I never see enough of these, I need more pictures of dindus and chimps for my collection.
Nigger hate thread?
Found the nigger
Last time I made one of these I got banned for a month
Funny thing is that these comics were originally made by some black redditor.
Anyone got the Star Trek one?
I already hate niggers as much as I possibly can and I see enough of their bullshit in my day to day life.
Some sheboon at work even just gave me her number and wants to go out with me.
Instead of sheeeit comics what about some redpills. Links too, I need to drop some on a Facebook discussion that does not allow for pictures. Thanks in advance anons.>>10590462
ultimate redpill lol
It's 9/11, so you'll forgive me for assuming this is a slide thread and also an attempt to pretend this board isn't focused on exposing judaism.
You gonna get loved, tenderly. Enjoy your AIDS.
You let her?
Just a reminder user,
Racism is pretty overrated,
Like make fun of niggers or stuff that will make you hate them more? I could find that
While threads like this always make me and im sure other anons laugh this post is the truth
Nigger hate threads are obviously most important because they spread memes which can be used to redpill people on social media and places other than Holla Forums. They get shut down on cuckchan because the mods are marxist fucks, and they get shut down here because they are perceived as being beneath the quality of this board.. its a shame they end up in limbo, because they are valuable for propaganda distribution and aggregation.
Fuck off nigger lover, you sound fucking pathetic.
2 women were raped today in your state, and youre sweeping it under the rug. 2 more tomorrow, and 2 yesterday.
What are you even doing here nigger faggot?
When white people adopted black ghetto culture it also made them dumb as fuck. Fucked up their language system. Fucked up all arithmetic and we all know they arn't the source of it at their central character so gtfo nigger lovers.
Only rural and suburban retards make nigger hate threads.
At this point, I'm not sure why niggers don't just leave to Africa already or fully campaign for segregation. Both sides admit nothing is good in our races getting in each others way, Abe Lincoln himself predicted it. It'll make everybody a whole lot happier.
Do you by chance have the one of the nigger that was harassing a white guy's gf at night, so the guy beat the nigger's ass into submission and knocked some of his teeth out on the pavement?
just beautiful.
I'm okay with this
Try harder, shlomo.
back to the >>>/oven/ yosef