Wew is of wrong that I find it utterly repulsive?
Mfw my friend just came out as trans
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Yes. Your friend has probably been dysphoric about this for their entire life. It causes them a lot of pain and what they need the most is support. And you are awful.
I've always been sympathetic to trans people, but, on the other hand, I don't think there's any real basis for it. It's just "I feel as if I should have been born a woman" or "a man" which implies an absolute identity that can be sensed for the social constructs "man" and "woman."
Generally, I think we should sympathize with people who hold such beliefs but without giving any intellectual ground to it since it doesn't make any sense except as ideological cant within the field of psychology. It also implies there is an inherent male/female identity. That comports with Holla Forums's views on the masculine and feminine, but Holla Forums won't support them because, you know, fun.
Is this leftist discussion?
No. It's really spooked though.
I would try to convince him to reconsider. What bothers me is the belief that he has some gender identity deep within him and must conform to it. But this belief is just the effect of idpol brainwashing.
Well, less fun, more de-generacy.
depends how convincing is your friend as a trap ?
Much as one might support unions and labor movements within your country despite this not being a necessary aspect of socialism, helping trans people feel more comfortable within the current bounds of society while eventually fighting for the end of the concept of gender classification is understandable.
Trans people disgust me but they should have the freedom to do what they want.
Nope. Some people are grossed out by some things. Doesn't mean your friend should re-adjust his life for your fee-fees though.
Jesus fucking christ:
1. Why are we having so many transgender threads lately?
2. Why the fuck is leftpol so trigged by them?
3. How many fucking times do we have to go over this: men and women have different brain morphologies. Most real (ie not tumbler faggots) transgender people have brains heavily resembling the other sex which leads them to feel as if they were born in the wrong body. Listing sources for every possible difference between brains would be a pain, here's wiki: en.wikipedia.org
tbh I'm supportive of trans people from a distance. I'd always support their right to be trans but I just get spooked out around them and would rather not interact with them tbh
a lot of this is down to me tho
Pretty much this.
Don't be a dick OP. Nobody is forcing you to have sex with a trans person.
same here. also the case with me any disabled people. i don't want to be around them
I'm very suspicious of this explanation for transgenderism.
An attempt to divide people.
What's wrong with this?
if my friend came out as trans i would probably make fun of him to death.
i don't think it would break our friendship tho.
it's just a thing of the elephant permanently being in the room
you're spooked. not in the stirner meme sense, but in the halloween 'Boo!' ghost sense
Yes, OP. Gender is a spook.
whatever. my social skills are shit and i'm afraid of getting punched or abused for saying the wrong thing.
As far as things to be repulsed by that's relatively tame to be honest.
You are entitled to your taste. Not breaking a friendship over it is what makes tolerance.
Honestly this is just the same gut reaction you had to learning your parents had sex. Have sex.
Yes it's weird, yes it's immature, no, nobody can do anything to stop it so you might as well accept it.
I hate hearing my parents have sex. Painfully awkward especially being a virgin.
That's a big stretch
revolutions always are
you're retarded for caring one way or another
It depends OP. If schle is going from woman to man then you better get your knife ready for an honor killing. If schle is going from man to woman then do all you can to get that sweet sweet boipucci before schle decides to cut her dick off. Maybe even convince the friend to keep it.
For youuuu
ok buddy ha ha
Insofar as sexual freedom as a subset of personal liberty is relevant to your brand of leftism
lucky you
i would love to fuck one
this also
They must actually be the other sex. There is no other logical explanation!
Literally who fucking cares? It's the most pointless thing possible to discuss in regards to politics. It's not anyone's business but theirs.
Yeah I know that feel. We still catch up though.
not an argument
the only two trans people I've known are both FtM
which is weird because MtF is far more common
1. Transgender is independent from sexuality
2. I never mentioned genetic determinism
I never said they must be anything. I provided an explanation for why people feel a certain way. Transgenders are the ones saying subscribing to a gender/sex paradigm, I made no positive or negative claim of one.
I find it sad there are so many people who value their time so little they have to raid a left-wing board on an obscure chan.
