So, I have been playing through the entire Zelda series from Nes,Snes,Gba,N64,GC, and now I am at Wii. So far emulating through the entire thing has been amazing. Using a Logitech controller for all of it. On Skyward Sword now and the set up feels great. You really have to admire all the work that goes into these emulators.
How come they just don't fucking adapt to the fucking PC already.
Strange Days/Emulator Thread
Nintendo already has been on PC. Remember Mario Teaches Typing?
Anyways, going off topic, why do some games on emuparadise for the Dreamcast come in fucking .nrg files? Like I tried to get D2 but it wouldnt run because of that shit, even though their Shenmue and Illbleed downloads were .cdi files.
they don't go PC for the same reason they don't switch everything over to cell phone development:
their corporate identity is not only tied into their games but their hardware.
unfortunately they've taken that to mean they have to keep surprising people with new gimmicks, but once it just meant a quality console with a competitive edge and interesting games
How do you play Skyward Sword with a controller? Is the Wii waggle mapped to the right stick or something?
Nintendo's problem is that they've always been antiquated. They still think they're in the 19th century when only Portuguese traders were allowed to dock on one island.
why would they switch? they're able to sell horrifyingly outdated hardware at a 2000+% markup and then earn licensing fees in the process
Yup, works great.
Yeah, I know some dude who is STOKED for Breathe of the Wild and he hasn't even beaten TP or SS. Which I just can never fucking understand. Why would you ever buy a Wii or WiiU when emulation for both is pretty fucking good right now.
It really hit me when I bought a Blackberry Priv today.
Far more powerful than the n3ds or Vita, has a bloody 1440p screen, and I paid only 300 Buckaroos.
Why the fuck can't we get a good handheld that takes advantage of all the advanced tech that PDAs smartphones funded?
If you are emulating which you shouldnt for the DC you should be using gdi dumps. You're in the wrong section, those are for burning CD-Rs
Lel. Its by no means in a usable stage yet faggot
That was not really Nintendo, they used to license Mario to companies like Interplay and Mindscape to make educational games like that. They've become more strict since then.
And .nrg is a Nero file, use that. Maybe it's even a non-self-booting game, usual in the early days of DC piracy: you have to run the Utopia boot disk first and then swap it. Try checking The ISO Zone,, and Segahub, maybe they will have what you want in .cdi.
Is there an up to date Sega Mega Drive/Genesis emulator other than Retroarch plugins? Some standalone emulator like Kega / Snes9x but up to date?
It seems like Genesis emulators for Windows stopped being developed around 2010, and the problem is that they're becoming very outdated and beginning to have problems running on modern computers. Kega runs like shit on my pc when I switch to fullscreen and Gens/GS R7 stretches the image to the entire screen with no aspect ratio correction option.
afaik Gens/GS II is the only MD emulator in active development. I searched for Windows binaries but only found the Git repository and a few (very old) tutorials on how to compile it for Windows.
I know, but soon enough.
FAGGOT LEL XD, fuck off back to reddit.
I use Kega, I just dont full screen. Works great for me. What OS and specs are you using?
Kega runs perfectly when windowed, but I really want fullscreen. When I switch to fullscreen the framerate doesn't go above 25 ~ 30 fps.
Windows 8.1 Pro 64, i5 3690, GTX 970.
Seems there is a fix here…
what did you do for twisting the wiimote? Or moving it forward and back?
Yeah, never really checked that out. Let me look
Higan is the most modern and accurate emulator for SNES, as well as GameBoy, GBA, and Wonderswan. Also, byuu has also begun to work on a Mega Drive core, so maybe in time it could even replace Kega.
It worked! Thanks a lot, user!
Still, it's a shame there isn't a more up to date Gen emu. Emulation is already pretty much perfect, but to add support for DX11 and OGL 4.5, current Windows versions and such.
Is DC emulation still bad? I don't want to imagine how bad Saturn emulation is if thats the case.
It's strange, after Pokemon Go I have a feeling they'll change their minds though.
I did try using Nero, but it doesn't seem to change a thing.
Well, that's great news. I just hope byuu takes medication for his autism and don't pull that rom folder nonsense like in Higan.
As it is, I prefer Snes9x svn. It's up to date, accurate as fuck (maybe not as Higan but good enough), has tons of features and just werks.
Wait, what did you do to get it working?
I used the fix the other user mentioned it
Where is the fix on the site though…
Only SNES, all the other are better emulated elsewhere.
Mednafen is in the middle of saving it
He backed off on game folders but he's back with a vengeance with retarded design decisions such as:
Blastem is more promising if you're looking for a general purpose emulator (high accuracy and audio emulation checked against a Model 1 genesis)
Well yeah it's just good old Snes9x with backported audio emulation from bSNES 0.7x (I think, might be wrong though)
WOOPS, found it.
It could be a bit hard to find because of the smallish font, but it's right there in the downloads section.
I just get mad screen tearing in Full screen with Kega so I stick to windowed.
