Dear Holla Forums, I tech biology to freshmen in a pozzed european country. We're soon going to go more in depth on the subject of (bio)diversity and was wondering if you faggots have some ideas on how to include wrongthink in my class. Obviously I'm going to talk about how diversity isn't always good by bringing up many examples of invasive species but what else can I chemo these kids with?
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Natural selection in different climates leads to different characteristics being selected?
ie melanin, time preference, impulse control, nose shape, etc.
Forgot to say Africa doesn't really have winter.
This should help you, godspeed user.
And few more. Definitly mention how hybrid vigor only works for plants in certain conditions and how it was for some stupid reason extrapolated to humans.
Have you considered including elements of socio-biology? I suggest a book that is in the Holla Forums collection called "The Ethnic Phenomenon" by Philip Van der Berghe. One of the main theses which is most applicable to the animal world is his positing that ethnic nepotism - favoring your own race - is hardwired in our DNA; it's neither cultural nor irrational. Favoring your own family goes without saying, by doing so you perpetuate your own genetic material. The key point in the book is that favoring your own species at large is a way of maximizing what he calls "inclusive fitness" ; this hinges on the fact that even non-biologically related individuals within a given race or species share more genetic material between themselves than they do with individuals from other races.
Social animals clearly act in this manner when engaging in altruistic acts that put their lives at risk in order to save non-kin; think of an ant sacrificing himself for the group. Such an approach carries obvious subliminal undertones pertaining to ethnic nationalism as a the defacto natural attitude. Van der Berghe repeatedly demonstrates this: ethnic favoritism is normal and rational, whereas he makes the distinction that racism is not (his opinion, not mine).
Talk about different breeds of dogs, and how they are all the same species, but look and behave very differently. Tell them how this was achieved over only a few thousand years.
You could also talk about how living in civilizations has caused 'modern man' to differ from his distant ancestors. Of course, you don't need to bring up how the races haven't been living in civilization for the same time, but any non-retard will make the connection without you immediately being fired.
I'm more of a microbiologist, but interspecies competition would be a good topic to cover. Basically hit home that some species, even at the microscopic level, use tools to suppress (or kill) others.
Invasive species. You're welcome, OP.
You could always bring up the plagues, and how Britain a native population. Diversity isn't always good, your sneeze can kill.
This is why we have a problem with niggers.
Your own blood kills foreign organisms - your own blood is an ethnostate.
Plus can't mix different types of blood.
Not sure if i'm in the right theme here, was more of a tech guy than biology guy, but those are my 2 cents.
Talk the positive racial feautures or unique oddities.
Kenyans with lowest center of gravity.
Greeks with strangely mathematic proportions.
West Africans with those enormous assess.
Peruvians have that blood thinning gene.
That town of Italians immune to bad cholesterol.
Blue eyes.
Native American earwax being dry compared to everyone else's wet.
Europeans have slightly better immune systems, possibly as a result of being urban the longest, having dealt with influenza and plague so often.
Then slip in that Ashkenazi are smart, but it came at the cost of inbreeding and Schizophrenia.
Biodiversity is a good thing faggot. The more connections between different species of organisms in an ecosystem the more stable the ecosystem is and the more stress it can withstand.
Try actually learning something from the class instead of politicizing it. An understanding of the natural world is important for the national socialist.
You do realize that the main reason biodiversity is "good" because of increased levels of interspecies' competition and more often than not rooting out the less fit individuals of every taxon in it, right?
OP was asking about biodiversity not diversity.
You can talk about Ballast Water Management.
Keked and checked
To be honest I'm not sure what OP meant. If he was asking about biodiversity he's a moron since that has little to do with wrongthink. But he said
so I'm pretty sure he meant the biological differences between different species and how they compete. I don't know to what extent OP is going to touch on the matter of differences between humans, but one example of interesting behaviour in the animal kingdom I can think of is trans-species cuckoldry (with an emphasis on how this is a competitive reproductive strategy).
crops and monoculture, lack of genetic diversity in crops makes them all susceptible to the same diseases.
But instead of wiping out 2% of the crop it wipes out 100% due to having the same genetic composition.
OP is full of shit.
You could mention winter as a driving force of technology. Winter is the reason we have calendars (how many days til 3 starve months) why we invented stone carving for snug houses, even why we have tight knit clans and high trust societies with give and take relationships. Africa never had winter as a driving force so all the stuff and ways they had was adequate and adaptations were not needed.
Niggers had it easy
I have a question about the hybrid vigour,maybe I got it wrong but I kind of remember that south americans got metaphorically fucked by desease from the old world yet their rape babies grew immunity thanks to spanish sweet sweet loving and their flu resistance dicks.
Wich in itself seems odd since as far as I'm concerned it's the mother that gives said immunity,any biologist/medical field/potential mengele that could confirm?
Try teaching them about the Genetic difference of peoples, the Genetic History of Eurasia and that they didn't know anything about it yet because they only started this research in 2015.
Also, that Africans are literally different from anyone else in the world.
Not a disease. It was an adaptation in the blood cells of the Amerindians of the Andes to process oxygen in high-altitudes (places with low oxygen density).
But this is not Hybrid Vigor, if anything, it was a Downside for those Amerindian mother to have their children with Europeans, because their children got worse off then them regarding the blood cells.
This is called Outbreeding Depression.
Yes that happens in Iceland if I remember correctly they had apps for not cousin fucking,inSpanish monarchy,and to our beloved long nosed greatest allies due to centuries of inbreeding in small populations.
I was thinking more about the antibodies brought by the mother and her best milk that gives babies in unity to some diseases like the ones brought to the new world by the spanish,theoretically that could be one benefit.
I would just stress how evolution affects EVERYTHING,and culture is just a way we humans fill the gaps to adapt but that doesn't mean the evolution isn't there(like a chimp that can be living amongst humans or a wolf that can be trained like a dog yet it is not to be trusted since it still has instincts)
If you want a softer approach talk about how blacks are good at running vs whites at weight lifting and yet point how that doesn't mean individuals can't be outliners,you can expand from there pointing that evolution also affected the brain in some ways that are yet to be discovered and to what point conduct vs genet is determinant,show studies about delayed reward vs inmediate reward (you can guess racial segregation happens) or some shit like that.
Actually if you're in western Europe you can take your dick out read mein kampf and scream heil hitler every 4 words while doing hand stands and I still doubt people would care,the state of unis is absolutely kiked and retarded to the point people give a fuck about learning vs passing exams that are mainly multiple choice tests.
Not just nativ americans, but also east asians
probably something to do with cold central asia migration or something.
Just play it straight, teach biology as well as you can. Biology is already wrongthink.
Chemo them by inciting discussion of hybrids and what often happens to persistent hybrid populations and how it influences parent populations.