Why does armor HAVE to be 'realistic'?
It doesnt, but autists gonna autist. Like retards who flip out when guns dont function 100% realistically.
I don't give a shit if it's realistic or not, it's just gotta cover the girl completely.
The reason for this is that I have a fucking absolutely massive fetish for armour. I can jerk-it to completely non-lewd images of girls in armour.
It doesn't.
But I think bikini armor looks shit on female characters, they look better in full plate.
all im asking for is armor that actually covers the body. preferably with a face covering helmet.
it can other than that look as silly as a tokusatsu costume.
As long as it satisfies muhdick, I'm good.
fiction is wonderful because it's fiction; "realism" is cancer
They don't have to, it's just better
And what people hate is a lack of consistency, not a lack of "realism"
Well, I find the so called summer armor a bit painful looking in a winter setting.
Realistic or not, I'm really in love with Charlotte's design. She has just the right amount of stuff on.
It doesn't have to be, but depending on the kind of setting you're going for, it's definitely a good thing if it takes inspiration from real armor.
Plus, anyone that says plate armor doesn't look awesome needs to cut his throat.
why is varia suit samus so hot?
What's the scientific explanation for this, Holla Forums
What a fag.
It doesn't.
How about next time someone wants to start a "girls in armor" thread we just drop the flimsy pretenses, yeah?
Here's semi-relevant content.
Why do you need armor at all?
it's a trap, isn't it?
Very nice
realistic? no.
like it provides some form of protection if it's pretending to be armor? yes.
I will accept fantasy S&M gear, but bikini and plate looks fucking retarded.
armorfags are scrubs
Nobody knows.
It doesn't, unless you want me to take the plot and characters seriously.
There's fantasy designs >>10590731
And there's retarded bikini armor
it just breaks inmersion for me if the women wear one small plate of armor to cover their cunt
She does have a zettai ryouiki so she isn't uncharismatic and boring per user's criteria.
Cheesecake armor is super common and it's never going away. There is no "have to".
That said, don't expect me to take your story or premise seriously if the soldiers look like they came expecting to be penetrated. There's a difference between stylistic flourish and making something that doesn't look like what it's supposed to be.
Pic related, a completely unrealistic game with direction from a dude who literally draws hypersexualized porn that nonetheless looks like it's about a fucking war.
tell me more
If you cannot control your hormones, then you cannot control yourselves.
Raita did the character designs.
Honjou Raita. You probably know him from something.
is like you hate having boners, you faggot.
what if girls on full, realistic gothic plate armor is my fetish
Not sure why there's so much argument over this matter.
As far as anybody should be concerned, the only bad armor is armor that does not fit the character.
This way, there's room not only for either Ripley in her standard-issue unisex bug-stomping gear or for Amazon and Sorceress from Dragon's Crown, instead all can exist in their own respective canons quite happily.
then i respect your fetish and will wait for you to post some examples.
You're missing the point of this thread.
This is a battleground for autists of opposing viewpoints to go for blood.
I just know I like them since I played dark souls but I have no pictures. The closest I can see is
How often do you see a woman on a full plate armor, 3d or drawn? I remember seeing a picture of a smiling chink girl on armor somewhere on this board but I didnt save it
The closest thing I have are samus pics and everyone agrees they're hot
show me what this might look like, I'm having a hard time imagining it
put porn on your second monitor then
I like both slutty and realistic armor, but if given the choice I'd usually prefer slutty
does this count although it's not anime?
It doesn't.
Realism can be done as well as over the top, silly, and style-centric stuff.
Fuck people who can't enjoy all of those things.
Is the setting attempting to be realistic? Then the armour should be realistic. Realistic armours will always be cooler than unrealistic messes of spikes, studs and other features used in heavy metal theatric-wear.
It needs to if you want to make story and game more realistic and reliable.
So it really doesn't need to be realistic.
It's not like people have to disagree.
Realistic armor and unrealistic armor both have their place. The problem, as many have already said, is if the costume (not just armor) design doesn't fit the setting.
If you're pushing for realism then having women in armor is stupid, at least without giving a proper explanation as to why they are able to compete with men on equal ground, but so is having men with gigantic pauldrons and spikes all over the place.
I really wish that artists would bother opening up a book and getting educated as to why armors were designed the way they were, and what their purpose was.
Realistic armor just looks better. Chain bikini and boobplate don't irk me as much as ridiculous pauldrons and "heavy" armor that leaves vital areas exposed though.
That's not exactly true, it's just different kind of cool that different people enjoy. Realistic settings give us a sense of significance, they feel "Heavy", impactful, so does realistic armour, realistic weapons and realistic fights.
But over the top setting, over the top armour, over the top weapons and over the top fights might not have the same assets as realistic stuff, but they have a different, very important plus-side. They give us a sense of scale, style and creativity that, even though might exist in a realistic setting, will always be really restricted in comparison to a unrealistic setting.
In this instance, realistic is merely a codeword for feminist. It's a strawman: fictional clothing does not have to be realistic, obviously. Fiction treats clothes as part of the characters, or the show at large. What kind of idiot would criticize the opera because the characters aren't dressing in an historically accurate way?
Always remember that these people's goal is to proselitize, not to make sense: they want more feminists around. So you need to start dressing like them, talk like them, then transition.
Depends on the setting to be honest.
If it's some over-the-top setting where everything is exageratted anyway for the sake of style i'm perfectly fine with slutarmor.
If it's a setting that tries to be more serious and down to earth the style should reflect that. So yeah, i prefer relatively realistic armor in Dark Souls, Dragons Dogma or Elder Scrolls but not necessarily in some weeb hack&slash.
Armor doesn't have to be realistic.
Christ, people are so butthurt about armor not being realistic yet they don't flinch on the idea of dragons or magic existing.
Realism only matters if it is what you strive for when making a game,
Okay how about this.
revealing vs. covering
This. Case closed
What's the difference anyway? It still falls under realism vs over the top. Even if an armour is specifically made to be revealing, it can still look good and fit the character nicely. It only depends on what the creator wants to portray.
