So Atvi finally released MP gameplay for IW. Not only did they copy everything from BO3, they also added in parts from Destiny (rare/epic weapons, weapon crafting and the general aesthetic). Is this finally the time when CoD is going to die?
Infinite Warfare is Destiny 2
You know, the thing that hurts me the most is that all of this shit is pretty damn cool. But the game has come out too much. It hasn't had a resting period so there's no way to see this as that really awesome thing that you want it to be. They never seem to gives us anytime to actually build up that wanting feeling.
Would the games feel at least mediocre if they spaced them out by 2 or more years?
I haven't played a cod game since modern warfare 3 so I have no idea if it has become even more incredibly repetitive or not.
How until a tongue and cheek blood dragon call of duty spin off?
I skipped mw3 and last one I got was blops1. It was alright. Really it's turned into that type of game that you only get to play with some friends, otherwise, what's the point? You know what I mean? The thing is CoD is already at it's peak on gameplay. The only way to make it interesting is to add shit, but like I said, it has come out so damn much, it has become stale.
hey that's actually neat. if they called it Battlefeeeld or something it would have blown.
Well Black Ops 2 and Advance Warfare felt like breaths of fresh air, but everything else just seems to copy the future template so its starting to feel stale again.
I just realized that this .gif skips upright
The zombies mode for IW is already set in the 80's. That's probably how far they'll go.
It feels like they put a lot of effort into a lot of really dumb ideas with absolutely no indication on whether or not it'll form something remotely coherent. Also, the marketing has clearly stopped giving a fuck, just listen to it.
This is the only CoD i feel like i want to try, and the fact CoD fans don't like it means this could actually be a decent game
It could be alright (in terms of CoD) we really have no idea, but your gravitation towards it solely out of some misplaced contrarianism leads me to believe you are a faggot.
Can't say I expected anything less.
at least he got trips
Calling it now, there will probably be a weapon market like in CSGO.
Even the normalfags only care about this game because it will come with HD Modern Warfare, which will only have slightly upscaled textures and resolutions. The industry crash can't come soon enough.
Core mechanics look the exact same means no buy. I'm tired of spawning in the same places and taking the same routes shooting all the guns that feel like some alien shit yet fire the exact same as other weapons with the same fucking gay feeling floaty reload animations.
Seriously, just gear it towards either something like Insurgency or go full arena type gameplay at this point. I want to enjoy deathmatch again. CoD has so much money to play with, I just want to at least FEEL like I'm playing a different game for once. Hell, bring back health packs or something. I really want to play this game, I do, but with every sequel they just ramp up the class micromanagement even though it means fuck all in the name of balance in the end. I want kills to mean something again.
The only reason codfags dont like it is because they're all wannabe operators and they cant stand the sci-fi setting.
i genuinely find all the hatred for IW confusing. it's the first cowadootdoot that's actually tried to move a little forward since, what, black cocks? the singleplayer looked neat as far as I saw, and craftable weapons and stuff will add more incentive to play, as long as it's not a TF2-tier "spend five for a chance to craft 1 of 35 " clusterfuck
more than anything i find it actually encouraging that they seem to realize just how stale and boring call of duty is and want to try something, anything to make it interesting again
At least there will be real space dogfights. It's the best looking spaceship dogfight I've ever seen honestly. They were saying that it won't be on rail too.
MP can go to the trash.
Wait so they aren't doing the cheesy Gundam ripoff setting?
I had assumed we'd be getting not-Mobile Suits and not-Zeon shit happening. Or was I just getting too optimistic
He was actually being pretty explicit about that point, dipshit
That seems to be the single Player's setting, the multiplayer is unsurprisingly more of the same
I thought IW's horde mode was those alien things; anyone know why they're doing zombies now?
Because its a brand or that iconic. Shame it replaced the spec ops mode.
Because zombies is the only good thing about CoD
I always think these games look fun but the killstreaks ruin it for me. Dying to a homing missile or a nuke is not fun.
Destiny does not have weapon crafting, but the perks that rare weapons get kind of sound like the kind of perks that weapons in Destiny can have. That perk where low-health enemies are highlighted on your screen would have to be a perk on an Exotic weapon but even Destiny isn't retarded enough for things like "kills with this weapon give more points."
multi will be dead in one-two years and no one cares about single player. mw 1 remaster could be fun.
Oh well at least the singleplayer might be worth a pirate.
Enough with the fucking shilling, you people are faggots.
listen to me.
