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Emotionally Satisfying

I knew it was her, no way a professional could come up with something that retarded. Rian might be a hack studio goy but he isn't completely incompetent, only almost.

Checked. Beautiful edit, user.



I love how the industry media is still trying to act as if this film wasn't highly divisive among fans.
The movie is even controversial on reddit.
Even on fucking Wikipedia they decided earlier today that the movie's article should have a section talking about the negative fan reception.

would like to see the entire whatever the fuck this is conversation/interview/lecture because you know you're in a weird way when you have to clap loudly to get the other people involved to participate. Cuck Queen seems like she's trying to be passive-aggressive but she's very intimidated and uncomfortable.

i don't see anything, just the critical response page, which is 3/4 positive reviews and 1/4 negative reviews. it's also quick to point out conservatives lol.



They haven't finished it yet, but the debate concluded that there was a "consensus in favour of including an audience response section due to, and based on the reliable sources that have covered it"

Not really related to the topic but I don't want to start another SW thread if I can help it. Did we get a reel of all the practical effects and miniatures they did for TFA? They hyped that up a lot but were there actually much of that?

there weren't any miniatures made for tfa, and hardly any practical effects either. it was just either on-set location or sets and massive amounts of cgi.

If jews want money so much, why do they let women be in charge of making money?

because if a woman is able to claim success for something it will make them look better in the long run, unless it's conservative women.

Jews want to subvert. Money comes 2nd.

So basically the prequels were less dependent on CGI?

incredibly less dependent. don't get me wrong, they had their fair share, but it was mostly background shit or obvious effects (creatures, lasers, etc). every scene had a set or miniature set built for it.

shit, wrong pic, meant to post this.

fuck, i know i have a pic somewhere of the sets of the force awakens, but have this video for now.

Yeah, because she feels pleasure doing whatever she wants and being able to get away with it. Even if that means crashing Star Wars with no survivors.

Also explains why Leia literally does fucking nothing for the entire movie. She was supposed to be dead. I might have respected RJ a little bit if he had the balls to permanently off her from some random passing tie-fighter shot.

He would first have to have balls to stand up to Kennedy before he could even think of directing the movie.

feels over reals

Tell all book of Disney employees complaining about Kathleen Kennedy being a retarded psycho who ruins everything she touches when?

Id buy it on amazon kindle tbh. Cheaper that way.


If you stand up to Kathleen you end up fired and your film reshot.

he should have taken the fall and let it die horribly, he already has a wife for a nigger, might as well fuck the rest of his legacy up as well

Seems like a roundtable discussion where only one participant is a legitimate creator.

Carrie Fisher was a terrible person who got lucky with that one role and she should be allowed to fucking die already.

Same Hollywood nepotism got her the job cause of dear old mum and (((pop)))

Why did we hate Lucas again?

Because this e-celeb loser told us to.

>When we all know the real reason they are using subvertion in Star Wars is because of (((Bob Iger))), along with the (((owners))) of Disney.




he was a leader of the SS in Nazi Germany


Jews wanting money is a confusion. What Jews want is to always ‘win’ over the goyim. So they don’t want to give goyim any money (and conversely, take as much as they can).

Jews will spend money to try to fuck over goys. That is why Hollywood does what it does.


I'm sorry George please come back.

The Prequels.


Episode 1 was easily on par with the originals. Episode 2 and 3 turned Anakin into some annoying emo that was unbearable to watch and the last several movies were just JJ Abrams pandering to niggers and dykes (which is ten times worse than the prequels).

Episode 1 had the most of Jar Jar so it was automatically the worst.


That's why it was so good though.

How does it feel being a braindead mut that couldn't handle child level story telling alonside masterfull build up to the true phantom menace?
Good job (((user))), YOU killed star wars.


I bet you enjoyed the Force Awakens, didn't you faggot?

Because he cant come up with a good plot to save his life and he cannot even understand his own plot.
Which is it Lucas? Palpatine is bad but space MOSSAD are good? And the morale is good systems give rise to evil people? Doesnt that make Luke and his rebels evil?

Lucas is retarded (or trolling).

Fuck off!

He obviously meant nigger for a wife.

Rian Johnson has a nigger wife?

Reading a book on this right now. Pretty much every major location was a set or a miniature with CGI compliments or placing the two items together.

There was even entire miniatures scenes cut.