Ah yes, the good old "who cares about realism you nerd"-argument, never fails.
If you actually cared about realism, your immersion would be broken the second there's a woman wearing armor in the first place. It rarely happened.
It still depends for me.
I don't care about, say, Senran Kagura having slutty ninja outfits because they fit the theme of the game.
The armor for Skyrim was just ugly that I didn't like any of them. Dark Souls armor looked good OTOH, that I wanted to find good looking armor pieces to mix and match.
But how functional are these overly-ornate designs? The "it's fictional so gravity, human limitation and logic don't apply" mentality is a cop-out, any writer, developer, or anyone creating a fictional setting who uses it is a hack: they didn't flesh out their setting's laws and we're left with a setting that makes no sense. The setting has no basic rules, so why should they limit themselves?
Those autists were the SJWs best friend. When the SJWs bitched about sexy armor, the autists were right there cheering them on, and even unironically agreeing with them on the charges of sexism. 2012 was a very strange year for autism.
The design and form of a game should decide the design and form of its armor.
If it's a historical era with realistic terrain and battles having bikini armor is just jarring.
If you can hurl fireballs it's reasonable to believe that magic can mitigate physical damage and even heal scars.
But really the people who obsess over it are usually the no fun allowed crowd and they are the worst.
People usually mean internally consistent. I think it's a better way to describe armor. It makes sense for a thief that relies on avoiding attacks or a berserker who's just too tough to kill to wear flimsy or even skimpy armor, but it's a bit odd for a knight to have boobplate or exposed midriff. Unless it happens to by gloryborn armor, that is.
Unreal elements can only be made believable by placing them next to realistic things.
Same reason people go apeshit over a CG dragon it GoT and snore through 2 hours of fights in the Hobbit. If your setting doesn't have a solid footing in things that exist and can be related to the audience, it's just shiny schizo candyland with no dramatic weight or tension.
You can suspend your disbelief for women in a situation where they probably wouldn't be, but not for something they probably wouldn't wear in that situation? Where is your line, exactly? honest question
I am an autist and whenever the topic of realism comes up I always love to remind the resident leftist vermin of the inferiority of women, and how, if you want realism, then you have to put them back in the kitchen, where they belong.
So mutants and ghouls are alright but fact that they speak make it unrealistic?
I don't think it's that argument.
It's whether it fits the game or not.
I haven't played FO fully but for an alternate universe post-apoc game, what I can consider plausible and not too far over the top is the use of bottlecaps, but in your image, I think the ghoul inside the ref for so long seems to push it, it sorta breaks immersion that way. Or the fact that FO3 feels as if the bombs fell yesterday with no nature growth.
The line varies from person to person, obviously, which is why threats like these are purely for funposting.
Your line obviously goes a bit further than mine, and that's fine.
That's clearly against established lore. Super mutants aren't all retarded orc stand ins, and ghouls can communicate just fine.
But then again, Hines is a fucking moron.
Well no fucking shit he made F4 after all.
The only person on earth who we can say is equal to Jay Wilson.
If i remember correctly that specific tweet was in context to someone grilling hines on inconsitent writing that went against established lore, to which Hines pretty much argued that nobody should care about consistency in a fantastic setting, which is utterly retarded.
Could you imagine the delicious taste of Totori's sweat?
fucking casual
It doesn't have to be realistic or functional, but it has to look good otherwise I wont use it.
In short, who the fuck cares? If the whole idea is style over realism, then why would a creator care about realism? A creator does not have to explain every single detail for his setting to be interesting. If he really had to do that, then we would not have fantasy at all. After all, if the rule applies to armour, then why doesn't it apply to other magical creatures? Should the creator explain every single contradiction with the laws of physics or his universe is "not fleshed out"? Why can he ignore magical beings, but armour and weapons are somehow things that MUST be explained?
Women in realistic armor is my erection
Everything should be explained. Armour is the one thing that isn't explained most of the time.
Here's the thing that always just pissed me off. The realism fags accusing the bikini armor fags that the designer was thinking with his dick, but later the realism fag admits that the only reason they go for realistic armor is because they are sexually stimulated by guys and girls in armor.
At that point it's not about realism anymore, it literally becomes"my fetishes are better then your fetishes"
I like light wight/slutty girl armor, i like to turn my characters in to glass house with ridiculous damage from long sniping positions, i never were power armor in fallout games.
Then why won't you go watch/read/play some hard science fiction instead of fantasy? It seems to me that fantasy is the wrong genre for you.
The post you're answering to already said it. The point is consistency within the world. When you create a setting, set up the rules this world adheres to and then stick to them.
If the laws of physics are the same like in our world, then fucking adhere to these rules. Sticking to your own rules or just shrugging everything off with "lol it's magic" is the difference between a writer and a hackfraud.
You do realize that low fantasy is a thing, right?
Is it? Tolkien went to great depths fleshing out Middle Earth, its inhabitants, their languages, their myths and religions, their cultures, etc. etc. You would think that the abundance of resources, knowledge, and creative minds would allow new settings to be more advanced, more fleshed out, more believable then Tolkien's Middle Earth, but things have regressed.
Bud I got some bad news for ya
What if the rules are bikini armor just werks?
How the hell could you explain a bikini armor stops a lance through the abdomen.
Arrows would be a knight-mare
Maybe it doesn't? Maybe grills who wear bikini armor wear it for the flexibility it provides? We are talking about a hypothetical here, right
Now with this said I want to talk about how all games exsist on a spectrum.
On one end we have realism, on the other we have arcade or cartoony
Racing sims are more realistic then cart racers, but they are in no way realistic, if they had been you would get one race a week, have to refuel and have a billion goddamn laps.
So it's ok to mix fantasy into your realism for fun, and the opposite.
