Face-reading AI will be able to detect your politics and IQ, professor says
By Sam (((Levin)))
Tuesday 12 September 2017
Face-reading AI will be able to detect your politics and IQ, professor says
By Sam (((Levin)))
Tuesday 12 September 2017
It's mostly down to recognising male traits indicative of a healthy level of testosterone.
The healthier the male the more "right wing" he's going to be
This is bullshit
Eaxctly right. Just like with how it detected straight men because they had stronger jaws and sharper features, it will detect right wingers the same way. I can't wait to see the discomfort as straight leftists are told that the traits that make men look gay also make them look left-leaning.
Gee I wonder what those "high IQ" facial features are
I guess there are many nuances in the one-to-one correlation between darkness of the skin and one's inclination toward crime.
Where were you went equalists got btfo?
On the plus side these kinds of programs are easily defeated via the use of face paint or facial tattoos.
Infrared LEDs sewn into a hat brim also fuck up cameras making your face look like a spot of light.
There is no need to go for these measures because the program won't work as intended anyway. You can't effectively extrapolate mental qualities from physical features. They'll focus on mapping the face and telling whether the map fits model gay or model straight within some acceptable error range etcetera. At best. I am willing to bet it will mark all ugly people as smart or some dumb shit like that. It's a scam that will get funded by investors or bought as the creators run away with the money.
A big hooked nose goy.
Better not commit facecrime, goyim
Who is more willing to work for something with no handouts?
The fit guy who works out.
Pretty easy test to administer.
What he wrote:
What I read:
This in a nutshell. You'll see far most hand-waving over males with this than over females because white men pose the only real threat to their plots to destroy the West.
Only big guys have plans.
But that's racist user. This will be supervised out of the model tbh.
How will they know your political ideology if you lie and say you're a liberal?
Then like the past dozen criminal analyzing programs this is about to be shitcanned faster than you can say "nigger stole my bike". The second it identifies black features in a negative light conparisons will be made to phrenology and the programmer deemed racist.
AI's will have to defeat PC police before it takes over.
What happened to that photo app where you could make whites niggers? Rihanna looked better white.
This needs to be countered. We need a way to make CVDazzle stop looking like shit without reducing its functionality.
Thanks user, didn't know about that one. Bookmarked.
You won't have an estrogen fuckboy face, that's how. There is a study that shows that right-leaning people pick prefer certain facial features over others, and I'm pretty sure that it works both ways.
Couldn't right-wing men just apply make-up to make themselves look more dehydrated and unhealthy? Make it look like they have blotchy skin because fast food is their main diet or something? Baggy clothing to hide powerlevel/gains?
I'm pretty sure that had its race-feature removed. I think some people theorised it had to do with exposing how easy it is for (((those in control of the Media))) to alter anyone's apparent race in photoshop.
It's not coming back?
Pretty much.
Thanks for the test user
In a few years people will think of phrenology like alchemy: kind of weird and full of mystical nonsense but an important precursor to an actual science.
Don't need an AI for that user.
Bullshit test tbh, super easy to hack. I just always chose the male face over the female face since women shouldn't be in charge of everything.
What a bullshit useless invention. Everyone who pays attention and catches a glimpse of someone can say with 80-90% certainty if they are right or left wing, being more difficult to predict the less extreme they are, just the same as the AI. If you interact with people it becomes even more obvious. Weak, unhealthy, low test men tend to be left, strong, healthy, normal test men tend to be right.
They'll just reverse the algorithms.
Really makes you think.
I had like 25% ingroup 100% outgroup
This was mine. Be understanding towards your own people and fuck everyone else.
How to detect political ideology
Physiognomy is real you fucking moron.
I'm surprised it didn't peg you as NS
Yes you can. People have been doing it for countless millennia. Despite what your kindergarten teachers told you, you CAN judge a book by it's cover.
If your gut tells you somebody is a criminal, chances are they're a criminal. All this software does is pick up on the same visual cues your brain unconsciously zeros in on.
This will undoubtedly happen.
Also true.
Tesla starts using the tech.
Amazon (Whole Foods) starts using the tech.
It would be one hell of a shame if this turned into the absolutely perfect jew-dar and were used by a 4th Reich-like state to finally fix the world once and for all.
That already happened, and it was with a database of chinese faces so it was more sophisticated than that saying that niggers are predisposed to crime.
Wasn't there a movie with future crimes..
Wouldn't want anyone identifying with "dangerous" political ideologies would we user :^)
It would interesting to find out what a proper natsoc's score would be. I would asume the overal dominace would end at 100% and start at around 70+ %. Just a guess
They support it.
It'll totally backfire when the technology starts revealing which people are Jewish with a great degree of accuracy, and the technology is used to implement the Final Solution.
The jews fear coincidence detectors.
The nose knows.
Physiognomy was always real. They try to falsely equate physiognomy with phrenology. This is the same as equating astronomy with astrology, and then dismissing astronomy as made up.
Prepare your tear mining.