At the time Jar jar was an extreme use of CGI. They had to invent the technology to make him work. In the final battle they had to write the story around what the computers could even render not what they wanted to do. As the prequels went on this eased off a lot and while the Droid control ship in episode 1 was an extreme task by the end of 3 they could have 2 of them on screen and fighters buzzing round them.

Even the CGI wasn't technically CGI. Most of the models were scans of real world models they would then use for rendering. They would have real models of the battledroids on set at all times so when it came time to do lighting they were just copying what the static shot of the real one looked like at the time.

The first 6 movies are impossible to do without practical effects. The last 3 movies have only used practical effects when someone needs to hold something or interact with it.

What's the name of the book?

The moral was that republics decay and then a dictator arises and an empire is born. The original trilogy is about fighting that empire, the prequels are about it being born. In theory the sequel trilogy should have been about after the empire and the challenges of that period.

Sculpting a universe. It's £30 on amazon

watch a fan edit with jar jar removed or severally redacted then.

He's a leftist m8, He thinks effective governance is ebil "fascism" and believes in republican-democracy despite the fact that even he see the weakness of this form of governance.

Did you really think Disney was going to do this?
Did you think they even realize or care what the OT and PT are about?
They don't give a shit they just want CY+3 PR, laserswords™, and the SW logo stamped all over the place.

Nah, Americans tend to be lockefags by default but he's not corporate marxist.



I also predicted this

That's about all

Peace out

Better hide, call to prayer is soon and your new owners will be after your anus.

People like you ruin Star wars. This is star wars.

That's it. That's all Star wars is. That's all Star wars was ever supposed to be. Lucas wanted to make a classic action adventure series but with space ships that moved like fighter planes. That was his dream and he did it. Then with the prequels he got CGI which allowed him to take his space ship battles to the next level which is what his core autism is. I can't even blame Lucas for the state of Star wars at that point because it had already been picked clean by the vultures like yourself.

When you start taking Star wars apart politically you're looking at the wrong thing. It doesn't matter what the Empire is or isn't. It doesn't matter what Luke is or isn't. What matters is that the farm boy becomes a knight to fight the evil bad guys. When you start to pick it apart you ruin the magic.

To put it another way try it with Scooby doo.

But bro, if he had enough money to make all those light shows why didn't he just buy the amusement park? He could have used his lights to make his own even better park and put them out of business. Bro, what if he just killed Velma when she found his used dildo and got the DNA sample from it?

IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. The story is not made to be combed over frame by frame and word by word. It's supposed to be a fun adventure where you set aside things and just go with the story being told. The universe only has to be 51% believable and that's it's job done. You don't need to know who makes the green space milk, you don't need to know who the Jedi were or why they don't exist any more. You just need to know people drink space milk and Jedi were an order of noble knights in a world scummy people and smugglers.

What you're doing is using stupid Jewish tricks to turn everything into it's base components and then whine about those components. You can't enjoy something for what it is, you have to critique it and restructure it until it's a soulless blob where everything is known but nothing is magical any more.

You killed Star wars with your autism.

The kikes have been in charge since 1945, they're not exactly new. 🤔

There is no cure for this level of mad.

The problem is CGI was less developed back then. The CGI characters (with very few exceptions like the Kaminoans) were distracting and off-putting. I don't see how anyone can defend the diner scene in AotC with a straight face, for example. yea they made a set, so what? The Shrek and all the other robots and shit completely ruined any immersion. Compare the serious conversion from that scene with the cantina scenes from ANH.

But at least you don't end up a cuck who is not even a director. The others who got fired actually wanted to direct and didn't want to be placed into some shitty side role.

Lucas put a bounty up for any one who can pick out all the CGI in one of the prequel movies. Why don't you give it a shot man? Since it's so terrible you should be able to find every single pixel of it.

because he fucked-up Star Wars (originally) by not stopping when he should have, which - while not fatal - opened the door to what happened with Disney.

to be fair, most writers dont. They just re-tell an existing story-trope and set in a universe of their own with their own characters. Lucas' problem was he shot his load early, telling the classic 'hero's journey' story in about the biggest, grandest way possible (at the time) and wrapped it all up in 3 movies.

In retrospect, Lucas should have said there would be no more films in the Skywalker saga after RoJ because honestly there was nothing more to say on that that deserved its own film and could go toe-to-toe with the original trilogy. The story of Vader's origins - if told at all - should have been told directly or indirectly via one of the infinite one-off books, films, tv, and vidya that Lucas should have started dictating after RoJ and still be working on today.