What we are really getting to in this thread is design choices. Any good artists or writers will tell you the settings and characters determine the design.
Shy, religious holy knight? Probably not slutplate.
A hedonistic seductive dark knight, probably alot more skin showing.
A slut thief who uses her body to get out of jams, probably pasties and a metal maxi pad
I always thought that way, but I still think personality has more to do with it
Maybe mental fortitude helps, I mean if a retard can hurl lighting why not a knight using devine will, or a monk going all Dragonball?
There's only so much one can dodge user
A volley of arrows isn't one of them
majority of the games that feature bikini armor are firing magic arrows carved from the bones of an ice dragon while your 30ft purple bear companion pulls aggro high fantasy. its a stupid fucking argument. yeah it doesn't make sense but neither does a flaming waraxe stolen from a god inflicting a poison dot instead of decapitating a motherfucker into a singularity.
Then what if the laws of physics aren't the same as in our world? I don't remember people being able to summon monsters out of thin air, and throw fireballs at each other in our world. The existence of magic itself already implies that physics deviate from ours. Why would armour be any fucking different?
I do realize low fantasy is a thing, but user implied that EVERYTHING has to be explained after I implied that if everything was to be explained logically, there shouldn't be fantastical elements at all.
Also look bellow.
You're mistaking detailed lore for explaining absolutely every unrealistic element in the fantasy world. An unrealistic high-fantasy world can have very detailed lore too, it's just that writers in general are too lazy to do it. It is not a problem with the case of realism vs over the top, but with the case of how much work is actually necessary to add detail to a setting. Tolkien was someone who put love into his work, and people like that don't appear as often as we might think. And besides, not all fantasy is really that focused on the world around it, fantasy might as well put more focus on the characters or the story itself instead.
Depends on the setting. Fullarmor is more heroic while Microarmor is sexy.
Basically, if you have a very serious/realistic game, a heroic fullarmor gives more to that atmosphere. It looks comical and bizarre if you have a room full of realistic clothed heroic knigths and in the middle there is a halfnaked chick like no one cares. But if you have a non-serious atmosphere game for example where the hero bashes shit like in DmC and every person is strange or half-clothed, there is nothing wrong with a sexy armor, it doesn't stand out, it even adds to the game. I mean you also wouldn't put a fully stylized comic character in an otherwise fully realistic game too.
Also kill yourself OP because this is a useless thread that has been posted more than a hundred times already.
Yeah? That means it has advantages and disadvantages
It doesn't, it's just an excuse for kikes and shitlibs to kvetch.
Blocking a volley of arrows with a greatshield and counterattack-flank around your spearline with a mace or morningstar is my fetish
And the grill in bikini armor isn't suited to the roll of bigmclargehuge-with-shield
That's fine. Just explain them then if you're the writer.
I'd still say something like a tunic with leather armor and a longsword(at the largest) would be the coolest, most fitting armor for a female speedy-class to wear. For some reason I hate rouge classes that use daggers. Daggers are a tiny little sidearm you're supposed to use to assassinate people with or when your sword breaks and you can't find another one
Here, imagine all this but female
Shield is optional
sage for triple post
And really, if all fantasy cared about realism that much, many cool as fuck things would not exist.
Pic related.
That still does not make it a realistic nor a practical weapon.
Yes, because everyone wants to read an in depth thesis about alternative-physics when they take up a fantasy book. And by that logic, even the existence of magic itself should be explained in such a way too. Not that I don't like in-depth explanations in fantasy, but they aren't necessary everywhere, or sometimes even at all. There is nothing wrong with doing things just for sake of being cool, as long as they are actually cool. Whether you think that realistic armour is cooler, or that over the top armour is cooler is down to personal taste.
I like all sorts of armor if they're well done. Practical power armor, ornate boobplate or slutty combat bikini with high heels, I'll take it all.
Pretty much because of internal consistency. Magic isn't something you can argue the logistics of, but someone wearing a bikini and leather straps managing to survive fights is.
If she was, the heretical English wouldn't have burned her as a witch for wearing men's clothing.
No they'd burn him for being a sodomite
Finally! My time to shine.
To be fair, the talking Deathclaws bio-engineered by the Enclave in Fallout 2 were hugely immersion breaking but no more than finding the fucking bridgekeeper from Holy Grail.
The armor itself is functional, the ornate designs are generally layered on top. It's like the armor you find in the late Medieval period and Rennaisance. Also, the purity seals do actually have a purpose.
They Nailed her look since the second game (Got really close on the first game too). Man, I love that armor.
Why don't mages wear armor?
Also the fuck is a dancer class? Why do Jrpg's have this shit?
Why not both?
Did it really need to be explained though?
Just by looking at Guts you can tell that
A) He's pretty fucking swole
2) He's done this sort of shit before
While it wouldn't work in our world, it can fly in low fantasy works like Berserk and Dwarf Fortress
I can't really say if it can really be called Low Fantasy, there are a lot of fantasy elements, but they are generally hidden from eyes of people and only now start actually coming into the world.
Never implied that, as I said in one of my posts. Explanation is not always necessary.
Yes because it would be logical to wear a 60's full body armor that can't stop a 7.62 nato anyway so you can collapse of heatstroke.
Your waifu in miniskirt is perfectly consistent in a setting where it's extremely hot and humid and she fights against weapons that punch through all armor anyway.
The first scene of the manga shows Guts killing a succubus while having sex with her. You can´t really get any "lower" fantasy.
Still doesn't change my point, which is that since Guts has the appearance of Swolemole McGains he is implicitly able to wield his fuckhuge sword effectively.
I like armor that looks cool, realistic or not.
You must have realistic armor if you are going for a realistic game.
Thing is, if you were going for realism you wouldn't have any women in armor.
Armor and weapons require quite a bit of upper body strength.
If it was to be realistic than women would be regarded as a valuable resource integral to the continuation of a society and wouldn't have the freedom to fight.