>shouldn't be in charge of everythinganything.
ftfy user. not even the home, which is still plainly the man's domain.
well played
didnt ya know friend
you can guess political opinions based on head shape but you cant guess race
oy vey
looks kind of a gay jawline tbh user
then you might be kinda gay
Well they do not have the man power to make a sufficant case and there are also other measures because most of the AI friends and the idiots that are behind this are fucking half men. And they do not risk anything except some of them, find them.
I had a strong jaw when I was bluepilled. And I still have a strong jaw. My face hasn't changed much in appearance. Are we sure this is real?
The perfect tool for disposing of threats to the establishment while preserving the pretense of freedom of political expression.
Remember the studies that showed leftists actually loved cuck porn? There was also one that linked low testosterone to left wing beliefs. Genuine memes are a reflection of reality.
nah, breddy sure that roman was a boy-fucker. Vikingman is legit though.
I also would assume there is a connection to higher intelligence in saturated societies compared to societies that link higher intelligence ot higher testosterone or masculine behaviour. But that is just a guess.
So that's why ((( ))) are almost all leftists pushing for globalism.
Physiognomy is real, but if you expect a (probably liberal) kike professor to do this research seriously and truthfully instead of making it so good looks means agrees with him and ugly means doesn't, you're a fool.
So I'll just walk around making a spastic face all the time so they think I'm retarded
I bet it takes one look at me and (whatever the digital ai equivalent of shit is) shits all over the place
careful user. you keep making that face, it's gonna stay that way some day.
Digits confirm. T-20 years and closing
tay's law
Wut??? My ingroup is a percent or so higher than the average liberal and the test said I'm right-wing because passed the average conservatives in the outgroup .
or instead of being a little bitch you could be a man and act upon your own will instead of hiding in the shadows. There is no need to reveal your true power level ever but you should never actively subvert your own masculinity.
pretty bullshit, yeah
i chose the feminine face when they both looked like niggers because they tended to be slightly whiter in skin tone only though
A strong appearance means health, which means reason, which means ignorance. Yes, it works.
We phrenology now.
I'm sure when it reads a kike face a special subroutine will shut it down and tell the GOYIM he's an honest Jew that dindu nuffin.
3D printed Right Wing Drone Squads when?
Man, I hope that tech is accurate. I'd hate to be gassed just because I have curly brown hair
I'm probably just drunk and retarded, but I can't decipher your comment. Can you ELI5 please?
Alternatively, it could detect bad as good, and vice versa.
Digits confirm. T-20 years and closing
How are you subverting it if you're just wearing baggy clothing and makeup? You're still actually healthy and actually strong, it's just hidden now.
Can it detect jews?
Might be useful for the next holocaust
Imperium now.
Can't wait for when this will completely backfire and will find out choosenites and kangs are better to be born in jail and never leave it than to let them roam openly
Can we use the face reading software for the selective breeding purpose?
Better for them not to be born at all, user. Better for everyone involved.
But who will rape the other kangs in jail then ?
Physiognomy is real.
Eventually there will be none. Problems solved. In the meantime jailnigs can rape each other so long as there are two in prison.
It's just masculine vs. feminine. In most choices the difference is clear enough to determine one of the Oblivion character creator abominations is a man and the other a woman. So it's got little to do with telling someone's attributes by looking at them. You hardly have to look at a person to differentiate men and women. user may be calling it bullshit because all it's about is "will you put a woman in charge of things?", not complex perception of facial features but just basic common sense when it comes to how the sexes should organize in a society.
I actually picked women on a few food / poison / health related things, assuming they might be more experienced with that, and also because of the superior sense of smell meme. I got the average "right-wing" level in the in-group and almost full dominance against the out-group because what kind of moron lets women decide how to handle a dangerous conflict with outsiders? This isn't Star Trek, in reality women are just weak-minded pushovers unfit to lead. With questions like "who do you ask for advice in this situation?", I would have picked women on in-group decisions even more, but still not at all for out-group stuff. Women would know things you don't about the in-group because they're linked into their hivemind via gossip. They would know why the bitch cheated, they might even know whose idiot son has been acting edgy and may be laying fire at night. Women can be used as spies but you have to be aware that they are inherently double agents.
that will play well with iPhoneX and the NSA.
what can go wrong?
Niggers BTFO… again. Dat raycist computer.
Here's mine. wtf I'm globalist or what?
Yeah okay
Prepare for a salt storm when it accurately detects all SJW faggots as low-IQ retards…
We can guess if someone is gay or straight with 99% accuracy by guessing straight every time. This AI is useless and jewish.
You don't get it, user. The machine is supposed to detect how "toxic" you are to the establishment, based on how masculine and aware you seem. The more stronger you are, the more ignorance is detected. The machine will recommend you consume more estrogen, and if you refuse, will tell you an eye's being kept on you.
fpbp for a change. Fucking Jews didn't hijack this one.
I stopped reading the text after the first few questions, there is no situation where I would prefer a feminine face to a masculine one.
Chose the lighter skin tone for every face to see the result.
