it wud be a shame if something happened to it
CEO of ADL having an AMA thread on plebbit tommorow
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't help but feel this is bait. I will never use reddit but I guess I'll pay attention to this.
Start cracking skinhead jokes.
this thread totally isn't ADLniggers trying to get us to raid plebbit so they can collect user data on le ebun nadsees. fuck off kike.
"Should trump break the Status quo and denounce the Armenian genocide?"
shut up shills
you won't stop us
ADL bullying Ukraine into downplaying the Holodomor as serious as the Holocaust
You should be using a VPN always, aside from an IP what data could they possibly get from a reddit account?
Not trying to stop you, nigger. Go parade and fling shit around on that forsaken web page, it won't affect me at all. At best, I get keks; at worst Reddit fags catch heat. You're still a nigger though.
He looks like fucking maddox.
Never forget.
You are in the wrong neighborhood obviously
seems like a good plan
if you are going to raid this, make a new account tonight and leave a couple of normalfag-tier comments on some random bullshit. Brand new accounts are restricted and getting a little bit of positive will remove the restrictions.
Ask him if he wants to go head first or feet first into the oven.
Sounds like they are luring you in. Surely you would be smarter than that.
How do you do, fellow Nazi?
This. They're expecting blatant trolling. Just be civil and drop real redpills.
Will do if I remember logging in tomorrow.
He actually looks like Steve Miller's more evil twin, doesn't he?
Totally not a honeypot thread to gather info and screencap pics of le drumpf supporters are nazis #resist
calling me a shill won't make you not a shill
Anyone was retarded enough to ask this kike anything they should ask it one question , would a jew or an easy bake oven win?
Honestly don't care. I'll just make a new plebbit account if the current gets banned. I kinda enjoy posting in a few tech/normie-subs so karma isn't even a problem.
If you're doing this w/o a vpn or you're giving up legitimate personal information on a throwaway account, you're an idiot.
Is he going to talk about how the manhunt for the jewish community centers bomb threatner guy which got the attention of Congress and the FBI involved turned out to be… le israeli jew man?
They sure as fuck stopped talking about it right quick after about an months of that shit non-stop on daily tv newscasts.
Hey its this fuck
Your honest "Redpills" are going to get your accounts banned or shadowbanned. lmao as if reddit is somehow moderated by impartial mods and admins.
Where the fuck do you think you are.
Ask him why the ADL doesn't support diverskty/multiculturalism or mass immigratio to israel.
Ask him how many syrian refugees the jews are taking.
bring up the more ridiculous holohoax stories, with evidence provided by eyewitnesses
Time for the real League to combine forces.
What do you think he wants out of this?
nah, couldn't care less.
nah, nice try, Schlomo.
if you want to interact with him, keep it civil and drop holohoax redpills and crime stats. don't get baited.
Pretend to be a nigger and ask him why he's a racist who doesn't talk about the Rwandan genocide. Say that 1 innocent black life is worth 100 jews, so the Rwandan genocide (400,000 dead niggers) is really like 10 holocausts.
Then just spam "black lives matter"
Remember that time Holla Forums crashed Tom Hardy's AMA with no survivors? I would kek my sides to orbit. Imagine it Holla Forums, thousands of accounts with names a variation of "Happiest_Merchant6000000" "WorstGoyEU" "SHOAHSHIKSA" all asking for open borders in Israel
Here is a very detailed, objective critique of the ADL and SPLC
Ask him a few of these.
I was just wanting such a thing, thanks user.
Kikes just want my IP, so they want me to go onto Reddit. I know full well how they found out who HanAssholeSolo was. Reddit is enemy territory.
If you're going to bantz him be sure to protect your location.
Holy shit, you're like a genius or something.
Should Trump denounce the Russian genocide by the (((Bolsheviks))), or denounce the Holodomor.
Both. “The Bolsheviks–and you know who these people were, right, folks?–slaughtered tens of millions of both Ukrainians AND Russians in their rule of the USSR. It was a genocide, folks, there’s no two ways about it. A genocide–the worst in history.”
Lol first reply on halfhcan was same.
Concern troll the fuck out of these kikes.