I'm probably the biggest codfag on the board. The core gunplay and gameplay mechanics are the exact same as any of them, and I'll tell you right now that the fucking campaign is a linear mess. All the "new" shit will be completely boring and casualized. Don't buy this trash to try to prove yourself right, it is the exact same fucking game.
Jesus you people are fucking unreal to doubt how bad the game is, this late into current year too.
CoD 4 remaster MP trailer is up. Looks like the graphics are slightly improved from Ghosts and they changed the sniping background from pure black to a blurred version of the environment. Is CoD 4 on PC still infested with hackers?
It's mostly dead on PC.
Like how many people?
I haven't played in a few months, but when me and a friend tried to find a server, we barely found a match around evening-time US.
Just a friendly reminder that the "super cool" space dogfighting scene from the E3 gameplay will probably just be a one off section that will be scripted and never show up again in the SP or the MP. I pirated Blops2 I think and it had a grappling hook and a glider and shit but all it was used for was one or two contextual actions in the singleplayer and that was it.
this is a good change that might just make the series good again and you faggots are the reason it went to shit to begin with
Really OP, you're this easily entertained? All I heard was a nonstop stream of marketing buzzword and boring ass crafting.
How does it feel to be a filthy fucking slave drone?
How does it feel to suck that contrarian dick and be unable to accept the fact that sometimes things change for good?
Sometimes. Not this time.
You're the contrarian you dingus.
You're like those assholes who belive the moonlanding was faked just to appear special, eat shit.
what is this sympathy? is it the new shilling tactic?
Well anyway I got the real scoop on COD. single player has always been alright(black ops 3 is boring). story wise I'm talking, gameplay wise, the last good one was COD 2.
Multiplayer, no matter how many features they throw into it it will never get good. That's because the netcode has been trash since MW2/World at war. It's the old legend of sniperfrog.exe, the system chooses who will win the gun battle and even set up a rival who has a 200% advantage over you.
Honestly just play CoD 1-5 on PC that's all you need. I have all of the patches for it should you need help to get your pirate working.
user please, you know it not to be true.
Sure they have a jetpack, sliding and wallrunning but at it's core it's still the same CoD that made Activision shittons of dosh for the past 8(?) years. It will still have the same low TTK, it will still remain ironsight oriented, it still has incredibly small maps and airsoft guns.
And they'll keep milking that formula until it dries up for good and Activision will jerk itself off to Overwatch or whatever because they've managed to ruin multiplayer FPS twice now and still make shitloads of money off of idiots.
And I'm pretty sure the steam 8/v/ chat had people, including mods, who bought one of the more recent cods. It was either BLOPS3 or advanced warfare.
I didn't try any Call of Duty beyond Black Cops 2 for that very reason. I think it's amazing how much they hyped up the dog in Captain Price's Ultimate Dogshit Edition, and he's there for maybe 3 levels before being shafted, much like the space combat and the underwater combat that was also in the game.
Nice non logic. It looks like the same CoD game we've been fed since black ops. Only difference is that in a couple predictable segments of a map you can wall jump and stuff. That's it. The rest of the maps are made for 2d combat. You're under the fals assumption that a controller is quick and precise enough to consistently perform in a 3 dimensional shooting space.
Contrarian Holla Forumsirgins, much like yourself said the exact same thing about black ops 3, and that was an unoptimized mess where you'd be doing traditional CoD things 99% of the time. Now, cognitive human beings can spot and follow predictable patterns, you're a slave drone, I don't expect you to be cognitive, so by all means, waste your money. Just ton't tell other people to follow in your retarded footsteps.
Can you upload them in the share threads? Thanks in advance.
Are you incapable of context? I clearly said that CoD is going to die soon if they keep forcing this shit down the line. They're out of ideas and the good ideas that they think of once in a blue moon, are poorly combined with bad ideas, which drag down the good ideas in the process.
Maybe, if Titanfall hadn't already done it prior. Because that's what Cawadoody does: it rips things wholesale out of other properties and tries to incorporate it into its own tangled mess of an IP.
No, you dipshit. The first Titanfall did the same thing, but did it so much fucking better, because the maps were really designed around it, but from what I've played of Blops 3, the maps were the standard COD 3 lane bullshit.
If you want to play this shit, Titanfall is 20$ I think.
it'll take a few days since my windows drive will explode anytime now. Need to know a good upload site that will let you upload GBs for free. Shit, I'm pretty sure someone asked my before for this but my computer didn't work for a few weeks so I forgot. Linux USB stick to the rescue I guess.
