Considering how most videogames are about being powerful and beating up a lot of bad guys how come there aren't more super hero and cape vidya?
Considering how most videogames are about being powerful and beating up a lot of bad guys how come there aren't more...
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Spiderman has a truckload of games, every other cape has less than 10. It's weird
Capeshit is fucking gay, especially Flashfags love to shit everything up.
Faggots at Holla Forums would complain because muh capeshit. See
In any case, there are plenty of super heroes games, but most of them aren't doneright.
He has grappling hooks and net guns, and can beat up people. It's easy to do as far as super heroes go.
I'm guessing it's because there aren't really many good ones. The devs for them just know they can shit out anything and it'll sell anyways because brand recognition.
Spiderman has grappling hooks and net guns? Shit batman has that and he only has like 6 games, 4 of them from the last decade
Reminder that jewperheroes were generally invented by kikes.
Except you are the one shitting things up.
Because why shit up another medium of entertainment? They already ruined the fun of the movie-industry.
Actually it's the opposite. Movies ruined capes.
I just want a good aquaman game
Considering the movie industry rapes almost anything it touches it seems fitting.
How many books, comics, games, ect have to get destroyed by a shitty medium that has to condense everything to 90 minutes for retards with low attention spans?
Which is sad because superheroes would translate far better into videogames than they do as a movies.
So were videogames and Holla Forums but you are ok with that aren't you Goldberg?
-because either they don't have enough brand recognition or their powers conflict with balanced gameplay (if they can even make them do-able). Batman or Spiderman work because their power levels and abilities transition well to gameplay, the grander villains feeling that much more satisfying even. If you wanted to make a Superman game it would have to be constant boss fights and it would feel very shallow and short.
I want a Power Rangers game but we'd just be getting movie shit with that.
Most of the Justice League would work.
Wonder Woman
Early flash (before going light speed)
and Martian Manhunter would probably work fine.
So would The Green Arrow
In Marvel
Iron man
and Hawkeye would all work
Just pic non god level heroes.
Web of Shadows was the last good spider-man game.
Dank meme user. Did you just get done playing your generic vidya and watching your childrens anime before coming here and acting superior?
Daily reminder that Arkham Origins is the best Batman game.
You mean the first one since you actually sneak around and do batman shit.
It's a shame arkham knight was such a steaming pile of shit
I wonder if this is one dedicated autistic weeaboo or if Holla Forums is filled with a bunch of autistic weeaboos.
It's a Holla Forums meme. It's retroactively cool to hate comics-related material no matter when it was made or what its quality is because sjws took over comics
Like videogames that is a case by case thing.
Judge Dredd, The GOON, Plastic Man, Swamp thing, ect have never fallen from grace.
That's because people that throw around >capeshit probably don't know about any of those
Do the idiots who throw around >Capeshit realize that most of the best cartoons of the 90s and early 2000nds were cape?
Teen Titans, Batman TAS, Justice League, X-men, Batman beyond, Superman TAS, static shock, ect were all cape.
user they're baiting, I doubt they care
I'd like to see a really good Green Lantern game. One that would let you design your own constructs.
Most action games, especially japanese ones, are not fundamentally different from capeshit. You play as super-powered/super-geared/super-trained/all of them together character, who wipes the floor with faceless monsters/criminal/whoever and occasionally fight huge monstrosities and/or adversaries on par with him.
If you're specifically looking for comic book hero aesthetics, then well, they're pretty silly and cringworthy and honestly outdated. Most people can't stomach grown up muscle men in colorful spandex and big symbols on their chests. It's pretty hard to make such game and then actually sell it, even if it has good gameplay,
Batman and spiderman are stand out ones, since they were conditioned to appeal to normal people through decades, and even then they're pretty silly, especially spiderman.
I agree. Capeshit still sucks.
I don't even understand how this would be a useful point anywhere but on Holla Forums where you belong.
Except Dredd was only one of the comics mentioned.
