I heard Randy sang a song about GamerGate at PAX today because he got triggered about a Science joke or something

I heard Randy sang a song about GamerGate at PAX today because he got triggered about a Science joke or something.

Anyone know what that's about? I didn't see a thread up. If this is a duplicate pls delete.

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The guy who owns Duke Nukem or something. I think he's CEO of Gearbox?


Here it is

Fuck, I couldn't watch the whole thing

Who thinks this is a good idea?


I guess he's just desperate after Stillborn bombed horribly.


Jesus they're still fucking salty about gamergate? That's some long lasting butthurt.

I wouldn't even be mad if it was actual satire of gamergay, but the whole point of satire is to make THEM look dumb, not yourself. If it was funny, i'd laugh. I'D LAUGH, but it's not even funny. It's self-parody at this point. He has literally done the opposite for his cause.

oh randy I can't wait for gearbox to get bought out by EA

The best thing about gamergate is that it doesn't need to do much anything anymore when it's living rent free in the sjws' heads.

I still don't like that chink, why does brot like'um?

Nothing says "I'm a serious professional" like mocking your critics in song.

Sage and report for another GG thread outside the general. :^)

what a cuck lol

C'mon man, it's Randy shitlicking Pitchford making an absolution ass of himself in front of a live audience that completely leaves him out to dry, cringe displays like this deserve the chance to be spread and ridiculed widely and freely regardless of affiliation.

holy fuck how does a man this stupid get into power

he's not into power, he just has money because he's another con man

Daily reminder he's kissing ass to the clique to promote his next blunder.

Are you surprised that the same company that hired fucking Anthony "Just cuck my shit up" Burch as a writer is ran by inept morons with gender studies degrees?

Who's that blonde ditz that was rocking her head to the song?

Why, Randy Pitchfraud of course!
The man kike responsible for Aliens: Colonial Marines, Memelands, Duke Nukem Forever (which was already fucked without his help, but there are some folks who claim gearbox gutted the game to fit it in consoles), that clusterfuck that was Homeworld remastered and a lot of shit.

Joking aside, I think the only good thing he did in his entire life is Seppuku station for the original Shadow Warrior, and even then I'm not sure if credit for that map relies entirely on him.

You'd think that after CISbusters being officially admitted as a flop these media goblins would realize that Twitter leftists don't give money or material support to the media they claim to want.

They just haven't noticed that they're now the man and un-fun.
They just sound like preachy gospel pastors.

Well Randy Pitchford should transition as a womyn, rename xirself to Randi Bitchford, make a patreon, bait people in twitter, call in the press about the harassment, and rake in the dollary-doos while Gearbox burns itself to the ground, but hey, at least he got em bigots, right?


No, it's not that they don't give money because I'm positive that these morons went to go see it. The issue is that they're an inconsequential minority that believe the entire world is on their side.

it won't be enough, he's going to have to dip himself in tar to get the clique's sympathizes oozing for xir's transniggerdom

GG really mindfucked these people, huh? They've become their perennial devil.

By being a complete scumbag who's willing to step on anyone and everyone, of course. Remember, he embezzled funds from Colonial Marines to develop Memelands 2.


good god what the hell

here's the full version of it.

Once they called everyone who didn't agree with them GamerGate, they signed their death warrant. Because every single person in GG could never do anything EVER AGAIN, and they'd still lose their mind because the boogieman has a name.

It all comes down to money as well. Schafer knows he needs good will articles about how Doublefine is so "witty and artistic" and Pitchford needs everyone to not talk about how he's a liar, a thief and a con man. Of course they TRY to attack GG, because GG is a thread to the free pass the media gives them, and thus MONEY. But they think they just need to appease their mealticket media friends, and they'll skate through for free. I have no idea why they think doing these things in public so that GAMERS will see them is a good idea.

And isn't the only thing they announced at PAX a fucking rerelease of Duke Nukem with a few more levels? For 20 bucks? Are they that screwed after Battleborn?

So? Holla Forums calls everyone they disagree with a kikeshill, does that mean the kikes have already won?


GamerGate kikes have won.

Hi Randy

Winning isn't a permanent state you see.

Is it trye that this Duke port stole an effect from eDuke32?

So how will the new Duke game work if he's a thin skinned faggot who can't handle a "sexist" dad joke?