If you threw them into actual realistic armor it would be the same as a mans and thus have no femininity to it defeating the purpose of having the person in the armor be a woman when they look and act like a man.
If the game isn't realistic especially in instances of having magic play a key role than nobody should be able to complain about a titty armor'd 90 pound girls waving around a hunk of sheet-metal and sporting a midriff because magic.
But people do complain because attractive women be they fictional or otherwise hurt unattractive women's fefes.
Physically attractive women remind them of how shitty they are comparatively because many women apparently like to compare themselves to other women all the time like only a vanity obsessed creature would.
Hurting any women's fefes is not progressive and so the armor on women must be "realistic".
Japan on the other hand is a fairly conservative county and gives no fucks about the wants of a bunch smelly bulldykes and their legion of whiteknighted cucks who don't buy games.
A funny note is that in WoW for instance the most revealing armors were made back in vanilla and fetch the highest of prices in the auction house.
Few other armors in the game could not be called feminine in design outside of those early few that drastically change appearance depending on the sex of the character.
And let's not even touch the fact that conditions which would make you shed clothes would never include thigh-highs.
But user, your penis is a weak spot.
Low means there aren't many fantasy elements pal. Appearance of a demon seems to be categorized as a "fantasy" element. Aren't you perhaps mistaking Low Fantasy for Dark Fantasy?
Pal, the thing is though, I never argued against you. I never implied that an explanation of why Guts can wield that sword is necessary. I only implied that it is still an unrealistic weapon, and that it doesn't need to be realistic.
Dragons do not exist in the real world at all, do you want to imply that seeing dragons in a fantasy game is immersion breaking? The whole idea of fantasy is that it isn't supposed to accurately reflect the real world.
git gud
look it up, learn the definition, and stop using ambiguous language like a cretin.
No wonder those filthy Celts lost
Well, gee user. I wish I was a shape shifting alien too, but that shit isn't very feasible right now.
Dragons don't need to be explained. They're giant magic lizards from god knows where. A story can start and end and never touch upon the answer to "why do dragons exist" in the same way stories have started and ended without having to justify gods existing.
If someone puts on a miniskirt to go into combat in temperate Ye Olde Fantasy England when there's a perfectly good gambeson available that might stop an arrow, that person should have a reason. They should be able to articluate that reason. If we can no longer assume that many layers of fabric can stop an arrow, and that people generally want to not get shot by arrows, what else can we no longer rely on?
Nephenee a best.
Maybe because they're in a fucking desert?
It doesn't have to be, but if you're having a realistic or plausible world where normal rules of the world apply having realistic armour is good.
There are works where heroes can take far more than they should even if it was realistically impossible. Theoretically, if we can no longer rely on the fact that human would die if hit by a lightning bold, then what else we can rely on? The answer is, the rules that the creators sets up for us. I think it is very rare for a crazy, over-the-top element to exist in a world where everything else is realistic unless the creator wants to create a contrast between the two. If an over-the-top element exists in a world full of over-the-top elements, your immersion won't be broken, because your expectations will change and you will be able to see the world that the creators have created in a different light. The problem you mentioned only exists when a crazy element appears in a realistic world without a reason, which is indeed retarded most of the time. But a crazy thing surrounded by crazy things is not at all out of place.
The problem here is they got too busy and forgot what the character was supposed to be like.
The beret, facial expression, and stature suggest he is a dick, so there's elements of good design in there.
Think about what you're saying. What makes something "badly designed"? Why is that character badly designed? Because it is ludicrously impractical in every possible way. In other words, unrealistic. It doesn't have to exist in our reality for it to be realistic, it just has to make a modicum of sense. All good armour and clothing design is based on what makes practical sense in the real world, regardless of the fantasy rules for why they are wearing it.
Ancient Greeks used short swords of bronze and copper. They weren't considered epic weapons of destiny, but work tools: their usage, to chop off arms and necks in one shot.
And given that you're not a woman with breast in the way of arms, you were very likely to die dismembered and bleeding but still with your dick safely between your legs.
Do you get triggered by revealing clothing on shapely figures? Can you point out who put this idea in your head, when once you were a normal person who could look at fantasy clothes without feeling disturbed?
100% virgin
Learn to read you fucking moron
You are discussing a typical entry level SJW argument on Holla Forums, retard. Care to fuck off?
Pick one and only one, barbarian scum.
Didnt the Romans lose to these "barbarians" scum?
This is 100% myth.
Go back to preschool and learn to read.
More so we were winning against barbarian scum until our core become so rotten we were destroyed from the inside out.
The barbarians simply cleaned house, but we came up thanks to Constantine and his holy kingdom so things worked out in the end.
The Romans were unable to support extended campaigns across the English channel and in the northern British islands. Supply lines were too long and they couldn't afford to station legions there long term.
The Romans conquered southern Britain and put down several attempted rebellions. London was founded as a Roman city.
Things are badly-designed when either their appearance doesn't clue the audience into some facet of their character or it otherwise breaks the verisimilitude of the work.
And I suppose you believe in giant firebreathing ants in Egypt as well?
It is bały designed because it's unfocused and has no clear art direction. Not because it's impractical. WH40K design are unrealistic and still look good, mechas are unrealistic and still Look good, all of JoJo's designs are unrealistic and STILL LOOK GOOD. Berserk armour designs can get realny unrealistic and still Look good. Your argument falls flat on it's head when you realize that unrealistic designs can look good, which means that design you posted must be bad for other reasons than just being unrealistic. Otherwise ALL unrealistic designs would Look bad.
Exactly what I'm saying.
Realistic does not mean it is historical or exists in reality.
It really depends on the game honestly, there are some games where women in realistic looking armor look smoking hot like some armor sets in dark souls for instance, while some armors in other games that have different variations of armor forms like Monster Hunter where you can look full gundum to a damn maid outfit.
Eat a dik, Samus is dignified and has military discipline. She doesn't need to act like some floozy.
Having verisimilitude does not necessarily mean being realistic.
