*steals sargon’s audience*

*steals sargon’s audience*

*gets cucked by millyjew*

white people and their edgy satanist shit is cringe. why cant you people just be normal and not fucked in the head?


Black people and all their edgy Hotep shit is cringe. Why can't you niggers be normal and not worship Yakub

eating dogs, fucking your cousin, stealing other peoples accomplishments, and stealing beating hearts out of peoples chests are not normal and fucked in the head

Peterstein already did.

What the fuck is going on with Sargon?
I tried checking the other thread but it devolved into political shitflinging.

He got btfo by Richard Spencer.

He's purposefully elevating race realists in order to either:
a)BTFO them ala Kraut and Tea
b)Join them after making a controversial move

For an example of easily identifiable racial traits, I'd have brought up Tiger Woods. Evrybody instantly knows just glancing once at him that he's part black part asian. That's not even one easily identifiable major racial group, that's two in one person. Obviously there are more challenging exceptions, but the distinctions are usually soncoear that we can even pick both out of many mystery meats.

This was way more entertaining than when Sargon had Jared Taylor on. During that one, he basically didn't say much of anything of substance while Taylor walked circles around him, then started talking shit the moment the discussion was over.

Praise kek. Ironically worshipping a god of chaos only gets your shit rekt.

Sargon won't come out as a race realist unless it becomes profitable. He is riding the gravy train, playing the center, which allows him to pick and choose some hot topics while avoiding the more dangerous topics that would get him into trouble financially.


Sargon gets btfo by any person who debates him. Any person.

Niggers are apelike beings who rape and murder everything, kikes destroy countries and ritually murder people for fun, muslims do the same as kikes but also rape and chinks eat dogs and murder their own kind for fun.
So if you're a member of one those groups you don't really have the right to criticise whites for not being "normal", whatever niggers think normal is.

Isn't Yakub bad? He invented wypipo. He's to the blacks what Xenu is to Scientologists.


Poor little white guys

You mean

does this guy have fucked up eyes or something? I've literally never seen him without the heavy tinted aviators on.

Somewhat, by his own design.

He is reddit incarnate. He speaks in movie references.

and Holla Forums doesn't?

I love his show.

Not IRL, no.

For you

Holla Forums is selfless. They think only of helping others.

He's good when he scripts. His schtick is the comedic rant. When he does streams or lets plays or whatever else it's dull. Only fanboys can sit through that shit.

Slightly less cancerous, I guess.



Hello my dudes. I am the top sceptic now.

more like the top soygan