Yeah, we're all kosher cuckservative PRfags like you.
Can't even do a fucking raid these days without PRcucks shitting up the thread.
Ask him how it feels to run a front for Mossad.
Choose both
This is such goybait.
The only thing that should be happening in the ADL thread is calling them out on their bullshit in a very subtle, concern troll way.
Great minds, I'm sure.
Never said muh pr stop being a nigger.
few more topics for conversation
thought the same thing. So kikes can kike out and get off on everyone feeling sorry for them or putting them on a pedestal.
Ask him to do an AMA on Holla Forums Holla Forums with picture and time stamp.
He posted this on 9/11
totally not a setup guys
this this this this
this also
Where the fuck was I, when was this? Any video?
some rare pics if you want to play in photoshop
Somebody should confront him about how the ADL spied on MLK, it might redpill some redditors.
Why does some political group need a chief executive officer? Wouldn't they just have a President or w/e?
extorted tupac
"debrainwashed" the victims of waco before trial thru "cult awarness network"
That last pic… while I don't doubt they'd say that behind closed doors, there's no way there's any record of that beyond hearsay, is there? How was that even written? I can only imagine is "according to X person who allegedly was there at the time", if so, who?
That was the JDL, not the ADL. Of course they're connected, but most people don't know that.
It was supposed to be satire. The first line (which is omitted in that image) is something about the Elders of Zion.
How many times was he dropped on his head?
It does not come off as having that intention. Why make/spread untruthful propaganda?
Does he have some kind of disorder, is it it just inbreeding?
Like I said, you're a nigger.
Nice Bait ADL This is a Data Grab on a Control Form.
Raiding various sites is part of Holla Forumsops and always has been
You are the kike trying to discourage this, so fuck off untermensch.
The reason jews and leftists create echo chambers for themselves is they are very fragile, takes very little to make them losing it because them being so neurotic.
All this "Oy vey its a trap goyim" is jews desperately trying to prevent it from happening
Create some burner accounts and let them have it, this is how you subverse the jew, call him out at any opportunity on his shit.
Fucking nigger.
he might as well just do it here and save everyone time
I don't touch that shithole outside of spreading Holla Forums redpills when ops like this come up.
You seem to have a problem with that, kike. I can smell your nose from here.
I'm clearly such a nigger too.
Lose some weight you fat reddit using nigger.
Like you can tell someone is fat by looking at his hands
everything you posted in this thread is derailing attempts.
Why call it an AMA if you can't ask anything, but only a specific subset of anything.
Ask him if Jewish supremacism is racist.
There was a time when the leaders of the ADLBB were unknown. This former leader is an unknown. Now this millenial Jew is being a faggot and going places like Reddit. Their living predecessors must be thinking to themselves "What the hell did we do wrong here"
Vintage ADLBB news for you kids.
You can very easily tell if someone is fat by their hand and wrist, and that's a fat fucking hand.
You know it's entirely possible that he just isn't internet savvy user. Wouldn't be the first time the Jews didn't know what they were in for. Anyways I'll be in that thread asking him what his opinion is on the super racist shit in the Talmud.
6'2 180 and visible bones in hand is fat? You are a fucking retard. Ever heard of working out?
Go and derail elsewhere, kike
I'll have to ask king kike why Goyim are equated to cattle in modern use.
Yeah if you want to do that, you should remember that reddit practices shadow banning and filters comments often. Your comments will get removed before anyone sees if you are too obvious about it. Also don't link reddit here, they will know from the referrals that they are being raided and probably automatically ban your sockpuppets based on it. It has happened before, their censorship measures probably only got better with time. Of course use a VPN in the very least for various sockpuppets. Make sure your sockpuppets have some upvoted comments or use your other sockpuppets to upvote your comments so as to make your opinion actually matter and not get discarded immediately.
Completely different hand positions. Your fat hand was tensed up, while this one is stretched out. When I tense my hand up I can see veins. You've got some fat paper pushing hands, nigger.
Those paper pushing callouses, sausage fingers and massive, fat wrist are obvious eh?
Where is your side profile of your nose, faggot? Too dark in your JIDFnigger bunker?