And my argument still stands. Many of the designs in the things I mentioned are not done for the purpouse of being practical or having sense but just looking cool. Or do you want to tell me that a giant robot with a cathedral on his shoulders is realistic?
It looks silly if it doesn't look too grounded. To put this into perspective, t would be like seeing a North Korean transgender paraplegic soldier in the Navy Seals.
A giant robot that walks on two legs is entirely realistic. Within 100 years it will likely be a reality. Now you're just raising the bar with cathedral shit.
Realism =/= Consistency
Something can appear or resemble something that it's not, you know.
Hell, the entire profession of fiction-making involves getting people to react to either ink on paper or images on a screen as though they were more than just ink on paper/images on a screen.
Happens to every empire. They always over extend themselves.
The hardy Men of the North will never bend to the epicurean Men of the South. We wore no armor merely to make the battle an actual challenge against cowards that hide in metal boxes.
Go home Carron, you're drunk.
Also a heretic.
Why can't you dumb niggers just call things by their English names instead of Japanese meme words
I had to google it. It's just thigh highs. I bet you say dakimakura instead of body pillow too, you fucking faggot.
stop being tsundere, user, uguu hai onesama
I don't mind bikini armour in fantasy games.
It's a bloody fantasy game. Doesn't have to be realistic.
I usually think of it as the armour has a magic invisible shield that covers the entire body, while still being easy to move about in, making it extremely lightweight while still having dependable defence.
Not only this but it also serves as a dependable distraction for your enemies, while boosting your ally's resolve.
Quite good, really.
you aren't fooling anyone, carron
Zettai Ryouiki isn't thigh highs, though, you faggot.
Fact: It's way hotter to put a girl in realistic armor and a skirt that shows her panties than boobplate ever could be.
I could do something worse to you, user.
Desu desu ka~
The problem with fantasy armors is any retarded 15 year old can create some silly armor that doesn't make sense but looks cool. It takes actual effort to make feasible armor that meshes with the setting.
Also I'm not sure how anyone out of puberty can find the chainmail bikinis sexy, they just try so hard it kills any chance of a boner for me, and when someone walks around in them 24/7 then you get used to it anyways.
Fact: your opinion is not a fact, also your a fag
But I can see where your coming from
As a matter of fact, I do.
Oh my god, how can you still be hashing this argument out?
Fantasy fags
I was going to compare arguments but I found myself stuck. Apparently realism fags are just autistic, and want fetish pron games that are boring.
But still I feel that interesting design is more important then literally anything else. It's meant to be entertainment not a platform for stupid people to bitch about how unrealistic something is while jerking off
People need to understand verisimilitude, user. Very few fantasy settings are "realistic", but all the good ones have verisimilitude and consistency.
good armour design in fantasy
good armour design in semi-realistic setting
bad armour design in any setting that isn't explicitly realistic
Because of autism. Everything must be practical, everything must be realistic, and everything must be pc.
I try to avoid the word "realism" and use the words "functional" or "basic" since there is overdisinged armor that would not work in battle but still look cool (see pics related)
I personally don't like chainmail but I can tolerate it if it's used in something that makes sense like a witch/warlock who seduces travelers, thieves and rogues that use their bodies to seduce and manipulate, barbarians who fight nude or amazons who don't need to cover their tit because they chopped it off.
I still find some fantasy fags annoying because any love for anything that's not a chain mail bikini makes you some SJW feminist and they think you can only have either wacky over the top fantasy with bulky armor with lost of belts and chainmail bikinis or it has to be boringly gritty, dry and women can't be warriors because "muh realism"
I don't think it has to be realistic at all, I just want it to be somewhat consistent. I love skimpy armor, but if all the men are in full plate and the woman is in slutmail with no explanation at all, it pulls me out of the immersion of the world. Obviously this doesn't matter if immersion doesn't matter.
There are plenty of settings where heavy armor would be impractical or impossible, and that's fine.
Pal, hate to break it to you but mechas aren't really realistic at all. A tank is better at everything than a two legged robot
I want a drawfag to make this comic: exaggeratedfags are arguing with realismfags over autistic stupid shit while a verisimilitudefag laughs at the both from afar holding a glass of wine.
Or get something functional that looks cool.
Fluted plates on the pauldrons and chestplate make the entire structure stronger without making it heavier. Because the way the steel is bent and overlapped it is virtually impossible to get a stab or a hammer strike flat on the armor.
The Sallet is not only good looking and protective but it also gives a fairly decent peripherical view in comparison of other helmets of it's time.
Hueg left pauldron and smaller right pauldron, giving both the shield hand a considerable more defensive capabilities and the main hand more mobility.
The armor itself is held together by leather straps, giving you the protection an armor gives you without sacrificing a lot of mobility.
But user, if we can't have utterly binary Us vs. Them spergouts, what else do we have left?
comfy discussions?
Whats the point in high chest plate if your belly and, pelvis, and legs are exposed?
I would so love to see what a bronze-age full plate armor would look like. to us, it would look like a guy wearing a stove-pipe furnace, but it'd be a ""cool"" stove-pipe furnace, damnit!
god dammit, I need to sort my folder.
she's tiny and I think the skirt is chainmail. that's alot of weight on her hips but ets pretend it's mithril.
Internal consistency, not realism. Basically what said.
Ah I see it now, but whats the main diffrence between plates like on her chest, shoulders and arms? and chain mail?
It's means having the appearance of truth, you ignoramus. A fantasy setting can have verisimilitude by being consistently operating within self-imposed rules and systems, thus creating a sense of believability.
Yes, thank you.
Internal consistency is something else entirely.
What's more true than reality? You keep throwing in the word "consistent" but it's not mentioned anywhere in the word's definition. Authenticity and the appearance of truth are not synonymous with consistency.