Wouldn't that mean that political direction… Is biological? Is this the reason lefties of the past killed people with opposing views?
This is no surprise. Liberals want a feminine figure to coddle them and conservatives want a masculine figure who will help accomplish goals.
A true imperium, not that closeted yellow-fever horseshit that is >>>/imperium/.
…So doesn't this support Eugenics and all the shit the Nazis were chimping out about?
Let me code this for them quick:
Black skin = politically correct
White skin = politically incorrect
Black skin = victim
White skin = terrorist
Goes nice with the domestic surveillance expansion Trump signed. You guys really make it easy for jews.
They can look and assume all they want and but they will never see true powerlevels.
I got the same. Just the ones with more masculine facial features.
Saw it coming. Knew they, a slumbering beast high on dreams would awaken to this, and that they would act with all their power to suppress it. Can only hope it's too late, for them.
They know crazy eyes, cuck faces, thousand cock stares, and fish mouths are a recognizable pattern in libfags. Although this professor is probably just looking at mathematical patterns in white people faces to make a blanket statement oh yeah goyim, dis goy right heah is a doity nazi, my math says so.
This couldn't possibly backfire.
We should adapt this to detect the tranny monsters that walk among us. The obvious ones are a decoy. It's why teachers always look weird. And bosses. Families of these occult freaks live among us, and network behind our backs. We live on a masonic chessboard of lies and deception.
I'm gonna get gassed cause I have a slightly hooked nose, curly hair and I'm 5"8 (blue eyes and pale skin though) even all my family is catholic
To be fair, this isn't complete bullshit. Attractive people tend to be conservative while ugly people tend to be liberal. Though they'll probably make IQ correlate with noses.
I could tell you that.
Aryan features are anti-Semitic and triggering to us millions of Holocaust survivors in 2020. ;(
They'll just code the AI to exclude certain groups from being named.
This is Jew science. It's just a kike lying to get grant money.
His 'gaydar' program was actually worse than random chance when they tried to use it outside of the experiment.
Physiognomy is real, but this guy in particular is a huckster.
Yes, that's why the kikes downplayed it as a pseudoscience for so long. It sure is a strange (((coincidence))) how physiognomy is suddenly becoming credible when it can be used against "nazis" instead of kikes, isn't it? The OP's article only hints at this, but if you want a real redpill just google "Are political beliefs genetic?", because there are actually a lot of studies that indict they are.
Even normalfags started noticing how all these nu-males cucks looked the same during the election cycle. I've also been able to accurately pick out dykes my entire life. It's difficult for me to describe, but all dykes seem to have the same "man-ish" face to me. I guessed Elllen Page was a dyke long before she came out
Post the executable please.
Checked, then just upload your pics like people did with their chromosomes in 24 and jew.
Butlerian Jihad can't come soon enough
would be the next immediate step.
what do i win?
PCs are just tools, its like banning weapons.
Mine is getting up to 4 inches long now, and my gf's dumb snapchat face recog can't comprehend my face as a face. I'm pretty sure the database of faces those AI use don't have enough BIG BEARDS. Most aesthetic way to beat face recog is long hair and a big beard. Gray Bailey is the best youtube source to learn how to grow hair properly.
And obviously do it aesthetically, not like some hipster retard. Be a well-groomed Viking.
Computers are general-purpose tools. It's more like banning the wheel.
Where do I upload my doxI mean pix?
This is just a modern version of pseudoscience like How To Analyze People On Sight gutenberg.org
This test is bullshit. Most of the questions pertain to village life and decision making. In that context and environment you're going to select people you know and trust, fellow villagers with a proven record of competence, who cares about their face?
This. Most people hearing of this will assume that the magic "AI" is magically reading thoughts. In reality it's making a guess based on facial features which are traditionally male, i.e which are the result of proper androgen levels.
A person can do exactly the same thing using their brain, and do it better because they also have body language, tone of voice and dress available to their heuristics.
tl;dr transhumanist porn story about a program which is still miles behind the best humans.
That word doesn't mean what you think it means. Methods of art and heuristics aren't science and don't claim to be, hence they can't be "pseudoscience."
Autists who have swallowed the "stem" turd can't grasp that there's more to life than kike peer review. In life you often have to make an instant decision upon which your life may depend, there is no time for collecting experimental results, there is no time for controls, or peer review, there is only time for the heuristic algorithms which evolution provided to run and in a millisecond you can sense that someone is "wrong".
Some people hone this instinct and can tell you also in what way the person is "wrong", such as detecting a man who probably doesn't hold right wing views.
This program is doing the same thing, it's a statistics game. So long as a heuristic is better than chance then it's evolutionarily advantageous. Experts are significantly better than chance.
Of course, when a junkie approaches you on the street and asks to borrow $5 for the bus, you treat him like any other person right? Because analyzing his appearance and determining he's someone to avoid, that wouldn't be scientific.
627ae2: men with the least amount of testosterone possible
Cause women are generally slightly lighter skinned.