parts of Arab Muslim culture. Sunni (Yes, its not just a thing Shi'ites do) scholars readily admit that.
family of cucks or inbred mongrel?
Your taqiyya is powerless here.
Sevens of truth, and sixes of deceit
Taqiyya 6's
Truth 7's
This tl:dr fag
Go back to cuckchan if you just want easily digestible content.
If you would actually take the time to read the OP, you would understand why it's getting the reaction it deserves.
this thread is fucking gold thanks user.
It is worth noting that Judaism and Islam are the ONLY religions that not only allow but encourage lying. I know of no other religions, alive or dead, that do and in fact all other major religions see lying as undesirable.
Butthurt much, Ahmed?
Well, I never really knew any imams personally. My family was quite secular. Although they believed in god. I probably went to the mosque maybe 3 or 4 times in my life.
not inbred, have 200+ years of pure white blood line. My muslim family comes from a serbian village, and have lived there since probably before the ottomans.
Nope, not doing anything. I'm not even muslim. atheist here m8.
I have no idea what you just said. I'm not trying to part of any group, i'm trying to say that I left one.
Well, I told my story, take it as you wish. I'm sure the arabs might practice this taqiya stuff since they are more fanatic and all. I never did while I was muslim atleast nor did anyone in my family.
This way you could actually kill Millions in war times…
Probably because Liberals and Progressives are all about being kind and only ever kind no matter who you are.
A man who is sexually attracted to children and wants to physically fuck them is for some reason deserving of protection? Liberalism is the worst form of autism. The greatest irony though is how they love homosexuals so much but also Islam.
Even though Islam and homosexuals don't mix. It's pretty sad how delusional they are.
"the greeks" doesn't mean shit. Ancient Greece was composed of very different city-states.
Mainly Athens and specially Thebes were the degenerate ones.
Stop spreading jewish memes, next you'll say Odin sucked dick.
We already have enough here to say that jews create cuck derivatives of their own esoteric bullshit.
Your "prophet" was a betacuck semite version of Joseph Smith and today your soldiers do the bidding of rich jews.
Posting this cap from a really good thread. It's a brutal affirmation of what OP's user said.
You were never a muslim. Of course you don't know about muslim practices.
Muslim philosophy:
If a tree gets raped in a forest, and only 3 male witnesses are there to see it, did it really happen?
Muslim philosophy:
If a tree gets raped in a forest, and only 3 male witnesses are there to see it, did it really happen?
Baba kamma
get the fuck out
If I'm correct aren't Sikhs and Hindus have some things they taken from Islam? I recall Sikhs having a mix of the beliefs from the different faiths native to India. Also that Hindu is a fluid like religion and absorbs beliefs and practices from other religions thus they're different sects of Hinduism.
That's only the corrupt elites during the latter periods. It's similar to our era now– our degenerate coastal faggots during the late era of decadence.
It's Jewish propaganda that it was a common thing in their culture. The average person was probably repulsed by the behavior of the degenerate elites.
Tell that to the Greeks
Several interesting points to keep in your back pocket
On top of their various other calls to war and murder and invade and lie about doing it, these are all good points which puts many of their beliefs in conflict. The western understanding of Islam is relative to their understanding of their own religions. They think Islam is just the sand nigger equivalent of Christianity or Buddhism. It's some stories about their prophet and leader and his life, and how he came to tell everyone how to live and be good. It ain't. Their history is one of bloodshed, oppression, and retardation. That brief period in the 1970s when they were modernizing countries like Iraq were a fluke. A temporary break from the norm, not the true face of Islam reasserting itself.
We really need to drum up more support for Wirathu and other people defending against Islam.
He's a busy man, Wish he did more fun Islamic facts.
Fun Islamic Facts 6: Satan Hides in Your Nose
The tree then gets stoned.
Not even the most rage-inducing thing about Muslims and Egypt.
Sorry, user, but Arabs need to be removed from the world too. We could possibly keep a few in nature preserves in the Arabian peninsula, but by and large they need to be depopulated.
Besides, we won't get rid of Islam until we get rid of every Muslim. That is the only way to get rid of Islam.
They're also basically the only religions that fuse government and religious authority into one indistinguishable amalgamated blob.
It's notable that their modernization periods were under distinctly non-Muslim authorities.
Who gives a shit what you say about anything?
You mudshits lie all the time anyway.
Apparently its okay to lie during sex, which is pretty damn funny.
Ehhh, Tibetan Buddhism is a straight up theocracy with the Dalai Lama as godking. Yet even they aren't as bad or degenerate as the average Muslim ruler.
As far as I'm aware in Buddhism there is a division between secular and religious authorities. I'm not aware of, for example, law codes and punishments set out in Buddhism; hell, I'm not even aware of any "holy books" of Buddhism, nor am I aware of any equivalents to caliphates of Buddhism in history.
I'm not an expert on Buddhism by any stretch of the imagination, but does it lay out crimes and punishments like Judaism and Islam do?
There ARE passages that claim "Islam is peace we dindu nuffin" in the Quran - Because that is what they told the other non-Muslim Arabs when their little sect was still weak. After they got the upper hand, this changed immediately and you get nothing but rah rah kill the infidels.
One also needs to consider the hadiths which tell about the life of Mohammed and are considered something every good Muslim must copy. That's where the "lying is okay" part comes from because Mohammed himself was a liar when it suited him. He brokered a peace between his sect and another tribe only to get into their city and slaughter them. He sent a few of his boys to murder a guy who made fun of him.
Oh and most importantly: Whenever the Quran says anything about being nice to all people, it means OTHER MUSLIMS because non-Muslims are not considered people in the first place.
Unsurprisingly he took more than a few pages from the Talmud when it comes to deception.
The faggotry in the ancient world is highly exaggerated, though. It has been used for propaganda purposes for a long time. At first the Romans themselves, who had strong values of "virtù" and their "mos maiorum" (who were indeed corrupted over time, at some point they had Arab priests of Moloch as their emperors…) used these claims against their enemies, they frowned homossexuality so much they would claim their greek rivals did that, or foreign peoples, or even emperors they disliked. Later the christians propagandized it after they took power (the early christians had a habit of even castrating themselves), trying to defamate the old religions as enabling faggotry (something which the pagan populace hated), so they wouldn't convert back to paganism. Later on, after the 19th century, faggot apologists, using these defamatory christian sources (you have to remember the church monopolized literacy and even the law after the fall of Rome, banning even the bible and burning the many libraries of the empire, containing the knowledge of our forebears, dating to times long ago) to propagate their faggotry and degeneracy.
Despite that, Rome was still pretty degenerate, not because of faggotry, but for several other reasons.
this guy is just brilliant
Islam is Talmudic Judaism flavored with whatever Mohammed heard about Syriac Christian heresies and Zoroastrianism, combined with an excessive amount of Arab paganism and Arab supremacism. Mohammed is thought to have studied under a rabbi, after all.
Why is it that the more a fucking read a about Christianity the more it looks like gommunism?
Because you're reading /r/Atheism-tier posts about it on Holla Forums, (((fellow Holla Forumslack))).
How about you have an argument and dispute what he said, eh?
wtf are you reading?
the first rule of communism is to eliminate Christianity…..why do you think (((they))) work so hard in the MSM to make you hate it? Why does hollywood spend so many shekels on destroying it (that includes the porn industry).
the only thing close to it in the Bible was in the books of acts when they tried communal living…..didn't work out….it was a massive failure and it allowed their enemies to find them easily and take away what little they had.