Rogue scum
The appearance of truth is just that; something that appears true. A fantasy setting that is internally consistent is one in which all the parts fit together, make sense, and form a set of apparent truths. When you create verisimilitude you aren't creating truth, you are creating the appearance of truth, which only requires internal consistency. Actual truth is a narrower subset that exists within verisimilitude.
You're the one arbitrarily claiming that internal consistency appears true, but it's still a fantasy setting. The appearance of truth would mirror reality, not distort it.
Armor doesn't need to be realistic, it just needs to fit the setting.
In what way does internal consistency lack the appearance of truth? Truth, in all but the simplest, basest, and most objective of applications, is about perspective. If you can get people to play along and suspend their disbelief, you've created something that appears truthful–not necessarily real, but truthful nonetheless.
An internally consistent lie appears true, and thus has verisimilitude. Likewise, and internally consistent setting, extraordinary elements included, also appears true, and has verisimilitude as a result.
All fantasy settings are a distortion of reality as we know it, but that doesn't mean they cannot carry an appearance of truth.
This is turning into a mess of semantics, solipsism, and sophistry. Let's just agree to disagree.
Are you able to comprehend the word "plausability" then or will you continue to be obtuse just for the sake of arguing?
Can we just admit that "mens armor but with breast plates" is stupid?
It looks just like mens armor but with stupid looking and useless poops put on it.
There is literally nothing wrong with this. It isn't required but there is no reason why you can't have a fantasy setting where both men and women where the same armor. In fact in gives the world a nice consistency.
you need to be able to explain why the armor works at a practical level to wear, otherwise it's just ornate clothes.
now, wearing ornate clothes is fine, but there's little justification to do that so you call it armor and suddenly it seems to have a use.
shit like a stone-skin enchantment or dune-style forcefields works, but if you don't explain why it works than you're a bad writer, it's like writing floating landmass in the sky and then refusing to explain why it floats. Is it suspended via magic? nope, gravitational anomaly? nope, super powerful energy/being willing it to float? nope, it just does that because it seems cool.
a universe of fiction is held together just as well as reality by certain rules and constants. Just as we have gravity and electromagnetism, you can have magic and life energy or some weeb shit.
The divergence between fiction and nonfiction allow us to suspend our disbelief of stuff in the fantasy world. That doesn't give you a pass to break the rules and logic of the fiction; You still need to operate within the confines of the world you have created, otherwise you shatter the illusion of it being a coherent world.
Elf rangers wearing skimpy armor is flimsily justifiable under the fact that they may need the unhindered movement that normal clothing just can't allow, or they need to take it off quick in order to fuck the tiger they're riding on in order to get that nature essence or some shit, having an elf paladin who wears nothing but a bikini and steel pasties isn't feasible without some enchantments or shit that makes her skin thinker than adamantite, and you have to explain that it does if it does because you need to establish shit in fiction because the only point of reference your audience has natively is real life.
Random bit of trivia. Historically if you wear chainmail you had a pot-belly. The reason for this was you'd have a belt and wear the chainmail 'up' a bit around it, so the belt took a bit of the weight off your shoulders.
It's not thigh highs. It's the area of exposed skin between the top of the thigh highs and the bottom of the skirt. (^: I guess we could call it the absolute zone so you don't get triggered.
Severely underrated post.
Mutually exclusive. Go read a history book.
What kind of idiot go to see an opera to begin with?
Not enough explosions and flashy lights for you, kid?
Armor should fit setting
High fantasy doesn't need realism but grounded low fantasy does
Armor doesnt have to be realistic.
But if you dont make it sexy you might not tickle my boner enough for me to buy your bad game or pay for the lewd cosmetics.
What's the point?
What about girls without realistic armor? It's what beneath that counts. I vote for armor that can be removed… completely.
I'm tired of this shit
That's hot
That's hot too.
Women, just give up, unless you dip your face in battery acid, some guy somewhere is going to find something hot. Bikini? hot. Loosest fitting guy shirt? hot. Work overalls? hot. Business suit? hot. Police uniform with bulletproof vest? hot. Hell, even the most horrible SJW hipsters that dress like old shrills manage to get a white knights that want nothing more than permission to tap that ass.
Look at this fucking slut. Isn't wearing anything more than a pair of pants. Doesn't have the chest protected at all. Begging for an arrow there. So impractical and unrealistic.
your appearence reflects your inner self. It's no suprise a woman who can go out into battle would have some chance of man features. not saying soul calibur characters are impossible though
why do you think all these neets who browse here are fat and ugly? because they're lazy
The only unrealistic armor I dislike is lategame Korean MMO armor. Realistic armor is nice, but if you're giving any to any important or playable characters, it's always nice to have some flair put into it.
Asuka is the very best
We need more grappling in fantasy
And more maces.
We need more of that in vidya.
I don't mind unrealistic armor as long as it's not a chainmail bikini.
If you want to make your characters wear sexy shit go ahead, but don't pretend they have armor when they clearly don't.
Full plate armor is sexier anyway.
Realistic armor basically means the game has armor design that someone don't like.
The best part about these cretins are the people who bring up arrows piercing unarmored people but don't know that anything less than a plate will not stop a direct arrow hit and even then the arrow will puncture the plate but prevent damage to the person wearing it.
Something being in the past doesn't make it less real. Things are only not real when they didn't exist in the past and do not exist right now.
Romans were also wiped out and they wore armor.
What exactly are you trying to argue here?
it doesn't
When's the last time you've seen a knight in full plate?
Will you be jerking off to this?
I miss this game. Robotic/Medic class was so much fun.
Hear hear. I just can't imagine chainmail bikini having any kind of combat related practical use. For rogues, it looks like it makes too much sound. In a battlefield it's useless. For a mage or some kind of demigoddess it just might work because magic.
