Let's have some fun.
Let's have some fun
for fun don't forget to type in "the hedgehog" afterwards
Why not
By default, images are sorted by popularity so you probably won't find any weird shit on the 5th image. Try sorting by date (newer first) instead.
you have to go to the "newest" tab to get results btw
why does sanic in particular always bring out such massive amounts of weapons grade autism?
im sure this phenomenon has been discussed but i cant think of an answer, even in comparison to other mainstream yet "nerdy" ips like mario/zelda etc sanic blows the autism gauges right out of the glass
oh yeah ithankfully forgot about chrischan…
is it all him or is there a deeper root of the spectrum?
Remember that Sega supposedly studied the teenagers in burgerland to know about their shit preferances then they marketed Sanic and made him cool for them. Idk, something like that, unless they created Sanic before that marketing strategy…
Doesn't go up to 5, have the third and last pic instead.
Not bad. Not bad at all.
Same reason that shit like MLP and Undertale draws them in like a black hole of autism, a simple series of ingredients mixed together to form an autism supermagnet:
Granted, Sonic's had bits where some of its spinoffs/less-important characters have shied away from this, such as Robotnik in newer games/in the cartoons always being a character which didn't quite meld with the autism soup (thanks to VA/writer input changing him to be an entertaining mix of menacing and amusing rather than one-note), but the majority of it is pure unfiltered autism. Other properties, however, have copied this autism-bait formula to horrifying effect. As I said before, crazy-autistic shit like MLP and Undertale uses the same ingredients in the same ways with only mild differences for flavor, and the autists swarm like flies to come shit up anything surrounding the existing turd.
Whenever the next massive autism magnet comes along that everyone who isn't drawn in rightfully calls shit, whatever it may be, you'll be able to notice some or all of these elements within 30 seconds of footage of it. If it has some of these elements, it might become something obnoxious but also might languish in obscurity, so take caution, If it has all of these elements, get the fuck away from it and prepare to either kick autists out of the relevant board(s) with shitposting or flee for your own sanity.
Searched instead for my waifu.
Could have been worse.
I wouldn't say Legend of Mana is my favorite, but I played the fuck out of it in middle school.
First photo is official artwork for this character.
Second is a DA orginal.
Third is an abortion I found on DA.
so youre saying that it was a jap marketing ploy to sell something to emotionally stunted ritalin-addled infantile baby burgers?
that might actually be right, found this just now googling "sonic autism", ill..leave out the source for reasons but it would fit what youre saying:
dam son this is definitely the definitive answer, coulda saved myself the trouble of googling and just waited for this, I will keep an eye out for autistic phenomena within space/time and do my best to avoid
The 5th picture wasn't really interesting so have fat Jill and skinnyfat Nemesis instead.
That Jill has really nice thighs.
This is a fantastic fucking post.
Hard to choose just one, and I am not going to bother searching for Spyro, as I know that's not likely to end well.
I'm mad.
Not bad. Ghost Trick doesn't seem to attract autism much.
Certainly worse things that there could have been (and at least this isn't a crack pairing, but a canon one), but like 95% of the images that show up when searching for Shadow Hearts wind up being Kingdom Hearts related instead, complete with an obligatory "what if Shadow the Hedgheg was a Kingdom Hearts character?" image. It's like inadvertently getting a full dose of autism from a completely unrelated franchise.
Wish Captainosaka, one of the few DA guys I enjoy, would get back to Double K already since he's actually returned to posting new art.
For a second I thought that was one of those "Autism Awareness" bracelet things.
At the very least the artist is good at drawing.
Oh, and if anyone needs proof about the first one? Image related. Nothing prior to red square has ANYTHING to do with Wild Arms 3, let alone Wild Arms. The next image even remotely related to Wild Arms 3 was a picture even further down of Rebecca from WA5 all tied up, what the fuck.
I fucking hate Deviantart
I don't see any difference from normal SF5. What did they change?
Thats just funny though.
Oh, is that what that's from?
Also, not the fifth image for Chrono Trigger by a long shot, but I like having an excuse to post this bit of autism I found a while back on DA trying to find a higher res version of an image another user wanted to make into a wallpaper.
She shows off way too much skin for capcom
well I can't say I expected that.
That's because the search function of deviantart is abysmally retarded
And that's how you got the zootopia fox since he is called Nick Wilde
bait and switch if I have ever seen one
Checked another game. Fifth image for Avalon Code was some cosplay of Nanai. Honestly not much autism in the results, aside from what I assume is some twink cosplaying as Rempo. But, perhaps taking into consideration how hard the game is to find these days, I assume that very few people playing a game can result in a lot less of an autistic fan (artist) base.
Oh, guess I'll try the name in quotes instead.
I at least get why Kingdom Hearts showed up so much with the Shadow Hearts search though, since I know they've got some class of enemy in KH called Shadows and both series are similar, but still.
To be fair, he does have Wild Arms 3 in it.
Besides the rumble roses pic, everything I found was pretty good for Deviantart.
Apparently first pic was drawn for PSM but didn't make it in because they removed the swimsuit section after it was drawn.
Was I supposed to come up with something bad…?
I'm impressed that it's not fucking terrible.
Holy shit, I could read another hundred just like this.
Talos Principle
The first pic is what I got, but it's some faggot's oc and has has fuck all to do God Hand. So I'm postan a good pic I found too.
are you sorting it by newest?
I was expecting undertale crossover shit, but this is actually pretty cool.
sort by newest
Some good stuff for Jet Set Radio between all the expansionist degeneracy and the fat cosplayers.
