From the other place, I thought this user's idea deserved a wider audience, it's a winner, IMO.
Everything we want that we can possibly equate to being "Israeli Style" should be referred to as such.
From the other place, I thought this user's idea deserved a wider audience, it's a winner, IMO.
Everything we want that we can possibly equate to being "Israeli Style" should be referred to as such.
Other urls found in this thread:
He isn't wrong
Jews BTFO by their own Nationalism
I can live with this. The jews probably not.
So, Trump is building an Israeli-style border wall?
Not a bad idea. Force leftists to choose between being anti-immigration and being anti-semitic. Should cause a few short-circuits.
bump. Strong Idea.
I like this, will implement
I like the ring of this
Not a bad idea but it will be subverted by retarded r/the_cuckald faggots who will think we legitimately support Israel and will argue in favor of the Kikes
That won't matter in the long-run, the main thing is normalizing our views by comparison. There really is no bad outcome because to call our views bad is to further shine light on the Israeli policies. If our Policies are thought to be good, then it's still good for us because Israeli Policies are very Ethnocentric and Nationalist.
Haven't we already been doing this? Anyways ramp up the effort to push it.
Leftists already are "antisemitic". Support of Palestine and opposing Israel is overwhelmingly popular view among leftists. They are race blind, though, so they don't see it as opposing jews rather they view it as merely hating the practices of Israel.
Not necessarily if you literally take Israel's slimy approach like they did with Hitler. You can call them a terrorist state and overall bad influence on the region, but say that they do some things right. When someone says something else, briefly educate them how you are right and they are wrong and mention link them emotional stories like for example Israeli settlers taking over Arabs' houses when Arab family leaves the house unattended. It's in one of the documentaries actually, I think it might even be vice. You'll find it I am sure.
It's funny because it fits. Could have high potential for turning the sjw golems on their masters.
Instead of race, use IDENTITY
Instead of jews, use THEM
No. OP has the better psychological options listed.
I don't see them.
Never refer to Antifa as anti fascists. Call them communists, far-left radicals, or anarchists instead.
What little acceptance Antifa has stems from the fact that many believe that they are actually just anti fascists (which is a good thing, right? or at least so does the sheepei think) and fail to see that they are, plain and simple, a communist paramilitary / terrorist organization.
So as I said, call them communists, anarchists, etc.
Anti First Amendment
Super bump good idea, makes the red pill easier to give when asked " what is the israeli style of asylum"
So are non antifa libshits.. communist thugs is the proper term for them
Protesters = Troublemakers
Makes them seem like children. This has been my go to term for antifa.
I actually think allowing the antifa movement to spiral further will actually work to our benefit in redpilling more people. They had CNN shilling for them, and other MSM sites, but then a few articles came out from those same sites (like Salon) condemning antifa. We cannot let them use antifa as a convenient proxy for their war against the right, supporting and condemning when it fits their narrative. We need them to own this parasitic group of vengeful, jealous communists and their violent acts. They are a hot potato pawn piece that belongs solely to the left and the MSM. They are one and the same.
We should allow antifa to do as much damage to the left as possible before the left gets wise and sounds the alarms, jettisoning the commies overboard. The establishment types might even make a play to use the DNC as a sacrificial lamb—put forth some Bernie-endorsed socialist type to lead the party, knowing ~15% of their young, naive, but very vocal base will flock to this virtue-signaling moron, while also knowing that they can use the RNC to salvage the older classical liberal majority by appealing to the steady hand of liberal/conservative hybrid.
The establishment will offer up their new creation; a smooth, gentle, honest man, who appeals to both parties. They will paint the vocal communist as a far leftist and Trump as a far right nominee, aim to have both and the communist and Trump get ~15-30% of their respective votes max, and then trot someone out in the middle try to snatch away 40-50% of the remaining normie vote. Perhaps they will use a useless RINO like Little Marco again, or a Joe Biden who will appeal to the sensibilities of cuckservatives and middle America who feel Trump to be too brash.
Then watch as they advertise this "centrist" character as "the person to bring America together" "we're tired of the fighting" "the country is too divided" etc. It will be a feel-good story for the normies, but a trap.
Anyway, I think letting antifa continue to wreak havoc unmuzzled is a natural redpill dispenser on its own, so I say we just document their madness to scare the normie and show them how the MSM distorts reality by reporting in support of these Bolsheviks, when the guerilla journalism of cell phone videos shows a comepletely different story.
This is exactly what I think will happen, although I think the establishment will use a pop-culture celebrity to do it. Someone who is already popular to normies to some extent. They're are already about a dozen or so considering running 2020.
The original anti-fascists were the street thugs of the communist party in Germany around the time National Socialism was a growing movement.
They most definitely are communists, it was the communist party that created them, paid them and gave them their orders then and now.
I think the tide has already turned on Antifa, they're finally exposed and that one will run it's course through law enforcement. Naturally, we should continue to document as you say.