I think you might be right on the core emulation. But it has lots of minor bugfixes and enhancements on the Windows frontend side of things. I really like the filters
I keep getting the urge to build a mini pc for emulation only, so I can have one in my Den with my big ass couches. Consoles nowadays are trash.
Or should I just get a laptop to do it?
If you go laptop you'll have trouble with a few things that require a good CPU or GPU, you'll also pay more.
A mini ITX box with a 4690k and a micro 970 will cost you less than around 1000-1500 bucks and shit on every single laptop you could buy, you can't really go AMD since they don't do small form factor stuff that's also decently powerful.
What's wrong with the Nano?
Nothing, just forgot it existed.
Why am I under the impression that AMD cant run most emulators
Emulation is shit. Nothing beats the original hardware, specially if it's modifiable. Eat a dick, poorfag.
AMD CPU might be limited in a few things like very intensive MAME stuff, a handful of games in dolphin and many in PCSX2.
AMD GPU are fine except for PCSX2.
Fun fact, I have most of the original hardware in storage and there is pretty much NO difference in accuracy or input. Ask the speedrunning community.
That's… actually quite a way of putting it.
Quick question about Project 64: do I have to extract the files before I can play them? When I try to extract them Winrar chucks a fit and says it is an unrecognised format or damaged, what should I do?
Then what's the point of emulation if you can buy the console and pirate games there anyway? Also, look at your OP pic, it says
You only need the .n54 file, that's the one that Project 64 needs to execute. If you have a .rar you have to extract. Otherwise, you're golden.
That's nuts. You can build a very good gaming PC for less than $500.
It's funny that they make PC's and phones and yet they don't put any software out for either of those markets as far as I'm aware.
My PC can Emulate anything but PS2 Though it does run GTA SA pretty decently and it set me back $100
I know, I'm basically making a joke against all the people who want Nintendo on PC and Phones but you never heard shit about it for Sony Except Bloodborne and Microsoft Except Halo 3 and with Microsoft no one cares that they're on PC now
I've got the .N64 file, but when I try to extract it from the archive it keeps coming up with an error saying the archive is an unknown format or damaged. Should I try and redownload it?
I spent $900 on a PC about half a year ago and it can run Wii games on dolphin at 1080p with a bunch of other additional shit and you're telling me that for less than $500 you can't play any Wii games on at least native settings with no problems for less than half a grand?
He probably thinks that everyone with a gaming PC gets it for the latest shit tier games and gets the parts 1st hand or something
Have you tried enabling Vsync?
Of course. Just re download.
Yes. Also, you're not considering all recent games. I doubt with that shit you can run any game post 2015 with max settings. You're a faggot if you think otherwise.
Yeah you can buy a decent PC for around 500-600 but I was talking specifically for an emulation machine in a Mini-ITX case.
You can get away with far less if you're willing to cut corners regarding emulation and size factor.
Download from there if it still doesn't work.
I'm enjoying Gothic Armada on max settings so far, and when I get bored I turn on my modded PS2 to play some megaman X collection. But hey, you have your 100$ emulation machine that can barely run, right? I wonder how many fans do you have so that shit doesn't explode in your face.
My local pc hardware store built an emulation box for like 200$ and it is the size of an xbox360
It only has 1, never even close to over heats despite being in an enclosed area in Australia
Though that said I do prefer using Original Hardwear when possible, but Havn't found that 007 game I need to do so
Australia have no games, user. I have 2 copies of 007. If I could, I'd send you one. There are so much of those here that people just hand it over, technically.
Have fun not being able to run PS3 and 360 emulators when they come out, let alone Wii U, 3DS and Vita.
But all those consoles and hand helds have no good fucking games. faggot
Well I just got a card that lets me go online so I might go on eBay or something, but thanks for the offer user
PC already has EDF, now all we need is Lost Odyssey.
But not EDF 2 or EDF 2017
Yeah, you talk like a poorfag in denial. It's so good to have a CFW PS3, I can even emulate PS1 and PS2 games, and I do it for fun because I have a perfectly functional PS1 and PS2
EDF 2 can easily be emulated seeing as how it's a PS2 game. That only leaves one game.
Thanks, I finally managed to get it running now. I'll probably have to buy a joystick to play properly, won't I?
N64 emulation is fucking shit for how the stick works. It's really hard to adjust any other controller stick to it, and usually you have to have various profiles in order to play perfectly. Games that are stick sensitive like Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing are playable, but you'll have a hard time doing turns.
I seriously tried with 5 different controllers and none of them emulated the stick good at all. And adjusting the dead zone is a big fucking pain,.
I have a Ps3 as well, two even. Still NO GAMES.
I used an analog based n64 controller and have had no problems at all. Even play Mario 64 pretty fast too.
I say I'd like to throw in that probably the best thing about emulation is not having to deal with region lock.
It's like you want to be gay or something.
Or fucking space management.
To be honest I'd rather fuck Space management than be gay.