LGBTQ shit only matters when it effects talented people. We should just make exceptions for them, the average degenerate can go fuck themselves. I suppose once full communism is achieved no one would really cate that much anymore but the left is waste time on these fags and alienating the working class and non westerns with this garbage
What makes you more or less degenerate than another person.
Kind of wrong yes. Your friend has probably been hiding this his/her life. If it is truly your friend you should support him/her in his/her decision to transition to the other sex.
Though it understandable that you are uncomfortable with it though. I am pretty sure that you will get used to it.
Yes. Let your friend mutilate himself OP. Its the only right thing to do.
I also know an MtF, but he's a mere acquaintance.
He was a very diligent colleague in my student parliament time, until the feminazis took over his party. For a time everything was dandy, until FtMs were relabelled as traitor to the female struggle and they ousted him, so he switched sides to our fraction, despite having no clue what left-wing radicalism can't say communism here is all about, which made them go apeshit at him and at us (at us anyway, because we were the ruling party).
I think they tried to get rid of him for mellowing out their crazy applications (which got genuine crazy with him gone), though they never managed to get a majority. They actually managed to form one with the conservatives, but can you say house-of-cards faster?
Crazy times.
People also get tatoos and piercings but I dont hear people making a big fuss about that.
If you suspect your friend is just doing it for attention then try to talk about it with them, but there are plenty of legitimate transsexual people.
The way you feel is never wrong, from a moral standpoint. You can't control the way you feel, so you should never feel shame in it. However, it's important to recognize that sometimes those feelings are unhelpful or don't reflect reality.
What really matters is how you act on those feelings. Whether you express your disgust, or try to swallow it and help your friend in their difficult time.
Personally, I'm in the same ideological boat as
but most of the time it's the right choice to be a friend to someone even when they believe in things or make decisions you disagree with.
I have yet to see convincing evidence, although I've heard the claim repeated often.
What about it are you skeptical of? That males and females have differing brain morphologies or that those differences would lead to gender dysphoria?
Outright tell him you think he's bullshitting you. Or not. Talk about it. Tell him why it's bothering you.
tatoos and piercings are garbage too and I'm highly against them
Can you teach we how to grow my own dick? Is it like a plant?
bad taste fam
Whats it to you that they mutilate themselves? If they are not mentally disabled they have the freedom to end their existence, so why not chop of your dick or tits.
that's physically painful to look at
What's repulsive about it? Are they ugly? If so, I don't think you can really help being a bit repulsed, but not any more than any other ugly person.
In the the fifth episode of South Park's twelfth season there are instructions.
Yes, why not?
Do you not realize the madness in that statement? Do you really unironically support people amputating parts of their body?
If someone actually thinks that, there's something wrong with him. We should try figure out why he thinks that way, not give in to him demands. That way you won't help anybody.
Yes. Not fugging qt traps is d e g e n e r a t e
webms without sound are gay
that one isn't cute.
Being transsexual is well understood in the medical community, mate.
And besides, even if they are "insane", if an insane person kept screaming in anguish because he things his big toe is going to eat him without sign of being cured, would you rather put that dude full off drugs and try badly-understood brain surgery (electro-shock theory level treatment it would be) or just let that dude chop his toe off so he can live his life in peace?
oh boy
nice smile
Anyone who does not commit part of their labor to fucking cute trannies in the future shall be gulag'd.
lel isn't that the trap that wore a Trump hat for Holla Forums?
i doubt they'd want me senpai
You can get a Holla Forumslack out of /r9k/, but you can't get /r9k/ out of a Holla Forumslack
"Brain morphologies" have nothing to do with being transgender. It's a declaration that one is such; simply saying that the brains of male-to-female transgender people "tend to be more feminine" or vice versa doesn't tell me what the specific brain structure is of someone who declares himself or herself transgender. In other words, whether the brain morphology is different or not is meaningless in the determination of "transgender" as a gender identity for an individual.
Imagine for a second that a man who declares himself to be a man and believes himself such actually has a brain structure more resembling a (typical) woman. Would you imagine the neurologist who discovered this telling him "We need to start changing your gender now since you're actually transgender"? Or do you think all this brain talk is really beside the point, a post hoc justification of something predetermined?