The thing is, he couldn't resist the pressure to continue making movies that were supposed to be on par with the original trilogy. He lied and said he had an idea or a plan for 9 films and its doubtful he ever seriously did. He had ideas, sure, but every faggot has "cool ideas". If that's all it took, video games stories would actually be good and not embarassingly bad nonsense in general. Lucas had no story-trope template to follow and thus resorted to pottery and that's largely why the prequels are unfulfilling as part of a single cohesive overarching story. If he would have known, he probably would have stretched Luke's hero's journey arc out to 33 episodes instead of 3, but he had no idea what he was getting into when he started and by the time he realized it, it was too late.

no. makes a great meme, but would never work in practice. nobody wants to sit through entire films about literally nobody. thats what we essentially have now. Even the Game of Thrones is essentially a bog standard character story once you get past the absurdly convoluted set-up involving politics.

this faggot gets it.
…And while it's an understandably unpopular sentiment at the moment, Disney and/or JJ Abrams on some level seems to get it as well, which is why they basically just copied the whole formula for The Force Awakens and perhaps alluded to the formula repeating at the end of The Last Jedi with the stable boy.
I have maintained this for years… Lucas got spooked at the notion he was starting a religion with the Jedi. Fandom was a new thing in the late 70's and early 80's and i think he really didn't sign-up for that or know what to make of it. Thus, a lot of the levity in ROJ and onward wasn't simply a ploy to attract kids and sell toys, it was also to splash cold water on autists which we see Disney going turbo with today.

You just admitted you never read Foundation and therefore don’t understand star wars. You also have no grasp of science fiction.

Foundation is shit and would make even shitter movie.

You could go work for Disney with an attitude like that.

For all the shit you give Lucas I think we need to be honest here. He never intended to make Star wars. He never intended to make all this shit that we see now. He's just an space ship autist and wanted to upgrade the space ship battles in flash gordon into something a real plane could do.

The Force awakens is nothing like Star wars should be either. It's not an interesting story and it's not a fun story. There's no space adventure in it. For all their flaws the prequels are closer to the original idea than this new shit is. They're the 2-3rd book in the series which deals with adolescence and consequences of being a great knight.

I'll use Ender's game as an example. The first book is a military adventure. Ender does his deed and then the story ends. But Ender's game was never the intended story to be written, it was simply the story that had to be written for Speaker of the dead to exist. The entire point of that action packed novel is that once the action is over the great Hero has to live with the consequences of his actions. In Enders case he's known as a genocidal maniac and has to hide his identity forever. He deals with approaching love as a confused man with great power but no longer a purpose to guide that power.

Anakin in episode 2/3 (1 is the Ender's game in this case) is dealing with the same problem as Ender is in Speaker. Anakin has all this point and yet no purpose. He's forced to fight for someone else's goals while being lost himself. When he finally finds a goal it turns out he's just changing which person he's listening to not that he's finding his own path. Anakin in the clone wars series does a much better job of showing this though, he grows, he matures and sadly the third movie invalidates it all. But that's not the point here. The point is the prequels are actually sequels in the story being told. Anakin becomes a proxy for Luke's 20 year old story now he's a powerful warrior without a purpose he had in his teenage years. It may not have been handled well but you can clearly see the story Lucas is trying to tell here.

What Lucas was doing was writing HIS story not YOUR story. Lucas had wrote Ender's game. Now he had new technology he wanted to play with (the technology he honestly always wanted) and he had to build a film around it. So he wrote the second part of the warrior story. But he placed it as a prequel in the timeline because people constantly pestered him for more Vader. Vader who could never live up to the character they had built him into. That's why the 3rd prequel ends as it ends. Just as "old" Vader appears the story is done. Anakin (aka warrior Luke) failed on his warrior's journey. He didn't become the great knight he should have been and instead became a villain of his own making.

This is important because of part 2 of any story being the darkest. Part 1 sets up the story. Part 2 puts the hero in a bad situation and Part 3 resolves it. Ol' nigger fucker George wanted to make these 9 movies and had plans for them all along. As technology got better he could make each one as a way to advance film making. Remember he wanted to improve technology not just tell a story. Star wars revolutionised model kit building and basic CGI. Prequels made CGI into a practical usable technology without any support. Who knows what step 3 would have been? But George got sick of it. He got sick of all the faggots who turned Star wars into this huge autistic shit fest. His little story became such a monster that it killed the little boy inside him who just wanted a new toy and to see cool space ships.

