Has you lot saw this blog debunking all the images that are posted in "red pill" threads?

Has you lot saw this blog debunking all the images that are posted in "red pill" threads?


It all seeeems quite logical and now I am beginning to wonder if all you guys have been lying all this time because I can't work out how to explain the stuff he has debunked.

Can any of you explain this?

Other urls found in this thread:

forum.codoh.com/search.php?keywords="holocaust controversies"&sid=2fdf77d6854d6bdc0d62c94652035d99
books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=six million Jews&year_start=1500&year_end=2008&corpus=15&smoothing=3&share=&direct_url=t1;,six million Jews;,c0

Where are the bodies?

You are not referring to any of the points made on that link.
I am not asking YOU if the holocaust happened I just want someone to explain the points made on this blog.

Where are the bodies?

Which point are you referring to on the blog?

Which bodies are you referring to?

Got to keep defending the lie. Relatively cheap compared to the billions made through the shoah industry.

Did you even look at the blog?
I am not trying to say that the holocaust happened, but all the pictures saying that the jews lied about it being real are all explained on there.
Just pick something from the list and explain it to me.

Doesn't matter OP, holohoax exposure is first and foremost about freedom of speech, not the arguments, even if the arguments where still wrong, the fact that you could go to prison for saying the wrong thing about the holocaust, would be reason enough to destroy the concept of the holocaust as something sacred.

Yeah I understand that, but I have got into an argument about the holocaust being faked and I have relied on all of those pictures being TRUTHFUL but now they have been debunked on that blog.

Take for example this one: holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.co.uk/2017/05/rebutting-twitter-denial-most-popular.html#britishlies

In what way exactly?

The whole arguments seems to go like this:

But offering literature is not evidence.

I did, quickly. What a saw on your link weren't debunkings but damage control as to why.

Do they talk about "Truth does not fear investigation"?

Give archive or quote the points you want addressing. Why would we want to give them clicks?

Bodies can't be destroyed completely so there should be many toothes lying around but we don't see the tooth so where is it? Gassing the people is stupid because it's expensive so it's unlikely they use the gas to kill many people in a such short time. Most inmates died is because of the diseases so why should the german guards take care of them? They were at war!

You're right, I don't know why I didn't bloody think of that in the first place.
I feel slightllyy silly but I just want to make sure that we are correct about everything.

Nothing good comes from a lie, that's the way I see things and I just wanted some advice about this whole thing.

The memes are simply to get you on track. If you want real revisionism go read some books holocausthandbooks.com/

The holocaust didn't happen, but it should've

Why? Life is complex, nobody can be correct about it, all that matters is our freedom.

Any of what?
If you've read it and understand it enough for it to have convinced you, surely you can give a couple points or summarize?

I know that it's a lie, but I try to think in a way that a normal would look at it.
They are going to ask alllllll the questions of the day and then once they come across that blog they are going to say the same thing I said "Oh, all these info pictures have been distorting things" but all the information that jews point to is only stuff that THEY have created.

Jews are known not to bathe themselves often so they had to be shoved in to communal showers and switch it on. Aftertoward the shower, they got deloused as they were infected with the lices! (don't ask me how they live with the lices.)


Did you follow the link they include there? hdot.org/vanpelt/#
This is the supposed "evidence", a seemingly endless wall of text talking about what the cultural environment was like at the time and that people refused to believe the holohoax story. What changed that was (((Eisenhower))) sending a bunch of senators to "see for themselves". Then some article was ran in ''Christian Century" saying they were wrong to doubt the stories. At no point was any evidence provided. Nothing but people having been "convinced" after visiting Buchenwald and other government officials being a butthurt crusade for the kike lie.

Try this >>>/zundel/49

I'm not going in on all of them so I just react on what you post. So what has he debunked in 36? He admits there that the number are changing because of incomplete data. He just doesn't agree that the data is incomplete because they manipulated the data.

In 4 he just makes up an conclusion with no reason why that should be the case. For example we know that in ww1 the Brits made up propaganda stories that the Germans had done atrocities that never happened.

forum.codoh.com/search.php?keywords="holocaust controversies"&sid=2fdf77d6854d6bdc0d62c94652035d99
There you go leftycuck. Search to your heart's content.