And why don't you like us shitting up your ADL AMA?
Agreed, keep the comments innocent enough to get through filtering/mods. policuck mods are total faggots.
Nigger, let me pull up a few of those charts with Mexicans labeled "white."
He just wants to get on for the purpose of being pelted with edgy comments, so he can justify ebil wayciss nazies.
Ask real questions that normies will get, don't be an edgy child.
Brother. Stop replying to bait.
Lad, even niggers have pale palms, how about the back of your hands?
LEDs I built in that room are raw without optics, this means at the edge of lambertian distribution pattern in lower light they decrease in colour temperature.
Looks half-spic to me. As long as you don't have children, I'm OK-ish with you by my side.
sage for offtopic
This whole thread is shit. They want attention like any other organization. Why give reddit traffic that makes the site seem more important?
No, just someone who gets out into the bush, works hard and has scars and scratches. 5000-6000k leds make everything look pale and nasty exposed in the centre of output.
Though have tried it once, was tricked into doing a line of 'exctasy' which was mostly speed and fuck that shit. Never again. Hate the smell of it too if people are smoking it, same with crack. The beauty of working in shitty clubs in years gone past.
Addictive personality so have to be careful with everything, even alcohol.
halfbreed, newfag AND from halfcuck. Lurk 2 more years before hanging yourself.
Yeah okay can't click links (right click), sure a slip up in language doesn't make me a half breed nor reddit. White as fuck half breed? You delusional fuck. I'm literally the mix hitler wanted to make which is brit, dutch, german, so fuck off, more aryan than you will ever be.
I never went to halfcuck much due to job BS (working around kids with random CP popping up isn't good eh) and was around before imageboards were a thing, shitposting, raiding and using kek before you were even at school.
That's oldfag to you, you fucking faggot. Don't slip getting out of the shower
Try contributing to the thread instead of criticising people for once perhaps?
Two of you faggots have only tried to derail this, you reek of jew.
Besides, you're the one who said a half-spic was okay. I don't want non-whites on this board, they can go to fucking halfcuck and rot there.
Whites can have their own place, you know, for once ffs.
i only have one for fucking with r/anarchism
don't let the kikes bring you down. Fellow 6'2" 180 hWhite male reporting in for duty
united tribes user?
checkin them dubs
Kek, thank you for the backup, user! Kikes in here are getting fucking desperate.
Most hilarious part is they are this scared of us subverting their precious little kike AMA.
Looking forward to this salty red pill opportunity. Have my sock puppets primed and ready to go.
Have mentioned it here a few times indeed.
my hands stay banged up for the most part from working hard in various subjects, but i'm not a softened bean counting, foreskin-hoarding, baby-back pampered kike and i know how (and enjoy) to put in hard work when it's required. the kikes are scared because they know they are slowly but surely awakening the white race due to their own audacity.
Checking those recurring digits
Fucking rekt and kek'd
Well said. I too enjoy hard work when available, usually a businessfag but nothing beats getting covered in dirt, sawdust and putting in a hard days' yakka.
Excellently said re: their own audacity waking people up. People don't care any more and are getting sick of everything being attributed to the holohoax, 'ismness and all the usual buzzwords they use to shut stuff down. Quite hilarious really, we should almost be shilling holohoax everywhere related to everything, to help them accelerate the problem.
Go back to Reddit, faggot. Your formatting almost made me vomit. Also your appeal to emotion like a kike was pathetic.
Are you dumb cunts seriously posting your hand pics to prove you're not niggers or kikes?
Good try kijes but you wont get my hand to try and pin it back on me
Also, food for thought
If they can make facial recognition software, what is stopping them to try and make software that recognises other body parts or even biomentrics
Dumb cunts
Mostly defining features and image definition. Face has the most defining features that are unique and most are coherent without the use of hi-def camera with 6 million zoom power. Other body parts rarely have defining features unless you have a visible scar or a mole in a particular place. I've read that significant amount of people share fingerprints as well.
The point was a shill calling Holla Forumsacks niggers and then claiming people are fat when proved otherwise.
It's nice to remind them from time to time we are who we claim to be.