I guess you are an idiot then. How can Capeshit suck when some of the best cartoons are "Capeshit"?
Paradoxically: a lot of superhero games are about being an ineffectual pansy who gets easily wailed upon by diminutive thugs.
Because I'm not gonna touch anything DC and I don't know anything about the Goon, neither do I want to know anything about him.
That's like being the best moba. Cartoons are even lower than Michael Bay movies.
Shitty bait user.
King of The Hill is the best slice of life ever created.
There are exceptions to everything user. Cartoons about guys saving the world in their underpants aren't among them.
I hope you are only pretending to be retarded.
Slowfag detected
When most of it is shit then it's safe to call it shit. Go back to your safe space and circlejerk about how fast Flash can beat down anything but Batman's plot armor.
Btw amazing is not the word. The word you're looking for is tolerable.
Oh, so videogames are shit
Anime is shit
Movies are shit
2/10 bait.
Actually that's a 100% true user. It just happens to be worse for cartoons because they're made with toddlers in mind.
Actually it makes it worse for the rest because something made with toddlers in mind is somehow on the same level if not above medium made with adults in mind.
I think you just have the mind of a toddler.
well excuse me.
That's what I thought.
99.9% of video games suck too. It's a sad state of affairs.
But they don't suck as hard as capeshit.
Forgot to turn on your VPN there newfriend.
No that's just something I forgot to say.
Sure thing. That explains the shit bait.
Kek, good job fucking up.
I don't think you know what samefagging means. I'm aware of the ids. See.
Please stop projecting.
did I just come into a 4chan thread?
>all of them
A game MC that was an extremely skilled samurai who died in a duel to the death in period japan, then fought his way through hell and became part demon and gained demon powers, then was summoned thousands of years later in the future and equipped with cybernetics and nanotech to save the world.
Sounds like onimusha.
But really classic dante fits all of that.
Dante isn't really sci enough to fit what I was imagining. I was imagining throwing our conceptual MC into an MGR level of tech, whereas the closest thing Dante has is Pandora's Box but even then that's demon magic.
Then Azura's Wrath.
But that's not really a video game
True that. I rented it and tried to play it but jesus it was just dull five minute fight scene then ten minute cutscene ad infinitum. I later just watched it on youtube.
not everyone wants to play as latex fucking faggots from jewish media beating up thugs
Most people do considering bad comic book adaptations rule movies right now.
You mean media in general?
Also Batman Brave and the Bold which is magical
You're just forgetting a shitload of them.
Batman has a lot of fucking games.
Spidey got a lot of games cause activision will pound anything into the ground once they get a formula down.
From what I remember there are actually a lot of good Batman games, not just Arkham. The konami platformer ones on the SNES were really damn good from what I remember. And there was a Forever(or whichever is the futuristic bamham was) PS1 beat em up that I remember playing the fuck out of back in the day.
You see OP, most superheroes are completely overpowered, which makes doing games about them difficult. The flash can fuck time itself and run so fast no bullets touch him. Superman is pretty much impervious to damage and can kill anyone in one hit. The only way to make such a game interesting would be to take some of their powers away and make them fight in a weakened state, but then it's barely a game about that superhero anymore.
Spiderman has a fuckton of games of varying quality. Thor had videogames, they were shit. Iron Man had videogames, they were shit. Batman still has videogames coming out every year.
Usually the devs just ignore the extent of character's powers and make everyone somewhat equal (Ultimate Alliance, Injustice), which is probably the best way to make a videogame good but then the fucking capeshit fanboys start crying that it's not true enough to the comics. You can't win.
The being powerful part is only fun when it comes from the players experience. If you start at the top with no challenge then the whole game is just a chore.
Blood Will Tell
Excuse me?
Maybe if you play on Easy or something.
Dante cannot withstand more than 5 hits and even basic bitch enemies can stunlock him.
Neither of them is overpowered in the context of their games. Dante got his shit kicked in constantly by Vergil, and the games are very challenging to play.
