Is it just me or does everyone who tends to cry about something being OP and needing a nerf just want to transform a game from having unique strategies and tactics into a boring line battle where combat is revolved with just who has the biggest stick rather than brain?
Is it just me or does everyone who tends to cry about something being OP and needing a nerf just want to transform a...
Why don't you try discussing a specific game instead of dealing with vague generalities?
Because threads about specific games are either shitposted to death, shillposted to death, or ignored.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Because stick beats brain.
The faggiest of all is people bitching about certain strategies or items needing nerfed in single player games. You dumb fucks, if whatever technique is so OP it ruins the game for you, don't use it! It's that easy. It's like some fucker keeps beating his head on the wall and saying it hurts and the wall needs to be removed (alternatively bitching that he needs a neckbrace to stop him). Spoiled bastards.
Darkest Dungeon comes to mind with that.
Well that depends, there are times where it is necessary, like in dawn of war, where the eldar ended up being the fastest, most damaging and most numerous faction, when that place is supposed to be either orks or imperial guard.
Holy fuck why would someone even do that? Is it like they dislike fun or something?
There was a reason it was called Dawn of Eldar, although there is a difference from hitting something with a rightful nerf and just nerfing something into the ground just cause people are too butthurt and retarded to use their heads. That user that caused the OpenRA devs to nerf engineers into oblivion comes to mind.
I know why it is called dawn of eldar, thats why im saying tht some times it needs to happen.
It doesn't work like that in multiplayer game
he specifically stated in single player games.
I tried arguing this about Pokemon X/Y with the EXP share and auto-battle in Final Fantasy 13 making the game "not fun" and press X to win and normalfags had a spergout on other forums. It's fruitless.
It's not just you.
brb kill self
This mentality is usually pure projection. People who have to rely on broken stats to get anywher love to whine that their shit gets nerfed. Then they pretend that everyone else is just bad and "hate fun".
Tell me how you never complain about shit games and simply dont play them :^)
O it's one o' them "Balance" niggers.
Drink bleach promptly.
this is a fucking fruitless discussion when you don't mention a game to specifically argue about
If you want a fully balanced game it would come with a single gun choice, and the level would be final destination every single time. Have fun with that nigger.
are you stupid?
Even if its a single player game, putting something OP that broke the game is bad game design. You can't just spout "hurr durr don't use it" because then you are casualizing the genre. Perfect example of this is health regen which become an industry standard for every game
It's fairly rare for one strategy to strictly dominate all others.
It's usually just lazy faggots falling into a habit or emulating something they saw, and then people complaining that everybody has the same playing habits.
It's people bitching about something they are too lazy to counter 9/10 rather than something being OP.
wrong quote.
Meant see
Good example of an easily countered tactic that was nerfed cause retards were too lazy to counter it.
that's some over buffed casualised shit that all they needed to do was call it the new "EXP ALL" while still offering the original "EXP Share"
wasnt that more along the lines of dev butthurt that people found effective strategies
Generalizing to your own detriment again