10 Infamous US Housing Projects
Guess what all of these have in common?
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Kikes and chinks. That is what they have in common.
Also did this really deserve its own thread?
They all have bedbugs?
Niggers are looting so why not? Let's talk about section 8 as well. Would sterilizing the people who apply for these types of housing fix the problem?
One way to find out.
Well it wouldn't solve the kikes making said housing to kill more poor whites using nig nogs. So no.
That fuck is a liberal.
You don't rent a decent house to Section 8 niggers unless you want to drive down property prices around the tenant.
Niggers deserve concrete floors and concrete walls with steel doors.
You're not too far off. I do private contracting work for almost exclusively section 8. Best part is they always deny having anything till you find it even if they know they have it. Like they don't even have to pay yet they will still lie.
Hahaha I actually consider that shit mild. I've seen it where people will get brand new cabinets and not even 5 days later 3 are hanging off the hinges and it's getting worse. The older generations actually somewhat care although it might be that the dirty ones die off earlier not sure.
No, by the time they can apply for section 8 most have a kid if not their 2nd kid. That and there are like 20 different kind of section 8. Low income housing, affordable housing anything that is no offensive they will name it. It's literally consider taboo to call these section 8 among their management and they will correct you every time.
There are hardly ever any poor whites and if there is it mostly women. Or druggies or the elderly. Somehow all the useful people manage to avoid these places. However this is changing.
They are probably renting newbies that were having a drain from an empty unit. If you do section 8 you get the same pay as if you had a normal tenant plus like tax relief and shit. There are so many section 8 companies that turn a profit from this its stupid and they are all "non-profit". They only ever fix up this shit when they get a grant from the government every 10 years or so.
It's an impossible dream because of niggers.
Kek, that fire alarm chirp is extremely common. This guy is having such a hard time not calling them niggers in this film. I can taste his disgust
Kek. Whats with commies and trying to cram 1,000 people inside a football field size property?
What's with farmers and trying to cram 1000 cows into a football field-sized barn for milking? Dumb goy; you know the answer already.
How else would you store your slaves?
Try stick huts and grass roofs.
Also wrong.
Try dirt on all sides underneath 6 feet of topsoil.
*communal style.
My niggers!
No… literally.
I always liked that picture because you can see what coal blackened suburbs used to look like
now people whine that the power station on the other side of the state uses coal
The same architect of the WTC.
Works ok in Slav land. But oh right, no niggers.
Geez plenty of whites couldn't dream to live in a place like that. Fucking America.
So why exactly do housing projects fail? Is it just niggers?
I can't imagine it's that hard to keep buildings maintained, even for the government.
It certainly is niggers. Most of the people in hong kong live in public housing. Most rational humans want to maintain their living environment. In fact even most animals do this.
The trick is to only do Section 8 in minority low areas.
And even then….some of his complaints were fucking retarded.
Muh painting and muh trash.
Thats normal shit from any renter.
America does it to the useless, commies do it to 99% of the populace.
are you a nigger
Gotta laugh at being reminded that FDR was proto-Obama
>Pay (((construction companies))) extra to work ahead of schedule
It is because they become such dangerous hell holes that maintenance professionals refuse to enter them. As you can see from the videa, niggers are so destructive that any maintenance is often short lived so whatever budget is allotted
towards it quickly runs out.
Niggers. The Nigger can only destroy and corrupt, even the Beaner can occainsionally be usefull towards the betterment of humanity No matter how much you whine Holla Forums it is true Beaners have helped humanity along, they still are a net negative imo But the nigger is of no use whatsoever.
t. HotelAnon in LA.
Because it is a cash cow farm.
Wew I just realized commie blocks are like industrial farming for humans. Private property is like free ranged cattle, more happy but far less profitable.
Yes something like that.
Not to mention, give a nigger an eviction notice, they have I think usually 30 days to get the fuck out. They start getting real ooga booga. Pic unrelated.
Fuck those look just like commie blocks all over Russia.
Being a net negative isn't helping humanity along. White people are the only ones who can work without constant supervision.
Also wrong.
There's over a billion of them, the soil would be polluted with their rotting, disgusting flesh, and with it our water supplies. The holocaust didn't happen, but they had the right idea. The bodies must be burned.
We should rent to section 8 in libtard area for lolz.
Enjoy this. See whats missing from the analysis. Most "projects" were built for working class whites after WWII and they were nice places to live. Peter Cooper and Stuyvesant Town are the exact architecture, materials and layout of most of the project housing in NY. Why are the beautiful and being sold as coops and condos? I'll give yo one guess pol.