When everything you post is through Naurus fibre sniffers and almost every system has firmware level backdoors, it's laughable. Sure, basic OPSEC helps e.g. not showing your face or easily identifiable features
Unless you use a throwaway system every time, on a public wifi, you have no OPSEC. Tor/Tails/I2P whatever faggotry you use - if you post from home, OPSEC doesn't really exist. They can time in and out on VPNs easily.
But if you had any idea and experience with security and were not a larping faggot, you'd already know that and wouldn't be trying to derail the thread.
Besides, I have done nothing unlawful, so give zero fucks. Stop being a ball-less faggot and learn to law. It's much better than any opsec, when you can threaten them with a commercial lien for fraudulent charges or unlawful search/seizure , they suddenly give less of a fuck about what you are doing as long as it's not a breach of the peace.
Who's going to ask why 11% of the worlds billionaires are Jewish?
Ask him if his four grandparents were all gasses to death as children in Auschwitz.
Pretty sure those are photoshopped.
Spam Black Lives Matter YES
When did pol become dumb enough to fall for obvious b8. Don't invade with redpills. The MSM will parade around all of the anti-semitic redpills as "look at what the alt-right did to our beloved Jew"
Spam as alt-leftist, Palestine-loving, capitalism-hating Bernie-bro commies and watch the fun
It's funny how Holla Forumsacks act like the sneaky jews they despise so much.
It's self defense.
So honesty doesn't work then. Got it.
Holla Forums you are the demons.
Every method no matter how low should be utilized to the fullest.
Classic. Also fuck off. We are a board of truth and peace. Truth makes the best propaganda. Propaganda based on lies and deception never lasts, and is easily fractured. Also fuck off.
You fuck off, mate.
How better to win a game of mendacious tricks than with counter tricks? You will never win when you follow rules while the other side laughs at you for using the rulebook they wrote for you
Holla Forums is a board of peace.
This is why National Socialism is still making a comeback, nearly a century later. We have over 10% support in Burgerland already with Germany following closely behind.
Our movement lies in truth - we will win, because in truth you have a redpill which will eat away at the back of the mind of even the most hardened enemy.
They're just rebelling against their parents.
Once they get out of college and into the workplace, they'll become cuckservatives.
See: the hippie generation.
At best, you might get Pepe & Adolf instead of Ben & Jerrys.
Capitalism always wins.
Pussy is a hell of a drug and the men willing to forego it for the betterment of humanity constitute a negligible number.
Pussy is what drives conservatism. Think about it.
That teenage boy, so rebellious and full of righteous rage against the Jew, he has sexual urges and his chance of getting a wife (believed to ensure a regular supply of sex as well as increase social standing) is inversely proportional to his expressions of politically incorrect belief.
To attract the wife he needs a steady and well paid career.
To have a steady career he needs to toe the party line.
Thus, far-right behaviour soon drops when faced with the "real world" and the prospect of women calling him "creepy."
A genuine JIDF poster.
Typical tricks Schlomo. When identifying Juden, remember to report positive results.
Life is struggle
Pathetic kike.
Maybe I should create my first ever Reddit account. "The Ghost of Mary Phagan" might be a good name.
This is a very good time to bring up the USS Liberty attack.
Look at history and you'll see that the hippie/boomer generation became the most loyal cuckservatives of them all. Capitalism turns everything into a commodity and that's what's gonna happen to your little reich-wing rebellion.
You'll have a mortgage, a 401k and you'll be saving for your kids to attend college.
You'll buy Pepe ties and Moonman underwear just like boomers bought Grateful Dead ties while working for the military-industrial complex like a good goy.
This is what happens when you live in a bubble, you lose touch with reality.
Well obviously, but to what end? Do you think pol lives for money and power and to control the world with lies and tricks? No. We're trying to prevent that. But context—in this particular case, your obvious redpills will be removed immediately by the mods and anything too drastic will cause the NPCs to flee in horror. You people really aren't in touch with how conditioned normies are to be strung along by every trick and lie Anderson Cooper tells them every evening. Redpill was always a choice, and one that must come about organically or else it will be rejected. You can't just spam someone with fucking memes and expect them to come around, that will activate their tribalistic defense shields and you will be shouted out of the room and will have made no progress. So I acquiesce—if you go to this stupid plebbit thread, don't lie, but at least be strategic about the way you disseminate the truth for fucks sake. A life's worth of cultural marxism conditioning and propaganda is not so easily brushed aside. Those roots reach deep into the recesses of the mind
Yeah, women are really turned off by strong men. So fucking creepy.