I read that shitty blog. It acknowledges that yes there were swimming pools, soccer games, brothels, and fencing tournaments, but it claims they were only for the non-jews.. LOL??? What? What the fuck sort of "death camp" has fencing tournaments and brothels?????? Sounds more like a luxury resort. Stalin sure as hell didn't have any brothels in his gulags.

All the kike can do is lie and obfuscate, once you blow past that you see that their "power" is really more like a neurotic chihuahua nipping at your heels.

I'm not giving them any clicks.
Does it "debunk" revisionists like in these desinfographics?

Techically speaking the entire gulag was one giant brothel where soldiers could rape the inmates.


How did the kikes live with lice? Easy, since the lice and jews are both blood sucking parasites.

See, you are NOT thinking about what normals are thinking about all this, you just attack people like me who are trying to make sure we have got it correct.
Imagine I went about arguing with people and I was completely wrong, you just want to attack-attack-attack.
Fuck you man.

Friendly reminder

This is an archive link of it btw.

this board is not for newfags, lurk an infinite amount more years before posting again and I suggest drinking bleach.

Most of the shit on that page is cherry picked inconsequential shit like "hurr dis jew didn't mention da gas chambers!"

Go back to reddit.

Just think about these for a while. If you still need evidence, the rest of the thread will probably post it.

You haven't even explained the points in the blog that convinced you. I'm not clicking your kiked-up wordpress. Just give your points, not a link and some whining.

My opinion that you were a leftycuck was simply because of the post's style, esp. the ending remark which can come off as snarky:
Now get your big boy pants on.

Oh fuck, here's me thinking that being sure of being correct was a bad thing.
Call me whatever you want, if you are jews posting I can understand the posts being made but if you are European(white is just a colour not a race) then you are attacking your own kind.

Ya not like being on the losing side of the biggest war ever fought would make it difficult to feed and take care of low priority prisoners or anything. I'm sure the US would have a simple time taking care of the japs in their camps if they were under a large scale invasion.

It's snarky for someone to ask if something can be explained?
What way should I have asked?


The US couldn't even feed the enemy POWs in the Civil War.

I emphasized why:

no meme here, 2 or 3 million jews PROBABLY died in ww2, that being said, the official narrative of the holocaust is all a bit shaky (to say the least). If this was a real court case and it was handled methodically and without emotional bias, they would rule that the holocaust, as in 6 million jews getting gassed(etc), didnt happen. There is just too much doubt, for a crime this large you cannot convict anyone on grounds these shaky.

and in addition to that, its not even that important, historically speaking. Lets be honest, the holocaust was not the worst event in history, people were treated much worse before, yet you never hear about for example the japanese camps during ww2 (look them up, much worse than auschwitz), not that many people died in the holocaust, and only 6 million jews (supposedly) died which is only a tenth of the whole of WW2 and 20x less than the people who died due to communist regimes but they do not face the same scrutiny.

If you are on this board now you will already understand why the holocaust is such a monumental thing to the globalist world order, its being used to shun all discussion on nationalism and ethnic purity, it is used to shut down all kinds of political movements, and its basically been exploited for this, there is very little historical significance for the holocaust, the only reason people know about it is because of its utility as a political tool. Theres a reason hollywood has made upwards of 20 films on the holocaust (only recently, most likely much much more in total)

so yeah, whatever angle you look at it from a discerning perspective, you will realize its all a load of exaggeration made for exploitation as a political tool
keep the redpills coming, the more people realize they are being duped by the holocaust story the more people wake up

Stop dodging me.
Either give some points you found convincing and summarize the blog, or don't. Just don't expect people to read jew propaganda FOR you and then handhold you through debunking it.

much like the common "refutations" it tends to exaggerate the claim of the opposition, disprove that exaggerated claim then step back as if it has solved the entire thing and hoped no-one will notice.

Don't even bother responding to this shitty post. It's obviously some retarded kike trying to stir up trouble and failing miserably.

sure enough: books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=six million Jews&year_start=1500&year_end=2008&corpus=15&smoothing=3&share=&direct_url=t1;,six million Jews;,c0

See this post:>>10593144

1. There were less than 3 million Jews in Europe.
2. Around 300,000 died in the camps due to allied bombing, as confirmed by Red Cross and Patton.
3. Another 100,000 died in war.
4. Nuremberg trial was completely fabricated.
5. The holohoax never happened, but it will happen soon.

