Eugenics, Race and Husbandry general

It is well known that genetic similarity binds family most tightly, then extended family, ethnicity, race and even humanity as a whole. You might not care what happens to a nigger because they drag us down as a species/genus, but if the rest of the world was wiped out they could in theory leave africa again and start to produce culture and beauty after 60k more years of evolution, rather than leaving the planet to Ayys. Similarly, you might not value those of low genetic quality within your own ethnicity as they bring the average down for your nation, but you might support them over those of other nations (unless they are traitors).

Someone who wishes the best for their race will have compassion for those genetically inferior members, but will not allow them to outbreed the superior. In addition to natural eugenics (which fails in a welfare state), and state eugenics through sterilization (which is sadly lapsed), we will soon have genetic engineering which we must pursue at all costs! It will allow any couple to improve their child, keeping the features of the parents, but with any ill-mutated genes replaced with the original to give symmetrical beauty. The personality can be kept, but with any psychopathy and criminality eliminated. The genes for intelligence can be supplemented with those from the best of the race.

China will certainly pursue this technology, and it is foolish to think that no others could surpass us if we stall or fall backward in our evolution, while others use science to jump ahead. Save money for your children to enhance your grandchildren.

That is a little way off though, so there's still a lot of work to be done to raise race consciousness and defend our homelands. I believe the most effective redpills will be HARD genetics. Show that there are specific genes governing intelligence, which occur at different rates among the races. Show that random people within an ethnicity are more closely related than a parent is to their mullato child. Generally discussing how heritable criminality is will get people on board with eugenics again. The data is very powerful if it's presented properly. Most people support science if you can get past their 'racist agenda' shielding.
Infiltrating and pushing for a 'genetic equality' movement could be appealing to leftists thanks to their desire for 'fairness', and it isn't fair that some people have better genes! A movement centered on preserving ALL cultures and ethnicities could possibly work too, as the majority of people are still sane enough agree than preserving ethnic Swedes is important if they would object to Abbos going extinct.

I suppose I'm advocating for a more palatable science/HBD wing that can eventually support the main WN movement. I think many of us got in that way. What are your thoughts?

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Reminder that genetics is false science. If genetics were true, niggers would be on same intellectual levels as whites by being mixed with whites. It doesn't work that way.

First post. Always.

Mixed people is a mixed bag. Sometimes they come out ok, sometimes not. My thinking is that they can help us take over other territory – for example, part of china. Then they can create their own state there with their particular admixture. Develop their own culture and identity that displaces the natives there and is more subservient to us, while we proceed to conquer other territory. That will allow us to hold more territory at the same time, leaving little puppet states everywhere we go

I didn't suggest mixing anyone, but genetics is obviously true. Black/White mixes are predictable between the two in intelligence, with those of lighter skin (an indicator for white admixture %), being more intelligent on average than the darker.

You need to get to 100% white though to get as smart as a white, at which case they are no longer niggers.

Starting colonies would be nice, but requires a surplus of people in the homelands. We're at a deficit already, that emigration would make worse. Is suppose the exception would be if moving elsewhere increased the fertility rate of those who would move, but it would still risk ceding territory.

Right, so obviously increasing white population is important first.


What the fuck are you on about? Genetics literally explains this would regression to the mean.

Glorious Gattaca future when

I feel dumber after reading that

Or, just like literal chimps and gorillas, niggers could never evolve beyond the dumb animal stage. We don't even know if natural evolution is responsible for producing whites. It probably isn't, given that no other living thing on Earth has managed to evolve intelligence on par with ours despite having an evolutionary head start of hundreds of millions of years.

No it's not retard
I'm white (German) blonde hair blue eyes and I was adopted as a baby. I found my biological family back on 8/8 of modern year -1 and I exactly like both of my brothers and my dad and my mom. Down to the mannerisms on how we all three lean on a table after taking a picture together. Etc. genetics are so real it's not debatable.
Sage cause you're a fucking retard

Everything west of Xi'an in china is basically already white (if you get rid of the kebabs)

fuck off kike


…OR we can just do what Darwin predicted

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state as we may hope, than the Caucasian and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”
― Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man

If whites don't wipe out niggers, the kikes and chinks will. Or every race really. There are literally no races on earth that like niggers, not a single one.

correct me if i'm wrong, but don't most people already sexually select people of their own race, who are healthy, and intelligent?
the (((media))) struggle enough trying to push interracial, and the push for 'big women' is an absolute laughing stock, god knows they'll get nowhere trying to advocate spreading diseases to your children.
embed related. fox experiments.