Even if we disregard that, there seems to be a fundamental problem with the language of the brain scan and a disposition toward phrenology: "brains like this mean a certain type of person, while brains like that mean another."
From those patterns meanings are assigned in terms we understand very well (as if the brain "understands" itself in a similar way), and those meanings become phrenological characterizations, typologies which recapitulate liberal beliefs about "human nature." That is, in those phrenological typologies we find all our justifications for our very modern belief systems about how humans function: through identities.
I don't distrust the scans scientifically, but I do distrust our interpretations of them. Babylonian astrologers may have mapped the paths of many stars and planets, but we can hardly say they understood why they moved how they did or even the true nature of the things they saw.
It's literally what cointelpro did to leftist organizations to make them useless.
Haven't checked the entire thread yet but I always found it funny how we're so supposedly anti-idpol yet the moment someone mentions they're trans or whatever you get edgy kids trying to """trigger""" them with comments you'd see on Holla Forums.
Maybe every time it's actually a Holla Forumstard and not someone from here. Maybe. Hopefully.
Hello Holla Forums pretending to be leftypol.
Pretty good shitposting in this thread
Seems like it
Honestly transphobia does seem to be the legit thing. Something about chicks with dicks just fires up peoples nuclear reactors for some reason.
Trans is based on idpol ideology. Only from gender essentialism you can get trans.
Because your friend has a mental disorder. Please help him before he tries to cut his dick off.
>>>Holla Forums
Gender is a term made up by a child mutilator as an attempt to prove an experiment which failed and ended up in the deaths of 2 people.
Your friend has a mental disorder. You could try making him or her realize this fact but it probably will not work.
You could explain they can still dress feminine or masculine and be a man or woman respectively, cross dress, at the same time without attempting to be the opposite sex.
It is an unfortunate disorder because approximately half the time it results in suicide due to confusion and an unstable mental state. Taking hormones or having cosmetic surgery temporarily alleviates this but eventually worsens the condition.
Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, gender transition is the cure.
Real transgender people are cool and all, it's those who have taken it as an SJW baptism who are cancer.
Holla Forums is also knee deep in ideology for getting triggered by the fact that transgenders sense of alienation towards there own bodies deconstructs their: "but it's all spewks, and if it isn't the spewks are spewky that you can't even see them!"
Sexual dimorphism doesn't stop at the neck, deal with it.
It's a bad cure, but whatever.
Depends. Im against all forms of body modifications and find it gross, so being a little phobic of Trans folk is something I cant avoid.
I'd guess people here are triggered by transgenders about as much as they are by otherkin.
As I pointed out before, brain structure has nothing to do with whether one is transgender or not. It's only the declaration of yourself as transgender. The "masculine/feminine brain structure" argument has numerous problems, in addition to smacking of post hoc reasoning.
Actual transgenders having a different brain structure doesn't mean that SJW's can't declare themselves transgender for SJW points. The appropriation for other means of an actually existing conditioning doesn't undo it's actual causes.
The problem is that everything pertaining to gender identity is lumped into the same concept.
The diagnosis of gender dysphoria is based on a person's beliefs about his body. It isn't based on brain scan results. Whether a person has a more "masculine" or "feminine" brain than normal doesn't factor into the diagnosis of gender dysphoria. This has nothing to do with people scoring points but the definition of the mental illness.
Correct, but faulty, as it completely ignores the projection of other issues onto the body.
Neither is a recognition our ability to talk, as it only requires us to be able to do so. Does this mean then, that there are no brain structures that are a requirement for our ability to use language?
There is no definition of mental illness.
Giving a specific physical etiology of a mental illness (e.g. a "masculine" or "feminine" brain) is different from saying that "some physical state exists in a person's brain such that mental state 'x' can possibly occur." I never denied the latter.
Certainly we can say (if we're materialists) that certain states of the brain can cause a person to feel "gender dysphoria" as a mental illness, but we cannot proceed from that to say that these states of the brain imply that the person is internally a "man" or a "woman" because of those feelings.
