He cucks in his newest video, he's sorry.
He cucks in his newest video, he's sorry.
Other urls found in this thread:
He's done. Sage for eceleb bullshit, btw.
if he is a cuck then why is the internet worried about him? maybe because he's a big guy.
lol nigger sage because e celeb nigger
Fuck off Poopypie. Nice bait though.
Guys, he copied Maximilian dood's apology for saying nigger on a stream, word for word. The whole thing is a joke.
Is this true?
Either that or KSI's apology. If it was maximilian dood, he took down the original apology.
Don't know who these people are.
KSI is that brit nig that plays games, and Maximiliam is a more obscure lets play guy. I think it was Maximiliam, but Pewds copied about the 30 seconds of it. I believe it's somewhere in this video, when he starts talking at the halfway mark.
WTF they won't call him a racist now
Don't know.
He is either the most intelligent internet user ever, or.. just a swede
I'm convinced people like you are actual shills.
You may be right.
Max can also get away with it because the FGC is cool with people saying nigger. FGC doesn't give a shit, since the damn thing was founded in arcades, where interracial banter is a pillar of the community. If you can't take the banter in 2017, get some fucking headphones and ignore the chimping. Max only got heat because he's connected with Capcom and Bamco and needed to do the typical PR shit.
Little protip: Everyone in the fgc is at least lowkey racist. Even when the fgc eventually goes e-sports, there's still going to be banter. As much as Capcom, Sony and Disney don't like it, the scene is going to be racist. Oddly enough, it's immune to the PR cuckery going on, since calling out people on their shit is a fucking pastime. God knows how many SanFran hipsters wrote angry pozzed articles about the FGC
The redpill pace is based on the specific person. I've ran a thought experiment on it, not even bothering to hide my power level in a cytube, and some people actually go along with Mr. Bones Wild Ride. Others are antsy and flat out hate my guts (but won't ban me, mute me or shadowban me, just bitch about me because fuck actually doing anything). Going hard and fast CAN work, but most people take a long long time to learn. Others never will. Others get the shock and awe effect and jump on.
Not when dealing with libs though.
He specifically denounced white nationalism as an evil ideology weeks ago user. There's no redpilling from there.
Post vid.
Going hard and fast works on people who are logically reasoned, but most people are not logically reasoned. Most people (especially children and the types that would be watching all of this guy's videos) are pretty fucking irrational and are going to knee-jerk against being an "ebil intolerant raysist". Slipping politically incorrect vocab into the zeitgeist of children's speech isn't a bad thing. Pewdiepie might not be an avowed national socialist, but he has a function in moving the discourse towards our direction and that shouldn't be downplayed.
-Adolf Hitler
Lemmings cannot be redpilled bro. They only follow what the media tells them is the consensus view.
How's the weather in Tel Aviv you JIDF kike?
The actual problem is whether they've been completely demoralized or not. You need to isolate them their retarded ideology and indoctrinate them into the truth while weaning them off of their bad habits if they are demoralized otherwise there is a chance of saving them.
Except the person he linked to wasn't doing that. It was a (1) poster going:
Dude who cares if he's not a perfect no soc holohacks defiya. The main thing is he is part of the massive switch towards more normal policies and ways of looking at the world. For example look at this crazy attack in Australia today:
No shit, we know how jews work. Stop falling for this shit.
this is true
You're funny, new…. but funny.
e-celeb threads why
I think my whole life is ending now, I will kill myself. How can I live in a world where pewdiepie cucks for using the word nigger. My entire world view is shattered and I am literally shaking.
It's his "this needs to be said" video. Can't post webm right now, but once you watch it, it'll pretty much put to bed all this "redpilling a generation" bullshit. You can't redpill people without endorsing racialist ideas, it's simply impossible. r/the_donald is every bit as pozzed as a sociology student, even if they post BASED BANTZ XDD
pewdiepie is a slave to his jewish kiketube masters.
Oh look, another forced pewdiepie thread. Sage'd, reported, hope you get permabanned oh wait you're on tor, you already were
FUck off all this cancer does it re-affirm the political correct cancer of not beeing allowed to say NIGGER. Just KYS and this kike agenda and that goy boy pewdieniggers.
Well, what would you choose:
A: 5000$ per month posting videos playing games
B: 0$ per month posting videos about niggers
How about eat shit and die
A: 5000$ per month posting videos playing games
B: 0$ per month posting videos about niggers
You would choose to eat shit and die?
If they disabled tor you would hear the kvetching in tel aviv on the space station.
Because you're an e-celeb cancer posting torkike. You'll get the bullet before traitors.
You like eating shit. GTFO
If he at all cares about the truth, he would find other means to support himself besides being a professional Holla Forumsigger
Torposting pussy pushing E celeb bullshit. How shocking.
There is no truth.
stay mad kike
Meme templates.
Get real nigger.
He wants his (((Disney))) and (((Youtube))) money back. He's lost a ton since they stopped working with him
You have to go back.