Raiden got fucked up by Sam first and by Armstrong second, and Armstrong's boss fight on revengeance is definitely not easy.
That is dependent on player skill and has nothing to do with the characterisation. For all you know the canonical fight involved Dante/Raiden eating health items by the dozen and taking every hit.
Raiden starts the game by literally losing both of his limbs and Dante gets his shit kicked in by Virgil.
In our world, yes.
In a world where someone with barely any cybernetic enhancements (Sam) is more dangerous than Raiden before he gets upgrades, no.
Considering that most characters in the game are like that, yes.
Well explain me how Flash actually dodging bullets or Supes not taking a load of green semen up his ass won't be up to a player's skill?
There is no difference between western and eastern superheroes except for aesthetics.
It's just western devs can't into good video games.
Because Flash is too fucking fast. He can literally tear a hole in time and travel to parallel dimensions just by running real fast.
A game about superman would have to rely on kryptonite too much, as normal enemies wouldn't even be a challenge. And the idea of every fucking foot soldier in the game having his own chunk of kryptonite is fucking retarded.
Because dodging bullets for Flash is not a challenge as he is literally faster than time and as superman you can just fly away from any threat unless you want to play a superman game where every single enemy has kryptonite.
Just think about how the gameplay in a Flash game or a Superman game even work and get back to me.
Do you realize you're just making excuses?
Dante can literally stop time so he's functionally no different from flash.
And any major DBZ dude is basically superman with glowing hair, yet there are shitton of DBZ games.
Yeah, it works because ALL OF THEM are like that. Not just one Superman being a god and everybody else being his bitches.
There are many DBZ games in the same sense that there are at least two Superman and Flash games. Go play some Injustice.
Have you actually played the games? The time stop ability in DMC is practically useless in the way it works. Its not even close to anything flash can do.
No character from DBZ is immortal and even when the show became a power level shitfest the villain was always superior to the heroes. Go play a single DBZ game and tell me how it would work as a superman game.
You suck.
Supes isn't immortal either. And there are plenty of villains stronger than him.
Ditto for Dante/Flash, you seem to fail to grasp difference between narrative and gameplay.
Tell me how is the time stop better than just using the devil trigger.
Oh by the way, the time stop does not stop the enemy Devil trigger time either and every single boss is unaffected by it. Its basically a crutch for people who can't dodge attacks.
Lex has an army of Supes' clones.
That sounds downright fucking retarded.
Yeah, he just goes into a "healing coma" after he dies, and then he is back like it's fucking nothing.
Besides its not real time stop its just slowing down time to a crawl
With out a doubt. It's the only thing I could think up to turn a dbz game into a superman game. Perhaps an invasion of alternate universe kryptonians?
So literally the same as DBZ.
Jesus, I still haven't seen a superhero game quite as good as that one.
DMC 1 has full time stop.
As I said, it only benefits you if you cannot dodge attacks. Its a crutch because you can just spend your devil trigger to do even more damage if you can dodge all attacks in the first place.
Top kek
So the superheroes should not have all their abilities in gameplay?
If you just want to play DMC with a superman skin then just fucking play DMC.
Ah whatever the game is about being stylish anyway not maxing damage.
Asylum was certainly the best for what it was doing. City brought the danger of a "stealth" game that was open world and Origins was more of the same. Knight was fucking shit because it was worse due to the batmobile.
Except dante is just supes who uses weapons instead of fists.
Loose Cannon vidya game when?
Wishes are less of a cop out than 'healing coma'
Just frame dodges are more stylish than wasting devil trigger.
Both mechanically and visually.
Why the fuck would I care if bootleg hulk "beats" a mary sue before losing anyway
would play original version squirrel girl game where you just fuck shit up and not a single person takes you seriously
Supes never got "revenge". What is this "losing" you're referring to?
he got his revenge by vanishing him into obscurity
The fact michael bay movies have an end makes them inherently superior than endless cashcow cartoons.