Inb4 you post some wheat fields and models wearing traditional costumes for money.
The "far-right" phase comes to an end for most young men, for the same reason the "communist" phase does. The need to rebel ends, because the boy has become what he claimed to hate, a man who needs a job to attract and support the wife he believes will supply him with the sex he can't stop thinking about.
You are a shining example of
All rebellions will be commodified and sold back to the rebels. It's the way of the world.
Three little Jews. You've been called out, so you're doubling down.
You are using multicultural societies as an example.
You think truth terrifies normal people, it's all relative to each situation and what that situation warrants. You are peddling with absolutes like a Marxist.
You are citing a multicultural society ruled by Jews and using it as an example of why western civilization falls back into trends of degeneracy.
Jewish schizophrenia.
Figures a thread about Reddit and the head of the ADL would attract autists who think they can speak the language of Ahnenerbe.
Sure is JIDF in here.
It doesn't matter if a society is multicultural or ethnostate, as long as it's a capitalist one, you will bend the knee or be Ruby Ridged.
Your problem is with capitalism, since it's the ideology that crushes dissent by turning it into a commodity.
I disagree.
I've met girls who are full NS and other who are not.
If a genuine Holla Forumsack cannot convert one who is not, then you have no business being on this board with such defeatist approach. Because you are useless to this movement if you cannot convince a girl who likes you - then you have no chance convincing those who do not.
Women love independence. If you are a man who stands for his beliefs and can logically, reasonably and gradually red pill them, they will love you even more.
There are many of us in business, even in the upper echelons, whom are undercover NS. Even more so in general workforce. Most keep it on the DL between those who understand or show promise. Perhaps by being so reserved about it and not having the very subtle hints to others, you have missed them all.
I'm sure there were a lot of lefties who thought that their long march through the institutions would work too…
This a massive honeypot if I've ever seen one
Plebbit itself cucked out and throws any given user under the bus if (((narrative))) deems it to be fitting.
But yeah, if you want your information harvested go right ahead
This is what terrifies them. The reserved nature of the traditionalist European creates a very difficult situation for census control.
Thoughts Holla Forums?
How has CN yet to apologize for this loser and why do they let him pander to SJWs?
It's at your own risk to use the internet. Reddit above all requires measures to be taken to retain your privacy. There's a reason I don't use reddit, and I certainly don't use programs like discord to discuss politics.
My bad. Mods please delete. Meant to start thread
Good thing we aren't capitalists.
Kek. I avoid employing or working with them usually, however will gladly take the opportunity to drop festering redpills.
Often they take hold and turn, occasionally they go so far off the rails with them it turns out bad, these types usually were doomed from the get go.
Some or many people are like cattle (probably why the kikes call us all goyim) and content with this life. Many of these you can only turn so far, they will be sheep for eternity, part of their purpose is to be an example to others who do not wish to be so and can be a strong motivation factor.
Oh yes indeed. They can't identify us because to do so, they would have to basically become a Holla Forumsack to identify us. And by that point, they are lost to the void of National Socialism. This is why the truth is so utterly important to our movement.
As another Holla Forumsack said a while back;
You live in a capitalist world and unless you can pull off a global revolution, capitalism will always win.
Don't forget that many of them are literally bots/paid posters for consensus pushing. You can see this with the vote/comment ratio and post history typically.
The ones that are not, after learning from the ex-politics types, typically they are red pilled through the slow and steady, because the only more effective method is direct redpill according to their hobbies/interests.
E.g. when BLM/SJW/nigger/trans rights etc start shitting on their favourite sportsball or whatever, the window moves to the right and they begin to question what they are doing.
Anything that breaks the spell of cognitive dissonance does wonders.
Bitch, I'm pro-capitalism as fuck. That's why I know you won't win, just like the commie cucks won't win either.