It doesn't, anyone that can't appreciate fancy fantasy armor is just severely autistic and arguing for the sake of arguing. Pic related is the only good thing to have ever come out of the neverending "debate".
it doesn't, i like looking at metal-bikini-clad women in videogames but i'm not sure about the next guy
Yep. Poison medics is something I wish Firefall had given me the chance to relive but that game was even more mismanaged than GA was.
firefall was ruined when they started pandering to the chinese but i guess that makes sense since there is much more chinese players
I think it was ruined when it needed to revamp entire parts of the game, and then decided it needs to do so every 6 months.
Chainmail bikinis are passable in my book if the wearer is a Conan the Barbarian type.
What really triggers my autism is the plate bikini, since it's using the ultra-light bikini design with fucking heavy-ass metal plates.
IIRC plate armor isn't really that much heavier than mail, especially if you have so little of it. Got any examples of plate bikini? Never seen it myself.
Will you help me fill this out Holla Forums?
See the first, second, and fourth pics in , second pic of and for the sort of thing that I'm referring to.
Basically, the sort of armor that shows up in female warrior hentai except in a non-hentai context.
should add battlefield 4 or 1
That image is for good unrealistic vidya, not the pseudo-realistic shit we've been getting from Dice.
Chainmail bikini for mages is actually created so that it protects the points where the cool wizard powers are coming from without interfering with spell casting.
The truth is that women actually cast spells with their boobs and vaginas.
Every single games on that picture is good Okay, Just Cause 2 might be arguable for some people but, other than that the rest are objectively good games
Its all about the setting and what kind of armour would fit in
If its just a porn game or some barely porn game, i dont think anyone would mind Bikini armour
If its fantasy, i would personaly like armour that looks good, and i wouldnt mind if it seems a bit impractical; i mean its fantasy, the armour is probably infused with some magic
But if it is actually trying to have some serious themes, and suddenly you find an armor showing lots of skin thats better than your last, id get annoyed. Sure, its always fun with a bikini easter egg or something, but i wouldnt like it being a legit strategy
This thread has made me realize that I do want to see a big, burly, sentient male armor meet a small, thin, light sentient female armor and then /clang/
i remember reading a few years ago about some fucking lunatic in australia who was running from police, holed up in a cabin in the outback, and actually built himself a suit of armour out of a cast iron wood stove
Go put a big bulky knight helmet on your head and shoot yourself then see what happens
protip: reasonably sized armor isn't too good against guns and when it is you're only really protected against tiny boolets or grazing shrapnel which aren't really your biggest threats in wars. The soldiers in those pics would rather not die of hyperthermia and lack of mobility than maybe stop a grazing .22 in full body armor. Also knee high socks won't help you against heat and thongs certainly aren't comfortable.
I say all this as someone who dresses up female characters in thongs and thigh socks in every fantasy game I can without question.
Agreed, it also prevents traps and tomboys
Because feminist spergs think "realism" is a strong, intelligent argument that lends credence to their moronic claims of oppression and objectification. It's a means to an end, and that end is legitimizing feminist theory by jumping to ridiculous conclusions and reaching for any kind of bias confirming instance that fit their beliefs.
If they really cared about realism, they wouldn't bother rallying against a super rare and niche artistic decision to make armor stylish and sexy in games where people can be repeatedly slashed with swords or bitten by giant monsters and not shed a drop of blood.
(Ignore ID difference I'm the same guy)
Absolutely, and that's what I'm about to do.
What's this from?
You might be the most stupid user I have seen in the last couple of months and I often go to Holla Forums. Get your shit together, faggot.
I really hate leg armor like that for women, it looks pretty ugly.
Ned Kelly and his 97 lbs armor?
To me, having fantasy armors that look reasonable both for male and female characters is the best thing. I fucking hate giant spaulders with all my heart (Warhammer faggots will jump on me, but whatever). I know she gets brought up all the time, but Hilde's armor is fucking perfect, that's what armors should look like. Some of the fantasy armors on Dork souls armors are also very nice, stylish shit that makes sense and is heavily inspired by real armors.
I don't mind bikini armor, but it is lazy from a creative/artistic point of view.
Also, unless the game aspires to be realistic, the argument of
Is also retarded. If the game has a fantasy setting, having females fighting too makes it more interesting to look at. Plus, armored qts are even qter.
I would like to inspect those female armors more closely. For engineering purposes.
Bikini armor is fucking dumb since it provides almost no real protection other than to look sexy. You can still make good female armors, but having armor that covers maybe 10% of the body and has no ability to deal with exposure to elements is fucking stupid.
Also to double on shit like there's no reason to drastically change the female armor so much from the male armor that it looks like a completely different character. The only thing these armors do is reduce the overall layers of armor to show off female curves.
Also consider that instead of resizing one armor, you now have to create two different sets of armor entirely.
merely a coincidence
Because when I look at something I have a moment where I think, "How does this function," because I have a fetish for the inner makings of things. I love to think about "hey what did the maker of this thing think when he built this." Now of course, it's just a stupid artist who uses rule of cool, which is admirable when it's not fucking dumb, but there are some times where I look at something and think, "Wow, that's a whole bunch of extra shit that doesn't need to be there, I could slim that down and it would be the same or better effectively."
When I look at plate mail and it has higher weight than chainmail, I kinda flip my shit, because plate was just a little less dexterous, but at the advantage of having a lighter, more durable and more reproducible armor. Imagine a blade made out of hundreds of woven chains that you smack things with, that shit would be cumbersome and unwieldy, but a sword, one single sheet of metal bolted to a handle, is effectively better and easier to repair because it has less tiny parts to it; the same idea could be applied to armor.
Also what hurts me is seeing iron armor being "better" than steel because it's manufactured as inch thick plates that you wear like a big weight vest, which only makes sense if you think about it for less than five seconds. Really, the reason I like my shit to not make 0 sense is because when I look at things my brain is constantly going on at things, it just does not stop. I could probably be shown a great number of armor designs and tear them apart or praise them based on first looks mostly, but that's just because of my devastating autism.
tl;dr praise kek, the god of the fires of knowledge, he has touched me in a way that I cannot unsee cancer.