People always seem to forget that The Flash didn't start off that fast. Just have a game about Early flash and you are completely good.
Have you ever watched a cutscene from DMC? They underpower him in gameplay, that is what any decent game designer would do with people like The Flash, Supes, ect. Or just make a game of them early on before they get OP.
So you mean like how ever superhero has a villain that is just as strong?
Superman has to fight Doomsday and Darkseid
I want more multiplayer superhero games. Building a league with your friends if amazing.
I would give anything for a 5 player justice league style game where each player picks their powers and backstory and co-ops a city together.
Imagine a 5 v 5 game of heroes vs villains robbing banks and such.
Superbump :^)
Have you played DCUO?
I remember playing the beta of this, made a giant green zombie-man with nature powers, egyptian aesthetic, and the ability to turn into a werewolf. Named him Monster Mash.
Is it even alive still?
its like pottery
Yea the console released gave it a huge shot in the arm.
If you have a real friend it would be a blast playing together, just makes sure you're on the same side.
It's literally anime but with humans that look like humans. Feck of.
Have you?
In the first game Dante doesn't kill shit in cutscenes. The game transitions to gameplay as soon as enemies attack.
In DMC 3 he gets his shit kicked in when in cutscenes.
fuck off
what makes you think shounenshit is any better?
What makes you think you can into reading comprehension?
So what is good to you user?
because lately the illuminati has been trying to play down the role of heroes and good deeds in general. the current theme is "im a horrible person"
You really don't know shit about Dredd then buddy, it's getting to the point they don't even try to mask their shit
someone post their "not Nigel Farage" hate monger
That was repulsive. Even then, Not-Farage came out looking sensible.
Got a source?
I have read almost every Dredd issue besides current.
Capeshit and shounenshit are a genre of their mediums.
Majority of both of them are irredeemably awful unless you want to argue Bleach, Naruto, Captain America or Superman are good comic books/anime.
You could say the same about any genre of anime. Despite what /a/ tells you slice of life and moe aren't any better.
They absolutely are better. Take your capeshit and manime and shove them up your ass.
Because licensed games are, almost without exception, awful
What can I say?
normalfags love grimdark capeshit.
Licensing issues is the main thing.
As for why there aren't more 'original' capeshit heroes in vidya, it's a tired concept best left to the professionals in the comic and movie industries.
fuck off
casual detected.
Are you retarded? Do you think they're all written by the same shit authors or something?
Do you even know what a run is?
Next you'll be saying All Star Superman by Morrison or Brubakers Captain America is shit.
Oh wait, no you won't. You're a casual
Nigga, the best cape vidya was an original property, and it only died because NCSoft is a bunch of jealous faggot gooks who hated how it was outperforming all of its other properties in the Western market.
Is that the game where you could personally commission your own customized hero?
So by that logic why are you on a videogame board?
I know the whole judge dread comic is literally suppose to be a dystopian fascist world, but that was painful to witness the author throwing his half-bake post modernist world view into something that is suppose to be entertainment.
absolutely disgusting.
I think this guy is legit retarded.
Figures that is capeshit's audience nowadays.
Dank cherrypicking user.
It's not like I could do it with videogames, books, movies, ect.
I like to think it's just baiting instead of Holla Forums really becoming this retarded post 2nd exodus.
I like to think you'll kill yourself before 2017 comes.
In the meantime go back to tumblr.
Here, I found a comic book that would be up your alley user
DBZ is the most powerful form of fiction.
Humans basically classify as your marvel capefag heroes, and they're nothing compared to other super-powered alien warrior races.
Wake me up when Superman can beat Yamcha, Krillin or Tien.
Vintage bait.
You're trying too hard.
Got anything else to say mooster?
Calling you retarded would be an insult to the actual retards.
By the end of DBZ, the strongest humans (marvel tier) have a power level between 100,000 to 500,000.
The average realistic human has a power level of about 10. A realistic fighter or bodybuilder about 30.
