Compulsory voting vs optional voting
Compulsory voting vs optional voting
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should be optional. looking at that maps it's clear it makes no real difference for left wing prospects
Compulsory voting just makes the issue of personality-based tabloid voting even worse.
If voting was compulsory in my country i still wouldn't vote.
So no, i think it's retarded. People have the right to not participate.
Non-compulsory voting.
You just have to vote if you want clearance to use any kind of public service.
Totally voluntary, kek, just move.
It's all liberal democracy.
Low voter turn is material in nature.
Give people like a whole week off to study and research issues and make employers fucking do it.
Anyone not registered to vote won't get the leave. And their contact info would be given to all parties that want so they wouldn't be able to just blow it off
Why would you consider compulsory voting before people even have a voting holiday and same day voter registration?
What could possibly go wrong?
The US is kind of an exception here, European countries usually vote on Sundays
Which is very stupid. At least if voting is on a week day, most people are already going to have to leave the house, so might as well vote.
On sunday people become lazy.
In compulsory voting I think there is a much great occurrence of voting for minor parties, if they feel disenfranchised they will vote for someone else.
But in places like America, people would feel less inclined to go out of their way to give a near-pointless vote for a minor party.
all government positions should just be chosen by random allotment tbh
Should be compulsory, with the possibility of voting a null vote, but you have to go there either way. People who don't vote are not just a random subset of the population (in that case the abstentions would cancel out and not matter), rather poor people tend to vote less. Also, women vote less often than men.
Source: Times of Your Butthole. I know people who vote basically always, and people who vote sometimes. My impression is that the people in the latter group are less emotional on average.
LOL, yanks. You guys have voting on Tuesdays for historical reasons, so that the votes could be transported by horse or some shit like that, and everybody could be back home without missing church service.
>I am ignorant of the Tyranny of Structurelessness known from informal anarchist groups, and even if I read that famous essay of the same name, I would have delusions that this can't apply to me anyway, because I am a special snowflake Marxist, and I will never encounter this problem anyway because I am too fucking autistic even for being in a Trot group, the post
nah. get fucked
It's good for preventing fraud. Something Brazil had a long history of, secret ballots only started in the 30's. In the 60's only 10% of the populace voted because illiterates were barred (Jim Crow anyone?).
Also by mandating the Federal Government to guarantee the ballots, polls and oversight for everyone you can keep local elites (mostly in rural far off areas) from coercing people into doing their will.
Emma Goldman
Goldman was OG anarkid.
I bet she would've went Vegan if only Gandhi had already been trendy while she was alive.
Something like that I had in mind when I wrote . It's easier to rigg elections when voting isn't compulsory.
Compulsory voting misses the point. You need to fix what's causing people to not want to vote, rather than forcing them to.
It's the same principle as diversity quotas.
Why not both? The probability that you individually change the winner(s) is very low, and this won't fundamentally change with electoral reform or campaign finance reform. A lot of rather reasonable people don't go voting because of that.