Reported the shill thread.

And this is the last time I'm gonna say this, would rather be correct or incorrect about all this world war two stuff?
People need to be sure instead of getting flustered in an argument and then blurting out something that went against their argument.
I could not be any more logical than this, so if you want to be mad at me for trying to be accurate and correct then you can knock yourself out.

You haven't made an argument. You've just repeated yourself and indignantly demanded answers to questions you haven't asked yet.


Yes, there is propoganda on both sides of this issue. Rather than focusing on whether it even happened or on how many were killed, it is instead more important to see how the Jews use the fact that this event happened to their advantage.
Yes there was a genocide, but that was over 50 years ago. Jews will probably try to keep it relevant for the next 50 since they only see it as a tool that they can use.

Compelling argument.

since we are having a discussion about these. the link claims that zyklon B is highly lethal to humans but far less lethal to insects (lice) and it seems to be correct in saying that.
my question is why then did people use zyklon B to delice clothes that would later be worn by humans? reducing the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen to muscles and brain would severely debilitate soldiers even if it wasnt present in enough concentration to kill them. why was it used?

It literally does not matter whether the holoshoah happened or not. It simply shouldn't be influencing German politics or be used to guilt trip innocent children into hating themselves and wanting their country destroyed. Same applies "muh native muricans" or "muh poor nigger slaves" too.

not by most sources, you may speak only of religious jews, but there were many non-practicing ethnic jews that were 'holocausted' as well and this is important when determining the prewar population. in the end i still think 2 to 3 million jews died so this doesnt really disprove my opinion
thats quite a lot, im not saying jews only died in ww2 due to germans though,
so thats a total of 400,000 that confirmed didnt die at the hands of germans?
i would like a source for this, from what i understand the nuremberg trials were kinda shitty and more just eyewitness testimonies accusing particular people, and then those people getting executed, i dont believe they particularly went into the facts and details of whether it actually happened though.
okay this is where i draw the line, saying this is just plain stupid (the it will happen soon part, not the never happened part), as well as playing into the hands of the same people that push the holocaust as a political tool. If you say 'the holocaust is going to happen again' you are literally strengthening the 'oy vey, never again!' concept. you will just scare all the normal people off, and it doesnt make you sound smart or edgy either.

There absolutely wasn't you idiot. A genocide is when a given people gets wiped out = they don't exist anymore.

Likewise, a homicide is a when a person is killed = he doesn't exist anymore. Not harmed, not hurt, not badly wounded, killed. Dead.

If a person is harmed, no, matter how badly, it can not be a homicide since that person is still alive.

Same with genocides, a genocide has impossibly taken place when the people supposedly genocided are still in existence.

It was an effective delousing agent.

that wasnt what i asked, very deceitful comment

the term 'genocide' is generally defined as also includes attempts. you will sound stupid if your only argument is playing with semantics

You may have brain damage.

could you elaborate on this? it sounds like a compelling argument but i wish to understand more

My answer
Could you be a bit less fucking idiotic chaim?

so the link claims that the difference in chemical content between the delousing chambers and the extermination chambers is really small, implying that they are the same. however he says that this implication is wrong because the extermination chambers were exposed to things that would lessen their concentration, coincidentally to the same level as the delousing chambers. the entire refutation of the chamber's existence relies on this yet he doesnt provide any source or even try to prove it, its especially important that he does since its quite a large coincidence. he spends more time insulting the opposition (40% of the content of the link is just that) than actually proving the most important of his claims.

First off you say the phrase "disprove my opinion"
Then you ask for a source on something then say that your belief is basically what you just called into question.
Then you kvetch about something when explicitly the opposite was said. He said it never happened, and you harp on him saying "it will happen again".
He isn't trying to sound smart or edgy, he's just stating what needs to be done.

nice ad hominem bud.
read my post again, that wasnt what i was asking. i asked why it was used if the difference between the amount needed to kill lice and humans was so high that the clothes would be highly dangerous or debilitating to humans

Because it was an effective delousing agent. It's toxity to humans does not matter.
Why would it matter?
Here let me use your logic.
Why is Draino produced if the toxity to humans is so much higher than to dirty drains?

because humans dont wear drains around their necks near constantly as they do clothes that contain fucking lethal and harmful chemicals.

don't care lol

So we make a legal differentiation between attempted murder and actual murder, but not between genocide and attempted genocide?