Now, Goku and Vegeta in their completely relaxed and normal form have a power level of about 8,000,000,000.
SSJ3 Goku has a power level of 32,000,000,000.
SSJ3 Gotenks has a power level of 44,000,000,000.
Mystic Gohan has a power level of 90,000,000,000.
Super Buu has a power level of 200,000,000,000.
Vegito has a power level of 400,000,000,000.
So keep that in mind while you fantasize about your little comic book heroes (which are about as strong as the strongest humans in DBZ) beating Super Saiyans. The only place where this would happen is in your dreams.
Except the entire point of a meme is that it doesn't go away
Explain all the capeshit in Hollywood then
He can't, because he's fucking wrong.
Capeshit is so prevalent because they are preparing today's generation to receive the Antichrist.
Kids being conditioned into Gnosticism/Luciferianism.
She's already been ruined. Let her die.
Take your meds
Here's your (You).
Oh and comic books were obviously made by reptilians to get people to accept aliens. GET WOKE BLUE PILLS
You'll also often find the "rebel against evil man and his son/henchman who rules the world" trope.
They twist God to be evil and Satan to be good, some good examples of this are Truman Show, Matrix and Pleasantville.
Since the west has rejected the truth and the light, the alternative today is Paganism, Gnosticism and Pantheism.
Go away David Icke.
take your meds
Gods fighting gods is always cool.
It's almost like comics are made by kikes who would prefer the West be secular, universalist, and more accepting of the dildo
Games aren't about being powerful, they're about overcoming adversity. Capeshit characters seldom face adversity and their power creep makes them unsuitable for good games, though I'm sure japship would work well with them.
Just wondering, how do you stomach kneeling before a jew?
I don't really have anything to contribute to the discussion but is there anything more pathetic than powerlevels debates?
Would a One Punch Man game starring anyone who isn't Saitama work?
In spite of it being really popular I still like it. Even the animu
yfw licenseless/mumen Rider vidya where you take on all sorts of overpowered bosses and you have to win alone
Power levels are serious business.
Meh, Superhero games are always predictable button mashing extravaganzas aka boring. I mean I enjoyed stuff like Captain America on Genesis as a kid, and I guess webswinging in the first few PS1 Spiderman games was fun… but these constant reiterations for every franchise that come out feel like cookie cutter games with updated graphics.
No, that was anime designed to ruin the jap birthrate.
You have shit taste if you think 3rd person beating isn't fun
That was good. I'll give you that.
Ok I guess.
Only Dredd is good from that list.
Jesus wasn't a Jew.
Yes he was.
From the line of David, the tribe of Judah.
All moe and most shonen are crap.
Capeship written by incompetents is still canon. What "run" it is doesn't matter. The worst superman is superman and defliles any "good" superman by it's mere existence…just like all sequels and additions can ruin even something that was good and pure in the beginning.
Of course, capeshit was never good to begin with, but it wasn't THIS bad. AT least you could laugh at the campyiness back then.
This is your shit logic.
try again retard
Why are you moving that anons goal post?
Even then I could just say Fallout, Star control and King's Quest.
Oh and Deus Ex.
This is some hardcore shit taste
I din't say I can't enjoy them retard. I said the doom name is tainted. And it is.
I remember one of those stupid Internet shows argued Supes wins Gokku because Superman is literally limitless, while Gokku has beenshown (in the most recent movie) to have some stage he cant reach.
Dredd is quite cucked these days. They mocked Nigel and Brexit not long ago.
All three pieces of media you listed offer something beyond just the narrative that no amount of retconning or retarded writing can ruin.
I'll let you guess what that is.
Deathbattle and it's shitty power comparisons with not enough research and paid off favoritism.
They said "Supses would win because in these one off comics he does these feats that are insane", completely ignoring that the NORMAL attributes of Superman, while amazing, are not nearly as limitless as they like to pretend.
All Doomsday had was higher durability, super speed, and massive strength. THAT IS IT.