I don't really think that needs or deserves a refutation. This isn't the thread for it either; I'm just pointing out that since you're taking a post not about Christianity and making it about Christianity you're probably not from around here.
six gorillion denominations that all say that they are the real ones.
Don't confuse the communal element in early Christianity with actual communism. You wouldn't call the Amish commies either.
I'm talking about all the lying and cultural suppression.
Same mindset, same perpetrators. Also the same goals.
And yes, Islam is much worse, mostly because of all the shitskins, don't even go with the buh muh Islam
For them?
Then how did your family become muslims?
When there's a decent thread about 9/11 on Holla Forums for once it's only inevitable that the jews that frequent here have their own thread devoted to maintaining the zionist plan of mutual destruction of their two most hated goyim groups.
Whatcha doin' there, rabbi?
It's funny how it still manages to be somehow better than the talmud. All these semites are fucked in the head and their desert sand cults require total eradication for the safety and well-being of humanity.
I was just briefly interrupting this JIDF shitshow here and pointing out that 99% of every poster in this thread is an agitating kike.
Nothing will begin to get resolved until we address and cast out the kikes from our midst.
Anything less is just playing along with the jew world order's agenda.
The only reason Islam could be marginally considered better than Talmudism is because its practitioners have a lower IQ, which is just a quirk of circumstance rather than anything inherent to the religion itself.
Don't be stupid. It's Arabs and Jews that need eradication. And they're Araboids, not "Semites." "Semites" is a linguistic term.
You're implying Islam is good. It isn't. You're playing the age old game of "Choose Muslims or Jews." The correct answer is: neither. Both need to be purged. Muslims will be just behind Jews in the lines to the execution/sterilization facilities.
Well it pretty clearly only applies to Jews and Arabs and yea both people need to be eradicated for the betterment of humanity as a whole.
Don't be so sure. You'll awaken the D/C shills who will turn this thread into a shitshow about Christianity as they always do.
I just realized your post is promoting omni-nationalism. Fuck off, (((alt-right))).
No I'm implying nothing, I am stating this entire thread is a jewish distraction effort in light of the brilliant 9/11 thread here.
Muslims can stay in arabland and carry on doing arab things in their own lands
Kikes can go to Hell and join their father Satan
Oy vey, the fact you state whites have their own homelands just as blacks can have Africa, that means "omni nationalism".
You do know that every single nation was nationalist at one time.
Without Nationalist Nigerians, they would be spread out all over the world, like they are today thanks to you jews.
You jews are the problem
Nothing will ever be solved until you jews are gotten rid of.
Full stop.
Strongly recommended read - The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam
You can d/l it here :
In other words, something that was made up by an apologist after the fact. Oh and the Roman Empire as a whole utterly fucking destroyed the jewish religion of the day. They didn't get all the kikes because the kikes were then as they are now slippery bastards, and thus rabbinical kikery was born.
Implying the only people who could dislike Islam are Jews.
Implying that Islam is hated by the Jews and that it's on equal footing with the rest of us. Islam has always been a friend and ally of the Jews when it comes to destruction of Europeans, and it always will be.
Yes, retard, that is the definition of omni-nationalism. Omni-nationalists are the cucks who go around saying "nationalism4evry1" and "they can have their own countries!" That is exactly what you are saying right now.
Omni-nationalism is shit. I don't care about nonwhites insofar as they stay a diminishing competition to me and mine.
And I should give a shit why?
Oh, well, better praise those nationalist Nigerians for preventing Africans from being all over the world. Phew, can't believe I was worried! Now I'd better fight for Nigerians to multiply and become a huge threat, so long as they stay in their "own countries" of course.
All nonwhites need to be depopulated. They are competitors in the zero-sum competition of natural selection and there can be no possible benefit to their continued existence as a whole.
The only people here who would think that it's important the goys only talk about muslims are indeed jews.
Muslims are just another 3rd world boilogical weapon used against whites along the ranks of every black, indian and any other 3rd world wog sent to displace us.
You jews are the problem.
That's it.
I feel weird that I defend pagans and Christians in the same way.
pagan with a small 'p' because it's a multitude of beliefs
Shills use the exact same attack vectors for both sides, trying to turn it into a shitflinging contest.
Because you're not only retarded, but terminally so.
Yeah, okay, Muslims aren't worth special mention. They're just the same as all the others.
You can leave now, Chaim, and take your omninat garbage with you.
I'm happy to leave your little Tel Aviv thread here, my only question is why you kikes are tolerated on this board even for one second?
Lies. The Roman patrician class was white, with fair hair and eyes, this is well documented. They also never fought a single war against the germanics. But non-ethnic Romans started oozing into the Roman aristocracy at some point. These were squat and swarthy, true. They usually came from the merchant strongholds in Spain. You can observe the shift in phenotype in the busts that have been preserved.
And when they had become powerful enough to get their own guy in the seat of power they shifted focus from the Mediterranean, the middle east and Africa and started warring against the Germanics instead. This was about the same time they switched over to a strange new semitic religion too.
Also, this new non-ethnic Roman ruling caste had this peculiar habit. They would knock the noses off all the statues in the empire. Almost as if noses was some kind of thing they were sore about for some reason.
In case anyone did not quite catch it, 8886b0 is hasbarafag.
you are operating under the assumption that the Christian world(let alone even ethnic nations) was/were united, it wasn't/they werent, and that they weren't already fighting each other because of stupid inheritance laws laid down by Charlemagne.
Their conquerors were germans, what books are you reading? Did you know that before Alaric sacked the Rome, they (the Romans) killed Visigothic families because they refused to pay off the barbarian armies? That's why the Visigoths sacked Rome.
They would knock off the noses of the Caesars, actually. It was usually because marble noses are easy to chip off too.
It's recounted multiple times by historical sources and hardly ever disputed ('cept by Jews).
No, Titus destroyed the Temple, but the Empire worked with the Jews to persecute Christians and also get permission to start the Talmudic school.
No, the Romans didn't really give a shit about ethnic cleansing when they could get paid off.
Stop calling the Jews kikes btw, a kike is someone who hates Christ. You are a kike by the very definition.
No no, you have to go back in history before that, several hundred years. Around the time right after they fought the wars in Judea. That's when race stranger aristocrats started buying their way into the Roman establishment. Read Cicero. That's the point where everything changed too. There was no hostility between Rome and the Germanic tribes before that.
At the time Alaric sacked Rome there were no ethnic Romans left in the Roman aristocracy and the whole empire was a degenerate, multicultural shithole whose only purpose was war against Europe.
Almost as if (((certain people))) don't want anons to talk about Islam
What is Europe? Anything that is vaguely pagan and non-Judaic?
I'm all for talking about Islam. But what more is there to say than already have been said in this thread? It's a primitive, degenerate, dangerous semitic cult that muds use to sperg out and kill everyone they've met, ever.
The leap to discussing other degenerate semitic religions like Judaism and Christianity isn't that long so it's pretty natural that it happens.
In that particular context I meant the tribal societies outside Rome's northern borders.
I think there needs to be a widespread purge among the clergy to root out faggots, pedos and leftists. Also, church authorities have to be firmly controlled by the State. Otherwise there are bound to fall for the based Christian niggers narrative and start to air lift subhumans to the US and Europe.
This happens with every thread about Islam. If there is nothing to contribute to the topic at hand, why reply at all?
Why do you consider semitic religions off topic in a thread about semitic religion? If you have a thread about antifa or something it's not that off topic to talk a bit about bolsheviks, even though it's not specifically the same topic. It's related topics.
Again, christian apologists are not sources of anything other then propaganda for your faith.