Thankfully, the media already gave us plenty of material. Now we know that Antifa were already classified as domestic terrorists, we can use them as a stick to beat MSM with.
Eg, any reference to CNN in future should be framed as "terrorist sympathisers CNN".
They've been pushing out all this "Jim Carrey is relatable and a really good guy and he's also anti-establishment and not an elitist but he's also safe and not a wacky kooky nut" programming for the last few years for no apparent reason… activates my almonds.
Cap this: Carrey is Dem front runner 2020.
Yes Yes Yes. And outside of the US, we can call them "Anti Free Association"
Nah, don't think so. That recent lawsuit will make sure he'll never run.
Yes, and prophets = profits. Doesn't everyone know by now?
Bumping for great idea.
Come to think of it, "Anti Freedom Activists" has a nice ring, too.
It'll be Zuckerberg, hands down. There's already a major campaign going to make him seem human. The next step will be make him seem friendly and then they'll turn back to his old shtick of look how smart I am!
Actually, that's a good idea.
Didn't know about that. Yeah, you're right.
Yeah that seems more likely, but he's incredibly unlikable and palpably creepy in a way that even normies can feel it. People like Zuck have plenty of ways to exert power without directly being in office. I think they'll try someone "friendly" and very superficially likeable like other user is saying. Some nicey nice celebrity. Some kind of The Rock kind of character. Or Mr. Michael Obama of course. I Don't really know honestly.
This is offtopic though. Idea in OP is great. Should be used.
We already do #3 to some degree, but the first 2 are good stuff..
But basically, we should be making memes applauding the jewish effort of keeping foreigners out of Israel. Do you have any idea how confused our direct opposition will be? How many normalfags we might redpill by making them look at Israel?
This could be fucking brilliant, the ultimate shitpost. Any memesmiths present?
And if we really want them to lose their minds we don't call them jews. We call them our White brothers in Israel. Forcing 'em to admit they're not white.
I propose we call Israel out for what it is. The sovereign territory of the world's foremost criminal race. All this stupid idea will do is create more confusion.
Cuckservatives already think that Jews are white and Jews have already stated numerous times that they are not white.
There exists the globalist left (and as it's extension, the American mainstream left), there exist the communist paramilitary that is antifa, and there are the crimes that communist regimes across the globe have commited.
What needs to be done is planting the idea in normies heads that:
AntiFa and the likes are hardcore communists, anarchists, etc
The american left, the media, college professors etc endrose AntiFa
Communism = mass murder and misery
Basically, apply the jews' own tactic against them, except that instead of crying MUH NAZIES MUH 6 GORILLION we would emphasise that AntiFa, and a vast part of the American political elite are using marxist doctrines to achieve their own ends.
*They* don't give a shit about Israel
Why does that matter? I don't think you understand this idea fully.
Bump. I was pissing off my friends back in 2016 by talking about the Israeli style wall
What do you Say to people doing both? Time and place amirite
This is very likely, and did happen in 2015/2016 of course. It will be much more effective to have a smooth-talking, good-looking cult of celebrity take the nomination and let Zuck and others puppeteer with tricks.
I mean can you imagine Zuck debating Trump?
Don't forget to use "Dual citizen Israeli" when talking about jews in power.
Oh… it's this shit again. Googles and Skypes ja? Fucking semantics. Very black of you seeing how the BLM niggers just called for replacing White privilege with White supremacy. That's whose level you're on with this crap.
do it.
They say "refugees" we say "invaders"
They say "Gay rights" we say "Gay Supremacy"
They say "Gun Control" we say "white disarmament"
They say "Multi Cultural" we say "white genocide" or "white displacement"
They say "Open Boarders" we say "National Erasure."
They say "Black liberation" we say "Black Supremacy"
They say "womens right to choose" we say "female carelessness" or "female anti social behavior"
They say "equality" we say "minority rule"
Sage and report.
Love this idea so much. Will refer to everything as 'Israeli-Style'. kek
This deserves a bump, 10/10
pics for reference and relevance
Another thing to note, people questioning the world filters employed here - this thread is exactly the reason why, to change how we use our language, to defeat the kikes.
Semitic Privilege
They say "muslim" we say "arab supremacist" (the koran does in fact posit that arabs are the most important muslims)
If a jew says anything, we say "israeli supremacist"
especially as a response to being called an anti semite, it is far preferable to attack than to go on the defensive
This is great
The war with words is never discussed here
clever usage of words will pin leftists and jews in a corner.
Make sure to ask people why they demonize ethnic nationalism in the US but support ethnic nationalism by sup[porting israel, their eyes get so wide it's fucking hilarious.
I got instantly banned from there the other day for telling people to look at what the torah says about non-Jews, they are willfully ignorant.
this is actually a really good idea, although this is all too true.
regardless, why is this anchored?