And you can scream "retcon" all you want, the fucking superman WRITERS had him KILL superman because comics were selling like shit.
By the end of the Majin Buu saga, Goku vastly exceeds the powers that superman was dealing with, considering SUPERMAN DOESN'T DEAL WITH PLANET BUSTING FOES HARDLY AT ALL.
Even Doomsday wasn't a planet buster.
I wanna see superman deal with an insane fuckwit like Majin Buu who gets fucking bored and KILLS OFF THE HUMAN RACE WITH ONE ATTACK. And that's not even talking about kid Buu who nuked the planet for shits an giggles.
Yet Dues ex still has an amazing story.
Tien was really good at the end of Dragon Ball.
He was like the 3rd strongest fighter until Raditz showed up.
I also like how Tien had a "bad guy turns good" redemption similar to Vegeta and Piccolo.
But my favorite human will always be Yamcha, he was one of the first mini-villains/rivals and has been with Goku since the beginning. He also got that teenage Bulma pussy.
Too bad the power level shit never made sense.
If Dragon Ball Z ended at Frieza the series would have been able to end with semi decent pacing and power scale.
I have to agree with that.
It is pretty jarring to see some lone scientist in a cave manage to create beings stronger than the ruler of the galaxy who runs an empire.
The butthurt against Goku had to be immense for Gero to pull this off.
Jojo and Berzerk seem to prove you wrong, queer
stop that
Especially when DB androids were what he was working with. That tech sure took its time to mature.
Cyborgs and genetic engineering where where it's at. That's why his purely mechanical creations were relative shit compared to 17 and 18 and Cell
He also didn't know about Namek or SSJ. The last fight he saw of Goku was against Vegeta.
So the fact the Androids just happened to be stronger was just a fluke. Ideally they would have been about as strong as the Ginyu Force or first form Frieza, based on Gero's data and expectations of Goku.
That's wrong though. #16 is a pure robot and he's stronger than #17 and #18.
Only if you split all the characters into different stages. King would be the stealth section.
How can one game get so much right compared to all the shit that comes out these days
Ahh weird, I thought 17 and 18 were more powerful. Where are you getting these power level sheets from they're pretty neato
Vegeta was more powerful than Goku during that saga? Are there other sagas where that's the case?
It seems like that kind of undermines his entire character arc. He doesn't need to be insecure about his power level if he's more powerful than Goku.
Remember Goku was out with a heart problem for most of the android and cell sagas. So while Vegeta was training and shit Goku was in bed sick
Also #19 was a robot and he's weaker than #17 and #18, so it's irrelevant whether android or not, it's just how they are built.
That depends whether you count power ups or not.
Vegeta was stronger than Goku in the Saiyan saga, but he lost because he got ganged on.
Right after Vegeta got in the Hyperbolic Plot Device but before Goku did. And obviously the Saiyan saga too.
Why the fuck do weebs get so triggered everytime someone mentions the possibility that Superman could beat Goku?
Really, I think they'd be more furious about the insinuation that the Flash could beat him.
Because he could.
Your shonenshit hero would never stand a chance against the power of the motherfucking SPEED FORCE.
Most people who are into DBZ don't even like anime, user.
99% of anime is girly moe shit.
Because Goku was there childhood crush and they don't want to admit there are LOTS of characters from both manga or comics that would curb stomp Goku any day of the week.
Nice delusion you've got there.
This. Goku's not even as strong as his own son.
Superman would turn Goku into a meat pancake, and it wouldn't be close.
Have fun with what are essentially God of War clones with capeshit paint.
Oh you have no idea
It really should've died with how big of a focus it has on taking your money unless something changed with inventory space no longer being barely existent and in game equipment isn't locked behind a cashwall.
With how Marvel and DC handle themselves these days, I don't think anyone would want to play a game involving their characters since it'll likely use the "diverse" characters for Marvel and if DC doesn't get the same treatment, it'll be edgy as all fuck.