The romans did a lot more then just destroy a few buidlings when they wanted to fuck with the kikes.
This sounds like a conspiracy theory unless you are talking about a very narrow set of actions in palestine.
What does it tell you about the relationship between the jews and the roman government that the heebs needed to ask for special permission regarding internal matters of their faith? A hint if I may? It doesn't mean they were controlling the romans.
I'll grant you that with benefit of hindsight that the romans should have just killed all the jews regardless of any other concerns, but that was not obvious to them at the time.
Except that the Romans slaughtered kikes by the fuckload whenever said kikes rebelled and took any treasue said kikes had amassed by force of arms.
Yeah yeah, it originated because they didn't want to draw a cross on immigration papers or some shit. Word meanings change over time, get used to it.
And saved. Thank you OP along with the actual OP, wherever he may be.
From now on I will eat nothing but paper if only fast food is available. Truly you are the smartest
Kikes are Jews, genius. It was named specifically because Jews refused to sign with a cross as everyone else did. If you have to be a nitpicky autist about it you could say kikes are a subset of Jews — specifically the ones that hate Christ — but since that's basically all of them the distinction is irrelevant. I know of no non-Christ-hating Jew.
Odin sucked d- N-NANI?!
If a single autist managed to do that imagine what a bunch of focused autists can do. We can do it lads!
Odin also only had one ball and was jewish, don't you know that? You antiwhite jew golem cuck?
Pretty good
let's see.
>(((David F Greenberg)))
A literal God who is doing sexual magical rituals is the same as faggots being faggots.
Hey man you are one smart cookie.
Islam is a mind virus, to be sure. However, don't forget that Judaism is every bit as incompatible with our societies as Islam is. Slavery takes many forms, dhimmi or debtor, each will sap the wills of once free men.
How childish.
The cognitive dissonance among paganiggers is truly astounding.
It's always treachery that destroys a civilization.
- Cicero.
Back on halfchan days I really tried to be a regular poster on /lit/ but since the onset it was filled with leftists.
Come on dude.
This is an important point that retarded leftists will never understand when they quote "peaceful" quranic verses.
Also, the practice of the abrogation. All those peaceful verses are no longer valid.
I had my own idea a long time ago,you don't even need gas(dangerous to handle,expensive to bring and produce)having cheap readily available water.
My idea comes from mining railways.
You just need vagons with steel bars so they can't escape,and a rail going gently into a lake,you submerge the people inside,and after a few minutes you take them out,it can be made cheaply by simply using a funicular system thus the wagons are counter weighted with the new batch and it can be operated even with a small motor.
I can't think of a cheaper and more efficient way,I want my job at the reich secured.
Sandnigger tested.
Jews need to be exterminated.
I made the thread. Fuck jews and fuck you.
That's the best you can do?
Even that is needlessly complicated.
If you have concentration camps like the nazis did, just don't give the prisoners water. In 3-4 days they're all dead. Boom. Done.
You literally don't need to do anything else but wait for a few days.
I'd build a huge contraption with whirring sawblades and flamethrowers and blinking lights and horns. Like one of those sound effect organs from the silent movie era, only miles wide and designed for genocide.
It would be something to really make some wild holocaust movies about.
I think you do need to kill them plus it's easier to put them in a vagons and kill them than simply starve them out,some might try to rebel be coming a waste of bullets etc etc,in the carts they simply are being "transferred" jews love transferences.
But yup you could simply let them rot.
Not a pagan you dumb fuck but how you can't see that its false equivalency is truly astounding.
It's been thoroughly debunked and the fact that you're using it shows everyone you're either a shill or a complete retard
Stay mad, future bog denizen.
Kikes fighting kikes for maximum kikeness is not the same as kikes fighting against native European faiths.
LOL! Try harder Chaim
Go on, please, refute the sources posted above and provide secondary sources that state the contrary. I'd like to know what you know about this and what literature you're reading.
So you admit being an intellectually dishonest shabbos goy. I guess that's an improvement.
Cool reaction pic
No one is buying your poison, christkike.
Show one actual historical document from the culture itself that Odin was drinking semen like in your academykike's fetish fantasies.
Always funny how you kikes have to scrounge up the rarest and most fringe pagans, a tiny minority, to compare to your majority Christian pozfest. Cucked pagans and cucked christcucks are directly inversely proportional.
If there is a book about comparing two things that should not be compared to each other I will gladly let you know. I have read introduction to formal logic, did a logic class at university but that is about it.
Are you unaware of the Muslim practise of first-cousin marriage? Any quality their gene pool once had has been decimated by now.
Go on then user, I'll bite, it's obviously bullshit based on a cursory glance but fine, let's read the citations shall we?
Key words in that passage, the fact that this doesn't even mention Odin or the myths were he supposedly does this is worth a notice
Again, key words in that passage and yet again, fails to cite any of the actual myths where he supposedly is a cross-dressing hermaphrodite. It's all suggestions and hypotheses, not the sourced claims you wish they were. Add this to the fact that none of these 'claims' appear anywhere else and it becomes abundantly clear that this 'source' is basically just gay fan fiction. So I'll say it again, you're either a shill or a retard, pick one
Sophistes that Plato despised were literally post-modernitsts of his time.
/lit/ is still one of the very boards on cuckchan that has good content
This might be posted already but I do not have time check, just wish to post this as the original user did not get so much response IIRC. This is a response to
Pic related, feel free to bost it on /lit/ if this is still going on.
When you steal enough wealth that you can rest on your laurels for centuries and take credit for the accomplishments of what other cultures did for themselves before and immediately your arrival, then yes, you could call it a golden age. But take note that Islam NEVER recovered after the destruction of Baghdad. They didn't know how to rebuild it. The Turks did the same thing with Constantinople.
Still holding tight to that cognitive dissonance I see.
You mean I should provide primary sources documenting traditions that were transmitted in an exclusively oral fashion?
Do you realize the inherent contradiction and stupidity of what you're asking?
The reasoning in that pic is the only logical explanation after seeing such a ridiculous display of arrogance and contempt towards Christianity, while repeating the same jewish lies and acting like a good shabbos goy.
That's cool, but what you wrote doesn't have any value when contesting the claims and sources provided in the pic I posted.
It does mention Odin and the literature where the information is taken from. One is an extract from the havamal.
Both the literature and the logic to substantiate those claims are provided in the sources cited. You just need to look at it and refute it.
At least you admit you're not even trying.
And the whole cult is gay fan fiction, so of course the literature on the subject will end up reading like that.
I simply asked for an honest attempt at refuting the claims and sources provided. And the same kind of sources stating the contrary. You have provided none so far.
Instead you decided to engage in mental gymnastics to bullshit your way out of the argument.
On topic content:
The dude drops small blue pills along the way, but it's a worthwhile watch.
Last time I posted there, I got swarmed by smug commies. That was a few years ago. Have they improved since then?
Mohammedans always like to deflect when they are called out
So every historical document of any empire/faith should be ignored cause it's all propaganda? Let's just ignore doing any scholarly work.
If (when) a holocaust will really happen, we should execute it in the most RIDICULOUS, outlandish way. So that no one will believe the witnesses.
Not really. It's still the haven of pretentious 20-22 year olds that want to look well read and smarter-than-thou but only buy a few famously complex books without even reading them.
And if they read them, they don't understand them.
Posts like the ones in the OP are extremely rare.