Does matter
Precisely—I'd just as soon avoid r/politics entirely as a lost cause and focus redpills on people less mired in their own refuse, but there will invariably be pol raiders without an ounce of subtlety or discretion who will go to this AMA and make fools of themselves using ineffective redpill techniques. You can't bludgeon people with truth, you have to let them stumble upon it of their own accord
White Pride
Fellow white males!
g-g-guys c-c-can I white pre=
But I have all those things and am openly racist.
When I get called creepy I point out that the girl calling me creepy is usually from the housing projects and poor/non-white.
You know they're going to moderate the shit out of this, even by reddit standards. I wonder what some subtle jabs could be.
Ask about Leo Frank
Ask about hypocritical views considering white nations vs israel
Ask him why jews need to be defended when they're the richest and most successful demographic in america
Kek the top rated one is about how minorities are more anti semitic than whites. He hasn't responded to one question yet, this should be good.
The jews made 'anti sematism' a left vs right thing in the last election. If you false flag as a leftist you can go way further.
you think the mouth foamers arn't already on the pay roll
yeah, because "anti-semetic" dosent work on its own.
He answered one question so far and the question mentioned in is still top rated.
but they disabled all the scores so whats the point of imaginary internet points again?
I don't get reddit, and have only been there a few times, but I don't see a whole lot of activity on that thread there. Either the jidf is deleting posts nonstop, or nobody gives a shit on what shlomo has to say.
Shouldn't have expected more from reddit but this is pathetic
No, you lazy nigger
It's a well known fact that soil is anti-semitic, if the cemetery owner had imported kosher israeli soil tilled with shekel dust the problem would have been avoided. Order your soil today!
lmao, typical kikes. can't take any criticism
ultimately it's true. nobody likes kikes, same with niggers and just like the crown heights riots back when i was in high school the jew kikes got exclusively beat up by the nigger, paki, and spic kids for being kikes. only the cuck whites, some pajeets, and gooks even dared to treat kikes something resembling well but whites who are the race kikes are trying to destroy lmao. what a bunch of idiots.
Either you good freak genetics for wrist thinkness or you arent 180lbs 6'2. Not saying you are fat.
So blood and soil actually IS antisemetic
and that's bad because challenging speech against a religion is just not good, goy. See, the jews really are the most oppressed group, they have their own category of racism!
He still has not answered the question and appears to be cherry picking questions to answer.
Notable highlights include challenging ideas, referring to the First Amendment as 1A like someone who doesn't care about it, and the ADL "will look into" the Life Rune as it is a genuine cultural symbol and the Swastica is not.
Oy vey.
Won the genetic lottery with that one.
Still doesn't help me win arm wrestles though, kek.
Asked king kike a sneakily worded question which included shitting on WS and NN faggots. See if the jew bites.
Can someone with a plebbit account ask about the israeli kid who ended up being the one sending all the bomb threads to synagogues?
pic related: he just posted it without anyone asking about it that I can see.
it's already included in a question that isn't being answered.
It's already posted and visible.
Lovely merchant btw.
The balls on this kike. Typically "I dindu nuffin" bullshit.
a jew will say he was beaten, but never will never say for what
That kike was guilty as hell. Fun fact, the jews tried to frame a nigger for the rape and murder. Not nearly enough niggers know about that.
Somebody call him racist for suggesting the nigger was the perpetrator. Bonus points if you say that the mob was actually "anti-racist" because they recognized that a "white" man was guilty instead of the nigger they tried to frame it on.
I'm quite tired and can't remember all the details but a good one to sneak in could be about the last kike ship out of Germany that no one would let in, including USA.
Men shape how the women in their life think and feel. If they don't, then someone else will. And if she doesn't value right-wing values then she's probably pozzed and not worth your time.
I just got two accounts suspended from Reddit for 3 days because of this. I didn't even get a subreddit ban, I just got a straight up sitewide ban.
Keep sliding into the oven, Aaron
On it
Fucking top kek someone asked about pepe
Whoever wrote this one is a fucking legend. It's NEVER going to get answered, but at least it's up near the top for all to see because everyone is giving it le upboats.
posting link to AMA because nobody posted it ITT yet:
Do not go to the direct link you faggots, it will trip their flood/raid detection algorithms.