So now you get Disney. They will give you exactly what you asked for, every year until it dies. You get your BADASS VADER. You get your OMG I REMEMBER THOSE nostalgia. But you will never get the complete Star wars story because you haven't even watched the original star wars story yet. You watched a bunch of pop culture critics masturbation version.

It's like seeing a picture of your grandmother but she's covered in a bukkake. Yea you can still make out her nose but you sure as fuck can't tell if she's smiling or drooling.

What's the problem with the scene anyway?

How would the 'Jar Jar Binks is secretly a Sith Lord' theory fit in the original trilogy?

And Rian's direction made it kino.

Are you all capeshit cucks who actually liked Synder's garbage and got offended by some actual direction? Or did you just all watch the cam rip and not see this in theaters?

So Kathleen is the Amy Pascal of Disney

wtf did I just watch


If you can force push or grab in an atmosphere, if you did so in a vacuum you'd pull yourself.

When that airlock opened at the end wouldn't they all get sucked out into space?

who needs physics when midiclorians am i right

Although Luke does say the force is what exists between all matter, and space is void of matter save occasional debris and particles


Star Wars space is likely very different since sonic-based weapons are used there. It works best if there is Newtonian ‘aether’ such that relativity doesn’t exist.

the word you're looking for is 'magic' and it creates sound in space too

No the force is matter and everything between it which wouldn't be space then necessarily

so magic

Except they didn't, which is why TFA looks and feels like a rehash of the Hero's journey made by bunch of cargo cultists. Look a little closer and you see the radio tower is made from bamboo and palm leaves so to speak.

No, the whole movie is spends its time deconstructing and subverting everything Star Wars, from established characters to tropes and story elements and this is part of it.
Just watch, the stable boy is going to end up as another mystery box. Like Snoke.
Fuck, the whole movie reeks of a weird combination of nihilism, po-mo nonsense, at times it veers into nearly surreal territory (Admiral Purplehair and her kamikaze attack versus Jar Jar Chinks and lmao character arc 4 u)

Fuck that noise, in the end it was all about cool spaceship battles inspired by WW2 newsreels not some hard sci-fi autismfest that makes the guys who run Project Rho pitch a tent.

Neat, ordered.

you can't fuck noise

That means nothing they are fucking whiny fags over there. The fact it was highly divisive proves its kino like the prequels. You just wont accept fact, you fucking pleb.

I can assure you they do, on many levels within the organization. Producing a quality film that is adequately lives up to that is another thing entirely and they failed to do that, likely due to the misguided political and business concerns of those in control, which now have no one pushing-back against them. It is because of those extraneous concerns that they are literally incapable as an institution of doing what works, creatively speaking. Like most institutions that believe themselves or are deemed to be "too big to fail" and transcendent of the rules that govern everyone else, they are trapped. They couldn't have made a true successor to the original trilogy even if everyone at the top wanted to. They are bound by forces - and the very nature of what Disney is now - to do otherwise.


That's because jews and women fundamentally don't understand the heroes journey and they hate it because "its a white male" power fantasy".

Could've made a sanitized ESB ripoff, nobody forced them to suck off Deleuze and Guatarri to the tune of 300 million bucks.

Going off on your tangent, did OSC ever actually state EG was just a setup for the sequels? Because as a kid I loved EG, read the sequels, and found them to be boring overly philosophical bullshit with each one being over 500 hundredish pages in length and ultimately adding up to nothing, just a bunch of mystery boxes with a bunch of characters that had little to do with the originals.

Daily reminder that prequelposting helps Disney pass the notion that negative opionions are just teen trolls.

The PT is irrelevant other than to show that even movies that people didn't like were better than pile of shit disney produces.

Revenge of the Sith and The Last Jedi are the best star wars films though.

piss off disney shill.

And posting stats on racial differences helps the kikes kill off whites.

You just don't get it.

Enjoy lad. It's a fantastic read. Just watch the binding, it's a bit shit.

George was going to give us a big tittyed red twilek sith as Luke's waifu wasn't he?

Probably, but since Disney bought his outlines we will never know.

the conversation in dex's diner was a lot more serious than the cantina scene, you nitwit.

the first film was purposely designed to be standalone since nobody thought it would be a hit. once george started working on empire, that's when the idea for more movies (and basic concepts for the prequels and barebones sequel trilogies) came about.

>trying to blame a stronk woman for the utterly retarded mistakes of a white male
You're not fooling anyone Brumpfsperg



That's the worst part, they did it voluntarily.