Sounds pretty gefilte to me.

C'mon summer, these threads used to pop up every day of every week back in my day.

Also where are the bodies?

3,5 millions according to the census, then 1 million fled to other countries, all well documented.
Read the fucking transcripts.

You do know, that your IP is being logged and before your ass gets banned you will be doxed and added to the list, right?
Did you really think it was a good idea to come to an extremist NatSoc imageboard, openly advocating mass genocide of all non-whites and shill for holohoax? Have a nice life, yid.

Oh it's you the "I like talking with extremist people" guy. I recommend watching this documentary first to see that the holocaust is nothing more than a jewish holywood fable.

Read the first image.
Plaque numbers
No gas chambers at Bergen Belsen
Soil investigation
(I fucking wonder why? Bet the Germans would take it well)
Articles before the Hollowcost with titles about jews being genocided that were fake news
Jews looking happy in a camp
A real gas chamber
(it wasn't, others claim this is Zyklon A, but if it was then it would make the building being cleared of pests unusable for a while without purpose built ventilation)
(so not the same gas then? Great)
>the Institute of forensic research disproved it using science goy, Project lead (((Prof J. Markiewicz))) says so, thats a name you can trust!

This entire image is either bullshit, appeals to long dead authority that don't provide evidence (some of which are jewish), partial admissions that Holla Forums is right or moral outrage for daring to question anything. There is no debunking going on. If this is the quality of their work then its not worth considering anymore than claims of being electrocuted to ashes, vats of boiling acid or monorails with rotating knives dumping giblets into a pit of lava.

Do you even realize the whole point of this place is to promote the agenda of exterminating every single jew to the last child? Where do you think your are?

The nazis never even attempted to kill the heebs, though.

Reminded that the holocaust is nothing more than a money making scheme. Even if it happened that would mean that the kikes are banking hard on the deaths of millions of their own people. They will always be a sick breed.

They never attempted to genocide the jews, they wanted them out of Europe.

How do you people even function?

Reminder that the one claiming the holocaust happened must first prove it happened. Many dying due to shit conditions, lack of food due to a massive war or typhus doesn't count as genocide committed by the Germans anymore than Japanese dying in internment camps makes the Americans guilty of genocide.

The holocaust is nothing more than a hearsay religion at this point.

who cares about what is true and what is not regarding the beautiful event that was the jewlocost. they have many other things to be guilty of besides sensationalizing this event, so your post is moot

simple mistake, i still get the message across, so no need to cry about semantics in classic jew fashion
whats wrong with this? thats what i believe, but i would also like a source to confirm it, are you retarded?
hangon a fucking minute, are those two things mutually exclusive? is it 'brain damage' to you, to believe something, but also want a source to back up your view? what the fuck
wat, so i complain about something when the opposite was said, something… hmmmm, what could it be. im not going to bother deciphering your complaining so ill just move on.
yeah because he implied that we were going to make it happen, which is literally playing right into their hands

do you have any of these documents or resources on hand? because ive seen things that say otherwise, i can find them if youd like.
hahahhahahaha, so this is what it looks like when tard/pol/ tries to intimidate someone
i didnt realize this board was an 'extremist natsoc' safe space
what the fuck, you are not the only one on Holla Forums my dude. btw im not shilling for the holocaust see

haha, thats a classic line, wish we could get the MSM in here to screenshot this one. >implying this post wasnt made by the media

is this what it looks like when the retards come out to play? please reassure me these are just shills

oh boy do these traits seem familiar.

Well no, it's a scheme to make the goyim view kikes as poor innocent victims and overlook their poisonous jewry. They'd have faked the holohoax even if there were no shekels to be made from it because they did it to gain peerless social status and a license to get away with murder, not make money.

It's posts like OPs that remind me of a typical jew tactic of pretending to be impartial or needing help but then rejecting all of it, fixating on someone calling them a faggot and applying fault to the helpful people, then deeming all of the helpful people as part of the problem or being dishonest - trying to declare their position as being wrong off of false pretenses.