Every single world that man says causes a huge reverberations since the whole youtube site wants to milk the trending topics. The swede has turned so many eyes to Hitler and it would not suprise me if they then looked at Greatest story never told too.
what do you expect, hes a normie eceleb
the more interesting part is the comments, his fanbase seems to be getting redpilled
At this rate he's never going to get it back. Spontaneously saying nigger is something they'll never forgive. He can say it was an accident but to them it doesn't matter because having such an accident in the first place is a damning indictment. It means you normally think like a racist but filter it out, and thinking like a racist is the real crime as far as they're concerned.
This is something they'll never forgive him for, even moreso than jokes about Hitler and gassing jews.
You don't get it, it's Google who wants to keep him at all costs. He generates a shitton of money for them. One reason why he does "controversial" things and then makes these half hearted apology videos is because they give him more than twice the amount of views the normally gets.
this cunt is an old Holla Forums poster, i'd be surprised if he wasnt our guy
his YLYL videos are literally just him scrolling down cuckchan Holla Forums
hes probably not on our level, but the more he does this shit "accidentally" the more normalized it becomes
imagine 10 years ago someone saying 'nigger' live on stream - they would be cruicified by everyone. now pretty much every video he makes will be filled with spam of people posting "say nigger". all of the reacction videos are filled with people saying nigger.
this is normalization. I would be surprised if it wasnt intentional.
Gotta wonder why his GF hasn't dumped him yet. Her family is probably demanding she leave him or get disowned
Of course his fans don't give a fuck. They all call each other niggers online while playing Halo and COD.
Pewdiepie is the largest youtuber, but he's only a tiny fraction of all youtube traffic. The traffic generated by the top 9 behind him combined far exceeds his own traffic. Google doesn't need him. He needs google.
TORposters are cancer. Thanks for confirming this, nigger.
Italians are probably the least deracinated white people there are. They probably don't give a fuck.
I would prefer that my people not go extinct while I play video games for shekels, kike.
Youtube is losing millions of money every year, every single big youtuber is precious to them.
Google doesn't give a fuck about youtube losing some money, Adsense across all their platforms is where they print money faster than the fucking Fed.
Not to mention, from Google's perspective pewdiepie is a large part of the reason they can't attract higher quality (willing to pay more) advertisers to youtube.
You need to go back.
quite the smart man actually and btw, at least he didn't go into racism or whatever… saged tho
There are trash videos with over 100 million views.
There are million of videos with over 1million view like this.
For a single channel, those numbers are amazing. In the grand scheme of the entirety of youtube, those numbers are insignificant.
10 million
45 million
50 million
40 million
15 million
10 million
115 million
853 million, what's your point?
Women are disgusting
that's just one video, and it's old as fuck
point is, 10 million views mean nothing
no one is getting redpilled
how would these humans would survive in a non degenerate world?
they managed it for many thousands of years before the kikes kiked everything. most of these whores will die during the collapse anyway, either that or get savagely raped and subjugated by mud hordes.
i have no sympathy.
top comments:
Eva Mari
38 minutes ago
Saying one word does NOT make you a racist. Pewds was wrong for saying that, but he isn't a racist. We shouldn't be giving that one word all this power. It's counter-productive.
Riccardo Abdine
38 minutes ago
No one is perfect we all make mistakes 👍
Aden Edel
42 minutes ago
I can't decide what people get offended by and he clearly made a large mistake but this is a good video. Seems like he is sincerely sorry about it and regrets it on a personal level and not just because there was consequences for it.
ha-jin-ma ha-jin-ma
43 minutes ago
omfg the comments are filled with a bunch of white 10 year olds who don't understand why he shouldn't have said it
Bèşir Dhàwwas
36 minutes ago
Lol the comment section is full of n-word
King Elric
37 minutes ago
Bruh I'm black and forgive u I can tell u aint even mean it like that
Aggregate, how many views does PDP have? He doesn't make some meme video or music video where a teenager clicks repeat 100 times. He makes videos a few times a week that millions of people watch once. He's been doing this for years.
I guess I'm saying you're underselling his influence by making comparisons to one and done videos.
Furthermore, what are the metrics on this 'controversy'? Not just on his channel, but across the platform. Outside the platform?
166,382,700 23.4%
375,424 40.2%
You clearly don't understand the immense scale of youtube.
What do you expect him to do anything else when basically the entirety of the alt-left + their pals in social media and digra/ctr/etc. are dogpiling all over him?
literally kill yourself alt-left scum
Youtube lost 70% of it's revenue this year. From billions to a billion, and the operation costs must be insanely high. Youtube is bowing to advertiser pressure. Want to take Youtube back and Google to lay off on the censorship a bit ? Send hate to the brands that pulled off because they are owned or headed by jews.
Do some sheboon porn now enlightened one.
That's a loooooooooot of money to just throw away. If she did, he could easily just get some other sweet little slag to wife, though. Not a big issue.
Italians literally have a bunch of African admixture. How the mighty have fallen.