Good read
Ok. Did you know that Jesus and his disciples had gay orgies all night long? There's no primary sources documenting this, but the tradition is transmitted in oral fashion down to me. I am in contact with a person who have inherited this system of gay disciple-sex in a direct line from Jesus himself. So that Jesus was gay is now proven without any doubt. Update your worldview accordingly please.
Doesn't change the fact that majority of pagans are racially aware and anti-degeneracy, while majority of Christians are multiculturalists and pro-degeneracy.
He's right, though. The literature doesn't mention Odin drinking semen in the sources they're talking about and they're adding a lot of "mighthaves" and "probablies" and "couldbes" for myths. It's tabloid theorizing.
These aren't credible sources. Shit, two of them are Homosexuality and Western Christian Tradition and The Cults of the Greek States, and none of them seem to go through the Eddas, the Sagas, or anything written in Danish. Except the Wikipedia article, which gets you no points because Wikipedia isn't a credible source either, you glass-eyed shit.
You've made a claim. You cannot back it up in the original source material, of which there is plenty. How about you find a source to prove your claim before demanding refutations?
Not that any of this matters in a thread about Muslims, of course, but I take exception to people with your attitude.
I meant the citations retard, and no, no it fucking doesn't. None of the sources used even come close to stating that Odin drank semen
Which one?
No user, source. That passage is the only one making the claim that Odin drank semen and as I've already said, none of the other sources referenced come close to making this claim
I have, the only source making that claim is the original passage, and it's not even a proper claim. You seem to have missed this the first time so I'll go over it again
All key words. He found some unrelated snippets of information and drew some extremely tenuous connections. As says, it's tabloid theorizing
The original fucking source material is always a good start, especially considering they're actually relevant to the subject I'd suggest you actually read it yourself but the fact you say
Just tells me you're a butthurt faggot who's only interested in flinging shit. Fuck off
That part about the Greek philosophy and Islamic Golden Age is so brutally true. And the same was true of Christianity.
If it wasn't the Greeks filtering Christianity it would be equally as shit as Islam. Instead you got a serviceable religion and faith.
Greeks will forever be the fathers of the western world. That the Islamics rejected the attempts to Hellenize their religion proves they are completely unfit to live in our nations that owe so much to those crazy fuckers from the shores of the Aegan.
With the present moral decay in northern Europe in mind, particularly Sweden, I very much doubt that.
With a minimum amount of effort you could've confirmed that one of the poetic eddas was cited right before the page screencaped in the image.
Still not even trying.
In "Myth in Indo-European Antiquity" Larson Gerald gives insight into the same source that comes right before the text in the image I posted: page 248 of "The Construction of Homosexuality". Pic related.
The source in these cases is havamal. Stanza 141 and 138 respectively.
With these together you can begin to understand why Greenberg wrote what's in the pic.
But considering the points you're trying to argue against and the complete lack of interest in reviewing the sources provided, I'm guessing you won't accept any literature until I dump all the relevant texts from those books.
And since you're set on being disingenuous, why should I even bother anymore?
It's the people, stupid. Islam is shit because it is Araboid — made by retarded Arabs for retarded Arabs to profit their leaders the most while the rest rape and conquer to sate themselves. The Muslims would never be able to "Hellenize" themselves because they weren't even close to being European.
Yeah, that's not how it fucking works pal. You're the one making the claim that Odin drinks semen, therefore it's up to YOU to show us the evidence and if it's clear evidence, then why isn't it included in the image?
That would be a good fucking start. YOU'RE the one enamored with the idea of Odin drinking semen, WE think it's bullshit therefore YOU have to provide evidence for this claim
Oh look, more half-baked theories
Nice try, lets look at it shall we?
If you in any way associate that with drinking semen then I don't know what to say to you. Either way thanks for confirming my point and feel free to come back to me when you have some actual fucking evidence
Wew, nice projection
Maybe in YOUR town.
I'd like to see some facts to back that up
So I looked into it. Here's 141.
And 138:
So the nigger was hanged on Yggdrasil after falling in battle, which is basically all "Given to Odin" means, and gained supernatural knowledge upon seeing a shitton of runes there.
I have to agree with your conclusion. It's an Olympic-level stretch to go from that to "ODIN DRANK A HANGED MAN'S SEMEN, LOL."
Ex muslim here. The taqqiyya factor is real - and its a real 'good cop bad cop' routine when they want you to convert to pisslam.
If you don't fall for either routine, then they'll start to use every dirty trick in the mudbook.
Thanks for the read, OP.
It was in the Late Republic and the following Empire where this happened, but I disagree that ethnic Romans wouldn't have fought the Germani as they fought Gauls who were also ethnically similar. It is no different than the internal warfare in Ancient Greece.
It's a 4chan hoax (apparently).
My point was obviously that you can't just make shit up without any sources and claim it's "oral tradition" and have people accept that as proof. If that were the case I could make any outlandish claim about your god and you'd have to accept it.
That picture is hilarious. The kike just comes right out and says "well, it doesn't say what I want it to say, but I'm just gonna assume this means gayness." I'm Norwegian and I read Norse. Stanza 141 in Håvamål uses the word "fróðr" which is the root word for "frø" which means a plant seed specifically. The word semen is "sæd" from the Norse root word "sáð." In fact the whole line is severely mistranslated in the version he uses. If I was to attempt to translate it I'd say it's meaning was something like this:
The sources are all laid up in front of you under "cited references" in my first image.
All secondary sources working with nordic literature, the best you're ever gonna get on this subject.
Thanks for confirming the last sentence in my previous post.
Lets see, should I trust a reputable historian whose works have been referenced by other professional historians hundreds of times in the last couple of decades or… user from Norway who can read norse…
And you completely missed the point of his argument there. The key word, as he clearly states, is frævaz. Not fróðr.
This is why I asked for secondary sources stating the contrary.
Second confirmation of the last sentence in my previous post.
With this you're admitting that there's no amount of sources or literature you'd consider evidence to support what is an inconvenient truth for you.
Third confirmation.
It is. You have seven sources, besides the one screencaped, on the right side of the image.
Fourth confirmation.
Fifth confirmation.
A fan of rabbi Freud I see.
Gerald refuted that translation and gave a concise argument on why it's a problem when trying to understand those same sources. Greenberg picks up from there.
Sixth confirmation.
All you've done is prove my suspicions to be spot on.
You've never even bothered to check the references cited right there in the first image I posted (to say nothing of refuting them), while at the same time insisting that no sources were provided.
And when I showed you what one of those sources proved, you acted disingenuously. To the point of accusing Larson Gerald of being a jew with an agenda in an attempt to discredit his work and avoid acknowledging the truth he brings to light with his translation: Odin drank semen.
Larpagans truly are the most arrogant, intellectually dishonest, and disingenuous shabbos goyim around.
>He trusts a literal Jew and the (((Mainstream narrative)))
You have yet to refute the fact that the anti-Homo Bog meme is pagan in origin.
The projection is palpable. I'm certain the Pope that sucks niggertoes is the pinnacle of moral integrity.
Give it a rest, schlomo, we've all seen through your D&C tricks by now.
You remember how they started releasing revised history books about transgender Roman emperors, ignoring the one that actually existed in favor of making that one gay?
This is like that. You're supporting that and disrupting a thread about how shit Muslims are in the process.
What the fuck is wrong with you, man? Where did the Allfather hurt you? Was it some chick you met at the bar that turned out to be both pagan and not interested in you?
Heres some proof backing his claims of muslims being inbred.
De Vries literally means "the Friesian/of or from Friesland". Dumézil is a noted scholar of Proto-Indo-European religions and their common source. A textbook source of academic justification for whites to jerk off over WE WUZ _.