Have you tried ipfs or magnets? Just ask for help in the share threads.
That scream was edited in, go- I mean guy.
The whole Pick Ten system is actually one thing modern CoD did right, though.
Exactly. The campaign looks really interesting, it's the first futuristic CoD that really takes place in the future.
This, and most of the time it comes from CoDfans calling themselves "vets" but started playing on Modern Warfare. They talk about the "real" Call of Duty but forget that the first CoDs didn't have all that killstreak/scorestreak system, it wasn't a wankfest about muh K/D or muh Prestige.
These idiots are still downvoting every IW trailer on youtube.
It's because people kept bitching about how Extinction was bad and it wasn't about zombies. Now they're making their own zombie mode and people are saying that IW stole the zombie mode from Treyarch.
What a great community…
It's plays like mw3 with mw2 guns and a more polished bo3 movement system. Oh wait lemme guess, bo3 is your favorite cod and bo2 was your first?
I don't think the Gundam-ripoff single player would be worth this or a pirate
I'm pretty sure EA shilling for the imminent disaster that is Battlefield 1 has something to do with it since I can't recall any of their recent games (or FPSs specifically) being reasonably successful from a critical and financial standpoint
I sorta defended this game against the "muh jetpacks are gay" faggots that want COD to go back to how it was in MW1 (AKA irredeemable shit as opposed to tolerable shit), but if they're adding weapons you have to grind for then they can fuck right off.
Will anyone ever make a good multiplayer shooter that isn't an arena shooter?
I wish they would go back to the old CoD formula, by that I mean the first CoD not Modern Warfare. CoD and CoD2 didn't have perks, killstreaks or guns locked behind the progression system. No one left mid-game to save their K/D, it was all about having fun.
BTW, what is the point of the prestige system? Where is the fun in going back to rank 1 and having to re-unlock everything?
Because you get extra class slots and a token to permanently unlock a gun or perk regardless of level or how many times you prestige. But that's because you might not even have enough tokens to unlock everything on the first go (that is if you bother to want to use everything in CoD)
I haven't played a Call of Duty game since 4, but I support moving the game into space 100%.
Fuck arabs and russians, I want another Shogo.
I haven't bought a new game in the series since black ops 1. This one might be ok.
Replete with blurry textures, shitty art badly traced from old Masamune Shirow books, and horrible map design?
The fact that people on youtube and reddit are whining and crying about the futuristic setting and bitching about how it makes it "Not CoD" is hilarious
I bet 90% of those people don't even know CoD started out as a WW2 shooter and the modern setting was a change from the default too.
Depending on if you count Halo as an Arena shooter or not, Halo 5 may qualify.
Halo 5 the best core gameplay the series has had arguably ever, along with unquestionably the best weapon balance and forge in the series.
The issue is it just lacks map variety and the SP is trash.
Basically everyone thinks of MW1 as the first COD. People look at you like you grew a second head if you tell them that COD1 was a great game.
Halo is slow trash and that will never change.
Apparently 343i will add a server browser for custom games.
I wish they added matchmaking to the campaign.
Yeah but is it really fun to go from rank 1 to 50 and then loose everything at least 10 times until max prestige?
Halo 5 is actually a lot faster paced then the other halo games while still feeling like halo.
Player movement is faster and less floaty, and the time to kill is lower.
It's not COD4, I assume bounces wont make a return either.
skin microtransactions confirmed.
I'd rather have a mix of the two. If they are going to go with the loadout system over pickups I think they should really emphasize it and make it even more like making a build in a role playing game. Make it all about the perks and alternate weapons and have something like the pick 10 system, BUT don't arbitrarily place anything behind walls you have to grind and don't have any weapons that are objectively better than others.
Halo is ok because of the neat weapons but it's too slow. I do count Halo as an arena shooter, at least the ones I played (1-3). I heard the new ones have loadouts though in which case they do not count as arena shooters and really have little in the way of redeeming qualities.
This is the biggest reason why COD multiplayer is garbage. Every fight is a question of who sees who first because you kill people in 3 bullets from an automatic assault rifle. In an actual shooter like Quake or UT, if you shoot someone not looking at you yes you'll have an advantage, but if they're skilled enough they can turn around, start dodging projectiles, and wreck your shit.
Yes, just like Deus Ex.