It's non-whites. I remember hearing stories about abbo government housing in Australia where the abbos would remove parts of the wall and carpet and use it for kindling. They'd take out all the copper wires in the house and sell it. More stuff I can't remember. Niggers aren't much different. If governments could fix niggers, we wouldn't have a nigger problem.
In my experience, mestizos and indios are worse than niggers. Don't go claiming your "race" is worth a damn because your Iberian upper caste aren't jungle people, dumb fuck spic.
You're right about the abo stuff, they really are that fucking dumb, and some complain when the government wont build houses for them in the middle of fucking nowhere because that's their ancestral land. This isn't a thread for it, but there are heaps of different things they do to stop abos from fucking ruining their homes and families because they're savages, like trying to stop alcoholism by limiting how much people can buy (Doesn't really help tbh), or how they got a fuel company to make a new fume-less petrol that can't be sniffed (They figured out dissolving Styrofoam or something like that allows you to still get high off it, funny how they can be smart when drugs are involved). Thats assuming they want to live in a house, since many just prefer to camp out in the open, like public parks (and claim its sacred land, its actually a joke people say, but its not funny when they ruin a nice town square that used to have nice markets because the retarded council waits until they all leave one day like a year later (probs drinking) so they can remove all the tents and camp fires and signs saying "Don't stare")
Maybe some other Oz user has some stories of abos being abos and makes a thread
jewgle seems to be failing hard at the censorship game though. i'm surprised this video is still up
Turns out that giving niggers free shit doesn't magically make them civilized.
Personally, offering a sum of $10,000 after a free vasectomy to all the hoodrats as slavery reparations is my idea. Look at it from the nigger perspective, he gets to fuck all day and never sire children or have to pay child support, AND get A dump of money. He'll do it, it's a fantastic bargain. With all the effort and money they sink into getting poon, (even more to bag the fatties as the video shows) they'll give up more to get more of it without the consequences. They don't actually want babies, they want fucking to fulfill their instinctual drives; it's just that babies are a side effect of the fucking, and the reason they're all sex maniacs.
Vasectomies are reversable, the trick is to make them believe it's a vasectomy they're going to get and then it actually turns out to be castration.
Here's a better idea! Turn them into fertilizer!
Once again we see the retarded liberal / dem/ sjw mind set of putting the cart before the horse. The slums were slums BECAUSE of the people that lived in them. You put these people in a anew building, that too becomes a slum. It continues to this day with the nonsense of letting illegals, niggers, muslims etc all flood the west because of the "appalling" conditions in their own countries.
You import the 3rd World, you get the 3rd World…..
There's blocks of section 8 housing in southeast houston that servicemen refuse to enter because anyone fixing anything gets shot at or harassed and chased away
The white women are shit testing the white men collectively.
Are trailer parks any or worse better than section8ers or the public projects? Asking because I never been or seen one.
Nah. That is a bogus theory that feminism and liberalism are all some giant shit test. Its not. Feminism is a societal push to destroy relationships, encourage hedonism and crash the birth rates. Its a weapon used against us.
but it costs money to reverse it. its enough for niggers to keep doing it, its not like they are going to spend the money wisely or save it. They will just buy a car, some drugs, booze and squander it on bitchez n shiet nikka. its not like niggers PLAN on having kids, and reversing a vasectomy is some real planning.
They're mainly full of old people who fucked up saving for retirement
Is the trailer park a white trash?
If you want safe housing don't allow violent drug-dealing niggers in.
You can tell these idiots that the poorest white city has a lower crime rate than the richest black city in the U.S. but they're still blame poverty and keep throwing money at criminal subhuman scum.
If USA is a white ethnostate then none of this problems will exist.
well to answer your question most trailer parks are fucking paradise compared to inner city ghettos
my grandmother lived in a trailer park, and it was safe for me to go riding my bike around at night
many years later, (as an adult) i traveled around the western half of the US with my 24 ft prowler in tow - i stayed mostly at campgrounds, but i did park it (and lived in it) in austin for a year in the sketchiest trailer park i've ever seen… lots of mexicans, carnies, old people, juggaloes, ect, but no niggers…
never see any niggers in trailers…
They are too stupid to maintain the trailer.
There's still domestic violence and drugs thanks to kike pharmaceuticals flooding the places with opiates, but you don't have people getting shot every week like you would in a nigger hive.
There would still be crime, massively reduced crime. Removing non-whites from the U.S. would cut down violent crime by 98% in NYC alone. Although, there would still be decades of jewish subversion to be drained like an abscess.