For those who don't know, you see this happen every once in a while and it works against people who are susceptible or PRcuck tactics. Study this thread and study OP's posts. If you haven't seen ones like this before, you will.

Pay attention to these the most and see the sequence in changes of thought.

Does the 14/88 dwarf in the corner tell you nothing?
Saying that a single jew must be lkeft elive gets you permabanned, yid.


They are welcome, this page is officially on the FBI watchlist since forever anyway.

First words

This is some kind of liberal brainwashing technique. This must be in textbooks somewhere. Anytime you see

"Let's face it…", or
"Okay, I admit…"

you can guarantee it's some libtraitor kike author without proceeding any further.


100% agree
it could be called genocide or it could be called war casualties, but i think at least a couple million jews died, whether it was an organized effort to actually exterminate them or they just got killed by random soldiers is another matter

Good observation. Liberals and leftists try to use a lot of "epiphany" language. They try to make it seem like their thoughts originate out of a new idea that must be embraced when really they just want everyone to think like them. It works well against low-will people who just follow movements in thought.


It also helps to point out that they often phrase it as an imperative. It's supposed to sound like an order while pretending to be casual speech.


That's the point. If they were engaging in such behaviour there would be no need for a brothel would there?

Also genocide by gassing makes zero sense. It is the most secure process out there. It's also costly, more costly than executing people by fire arms. And above all it's time consuming, being able to kill just one person like that quickly is hard. The kikes say they heard "the screams stopping afted 5 minutes" are lying, it would take way longer especially if you're being gassed with a big group of other people.
Gassing normally happens one at a time. The buildings they claimed that where used are simply not fit to be gas chambers

Adding to that kikes claim they have been experimented and where being tested on to see if their skin was good enough for lampshades, this during the war. Now why would they experiment on people when they are at war and why the hell would they make lampshades out of human skin, human skin isn't suitable for this kind of stuff. Experimenting costs money and time too, the documents they've found where just simple check-ups to see if the prisoners had diseases or not and these documents you can easily find in archives. They are just regular papers and nothing else.

Adding to all this it's illegal to deny the holocaust in 14 European countries. If this event was so true as they claim it to be then why make it illegal to deny in the first place. You're allowed to deny something like the holomodor or the gulags which where way bigger in scale and suffering.

Read The Holocaust Industry and you'll see about money more than anything else.

Genocide and casualties of war have two big different meanings so no, you're wrong. Died jews die, surely. But did they die because the Germans had genocide in mind no, because the Germans didn't want to genocide them.

Prove it. I hear this a lot but no one is able to give me a good number aside of the supposed 6 million of course.

the link claims that there were 3.25 million jews "missing" in poland after the war ended yet in the same section claims that there were only 2.75 million ever there in the first place. not considering how many left for america (it claims 200,000 left for isreal), for other areas of europe (unoccupied russia etc) or simply decided not to list themselves as jews out of fear or shame. this is what he says "proves" the legitimacy of the 6 million figure.

I did not call anybody a faggot and I did not do any of the other stuff that you said.
If you go right back you will see a post made by me saying that I did not think of all the information being presented in that blog as only coming from jews, which was a big mistake coming from me as the thought never seemed to enter my mind.
But now that the thought has now been put on here to make me realise it, I can see where I have gone wrong.

And now I have been labelled everything bad for doing so, which is where your movement is falling short.
If you want to have a discussion with normals then these are the kinds of things that you are going to have to go through and you just can't keep attacking people who don't believe you.
I have been very depressed with ALL the stuff that the jew has been doing to us and then getting attacked by your own kind because you had some second thoughts is really disheartening.

Not ONE image has been made with a list of JEWISH names SHOWING people how to identify them as being ETHNICALLY jewish.
Any time it comes to ASK about things you people are so paranoid that you just attack whoever is asking things.

I don't want to see the European race wiped out because of jews but why should continue to be depressed about it if you are gonna be like this?
I will let you read this before deleting the thread since it's wasting everybody's time.

Just let me know when you want it deleted.

OP owns or writes for the blog he is promoting, you can see the similarity in style.

Also some jews claim that their tattoos where removed by some German woman called Dr. Megele. They claim they cut the tattoo out, yet upon viewing the arms you wont see any scarring.

Muh PR.

Really now?

Which is simply bullshit for the reasons I just explained. You cannot have a homicide if there isn't a DEAD victim, same with a genocide.