The fact that people have to suspend their disbelief at all means it doesn't reflect reality. I get what you're trying to say verisimilitude is, but that's not the right word for it.
When people say realistic, what they mean to say is functional. So
oh wait I was baited, were you going to say, "I was only pretending to be retarded"
frilly dresses are the strongest armor known to mankind.
Practical armor, stylized armor, it doesn't matter.
I just want it to properly fit the setting.
Don't we have threads like these every two weeks or some shit? The only thing to come out of them is a rephrasing of the same arguments and image dumps, I'm starting to think these really are bait threads
I'm not really an armorfag but I think skimp is absolute shit, mostly because it kills my immersions.
but there is a severe lack of camo skirts
I'm fine with some exposed skin areas as long as it tries to look like armor instead of decoration glued onto a stripper.
Especially if the setting has people moving so fast that they can just actively block things with the armored parts.
And mages also balance long flowy dresses with some slits and windows. So it's a certain aesthetic balance if warrors do get to do it too.
Hold on why are there no games where you play as a custom African warlord and make a Mad Max style crazy mercenary faction that must take over Africa a la Mount and Blade?
I would play the shit out of that.
This triggers me more than it should.
There's a reason combat infantry shaves and keeps their hair short, user. Long hair traps dirt, parasites and bacteria. Buzzed hair does not. Hair of any sort impedes your gas mask seal, and long hair can lead to the harness becoming tangled.
At least it looks like it's supposed to be armor, and not something to strap on a porn actress to fit the shot's theme.
Because my dick is the only thing that matters and my dick likes slut armor.
Fuck that shit so much
also exposed points on armor just looks stupid, I can only imagine a knife or a bolt penetrating every open sliver of armor I see; it could easily be remedied by not being a slut and wearing chain mail in spots under the armor, or at least padding, but no, gotta be super whores
Nigger, it's a different kind of unrealistic, I didn't mean it as
I was talking about unrealistic shit in general.
I agree
And bikini chainmail is supposed to be armor too. What the fuck are you trying to argue here?
It doesn't. Besides, the less it covers, the higher the armour rating.
Why mages don't wear armor? Well, usually the armor interferes with the mages' magic stuff especially if the mage needs to move his hands around for his spells. Remember, mages aren't exactly well known to be Big McLargeHuge…unless they are Fistomancers.
Because sometimes the truth is closer to fiction.
It just needs to be "not retarded" and that is where Nips always fail.
If someone wants to play as a female character, than why would they want something that completely hides the gender of that character?
The choice is to either do the fourth pic and give the armor itself some feminine characteristics (heels, boobplate, narrow waist) or give her no helmet while making her overly feminine (long hair, thick lips, narrow chin, makeup, etc) to compensate, as seen in the third pic. Either way it's going to be unrealistic.
maybe don't play games to play as a female or male and just look at cool armor.
If your game is REALISTIC you don't have women in armor. "Female armor" is an absurd concept so you can go wild with it, or you can make the women wear real (=male) armor. It doesn't matter.
Games are a male activity, playing to win, improving your skills, these are male tendencies, girls don't care and never will. So historically most female characters were sexually attractive by design to heighten the appeal of the game to its customerbase. Now more recently white-knighting SJW "male feminists" have been a relevant demographic, or at least some publishers and devs think so, so we're seeing some SJW design bullshit in games this gen. It'll blow over.
I can't emphasize enough that this has never been and isn't about gaining female customers. It's about the male SJW demographic. There are no women on the internet and women do not buy games. Little girls buy horse and princess games, then they grow up and stop playing video games. The few women who play video games do so for male attention, so they play whatever is popular aka what men play. They are playing COD and League these days, I think. Any way, there will never be games proper "for women". The genre will nominally exist but these pieces of software won't be games proper at all, it's just going to be romance VNs in the form of David Cage software.
Just like guns.
No need to be realistic, just not to be retarded.
I think you should go lie down
I'm the kind of person who is bored about "too realistic" designs, in which most armors would look the same since it would be the optimal design for protection. That said, I want armors to at least try; they don't have to be realistic, but if you are going to make a bikini armor, don't pretend it's the highest protection rating armor available.
In fact, fuck bikini armor. I want to see new stylish armors, and bikini armor is too stereotypical. It's basically the go-to "I am too lazy to think about something that looks good and sexy so I will just go with the stuff that shows the most skin" option.
A good example of the kind of armor I would what I am trying to get is 's first pic. First of all, it's not an armor, just a really stylish outfit, so he isn't pretending it is protective. The warrior in that picture might not be the kind of warrior that goes on a full blown war, but rather a duelist that doesn't need omnidirectional protection as she would rather be quicker against a single enemy than slower, but more durable against five of them. She's supposed to keep track of her enemy at all times, and that's why she wears only directional armor (her shield). The only metal bit in her armor are for decoration, or cover some easy to hurt parts, such as her hand or her arm plate to avoid swords from just going all the way up to her neck during a sword clash. The fact that she is not even trying to protect herself allows her to wear a slutarmor, which offers no real protection, with a fitting excuse: she doesn't need that protection, so she might as well wear whatever.
Third pic is also good. It's a real, full blown armor that has taken being stylish (therefore, probably "unrealistic") very seriously. Despite this, it's an actual, valid armor you could wear into battle; it may not be optimal, but fuck if it can block blows, specially if she is wearing protection under those cloth parts. If a regular warrior/paladin/tank character wore this armor, I would think it is pretty fitting and in-character, even if still somewhat fantastic. It's functional, although maybe not optimally functional, but fuck that.
Is bikini armor an "acceptable" form of protection? Sure, as long as you explain it is either not really meant for protection (character is weak when using it) or explicitly state it's a magical armor designed to allow freedom of movement that gets all its protection capabilities thanks to its magical qualities. Even in that case, if you are going to be using bikini armor for anything else than rogue-type characters, you are probably an unimaginative faggot.
why live
Short answer: no.