Why are black kids such jerks

My son went to school today, and some black kid called him a girl and a white-ass cracka, my son ignored him and he continued to insult him as he walked to his car (my son is a senior and 17). WTF, why would the schools let him get away with this shit, seriously the school is only 8 percent black and 80 percent white you would think that the rules would be enforced a little better.

Why are complaining about anti-white harassment on here instead of talking to the school and teaching your kid how to fight?

Low energy

Whoa partner let me stop you right there.
It's called a nigger. nig-ger. It's a subspecies of an ape.
It's not a human it's a monkey called a nigger

Niggers are violent low iq subhuman jungle monkeys. Enroll your kid in a useful martial art like judo/bjj/boxing so he can defend himself.

Forgot my sage

He is a big football player, the kid would never actually fight him. He also wrestles.

You disgust me on so many levels.

Bad idea. Niggers tend to attack in packs once aggravated. Best teach your child how to operate, maintain and use flamethrowers.

I did not, I actually am a father, I don normally use this board anyways I used to use stormfront before it got shut down.

don´t, my stupid fucking keys won´t work.

You have to go back

Fine by me, you kids speak in far to vile language, but can any of you give some useful advice?

Lurk 2 years before posting.

Being very generous and assuming that's true, what's the purpose of this thread? We already know niggers are niggers. It's not like you're giving us the name of the niglet in question so we can laugh at it and mine salt.

Tell your son to stop being a cuck and hurl invective back at the nigger.

Dear diary the thread
Lurk for a millenia before posting again

Are you a shill or slider? I mean anyone with a brain knows the answer, even if they put up a front of being super liberal and totally for equality. Deep down even they know. The answer is: BECAUSE NIGGER.

Useful advice: REMOVE NIGGER

What your son should do:
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Teach your son about the jews. Explain to him that we are being invaded and bred out of existence because we are insufficiently obedient, and that society wants him to be stupid and weak.

Or just fuck off because you're probably a shill focused on niggers instead of kikes. As if anyone cares about niggers. It's nine fucking eleven. Name the jew.

Shit, thought I saged. My bad.

You can start with yourself, you double slide thread bumping nigger.



You need to either lurk or leave you utter faggot.

Tell your wife's son next time he sees that mean black kid he should respond with compassion. That black kid probably comes from a broken home which explains why he is mean to your son. He is probably just reaching out trying to make a friend.

This is what normalfags actually believe.

this is why im glad im 1/32nd native american, i dont have to worry about being cucked in public because i have an extremely short subhuman-tier fuse. your son is a pussy. he ignored him? the absolute least he could have done is told that nigger to fuck off.

hey faggot I'm gen x and have kids of my own. Stop being a fucking pussy. The fact that your wifes son is 17 and doesn't know how to fight off some feral niggers tells us all that you failed as a father.

And it sounds to me like you want to just yell at the marxist admin, like that is going to do anything at all. These people hate you, they hate your son. They hate everything the west stands for. They WANT tyrone to make your kids life miserable.

Your boy needs to know how to fight, he needs friends that know how to fight and they need to put that nigger in a hospital because clearly the school admin isn't going to put them in check.

This is good for your son. He sounds like a faggot already


I don't know, user. It's almost like it's in their DNA to chimp out. Really makes you think.

Really makes you think that evolutionary differences don't stop at animals. Kinda makes you question all those marxist teachers and professors who told you that niggers are exactly like you aside from socioeconomic disadvantages. It's almost like they evolved in different hemispheres and climates and were suited to lives of violence and bloodshed over periods of thousands of years and their evolution as a species suffered because of it.
Really activates the almonds.

p.s. your kid is a faggot and you should tell him to beat the fuck out of niggers that assault him