How is the rent for trailers? In case I get kicked out my basement.
if you own the trailer, renting the berth is almost always gonna be cheaper than an apartment.
my rent in austin in 2008 was $400 a mnth all bills paid - for a city like austin, $400 a month is fucking unheard of - tiny apts. start at twice that…
I live in a trailer park. It depends on the type of park you live in and the demographics of said park. I bought a trailer on the cheap because it was a significantly cheaper alternative to renting and a much wiser choice than paying out the ass for a mortgage on a house, which I wouldn't be able to afford anyway. In my park, there are no niggers. None. Tenants have to pass a background check before moving in. Most of the people who live here are elderly, some retired, and a handful of younger adults, who also can't afford a mortgage in this socioeconomic climate. Most of which are white, but there are a couple of Asian families. Many people around here can afford nice luxuries like newer cars, boats, ATVs, and the like. Crime is non-existent, and many people keep their doors unlocked. The only real complaints I have are that some of my neighbors like to use power tools at 7 am(I work nights) and due to pet weight restrictions, a lot of people have small yappy dogs that all seem to bark at each other fairly frequently. Buying a trailer is the smartest investment I've made so far, but it's a tremendous turn off to women, as they feel they're entitled to a "real" house, even when they themselves have no assets, and are up to their ears in debt.
The quality of the park is based on their rules. Some don't have background checks and don't have rules for the physical state of their trailer, which can attract trailer trash. I've never seen niggers in a trailer park, but that doesn't mean they exist. I highly recommend getting a trailer on the cheap instead of a so-called "starter home." It's cheaper than renting and paying mortgage. The difference in lot fees compared to rent around here, paid for the trailer itself in two and a half years.
Where I live,Wisconsin lot fees are anywhere from $150-$350. I pay $300, which is quite high around here. It generally tends to be around $200-$250. That's provided you own the trailer, which I bought mine in cash. Rent around here is usually $400 a month for a one bedroom apartment and generally $600 a month for a two bedroom apartment, and these are kind of shitholes. Getting a loan on a trailer and charging a friend for rent and utilities is smart, as you'll have the thing paid off in less than 5 years if you shop around. Then you only pay lot fees and utilities, which is cheap as hell. I have a roommate, and with lot fee, utilities, and internet, we each pay about $250 a month.
Another factor to consider is the poor quality of US construction work.
Generally speaking a "home" in the USA will be of a similar structure and design to a trailer anyways and approximately as sturdy.
A US company tried to make inroads in the UK housing market near where I live.
Didn't work out for them as nobody wants the homes they built. Friend of mine used to live in one and managed to go clean through a wall when he tripped on something.
So now they're full of muzzies because they're the only ones who will live in them. Not that there's much left of them at this point. The patches put in by local builders on the councils pound are vastly superior to the original structure.
From what I understand the houses would have been regarded as well built in the states.
The builders they hired were especially disgusted. The brickwork was pretty much a facade rather than actually structural.
Is there any good states to live? I live in Florida and don't want a hurricane to blow it over.
And Uncle Schlomo rubs his hands together as he profits all the while
If we're talking low cost of living, little to no niggers, plenty of jobs, and a decent amount of amenities, I haven't the faintest clue. I lost my job months ago, and can't find work to save my life. I'm relying on savings to survive right now. If there was some magical place like that, I'd move in an instant.
I hope you get the job soon and get income insurance after you find the job.
Actually the construction standards are weird for US fire-code reasons. The structural members are strong, in fact overbuilt because of the light weight of the house's interior walls which are composed of nothing by drywall rather than plank so that you can chop through it with an ax, the same reason that interior doors are hollow particleboard while the outside doors are steel. They law dictates this supposedly so that firemen can get to any interior room once the house is entered. As for brick, it is only used for facade in the US to protect the frame as retarded construction codes in most places require steel reinforcement for above ground masonry. Only the basement which uses concrete and cinderblock is often structural. The houses themselves are structurally sound and last for 80+ years with essentially no maintenance to their frames though the oldest of that make are only about 70 years old now.
British are used to either plank construction, which is common in most small towns in the US since many houses there predate 1930. Or brick frame construction which was common in urban and industrial construction prior to 1940, most of those structures are destroyed(by section 8 faggots who blamed them for the niggers problems) or abandoned industrial offices.
For whites an all dry wall interior is fine as they don't fuck up the house they live in. For niggers it just means they can tear it apart. It also makes it cheaper to build interior space which is why you'll have 3-4 times as much floor space in an American home when compared to a British one.
Thanks. I legitimately appreciate that. You're pretty much the only person rooting for me right now.
Land is also a lot cheaper in the USA.
But yeah your building standards are still shit.
I guarantee he isn't. We just don't all post.