No, because fuck you, you misogynistic neckbard alt-right nazi omfg look at him he likes star wars what a nerd

Yeah he did. It was in the preface to the copy of SotD I read. Ender's Game was originally a short story, and he wanted to write a sequel to it but realised he needed to flesh out Ender's Game to a novel first to set it up properly. So he told his publisher/editor about his idea and they said "go ahead" and then said publisher/editor announced a new trilogy from OSC based on Ender's Game. This last part was a surprise to OSC because he didn't intend to write a third book in the beginning, and that's why Xenocide is what it is.

This, so much. Chewie wasn't even in the first act, he only showed up in act 3 (the Wicket character), but when Lucas realised he could only make act 1, so to speak, he threw in Chewbacca because he really liked the Wookies, and made him Han's co-pilot. Han originally flew Solo.
There was no nine movie plan, there was a one movie idea that was too big so Act 1 became a more focused single movie. The amount of shit that got changed between drafts of TESB (like making Vader Luke's father, which was not planned at all in the beginning, no amount of ret-conning can fix that) is a testament to how plastic Star Wars has always been.
Hell, even Disney don't have a long-term plan, they just let JJ throw in a bunch of mystery boxes hoping that the magic would strike twice, not realising that magic cannot be created by feminist focus groups and diversity hires, but it needs to come from a single wellspring of passionate autism.

There was more of a plan then than now, especially after ANH happened. Lucas didn’t really leave dangling mystery boxes that he had no answer for, and while Empire was being done he came up with a backstory for Vader and Obi wan and such.

Kill yourself retard.

I can tell you have never made or designed anything in your life. No matter what your plan is, it never turns out like it. Something always happens which pushes you in different directions to your original plan.

I paint and I sculpt. 0% of what I finish is what I started it out to be. There is always some small problem that I had to work around or an idea that changes as I progress through it. Oh hey that's cool but damn it needs a little bit extra here and suddenly there's a lolicon being fucked by an octopus in my nice land scape painting.

Literally fanfic writing.

Not big surprise, dubsman.
Way to "honor" a dying actress.

Why do people hate the diner in particular so much? there literally isn't anything wrong with it. I blame soyboys tbh

literally everything ever written ever

A 50’s diner

Clawing is not the best way to get to the surface is you're drowning. You'll probably drown.

These are Kathy Wars.

A western bar

You guys say that, but I've honestly had more fun with all the EU games and books then I ever did with the movies.

If you really want to view Star Wars as a set of stories rather than all the EU lore that comes after, then it just becomes a Flash Gordon ripoff with old sci fi tropes thrown in. Aside from ESB, none really stand out after that.

Selective suspension of disbelief. They have all these clear earth inspired objects in the original trilogy, but those are voided criticism because "we need memes so that we don't have to actually sit down and discuss why the prequels are bad"

Because he's the definition of a hack that lucked out having a big studio adapting his retarded fanfiction about king arthur in space.
The studio employees, a generation of professionals worked very hard to make it work and removed nearly all the stupid Lucassian ideas from it, but Lucas got all the credit.
Then with his bloated ego and immense fortune he went to direct his starwars trilogy. Which is a mess of decent idea drowned in retarded ones AND APPALING DIRECTION, which definitely proved that he can't direct a movie to save his life.
Of course he brushed off all criticism saying that the box office was good and that the people calling him a hack where just assholes and nobody had ever made that much money with Sci-Fi.
At that point James Cameron got up and said "Hold my beer" and made Avatar.

Then as any asshole with a gigantic wounded ego, he threw a hissy fit and said well I can make billions in a day too.
And sold to Disney.

that actually explains a lot. how does he live with this mentality though?

it does
no, George Lucas did

Lord of the Rings is about a farm boy who has to find inner strength to defeat an evil wizard and his henchman, and who refuses violence because he has goody two-shoes principles. this is how the movies being, continue and end. a simple, coherent, logical plot

then you have star wars, an original trilogy about a boy who wants to destroy an evil empire because…why? that empire is evil because…why? what does luke plan to do once palpatine and vader are dead? if vader is evil why doesnt he kill luke and blast the rebel planet with the death star? etc. I could go on but I wont spend 10 hours pointing out all the idiotic inconsistencies in star wars

in lotr the evil are evil because they kill people and create mud warriors and monsters to kill them. their only purpose is to kill everybody and conquer the planet. you dont ever see the nazguls saying "actually frodo you're my friend/son/lover so I'll help you kill myself"


Lucas is a hack, was my main point, your post just proves it. he wants to write a very complex and deep political story centered around a soap opera and he completely and utterly fucks it up and ends up with an incoherent illogical mess about a guy who loves his kid who hates him in a universe that makes NO SENSE

There’s nothing ‘king arthur’ about star wars, goon. And Lucas worked outside the studio system his whole career.