Why? There is a lot of information here, and you wanted to discuss the veracity of the holohoax. Did the thread not go the way you had hoped? :^)

dont delete it just because you are losing ground. dont pretend there havent been many rational criticisms of your information in this thread. dont pretend you are one of us and that you want what is best for europeans.

Okay, I will keep it up then as I am not embarrassed about anything that I have posted.

It's amazing how, no matter how hard you people try to fit in, you can't help telegraphing your outsider status.
There are plenty of guides on Kike identification, although you seem to be promoting the false idea that Jews don't conceal their identity behind Goyish names.
Crypto-judaism is very real.

Thinking you can delete the thread - thinking you are on Reddit.
Just fuck off and die, Kike.

Your nose is showing

White is a blanket term and jews have been labelling themselves as WHITE ever since they mixed with Europeans to pass themselves off as a European person.

Where these 2 guys working with OP acting as if it's possible to delete a thread on here?

Also OP at this moment I'm creating a website that will be all about the fakery of the holocaust and all the lies spread by said "survivors", documents and documentaries. It will compile all the information and it will debunk it completely and automatically when I'm finished with the back-end. It will be a dynamic entity disproving the holocaust further with each lie you jews make. You kikes might have hundreds of organizations that are full of lying rats in it for the money, my site will be a humble place of truth and only truth. You rats are good at making sob stories but bad at lying and people will know. Even the most radical communist see the lie that is the holocaust.

Yeah it's obvious he is trying to promote his blog but he is getting blown the fuck out. So now he will either derail or cry even more.

Sure buddy here have this: holocausthandbooks.com/ plenty of valid information.
You cry on your blog about shit that doesn't matter anyways. Hell you cry about memes, only kikes cry about memes.

He's using a propaganda tactic often employed by Kikes.
An example from the mainstream is Jew Sahsa Baron Cohen's character "Borat".

same place all the bodies from the soldiers that died in ww2 are. i dont believe the death camps/gassing narrative, so i wouldnt expect ash or bodies at those sites, but that doesnt mean no jews died.

i think you misunderstood what i was trying to say. I think there are definitely facts out there that prove jews died in ww2, perhaps millions, even, when it comes down to it the main importance of these deaths is whether it was general war casualties or whether it was an actual genocide, thats where the big distinction comes from. Of course there is the big exaggeration on the side of 'genocide' which i do not subscribe to, but i dont subscribe to the idea that no jews died either. it comes to the point where the history is really fucking hazy, so its basically follow your own instincts at this point.

i cant explicitly prove that a couple million jews died, but i think its logical to assume this:
A. the countries in WW2 population was about 440mil
B. there were about 70mil casualties, about 16% of this
C. there were from ~~~~6mil jews in europe prewar
D. therefore at least 16% of those 6mil jews probably died (960k)
and thats not yet taking into account how they were not protected by germany, and lived in conditions which could cause higher mortality than regular citizens.

That's the script they have been using since day1. Their point is NOT to disprove the opposition, they just want people not to listen to the opposition. Content goes in the background, they play on the appearences. The negationists must be treated like idiots, the questions they ask must be ignored, their conclusions must be mocked, bringing evidence and arguments is not required (or possible). This works because the propaganda machine implanted in the childrens' heads the idea that holocaust= real and bad, and those children will prefer to laugh at who challenges their implanted view, rather than challenge what they are taught to be Truth. This close minded aspect of humanity has always been exploited by the Jew and its puppets. When the minds have to be open, they profane the Truth, make fun of it and mock who believe it. Then they'll present an other Truth.
If you want to open people minds regarding the holocaust, make hitler and holocaust jokes. Then you'll present the alternative.
The internet did a lot on that regard. Infact from time to time you hear the Jew crying about jokes that take the drama out of the holocaust.

Prove it.

No one claims that "no jews died in WW2"
Your entire post is a strawman.

>at least %16 percent of six million jews probably died and that's not taking to account how even more died
I don't follow.

It's not my blog and I'm not embarrassed about ANYthing that I have posted on here.
Someone said something about this thread being a waste of time so I said I would delete it I actually don't know how but thought it would be easy enough, but now I have got people saying not to delete it, so I will keep it up because like I already said I am not ONE bit bothered about anything that I have said on here and some useful was posted so it has some value to keep it up.