Both are cited extensively by Jung and Eliade.
Ok, I just looked up that Greenberg character. I'm naive in many ways and seeing how this is Holla Forums I just assumed you weren't a completely intellectually dishonest liar, so I also just assumed that your source would be an actual historian with at least some credibility (even though he obviously can't into language and history very much.)
I guess I give you christcucks too much credit because your Greenberg kike is some kike. A Jewish sociologist (he isn't even an historian or linguist) whose life work was promoting marxism and "proving" that homosexuality isn't degenerate. Man, it must be very embarrassing for you to have to sink to the lows you do.
But nothing new with you kikes here. Everything is lies and pilpul with you guys. "Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places," right?
You should be more explicit and use white instead.
first, it's Mores Maiorum or "the way of our elders", the world "morals" literally means that, and "virtus" was one of many, many aspects of the person that needed to be kept, and it did not refer to specific behaviors.
Second, you are projecting a modern concept onto ancient people.For Romans, their Latin and Etruscan neighbors and most people in the sphere of influence of the Hellenic world, Morality and righteousness had different interpretations and requirements depending on your social standing(nobles and the elite of society being extremely severe on marriage, sex and manners, for mostly ritual reasons), but generally it was manifested in the acts that people needed to performs and not in the ones they didn't. Homosexuality was not considered a state of being, or a facet of identity, it wasn't even named properly, as sexuality was seen as a dominator/dominated dynamic, it was the rightful place of a man to dominate and penetrate, and improper to be penetrated, but besides this sex was neither a holy, nor special thing(for men at least) so it really didn't matter that you did as they had no concepts of sins.
Greeks were more partial to gay sex since they hated the shit out of women and thought brotherhood was much more beautiful, the word platonic love comes from plato pointing out how men could love eachother so much more intensely even without actual sex, and they also saw this as a useful thing culturally as every male citizen was a soldier and would fight better with a strong bond towards his comrades.
Romans were practical in their mindset and saw "more families = more babies" so they culturally incentivized men and women to marry young and shit out as many little Romans as possible for the legions but otherwise were not really crazy about conservative views except when it was convenient, divorces, cheating and gay sex were common since marriage was always more of a convenience thing between houses than about love, they mocked each other often on having gay sex but it wasn't a big deal, Julius Caesar was called "the Queen of Bithynia" for becoming close with the king of that place, literally "lmao fag nice boyfriend", and Emperor Hadrian fell madly in love with a teenage boy who was said to be ridiculously beautiful and he took everywhere with him, and everyone just went "that's cute", so we know it was an odd thing, but not a scandalous one.
You're literally stretching the attitude of a few Greek figures and projecting it onto the entirety of Greek culture at the time. The Theban "sacred band" is about the only actual example of some Ancient Greeks endorsing or practicing this view.
the Theban sacred band was noteworthy for being all outspoken lovers to the last man, but when we read about the various Greek leaders and champions in battle we often see mentions of dear and very close "friends" who were described more as romantic interests. A lot of scholars think that Alexander the great for example had many gay lovers.
Pilpul is close… but it's more a technique to obfuscate, confuse, and frame the argument in their terms.
The kinds of debate tactics Hitler noted in his early interactions with Jews were probably related to the concept.
For anyone unversed in the ways of the Jew, tikkun olam is another term to research.
Now let's get back to that other prominent group of destructive sand people.
There's your problem. Islam has been the same tune since it began. "Pay the jizya, convert, or die." It is literal cancer that is spreading through violence and rape. There is nothing spiritual about it, nothing inspiring. It's a cult that won the initial momentum to be self-perpetuating.
They killed the persian empire, they killed the byzantine empire, they killed and are continuing to kill the near-eastern christians and pagans, they're going after buddhists and christians now, they defiled anatolia, they defiled Italy and Spain and Sicily, now they are being welcomed into a Europe that has forgotten, and they will destroy this modern Europe. They are already destroying it. And if you bring up history, these cucks call you rayyyyciss (despite Islam being a religion, which is inarguably fine to hate as it is fine to hate any other subscriber to preposterous dogma like communism or pedophiles. Religion is a choice.) Islam is the same old tune, but modern whites have forgotten what our ancestors went through, as the jew convinced us to hate and scorn our ancestors and ridicule their decisions.
Muhammad was nothing but a warlord. The fact that we have the capability of wiping out every last mudslime on the planet, something our ancestors could only have dreamed of, yet we have not, it drives me up a wall. We must act. We wish to live in peace, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog. Therefore I choose to kill before being killed. Our forgetful forefathers ignored this sleeping demon as it crept over the land, and now we have awoken to hell at our doorstep. If we likewise do nothing, our children will not survive. The earth must be cleansed. Not a single woman, not a single child ought be spared. Not "moderates", not "americanized," not "nonpracticing," not "peaceful", not even the shitlibs who are muslim because it is trendy. This is an extinction level threat and should be treated like such, before it annihilates all that is good in this world, all of our scientific progress, all liberty, all of nature, all prosperity, and sends the survivors back to a dark age without hope. It will be the end of all civilization. Already you see this happening in any nation that falls to the islamic cancer. It becomes third world overnight, a darkened plain of fighting and war and death, violence and rape, poverty and hunger, and it's as if the land has fallen off the map entirely it so soundly lost. One piece after another, will we allow all nations to fall to this darkness, and the earth to subside to bombings in the night, screams of women in darkness, a wasteland which was once fertile? That is all islam offers. Death, or a living death.
We wish to live in peace. Wherein this is prevented, we must fight.
There is enough hatred in my heart for both jews and muslims, user. Kill the man with the gun before the man with the bill. If a man opens a cage and unleashes a wolf at you, do you ignore the wolf clawing your back to strike at the man? Kill the wolf, then kill the man. jews will follow the muslims into eradication.
I consider it mental illness.
Kindness has always been a weakness.
Why don't you and your Tel Aviv pal you're having a pretend conversation with ITT just join your JIDF instead of gaslighting the goy here on Holla Forums?
Pampers are quite cheap nowadays too.
I think there's two ways about paths that need to be taken.
Some who are Muslim are there because they know nothing (eg natives of Indonesia who have never heard anything else) and then there is the cancer variant (the weaponised autism called Wahabist Islam).
What this requires is not only a military solution but a consistent intellectual attack demonstrating the inferiority of Islam compared to other faiths.
Their is nothing mystical about Islam it is merely badly written Judaic fan fiction. This romantic obsession by the Left over Islam can only be expunged if it is identified as both repugnant and barbaric.
The deafening silence of the Left over the treatment of homosexuality, women's rights and religious freedom in the Middle East is most telling.
It was still a fun read, I guess.
Classic Holla Forums stuff. Like in the good ol' time of /new/
Very nicely summed up. Good job.
Buddhism is a complex case.
Born in India, popular in China and Japan, it always had to share the religious market with Taoism, Hinduism, Shinto and other religions.
There are two known exemple of Buddist Theocracy : Tibet from 1600 to the commie period and Bogd Khanate of Mongolia.
The distinction between religious and secular power is not very clear. If I remember clearly some Siberian Buddhist Lama consider Putin as a God.
Muslims and Jews are two sides of the same semite invader coin.
Fuck you both.
Israel first. Strike at the root.
Every single time. Btw hasbarafag has been doxxxed he is @verdserv on twitter he is a confirmed Religion of Cuck™ic pig
Capped, but there is an even simpler and cheaper method that relies on already available workforce and material, namely prisoners and bullets.
Is this a new shilling method?