Type in Ape Escape and get whatever this is.
there were no relevant images on the game i searched for, but it gave me this
Patrician taste, user.
this search algorithm sucks
Given how little Shadow Hearts fanart there is out there (even on various Japanese art oriented sites like boorus; a lot of it being characters like Alice, Karin, and Shania being raped by monsters), I had to take a trip to DA just to see if it might have had more, since I like to have some variety in images for posting. Beyond the aforementioned issue where you type in Shadow Hearts and the bulk of what the search returns is Kingdom Hearts autism, there wasn't too much that was all that bad there. I will note that of what little Shadow Hearts art there is there, the bulk of it comes from Covenant rather than SH1 or FtNW, I assume because most western players started with Covenant (instead of SH1 or Koudelka), and the fanbase being rather iffy on FtNW.
Might as well post a few of the better ones I've found there.
I did the game. Got an awesome result.
i searched for mechwarrior. i have no idea.
Yeah, I think I saw that one before as well. Out of all the multitude of characters in the series one could cosplay as, they had to choose the Guardian of Desire who just so happens to look like a horned wolf. Fucking furfags.
On the other hand, I think it would be fucking hilarious to see someone cosplay as Doctor Dickghost from SH1.
i moved on looking for actual art of things I like. instead I got this. fuck you.
Dicks out for seraphic radiance
Eh, Doctor Dickghost would be funnier because you could do some hilarious stuff with the "protrusion" and have it be completely in character. I still find it hilarious that in order to use Exorcism Arrow that light elemental one just beats itself off to fire it.
Got to love how that series gave no fucks about being weird as hell.
Eh, it's not as good as the others around it, but it's okay.
Man, I was pretty lucky with the 5th one, but what's with the other shit?
I like it
Well it could have been worse.
Art, to oversimplify it, is the result of an experience which is, essentially, a temporary disassociation from reality. However, to express that experience requires a skill, and humans naturally possess no skill. Furthermore, this disassociation, ironically, is only useful if it can be related back to reality. This is also a skill, which, as covered before, is not a thing that humans typically possess. Beyond even that, to create art which will be enjoyable for others, there must be an understanding of other humans, in the way which they experience reality and fantasy, and an understanding of certain social norms, such as what's worth sharing, what's acceptable to share, and what should not ever be shared. This is also a skill, but it's usually rapidly developed through adolescence. However, a certain number of people will never get it, or will develop it later than others. Despite this, these people will continue to have the human desire to create art.
This group is the primary population of DeviantArt.
Alright, seems a bit too okay to be fun.
Doing my top 3. Smash Bros is my favorite piece but that's pretty obvious
I'm OK with this.
you'll never guess
Guess the answer to his question? He's a /cuteboi/, the question answers itself.
not my fav but the most ive had fun with in a while
shit work tbh
Not too bad
I meant the first game, but this is alright.
How many of you faggots are not ordering by newest? There are way too many good works in this thread
Got some nice spritework. You probably have to dig deeper to have a better chance at finding something to laugh at if that was the aim of this thread.
5th pic was bullshit, so have a look at this
Custom decorated Dreacmast. Not bad at all
Next time I should read the thread before posting
It's totally not the fact that Sonic is, like most games from the 80s-90s, made for children. Autistic manchildren are known to play video games and have a stunted development that makes them enjoy things made explicitly for children(heavy metal music, children's cartoons, etc.). It's a match made in heaven, a kid's game for the autistic white knight who lives in his single mother's basement listening to Transilvanian Hunger 24/7.
Not bad really, could be worse It's nudoom, but still, it's not furshit at least. I think that DeviantArt is really "Mixed bag of extremes" the site. It isn't really that bad, it's just that both very talented people can be found doing very cool stuff, as well as a lot of degenerates doing degenerate stuff.
This is kind of funny actually
that broom tho
not bad
Far better than I expected actually. I forget that artifact but it's on the tip of my tongue.
nothing too terrible i guess
Well, this post explains it all pretty well.
The faggotry was kept to an all time minimum.
I'm glad.
Not bad considering all the furry shit there usually is.
I just looked up wario
Generic cosplay, nothing horrible just meh.
That's adorable.
I typed in "Vagrant Story", I swear I have no idea what this faggotry means.
im sorry the fuck is this shit?
Some kind of .gif faggotry comic strip, can't seem to get it to accept a file.
i can't decide if this is cool or if i hate it
this is actually pretty cool
"OMFG platformer doesn't have deep meaningful plot!"
Just play games you autistic fucking faggots, you're almost as bad as the Sonic OC spergs.
We can expect Disgaea 5 on PC in 2035
You couldnt save him
oh my
pshh no offense kid
Well…could've been worse.
None of the following were the 5th picture but I felt compelled to post them nonetheless.
First some actually decent shit
This wasn't the fifth thing that came up for "Thief 2 The Metal Age" but it was the funniest.
Why shit
And some artist's self-insert x sol badguy pics
Where did learning touch you? Show us on the doll
What does this have to do with Warcraft 3
I have a different theory about autistic fanbases
Your theory is as sound as creationism, kill yourself.
Evolution is real, but do you think the universe just started existing for no reason? Where did life start?
Hang on, guys. I think he's on to something.
That didn't refute a single thing I said.
Reality is a meme
Preddy gud
u have to sort by newest then u get pic related
Well I guess it makes sense to not say it's my OC since I didn't create it
Who the fuck does that fag thinks he is? I mean, his character is pretty shitty and I don't think anyone would ever use it but still, what a tremendous faggot.
There has to be people who do use other peoples OC just to piss these idiots off. If I were an artist I know I would.
Not even 5 pictures actually related to Ys VIII, but this was 5th pic I got.
Too cutesy, but not bad.
well I exclusively fap to other peoples' waifus so I guess he's worried about that happening to him.
looks legit