1.There was 3.5 millions of kikes in Europe, according to every single census.
2.There was 1 to 1.5 millions of kike refugees to US, Palestine and Switzerland.
3.Most of the kikes didn't fight in the war. And the majority of these who did fought for Hitler.

See how much OP is crying about muh memes: archive.is/4oihm

The whole website screams oy vey


Zundel did nothing wrong.

She's implying that Kikes signed up to fight at the same rate as Whites and suffered civilian casualties at the same rate as Whites, therefore their losses will be proportional to their numbers in society.

This is like their site how all the hate filled sections of the talmud don't exist/just interpreted wrong, that the talmud is nothing but wholesome love and joy.

The holocaust itself is nothing more than another jewish religion. If you deny or disagree with something you need to burn and suffer for the rest of your life.

The problem with many quotes from the Talmud/Koran/etc is the same problem with pop-atheist quotes from the Bible.
They're invariably stripped of context and never in the original language.
I'm a heathen myself but I've noticed that leftish atheists lie about the Bible, if you care about truth you should try to avoid doing the same, even when it's a book and a religion that you hate.

a common trend i see in these discussions is that the two extremes like to disprove each other. the ludicrous claims of 5 million deaths at Auschwitz alone are easily disproved. as are the claims of only 40,000 deaths over the entire war. this link spends most of its time disproving exaggerated extremes rather than the most important points.

we all know there is propaganda on both sides. we all know there are refutable claims on both sides. it wasnt the case that jews were never intentionally killed, it wasnt the case that the main purpose of the camps was to kill them in such large number. however its very clear that the mainstream narrative is heavily curated and manufactured away from the balancing point. that there have been so many hollywood films about the holocaust and about ww2 with a section of the holocaust yet nearly none about the bolshevik genocide of so many millions more russians in the anti-religious movement.

concentration camps did exist, and on very rare occasions they improvised the use of zyklon B to deal with unruly, rebellious or otherwise unworkable prisoners, ones who were so sick that they couldnt have been profitably put back to work. the common narrative that you are taught in the media (and most likely in your early schooling) is false. that being said, the narrative you are told by extremist bible-belters is simply misleading propaganda designed to disprove the exaggerated claims of the opposition (which is important for the time being). but you already knew that going into this, right? having read most of this link, im glad it exists, im not glad it is so filled with ad hominem but thats just how these types are.

good thread tbh. i learned a lot. didnt change my opinion though, there were no camps that had the main purpose was murder and the 6 million figure is absurd.

Does anyone have the picture of C.D. Jackson holding up a skull or some supposed lampshade type item? He was showing it to a group of german villagers who would then spread the tales.

So you're saying Jews were maturbated to death with masturbation machines? You actually believe there was a "Rollercoaster of Death?"
You accept that it was possible to tell which nationality of Jews were being burned, by the color of the smoke coming out of the chimneys?
All of this has been claimed, in books written by "survivors" who are the main source of "proof" for the holocaust industry.

I don't need to read this blog, because I've heard all the counter-arguments for the holocaust actually happening, right here on Holla Forums, and found those arguments all to be wanting.

the truth eventually comes out, about ANYTHING, and the holohoax is no different. People are waking up to it, because the narrative was over-the-top from the beginning.

This is going to end up like a whole bunch of sites that claim to "debunk" redpill threads.

Site kike either uses an argument without referring to evidence, often using some rhetorical, emotional, or psychological angle to "debunk" the claim.

Or, they provide "evidence" that fails under scrutiny (David Cole's insistence on using the Kohrer Report, Cox Gay's use of Operation Ost, Greg Johnson being a pedantic faggot).

Or they use some form of tactical nihilism to attempt the debunking.

It's the same dance and tune repeated in the modern era. Only this one looks like it's Snopes levels of bad.

To further my point, it needs to be said that the grand majority of those deaths were to be blamed on the Allies.

Their bombing campaigns and skirmishes destroyed german supply lines and starved the jews in the camps.

And the Soviets were very indiscriminate in their killing of anyone who was an enemy.

Not to mention that no corpse was found to have died from cyanide poisoning.
Not even one.

If you think Hitler was too much of a pussy to gas the kikes then you need to lurk moar.