Go to the sub, click around a bit then hit the AMA up
It is funny that a guy like this laments about sexism but his voice and demenour tells me that he has a great game fucking sluts.
He doesn't appear to have replied to a single comment in over twenty minutes unless the replies are getting buried.
The ADL defended Israel forcefully sterilising and kicking out Africans lmao
Confront him on that shit.
Forgive me. I've literally never used reddit and am unfamiliar with how their site works. I didn't find the link in the AMA subreddit, so I figured I'd help anons out.
Both were deleted without a trace
Wew lad.
There are some hilarious comments and dissent finally piling in.
Noticed the kike mods are blaming
>Admins have confirmed a (((high increase in failures by AutoModerator))). Engineering is working on it.
How inconvenient.
Fair enough user. Consider it a good thing you don't know. I only use it for redpilling/shitposting and trolling so have had to find out the hard way :/
Lot of highly voted questions being avoided that have got through moderation.
Seems the moderation standards are pretty lax judging by quite a few of them…
I'm just surprised he even brought up Leo Frank himself. It's basically a Mike Brown scenario, except even worse and more corrupt. You'd think they'd try to memory hole the ADL's origins rather than proudly tout around their bullshit version of the story. But hey, that's the hubris of the eternal jew.
"The Goyim Know" probably wasn't a wise username. I'm sure the mods deleted that the second they saw it.
Who moderates/whitelists the comments? If the mods of r/politics are just typical SJW liberal white people, they probably wouldn't think twice about some of these things, because they're bluepilled on the jews. But they're obviously things that would cause a kike himself to start sweating bullets.
Heh I didn't notice that at first. I also see some anons trying to D&C these faggots on shutting it down
fucking good shit tbh.
keep it up.
oh btw, reddit groupthink holds apartheid in isreal and oppression of palestinians to be bad and bigoted so bring that one up and they'll upvote it.
I'm interested in whether or not the jews catch on to this tactic. If not, we can all just use the "omg I can't believe people would say ___" and indirectly drop redpills by pretending to oppose it.
I'm amazed that another Jew of all people would debunk those (((homicidal gas chambers))).
This is also true, bring up how that Israel is oppresing the Palestinian people.
Oppression and systematic extermination of palestinians is okay because Germans threw 6 billion jews in gas chambers 70 years ago, goy!
can you link videos in comments?
the anti immigrant rallies would be great
This. Completely forgot.
Have at it lads. That will bring out some massive salt and upboats guaranteed.
Good point. Always easy to forget we are better at spotting this shit when it comes here.
And to answer your question, mostly SJWs/kikes mod policucks. It's not too easy to get banned there though.
Jesus fucking kek.
Great work, user.
top tier
very good
consider not posting a screenshot until after the AMA is done so that the ADL who are almost certainly lurking this thread dont spot them and veto a response to them.
topkek, where were you when you realize Norm is redpilled on the holohoax?
good point
Probably true.
Alternatively, post screenshots of legitimate redditor comments and pretend like they're secretly somehow NatSoc so that reddit bans innocent people.
I'm too late to the party, I had a good comment, but the thread was already locked.
I guess it would have just been down voted anyway.
Here was comment #2, couldn't post it. I think we should keep going with naive redpilling/double-standard exposing:
Aaaahahahaha post is locked now. Guess they got too much to moderate
Check this shit out kek, in futher response to the pepe cap posted
Was posted #2 here
Man, people had so much more balls back then standing up to corrupt politicians. They had it up until Nixon then around Bush or Carter came the era of post consequences for politicians where they can get away with anything. If this was only a few decades ago HRC would have been lynched by a mob of true Americans.
I'm still amazed by the mental gymnastics they use here to consider things like pepe, oy vey, and goy to be anti-semitic.
This is like saying hamburgers are anti-semitic if I photoshop pictures of hitler eating hamburgers. Or saying the world "now" is antisemitic because it's sometimes used in the phrase "gas the kikes race war now".