Problem is: you can't "demonstrate" that a certain ideology is flawed if the people you're talking to refuse logic and even discussion itself because their religion is above criticism and questioning.
You're still assuming they're similar to us, that they're willing (and capable) of logical reasoning, of rational dialogue. They are not. This is what makes them dangerous.
If they weren't like this, they'd have seen the retardation of Religion of Cuck™ by now.
seems like it, the kikes go back into the oven first. its their fault for enabling the street shitters. after that, we kill the street shitters, obviously.
I am an atheist but I grew up in the church and you couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Your attempt at attacking western and ultimately WHITE identity is pointless. Here I am , an atheist, ready to fight with my white Christian bothers and sisters. There are many more white male atheist like me. You will lose ;)
The drowning technique was used during the french revolution.
They would put catholic counter revolutionaries prisoners on boat in the center of the Loire river near Nantes and then sank the boats. They called that Republican Baptism
Sometimes they attached a Monk and a Nun together and drowned them both. Republican Weddings
And who would have thought that the French would do something I would approve of.
I don't see the problem? Jews need more than a beating though.
When you have ten wives and are constantly away at war it's bound to happen eventually. I believe she's much older when it happens btw.
You're not an atheist. You're just a faggot.
Excellent thread OP, bumping it for exposure
JIDF + retards.
Prisoners can operate the vagons,thanks to it being a funicular system and thus counterweighted you can even go full ecofriendly and have the inmates use pulleys to operate the system and of course they'll do all the burying.
Shooting might get some of your own depressed (as your manga shows)if done 24/7,and if you're going for shooting them then you can simply shoot them on the spot without needing to camp them.
Water is great in that it ain't messy (bloodless)
Ironically my idea came when I saw the auschwitz swimming pools.
Bump because fuck Religion of Cuck™.
You're fucking retarded and know nothing about history. I would actually give you sources and concept to make that noggin' of yours jog but it would be useless because you can't even get your shit straight in the first place.
Die templarper crypto-Jew.
Greeks were so involved in the beginnings of Christianity that it isn't really "filtering" in that case. The idea that those are all external influences and not part of the core of the faith is Judaizer bullshit that no one on Holla Forums should fall for.
Thank you for saying this. I was about to read it but started from the bottom and found you.
Sikhs literally carry around a dagger to protect themselves, literally, from literally Muslims. Yes, having a dagger to fight Muslims is part of the Sikh religion.
Christianity is a bluepill that's failed to capture memetic zeitgeist, this does not make it any less bluepilled you manipulative christkike.
spoken like a good jew
you must have loved when all the Bolsheviks killed off the Christians when they took over the Soviet Union
never forget the first tenant of the jew…..hate Christians and destroy them
also let's not forget the jews aren't the real ancient Israel….Jesus wasn't a jew, just ask Benjamin Freedman
Funnily enough, no I didn't, because all it did was push christianity into hiding itself and not being challenged like the retarded Jew defending Abrahamic dogma it is.
Not everyone that hates christianity is a Jew, jut you would know all about that wouldn't you shlomo.
How is Christianity bluepilled in any way. Be sure to separate the church and its flock from the true Christians, like Newton. We have lost the old system from before Christianity, deal with it. It's fine.
The God of Christianity is Truth. And it happens to be true that there is a "spiritual something" underlying reality and which, when contacted, begins to improve your life by unknown means. The characteristics of this "spirit" are particular to each individual. You can tend towards the abstract metaphysical atheism of the Greeks or be a devout worshiper of a demiurge-like figure. The method is merely to spend two twenty to thirty minute periods of quiet introspection, listening to your mind while detaching yourself from the exercise, at the beginning and end of each day in order to unlock the presence. Christian civilization really tapped into our best racial traits and seems to have gotten a fair bit of supernatural support on our side. If we would all just unite under the category of "white" and "christian" we would immediately remove kebab and expel the Jews (again). Remember people, Christianity is the white race at its finest. I think we are just traumatized from our holocaust in the Great Wars, and sadly, our ballsiest genes were cropped out of the population. We need to retake our civilization, our race and our balls; our sons will be fine thereafter and the heroic-link will be restored. It just requires the fresh blood of kings and heroes to sprout.
The Jewishness of Jesus, or lack thereof, is a red herring. There are people who are angry at Christianity and make the mistake of going after Jesus, sure, but not one of them are stupid enough to think that Jesus is the heart of the problem killing Christianity and Whites with it. The main issue with Christianity is its worship of the Jewish demon-"God" (((YHWH))) and its strictly enforced Monotheism. Untenable. Zoroastrianism was a great example of a Monotheistic religion handled correctly, because it didn't snuff out literary every other religion like Christianity, Judaism, and Religion of Cuck™ are wont to do.
What needs to happen is a reformation of Christianity that emphasises the values and teachings of Jesus, discards the evil entity known as (((YHWH))), and curbs its zero-sum Evangelism. Then we need to reach a consensus that affirms that the new, reformed Christianity is a changed theology, and goes on to acknowledge the inherent value of the different ancestral faiths of Whites, and that an enforced civility is called for to prevent interfaith conflicts. You get to keep Jesus, but (((YHWH))) is going in the trash.
Conflating Boulder with your Rabbi the Christ. I had to laugh. Balter died and is slowly wilted in Helheim for his betrayal although his memory was avenged. Usually Christain monks in Scandinavia tried to put Kvasir together though it didn't help their conversions so they stopped. To the Teutonics they tried Flinte and of the Franks Doner, amazing how that is always your way to put everything together into one, like the Jews do, one race, one god and one history. I object to that path for it leads to doom and will be protested against as has the Germanic race done.
I can thank Protestants though who remembered who they were and wrote down in their time what they had, even if it was to scoff or ridicule the Aesir don't care for praise only preserving what they granted and one was goodly complexion which the Christ abhors.
I'm so ready to got war with Iran, OP. Thanks for the info on old religions saying stupid things in their books.
Well, I'm not sure what you're talking about. I posted the picture of Balder next to the picture of Jesus to show the parallels.
- both were son of God
- both died and were resurrected
- both are imagined as radiant young men
- both rule a paradise after the end of the world
Same race, similar mythology. Christianity is European.
It is the epitome of bluepill. Anyone who has taken a slight glance at basic Theology factoids knows that Jesus is a composite ripoff of pre-existing sun gods. Every major white civilization has had a sun god that had all of the characteristics of Jesus' story. This also means that he literally did not exist. It's astounding that people don't already know this. It's probably the dead giveaway that jesus is a complete sham once you study pre-existing white religions and see how many times the origin story and death & resurrection story is repeated.
This is nothing more than posturing and pretense. When relying on a baseless affirmation, you are defaulting back on having no basis in your argument.
So on one hand you're suggesting that because there's more to life, basically, that hat means that Christianity must hold the answer? How about you go one step beyond your comfort zone and explore that without the jew holding you back.
You know how some people are pathetic enough to literally say, "dude just wait for hitler!" This is the equivalent to it but it's, "Dude wait for the pope!" Did you ever stop to really look into the crusades to see what was really going on? On one hand you have to deal with the fact that the jesuits & catholic church created Religion of Cuck™, and at the same time that white unity was not the spark the set off the crusades, it was the influence of the church. But after that they used the standing army still available to go attack the nords and forcibly convert them. Christianity and abrahamic religions are all about control.
Whites were not fine before christianity came about? It wasn't until some ficitional jew was "born" and his followers used his arrest & execution as a story to make a religion that whites finally became fine? How come rome collapsed soon after christianity became its official religion? Your next response is to then say that rome fell for other reasons or was already doomed to fall, but then you would be admitting that christianity did nothing to help it.