Pretty fucking cringeworthy thread body OP. It looks right out of r/pcmasterrace
I agree the PC is the best platform for gaming. But you'd have to be really fucking retarded to not already know the answer to your question.
The 3DS is currently the top selling platform at an amazing 60 million units sold. Nintendo isn't going to just throw away that money you stupid fucking idiot. Their core business is both hardware and software.
1.) >Blackberry
2.) PDAs had awful specs even compared to their contemporary gaming handhelds. It wasn't until the 2010s hardware makers even gave a fuck about giving Smartphones beefy hardware that beat gaming handhelds
3.) The 3DS prototype used an Nvidia Tegra but Nintendo switched to a Japanese made chip in the final product because they receive tax breaks from the Japanese government
4.) There is little benefit for Nintendo to give the 3DS beefy specs. It would end up costing them more money all while most likely never selling anymore units they are already selling. Smartphones hardly even take advantage of their specs because most Smartphone games use 1/10th of the hardware. And if you do have apps that take advantage of the specs like emulators you're still not getting the best IPC because ARM processors are pieces of shit. Even low end Intel Atoms have comparable power consumption and destroy high end ARM designs
I bet you don't even CFW it, did you, fag?
And I don't believe you. Maybe is because I used P64, I heard there are better alternatives, but I don't know any. Still, N64 emulation is pretty shitty.
Golden Eye is also too sensitive to the stick, but whatever.
At this point 3DS is just hardware considering that piracy cracked open the 3DS.
Which only reinforces the importance of Nintendo remaining in the hardware business. Even though widespread Wii piracy didn't stop Nintendo's first parties from being the best selling games of their respective generations
Good night everybody.
The funny thing about Laptops is that you get either overly shitty specs or extremely high-end desktop class specs depending on how much you spend.
If you want a laptop that's great Because I have a laptop I mainly use for gaming BUT for laptops you have to spend a bare minimum for 1000 dollars if you want that Intel i7 and GTX 10 series GPU. For desktops you can get decent specs for half that much if you're smart and build it yourself
Wii U piracy wasn't that easy on the first day, although it was possible. Right now it's like farting.
What's the point if you can't upgrade it?Buying a laptop is like buying a fridge equipped with food, but you can't replace the food on it, until it runs out or it rots.
Emulating Kingdom Hearts Final mix with English patch on PCSX2. Made it to the Final Rest. THERE ARE NO HEARTLESS IN ATLANTICA. How the hell am I supposed to get thunder gems? Frost gems can be gotten at the World Terminus, but screwdivers only appear in Atlantica.
The Ursula and Oogie Boogie fights were glitched, and I had to switch to the Japanese iso to fight them. I've tried that here with no success. Is my only choice to cheat in some thunder gems?
Is this bait?
Since people like you insist on sharing the same posting space as me I might as well educate you a bit. Remember to keep your mind open because right now you sound like a fucking retard.
Physical copies are great for display purposes and can be brought out easily for younger generations to play. They're also more valuable.
This is one of those things that pirates will never understand because they have their heads stuck up their own ass. If someone likes a game it makes sense to go out and legally obtaining it. This shows interest in the series to SOMEONE, even if it's just a jewy retailer.
Emulators need fiddling, and if the games are glitchy they need more fiddling, want alternate inputs? more fiddling. Want to play multiplayer? More fiddling. Consoles you just setup and pop in the disc/cartridge. Sure there are some emulators like dolphin that require minimal fiddling but Dolphin is in the minority.
Not to say emulators don't have their advantages, but if you think "Owning consoles is stupid hur durr" then you're pretty retarded.
You are an idiot, kill yourself jew puppet.
This is what you get for emulating. Get a CFW PS3 and play the 1.5 with all the Final Mix stuff.
Nevermind. Aqua tanks appear in the World Terminus, I just didn't notice because Donardo & Goofy were killing them off screen.
What happened to this?
I speedrun. Most legit WRs are on original hardware. Pro-tip: you always lose when someone calls your bluff with an actual hand.
No they aren't, fuck off. Good for them if they want to use old hardware though, I don't care either way.
Convenience, laptops give you a mouse, keyboard, and screen all in the same unit, which means it takes up less desk space. Consuming less power than a full sized desktop and being technically portable (although very high-end productivity and gaming laptops are more designed to be "movable workstations") are just icings on the cake. It all depends on what things you value in a machine. I can easily add more RAM, technically upgrade the CPU although unlikely , and plug it into an external monitor with external KB+M if I really wanted too
Piracy is much easier on PC. Although modern DRM also does a good job of blocking pirates most of the time.
Every time one of their consoles is hacked, they lose money.
Going on PC would just mean they lose money from day 1 of every release.
Also their market is Japanese + international kids. Neither groups are big PC users.
I don't know if you're autistic or merely pretending.
So essentially you're playing Skyward Sword, but with Metal Gear Rising controls?
Huh, yeah I guess so. I never saw it like that.