IMO equating them to a literal witch hunt is pretty different from saying their overuse of scare words will cause them to lose power.
Goyim, are you not aware that milk is an anti-semitic symbol of white supremacy?
It's because the government has only gotten more and more powerful since then. It's standard lolbertarian talking points, but we live in a society where your every move is closely monitored, and nobody is getting away with anything unless you have the right (((connections))).
So back in the day, street justice would occur when the state failed to do its duty, and this was fine and dandy. That's the way it should. Only in more recent years have we reached the point where even saying certain keywords will get you on FBI watchlists for close monitoring. We simply don't have the power to directly stand up to the government as small groups. Not yet.
I find the boobanimal really interesting, her left arm is really "lazy", means she is doing an half assed job. And her hair and jewelery tells me that she needs to ferociously ride a cock. And the adl guy would or is probably railing her from the position of his smartphone is too angled to grab it naturally.
The gymnastics are amazing. Jews should win every debate possible with such skills, but they don't.
Fair enough, it's a similar theme but I don't know if the witch hunting would've had a chance to be answered.
Just post virtue signaling comments about ending apartheid in Israel and the ADL should actively get rid of racist Israeli laws like their anti-race mixing/anti-miscegenation laws
When i heard Holla Forums was raiding i really expected a disorganized shitfest.
Fuck, i love you Holla Forums.>>10595257
how long until (((greenblatt))) goes on the evening news to kvetch about internet nazis?
topkek, greenblatt fell for it.
The FBI doesnt have the manpower for close monitoring all the thought criminals. So they would probably rely on public intelligence etc.
Gotten legit cucks SJWs b& like this.
Their mods are complete morons.
what horror is the way he thinks
kek, nice.
Notice how he implies the hate is only coming from whites? He specifically said hate is increasing towards jews and other minorities.
I know you're reading this, Greenblatt. It was a pleasure to force you to shut down the comment section, you filthy kike.
It's honestly pathetic. Why did he even agree to this? He got more than roasted, he got thrown into the oven on max temp. Like a typical slimy Jew his last ditch tactic was to OY VEY THE GOYIM KNOW, SHUT IT DOWN!
Jesus these fucks are insane
Yeah, I don't quite get it. It's like when the skeptics(TM) tried targeting white nationalism. They utterly failed, made themselves look idiotic, brought my attention to our view, and probably ended up causing some portion of their viewer-bases to move more to the right.
When you have a group that's based in fundamental truths, you can't win by having open dialogue. When you're a slimy weasel, you can't win by allowing people to directly confront you with uncontrolled questions. In both cases, the only logical move is to ignore as best you can. But they keep falling for it and taking the bait.
Even funnier by their own stats their pet shitskins hate them more than white folk do. Further proof that without whites, the kikes would be next and they would be finished. A parasite can't survive without a viable host.
The skeptical are skeptic about what exactly and what move follows assuming that they viewed something with a certain measure?
If you look at WN, it is for most of it a strong ingroup cohesion and an amplified care taking of their ingroup, just like the jews do it. The skeptic question you should ask yourself is why these groups choose the ingroup solution, and this mostly is because you are overrun by perceived or real vectors that do not have a benefit for the individual or the group itself.
And there are certain factors you conduct your studies in and there are certain factors you cannot see.
I think they have already made plans for alliance/parisitism of China and India. Pretty scary tbh, they're destroying the West while arming our enemies and making us pick fights with them via ZOG.
They arent destroying the west, they are just have bigger hunger while at the same time the west is like diseased waters as it appears today.
And just like the criminals would say "accept the risk for the reward, or otherwise do not play.
India is fucking doomed unless it's only made up of the Northern Indian/Aryan Brahmin class.
The chinks are bigger Jews than the Jews are. Forget poisoning wells, the chinks poison the milk of their own children not even Jews are that fucked up but that's why they'll lose to them. The chinks have less of a soul than the already soulless Jews do.
top kek, what a faggot.
I think David Cole videos were the ones that first made me doubt the Holohoax… is he the jew that visited supposed death camps wearing his jew beanie so he wouldn't arouse suspicion from asking so many questions?
I'm sorry, but I have bad news for you…