You're exceedingly naive. What we need is action and that action must come now. Whatever sons to be had should not have to inherit greater problems but instead either finish the fight or live without the jew and its influence.
All jewish products are flawed in essence. Whether it be christianity or communism, they will never succeed if repeated. No amount of modification can save it from the intended design of failure.
You don't need the fictional jew sun son at all. Most of his teachings are the result of extrapolating tons and tons of meaning that was never there in the first place. How many flavors of "interpretation" are passed off as true meanings per preacher/pastor/priest? It's ridiculous how whites have spent time better off spent elsewhere trying to divine new meaning from something jews wrote over a thousand plus years ago. What his "teachings" amount to is what whites try and get out of life just by themselves. You can do better teaching whites to be good by simply teaching them directly, not indirectly from a jew book. Moreso, whites are inherently good and their nature predisposes them to not be a jew or nigger, and the ones that aren't inherently good are beyond saving anyway. You don't need the jew to tell whites how to be white.
You're beyond hope. You're delusional. It's glaring in your face that he's a completely ripoff. Ripoffs do not become the same as what they're ripping because they're ripoffs. When china makes a knockoff product does that product automatically gain the same significance as the original? Does a chinese knockoff of something european become european or does it remain chinese? Using your logic, when china makes their knockoffs it becomes european. People like you are why the jew keeps succeeding because your logic is completely flawed.
Agreed, user, somewhat. It's funny that Jesus is attacked as he represents "grace", or a direct experience with your personal God-link. As for YHVH, in esoteric Christianity the four letters represent the four elements, which correspond to the human being. So YHVH is the Universe and Man. Man and Nature are God. The "source" of reality is out of reach and accessible in life only through the son (grace). There actually is no (((YHWH))) in Christianity user, that's a church trick–YHVH represents Man and Nature. I'm not arguing with you though user because many, many whites are tricked into worshiping the Jew and its Machine-God. I'm just pointing out that our ancestors were so brilliant that they absorbed YHVH and made it their own. Yes, Jews did legitimately contribute some ideas, but they were so fucking Semite-tier in their intellectual breadth that whites had to edit them lol.
Young man, relax. I do not think you are understanding what I am saying. I am not disagreeing with you that Jesus is based on Balder. He is indeed, I think it is partly why so many whites converted honestly. I, like you, see the similarities as glaringly obvious. But what you cannot do is separate a people from their genetic Gods. When Rome made Europe Christian, it did not in any way erase the old Gods, they are still here now. You don't need to worry, user, about whether people see Christ or Balder or whatever, it matters only that they are not cucks, and will fight to build the new world. Imagery is loose in spirituality, one thing can have many meanings.
You mentioned Chinese knockoffs. The Jews did not make Christianity, they hate it. I think you might actually be a Jew shill by the sound of your hatred for Christianity. I'll try and be more clear, it doesn't matter whether a civilization is Christian, Viking or Nip, it matters only what they achieve. We achieved more under Christianity than any other Civ-level, what will it take to earn your loyalty, user? Raging nigger-vikings? The Crusaders were extremely disciplined. user, let go of the autism and just pray to God. Do not posit to judge Christianity until you have experimented, like a white person, because you sound like a scared Jew or a nigger trying to act white. And I am a Christian btw: nigger.
None of that is supported in the bible. That is at best a personal interpretation.
Quite literally on par with new age. It's not supported by the bible. Esoteric christianity is an attempt to make christianity apply where it wasn't meant to be.
>There actually is no (((YHWH))) in Christianity user, that's a church trick–YHVH represents Man and Nature. I'm not arguing with you though user because many, many whites are tricked into worshiping the Jew and its Machine-God.
That was the whole point. Taking apart the jew religion that whites follow and only keeping the "good" parts does not make it inherently good. You're left with fragments lifted from prior white religions. Thus, you're better off looking at those white religions.
I don't think even you know what you meant by that. You're operating with multiple definitions for certain things and thus your use of certain terms are mixed up.
You literally admit that whites have tried to fix the jew religion to suit them. On some level you get that it's inherently flawed. But you're too delusional to accept it.
The early and original christians were literally jewish. They canonized the bible right before they were outnumbered by white converts who were mainly corrupt politicians and societal rejects. That's also when they instituted celibacy. This corroborates what we know about certain roman politicians that were christian who were also deviants of the jewish kind.
You mean aside from it slowing it down? We achieved more in the renaissance than we did in the middle ages because that's when the church was losing its influence. That's when the thinkers of europe were using the lost knowledge of the greeks and romans as the basis of their genius.
I'm ex-catholic. My entire family was catholic. I have a great-uncle, an uncle, and a great-aunt who are priests and a nun respectively. None of what you have been saying has been genuine. Your faux-tone is a dead giveaway. My tone is as such because I'm calling you out. You can call it whatever you want because that's all you have. Your faux-tone is the same pretense that you use as a way to lure to weak-willed people into thinking that you're the mature person or the collected person in the exchange. But underneath it and when you compare information that is exchanged, none of what you say holds substance. You're not fooling anyone else. At this point you're exposing yourself for being intentionally disingenuous instead of being simply delusional.
You did not explain how it is bluepilled and according to your statement any and all religions that have a Sun-God are similarly bluepilled because they are all copying each other? You're black aren't you.
Poppycock. I mean it quite literally. When a Christian who is not tricked into worshiping an aged sky-yid prays, he knows that he cannot grasp God. So he prays that truth should receive the prayer. We cannot imagine God, only remember that it is true that this spiritual-infinity exists and is (by the very nature of infinity) always accessible. We cannot, of course, talk to God or interact with it, but we can partake in the power of God by slowly evolving ourselves with prayer to have more and more of this God power, for the purposes of attaining control and stability in life, naturally.
I never said that Christianity holds the answer, it is the tradition of trying to find the answer. (Take note that I sharply divide the sheep from the intelligent Christians, and as far as opiates for the masses go, Christianity isn't that bad.) I suggested a technique, you cannot truly argue against it until you attempt it.
You are right that abrahamic religions are all about control. Humanity is all about control. Our species is an aggressive, exploitative, enslaving, dominating super-predator. And that's fine. We don't need to wait for a pope, just a few successful and charismatic men. You see, the "architect" spirit that the Jews worship is Authoritarian. All of reality is a lie, the illusion is supreme. The Jews are "correct" in wanting to be "Evil", that is why Christianity is so important, it is the fight against lies and Evil, against the trap of the world. Whites are the blessing of God, the builders of paradise. (At one time I would have said "humanity", I now know better.)
Whites did not achieve as much during previous epochs, no. There is a cold and blatant distinction between "fine-at-all" and "finest", lad.
That's what I said . . . who's blood do you think I meant? Do you have the atavistic white morality? Are you black?
Well I said you were proving yourself to be disingenuous and here's where you proved it. That's not only not what I said, you're deliberately misconstruing it. I could end my reply here and this could be a testament to how anyone should disregard your posts but I will go on and see how far your drivel goes.
I'm not disagreeing that there are small amounts of Hellenism still within Christianity, usually only in imagery, but there was a time when the followers of Christ smashed even the imagery of Christ. I do not content that the deity you praise agrees with preserving the Germanic peoples or even the place denoted Europe if it means more numerous in followers somewhere else.