The resistance with which people are opposed to eugenics these days is ridiculous. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since we keep countless Syndrome of a Down retards running around and mixing in with the normal kids.

The kikes think they're winning, but you know what?
They're just making the fewer whites of the future the best our race has to offer. while niggers will be their absolute worst.

And nobody here is working on a weaponized sterility plague. Such low energy.

I found my biological family back on 8/8 of modern year -1 (Congrats, user)

I Failed High School Biology: The Post

What is this graph?

What's your theory, and what's wrong with OoA? There's no point about your ancient ancestors being niggers, even even tiny rodents much further back.

I wasn't saying that they should be preserved, but that it would be rational to want them to survive if every other race was wiped out by an asteroid or something (but not to let them kill or replace us). Obviously it would be preferable to replace them.

Iceland has eliminated Downs recently. The religious right are against abortion and are holding us back in that regard, although much of traditionalism is good.

That would be a multi-billion dollar programme. China, Russia or the US could be working on one for all we know. Or even Israel.

As far as you know…

Have some shit for your shitpost:

Splicing will ensure psychopathy. Splicing will ensure criminality. Splicing will ensure asymmetry. Presuming the DNA survives splicing, the DNA will loose stability and convergence/recovery. Splicing will facilitate assburgers and perpetual childhood. Splicing will not facilitate intelligence, and will lead to lineage disintegration. Spliced grandchildren of the doomed will have hell shitting out of their dicks and cunts that will make Zimbabwe look like fucking paradise – and it will be -theirs-. Splice guns into two year olds, or god powers into amoebas, and you will have overpowered components unable to function well together.

I could stop here. But I won't. The central dogma is wrong. RNA is the organism, DNA is the memory, the structures of soaps/proteins/sugars are the infrastructure commons. Darwin was a globe hopping neocon. Hardy-Weinberg is shit. Evolution has never been the survival of the fittest, else you would not be here, and I would not be typing this. Evolution in systems with substantial DNA memory, without predation, and with intra-iteration behavioral adaptation, will exhibit not 'survival fittest' memetics, but rather the self de-selection of the least fit. In Man, this means the re-assortment of memory (full DNA) to find the shitskin and cast it out. However, in parasites and cannibals, this means dysgenic regression back into high entropy. Thus, take a collection of whites, give them infinite welfare, wait 1000 cycles (roughly 10,000yrs), and you will have a population filled entirely with niggers – identical (or near identical) nose, hair, skin, jaws, eyes, mentation, and aboriginal body habitus. We'll call it Africa. Or Asia. Because that is exactly what those are. Because Darwin was a liar. Because Hardy-Weinberg is shit. Because Evolution is the self de-selection of the least fit, and 'least-fit' – the one known known – was removed.

Memory is expensive, substantial memory is substantially expensive, and entropy wins. This means that aside from random death due to random shit, the latest code revisions are lost first. Roll the queue back and you get black skin. Roll the queue back on a slightly different parallel line, and you get slanted eyes and mega jaws. Contrary to what you've been told, these are not adaptations, nor are they positive selections due to muh sunlight.

I should probably stop. But I'm not going to yet. Superiority is not known, only inferiority is known with certainty. Attempts to 'prevent outbreed of the superior' presumes knowledge of certain superior, which is not in fact known – only the inferior is known with certainty. Again stated again, evolution is self-de-selection-of-least-fit, not survival-most-fit, 'most' is not known and the set of fit-less tests change with each iteration. In addition to pursuing the stupid, another pursuit is treating iteration systems with single-iteration logic. This is anti-system as well and will result in the enhancement of F1, possibly F2, subsequently followed by the rapid disintegration of F3+F4+F5.

Stick to aborting known knowns. Ex: down syndrome. Ex: literal Asiatic linage dysgenics of hemophilia, ovarian/breast cancer, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, cystic fibrosis, various metabolic diseases, etc – all caused by the kazakh branch of asian parallels. Ex: literal African linage dysgenics: G6PD, sickle cell, etc.

It's so funny I still see people trying to deny race and then they do everything they can to stop stuff like this from getting out

A New DNA Test Can ID a Suspect's Race, But Police Won't Touch It

Frudakis' test is called DNAWitness. It examines DNA from 176 locations along the genome. Particular sequences at these points are found primarily in people of African heritage, others mainly in people of Indo-European, Native American, or South Asian descent. No one sequence can perfectly identify a person's origin. But by looking at scores of markers, Frudakis says he can predict ancestry with a tiny margin of error.