A mental illness is defined by its criteria listed in the DSM. The beliefs must qualify as "gender dysphoria" under the DSM's definition.
Just to give an example of what I mean in the second paragraph: if I say I feel my toe's burning, that doesn't necessarily imply my toe is actually burning. It's true that the state of my brain is one such that I'm feeling as if my toe's burning, but those feelings may correspond with no physical state whatever. Similarly, "I feel like my body doesn't match who I physically am inside my brain" has this problem. There are additional problems with this sort of statement, but I only wanted to demonstrate the one point.
Well, your opinion hardly matters, does it?
This is pure sophistry. If a male has a female brain then it follows the are brain-ily a female. It doesn't matter what someone "feels", it is what it is. If someone was born without a tail it doesn't matter if they feel they should have one, they don't, even if they have a phantom limb sensation of one.
Well if the end result is feeling the pain of a burnt toe is there really any difference? I guess what I'm proposing is a kind of Chinese Room scenario where if the input and output is the same then what happens in between is more a matter of philosophy than physical practicality. What is it to internally be a man or a woman as opposed to just feeling internally like a man or a woman?
Then gender dysphoria being a mental disorder is 100% relative to the case:
"Socially deviant behavior (e.g., political, religious, or sexual) and conflicts that are primarily between the individual and society are not mental disorders unless the deviance or conflict results from a dysfunction in the individual, as described above." -DSM 5
So if someone's gender dysphoria is not causing them dysfunction (they completely accept they are trapped in the wrong body and move on with their life, or get an operation) then it's not a mental "illness".
DSM isn't the be all and end all of mental health though
Being transgender is just another spook
death to trannies
Quit being gendercucked, it doesn't exist
what's a spook?
what haunts your ego
if I were going to share everyone's resources I wouldn't want people to make me pay for bullshit like this.
Of course not. They're attentionwhoring because they realize they're not good enough.
At least they're probably thinking of using their dick for something
Unlike you
No it's not. lmao. it was a synonym with sex until feminists started challenging essentialist views of sex, like over a century ago.
that's actually true. Undercover Holla Forumsyp has a point.
Indeed. What he's saying is that gender as not a synonym for sex was made up by said child mutilator.
Saying anything other than there are myriad genders and you are absolutely what you identify as at any given second makes you a "dialed in TERF" and the worst kind of traitor to the left.
No it's not wrong, now a days is fashionable to come out as a degenerate, what a fucking disgrace to himself.
Yes, just like suicide is the cure to suicidal thoughts, your idea that giving the mentally ill what their mental illness compels them to seek is indeed revolutionary!
It's up to you whether or not you support your friend in this, but both of you need to understand that most people have little or no patience for the whole transgender thing.
Make sure your friend understands that no amount of hormone therapy and sexual reassignment surgery is going to make them who they want to be, especially to run of the mill ordinary people.
Your friend is mentally ill and deserves your support if you're any kind of friend, but the sad truth is mental and physical healthcare regarding this issue is decades behind addressing it safely and effectively.
That being said, this really has nothing to do with leftist theory or establishing socialism.
"There is evidence that conservatives are more sensitive to disgust [7] and the insula is involved in the feeling of disgust [8] On the other hand, more 'liberal' students tended to have a larger volume of grey matter in the anterior cingulate cortex,[5] a structure of the brain associated with monitoring uncertainty and handling conflicting information.[5][6] It is consistent with previous research suggesting that individuals with a larger ACC have a higher capacity to tolerate uncertainty and conflicts, allowing them to accept more liberal views."
"Persons with right-wing views had greater skin conductance response, indicating greater sympathetic nervous system response, to threatening images than those with left-wing views in one study. There was no difference for positive or neutral images. Holding right-wing views was also associated with a stronger startle reflex as measured by strength of eyeblink in response to unexpected noise.[1] A study of subjects' reported level of disgust linked to various scenarios showed that people who scored highly on the "disgust sensitivity" scale held more politically conservative views."
OP is an emotional dumb faggot
back to >>>Holla Forums
transsexual or not
workers need to unite
bourgeoise needs to be hung
everything else doesn't matter
Throw him in a bog.
what a shit thread