I don't see any parallels. Balder is not the son of Gaut and his wife Matilda, he is the son of a mad-poet who had once preferred not to have children and instead only gain wisdom alone, then Odin put all of his love into his second son:
This is because his first was such a failure to him. Wotan lived through his "perfect" son vicariously, trying to be his shadow and this only weakened Baulder, thinking himself great beyond measure, the perfect betrayal to show him not. Wotan paid his debt though and so did Baulder's killer Hodur as well the mastermind to it all. By Vali born to be Balter's avenger when frenetic Othin raped the giantess Rindir frenzied at the death of his favorite son. Now Thor sits on the throne, Woden unworthy because he broke his marriage vow before his father Bore and mother Estla, Frig took back her husband though but the two do not lay together anymore and neither do they have loves with others. Their son Donar shall be the leader against all threats, his parents only support him and his wife.
Very good points user, but for what it's worth, I'm just tired lol, hardly collected. You are definitely convincing me that I have a more personal understanding of spirituality. But that is a point I have been trying to make, that the details do not matter, the practice and the experience does. Esoteric Christianity can produce tangible results, it is a workable system and need not be new-age in its practice. (Remember, new-age is about the treatment of material, not the material itself, since it is drawn from traditional sources.) Christianity is worthless, all is worthless, the only thing that matters is direct-experience and tenacity.
Come on, user. No system is perfect. That it evolved doesn't mean it doesn't produce results, which is all that matters. All systems are always changing. Forget the church man, you and God are the religion.
Does that mean you pray? Why does any of that matter? I don't get it. Is the fact that your family is catholic prove that you pray twice a day?
No user, everything I have said has been completely genuine and proven true by my own experiences. I am not advocating for Christianity, I am saying that if you attend to the spirituality you were raised in with actual practices like prayer then you will see that ours is a living tradition and will cause real change in your life. I do not want to lure anyone to anything other than work, and thinking for themselves.
You have convinced me never to debate a catholic about Christianity though lol, I am clearly to deep into a real spirituality to debate what everyone else's should or shouldn't be or does or does not mean.
Two, twenty or thirty minute periods of quiet introspection, watching your own mind at the beginning and end of each day for at least forty-four days. Fuck the church.
Fucking atheists, you're all kike puppets.
What. So is Balder not Odin's son? In Gylfaginning he is blatantly described as such. Sorry, user, but it looks pretty similar to me.
I praise no deity, user. Christ is tech to connect home and download infinite-deus-vult. :D
Esoteric christianity is closer to new age than anything formal. Thomas Aquinas lifted many aspects of what became esoteric christianity from greco-roman tradition - therefore adding to the mess and sham of christianity. It came from elsewhere, you can get it form elsewhere. Why glean that information from the fraud when you can acquire it from the source?
A jewish system isn't just designed to be imperfect, it's designed to fail and to subvert its followers.
If that is the case then you are still too naive to understand the risks that apply in christianity. You still view it as a religion when it is actually a tool for jewish subversion. If you're not sure what that is then you need to lurk more before posting on the subject. Control in this context doesn't only apply in a spiritual sense, it is a tool to control a populace in a political sense. Hence why discussing this topic is tough on boards like these when you have people who are adamantly attached to the control system and are subservient to it, defending it. They're why topics on christianity remains a challenge but in the process you can observe them and still carry on the topic and exchange good information.
I haven't been a catholic for years. I gave it a very good and long chance and tried to make it work. But I learned too much in the process that was not meant to be learned. Once you learn enough, you can't call yourself a catholic because you realize there's no point in following it, let alone the rest of christianity, let alone all of abrahamic religions. Once you search long and hard for answers no matter the cost, you pay the price. But if you are truly tenacious that price is well paid, worth it for the truth alone.
You linked the wrong post.
Ok, so you were saying that only Christianity is a copy, the other religions are genuine. Fine, I suppose that could be argued, but they are all referencing the same thing, the potent Sun-God, otherwise it would be useless to the human spirit. It seems kind of hard to make a fake religion over a real deity.
Stop trying to find malice in my words too . . . goodness, what kind of people do you spend your days with?
No, user. You getting it backwards it's not "My God is true." it's "Truth is my God". As in you worship truth. You strive for truth at the outset, like a scientific inquiry, otherwise it's false-positive confirmation bias all the way down. Once you develop enough evidence and personal inspiration from prayer you can determine what that "Truth" is, and keep it to yourself, because discovering God is a personal journey and the "spiritual something" that is God will have attributes that are personal to each individual. If you understand this then you could never think that God is a truth to be told to people, it is a Truth to be personally validated with prayer and right-living.
No, user. Again, you misunderstand. The search for Truth is eternal, but answers still come, they will just never stop coming as new questions will always arise. Any system that says it has, "the truth" should be ran from, quickly. (I am glad I was not raised catholic.)
Top kek, user. It's not autohypnosis. Just try it.
So you are saying that Jews control the canon of the church? Huh? If you mean they guilt whites because they trick them into thinking they are the chosen then yes they exert "some" control over "some" whites "some" of the time.
Whites are brutal. We are the very best exploiters and slavers (when we want to be). They are not an exception to the nature of man, and I never said as much. I just said that we are a blessing, imagine a world without whites. We are still men though, still apes, but the most God-like, user. (Some of us anyways.)
How can whites ride the coattails of their own ingenuity? Doesn't that mean they continued it? The "middle-ages was shit" meme is a lie too, user:
Come ON, user. You actually think I meant that DYING would, in and of itself do anything? I don't know the plan at this time but I can assure you it involves productive anons becoming business owners and then founding pro-white institutions that gather enough clout to go Trump (which has yet to conclude and be properly evaluated), barring that . . . open war.
(oops, meant to post here)
What. So is Balder not Odin's son? In Gylfaginning he is blatantly described as such. Sorry, user, but it looks pretty similar to me.
I praise no deity, user. Christ is tech to connect home and download infinite-deus-vult. :D
Why glean that information from the fraud when you can acquire it from the source?
Does it matter where you heard it if it's true? It's called synthesis and is achievable by genius. Otherwise it would really be "new age".
Uhh ok? Guess they fail themselves miserably. Christianity is not Jewish man, it does not look, walk, talk or smell Jewish, it's Egyptian, they're all bloody Egyptian.
No man, Christianity is just a stepping stone to doing real work, like all institutionalized religions, of course it's a trap, it's a damned hierarchy. It's just an intelligence test, really.
Then why were you following? Poor catholics. As a Protestant, I was taught that there is not one that can come between you and God, no priest, not even your parents. The relationship between you and God is personal. I think the issues you are having are catholic issues. Sure, I asked my mom once when I was young, "so we went to hell when we died before Jesus came and now we all go to heaven if we "accept' (?) him, like the Jews could always do." She said yes, Jews were the only people who could get to heaven. I was like ten and could see right through that bullshit. Once at my girlfriends church (she was catholic) the priest prayed for the Jewish people (lol) I immediately asked her, "wtf? They don't even believe in Jesus!" She said they were being the better people, keks galore. Institutionalized religion is a fucking trap m8, duh. That doesn't mean you reject the symbols of your culture, they're your symbols, you remake them and evolve them, like our ancestors did with any and all spiritual systems they enjoyed and that WORKED.
There is no one system that works perfectly, nor will there ever be, they are fluid and evolve. You have not offered a single solution in any of your words.
Confirmed black.
It is not that simple user, Baldur is not only dead user but with Hel, what is left of what he was is with Hel, as a sort of draugr though possibly still not fully under her whim as an Aesir. If you conflate your Jesus with Balder then you bring forth Hel into your life. She is an evil one, only wildflowers grow where she walks. You've had your warning and praising can be as simple as following a teaching or procedure, so to me you praise.