They torched his aunt and uncle, and as far as he knew killed his father. Luke was initially going to stay out of it, was even talking about going to the Imperial Academy. His interest in the Rebellion was that it was dashing and exciting until it became personal.

Then Vader killed Obi Wan and Luke had another reason to hate them.

Read a fucking book nigger.
Be young peasant boy, go see magical old men to get my magical sword, ancient order of knights, cue accidental incest scene with sister, my father was actually a dick, love interest get seduced by my best friend.
100% original work right here.

Fuck it's not like he even disguised it.
Han Solo = Lancelot (you don't pronounce the T in it's original french).
Leia Organa = Morgana.
Skywalker (a bit trickier) = he who walks the sky = Percival = he who walks the vale.
Even Obi wan Kenobi sounds suspiciously Briton: Obis gwan Kenobis (doesn't make sense but given that pig briton is way harder to understand than pig latin. Litt. "comeback weak of comebackia")

Oh what a big surprise. Leia son is evil and betrays Luke (both in the old EU and in the new canon… because it's something that was hard canon written by Lucas ages ago… because it's a C/C).

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Star Wars.


typical star wars brainlet

so it's petty vengeance? then why does he refuse to kill vader at the very end? after he talks to yoda, why does he still go to confront vader if yoda taught him that hatred made his father into vader and that these thoughts and emotions are anti-jedi?
sw makes no sense no matter how you put it

I was just a little kid as the movies were wrapping up, but I can't seem to recall anything that had ships and battles anywhere near as cool at the time. I think younger people take for granted how fucking gay spaceships used to be on film. Lucas came along and really captured the imagination of not just kids but adults. I agree with you said the autists and faggots ruined what was just a classic heroic action-adventure with a cool twist.

This I do blame Lucas for. The OT had a vague and simplistic approach to galactic politics. The OT only needed politics enough as a quick setup to the warring factions. When looking at the OT in a vacuum I agree it's wrong to nit pick the galactic politics. Lucas invited the deeper discussion of politics with the PT. Politics were a large and important role in plot lines of PT. This to me was one of the biggest sins of the PT. Lucas should of found a way to tell the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker without changing the way the series approached the galactic politics.

Have you even seen star wars? You have the best scene with a light saber. Vader threatens to take the only family he got left, Luke just hammer Vader brutishly filled with rage and overpower him until he cut of his hand only then does he realize his mistake -> he's turning into Vader. He then, finally, let go of his hatred and in that moment of enlightenment finally becomes Jedi (which then prompt the Emperor to try and kill him since he realized he won't be able to make him his new apprentice).
And yes Yoda told him exactly that, but telling and learning are two different things, Luke isn't Rey.

Starwars writing is weak in a lot of spots, especially in the fact there is basically no background (again because Lucas is a hack. He never bothered to write an actual universe) but that's not one of them.

What’s petty about it? You’re trying too hard. 0/10.

But in space, the amount of force used to push someone should be much less than levitate or fly in a planet with atmosphere an gravity.

It is really not that impressive, and we al have seen Anime were feelings like anger or stress trigger power ups and transformations, and we all know how incredibly high quality anime are (compared to toons)


Try it yourself clumso, in space you can maneuver quite well with small amount of push, contrary to flying on earth, which requires tremendous amount of strength and or an adapted body.


This is how it actually went

You're forgetting that the ships are moving. In fact they're moving using space fuel now (what?), so they're constantly accelerating (since you don't need fuel for anything else in space).

Don't worry the stupid movie forgot about it too.

Name one thing wrong with the last jedi

Not being liberal enough.
Not making Finn a Jedi.
Not letting him black Rey.
Not letting him black Poe.

Because he's a special effects visionary; not a savant writer.

wow. What a dipshit. The person in charge of the sequels doesn't even understand the original trilogy.

Not enough fat black ladies. This is obviously why it failed to find an audience.

You had damned well better tell me there's an edit of that where the bottle of water is a cock.

Minus the "ebil" part he's right. Fascistic governments are the only truly effective ones. Social democracies inevitably bloat, monarchies get complacent, Republics become corrupt, and Communism is extremely wasteful.
