#GamerGate #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS] Green Eyes of Jade Edition


- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated June 3rd)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]
4. PUSH DIGIFIRA: digifira.com
5. Gawker dot com is down, but it's cancerous outgrowths remain alive. Keep a keen eye on Kotaku et. al. and use Univision's Ethics Policy against them.
6. Important, Diggers get in here, >>>/gamergatehq/327075

- twitter.com/icejournalism/status/771404633587781632
- twitter.com/mombot/status/763725521628700672
- archive.is/Kyo0s
- youtube.com/watch?v=xGOueq31ZkY (Mirror: u.teknik.io/fr5C9.mp4) || twitter.com/stillgray/status/768637243380465664 (archive.is/ybFA1) || Second Stream youtube.com/watch?v=_I-l2IC13UA
- youtube.com/watch?v=fbmXz0eUutg


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/HTjBk3
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go




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Archive of previous bread



Everyone knows that the Western video game industry is superior

Any articles about the CON leaks?

We should be pushing that harder.

It's weird that Breitbart hasn't published anything about it, it would be an opportunity to shit on Twitter.

what are you doing with your mother's nail polish?

Weekly reminder to love your waifu/husbando or else unforeseen consequences may happen to benis

Never forget, Hatred does not bear fruit.

They're too busy writing love letters to Trump, I'd wager.



Your mom is superior

Kek, I had expected something like this would happen sooner than later.

¡Baila mientras el lotos carmesi cae!

No hay descarga en la guerra

¡Gilda es la mejor tan!

Will she be killed or charged with high price to make a lecture and at the last hour cancel it with no refund?


¡Gilda es niño retrasado!

*es una retrasada

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

Is that a bad thing?


We're being raided by Winning

Your ass sure will

Depends, she's… how do they call it? Wrong-thinking?

Probably the latter. Free money and all.

But remember kids - we are the right-wing death squads

hhaha thise brownshirts are pretty aggressive

For Her

¡Buenos dobles, compadre!

What a bunch of hateful, awful bastards. They revel in their ability to silence others. They revel in their ability to disrupt others events.

They think a group of conservatives on campus that want Ben Shapiro and Sommers to simply speak is a hate group? Holy fuck their worldview is so fucking short sighted. It's gotten to the point that literally ANY opposing views are a "hate group."

Getiin' waifu is luxury.

science is hate speech too.

I don't know any more

y-you too

at least you have a husband, right? RIGHT?

Oh yeah, that feminism science thing of "correcting science". Was it with wikipedia?


That was an unsatisfactory get

If I had known I was going to get a get, I would have posted basically anything else.

Well, except Gilda Mars I hope.

At least Gilda would be slightly more relevant than a confused Senshi.


remember this?

They care more about their name going down in history as a righteous person than being righteous people. If all the information is saying they are fighting a righteous battle, then surely that is how it will be written!

Wo cares about CON leaks?
We need to talk about YouTube!

Shut up Val

Is feminism just an extreme form of female autism? Seems like it.

i've been reporting videos left and right

So the entire culture war is just autists vs autists?

And these hateful piles of fucking filth wonder why so many people are turning against them. Everything they do revolves around hate, nothing more! THEY'RE that fucking hate group! Don't they see? NOTHING they do is for love. Nothing. They have no love of hobbies, communities, peoples, nothing! All that drives them is hate! They seek only to destroy and tear down, not build up. Even on a personal level, they all race to the bottom, trying to out victim each other. And on those rare, RARE occasions when they actually celebrate something, it's only because they see it as attacking undesirables. And even then they're hypocritical, praising Steven Universe for being a fat ugly carefree kid, but then using the very same description as an insult. They truly sicken me.

Well, the current radical 3rd wave surely is. It was usually about fairness in the past, but now it's nothing but huge ego for control. Some good people are left, but they will be soon kicked out for being too anti

You mean the videos that mention the word "SJW"?

i mean anything that gets a lot of views to make the creators angry enough to talk about it, whether i like the content or not


Say something Anti-femenist, I'll start

Paying a man more than a woman for the same job because of their gender has been illegal for years and nothing can change the current "wage gap".

I believe equality for all genders is important, and men and women are truly equal, in all the good ways as well as the bad ways.

liberal majors are absolutely worthless

I wish sports weren't segregated between genders. I bet women would rise up to the challenge and get half the gold medals in no time at all.

What the fuck


Well it makes perfect sense if you look at all the data and symptoms.
Think it's time to raise female autism awareness.

bullshit. they're dumb as rocks.

also bullshit. their primary skill is manipulating people dumber than them into doing their bidding.

these are practically the same thing

the rest are fine, though.

all that drives me is hatred of them. what's your point?

rape culture only exists in the middle east
bonus points for being both anti-feminist and "islamophobic"/rayciss

If you want more women in stem, going into the grade schools and hooking children while they're young will be immensely more successful than screaming at companies and men in colleges ever will be.

Men and women both have sexual urges and there is absolutely nothing wrong with neither. Male sexuality isn't "toxic."

Sometimes women lie about things such as rape in order to hurt others. GASP! Shocking, I know! Who'd thunk that women are capable of basic human actions?

Women in video games and movies are FICTIONAL and as such can't be "objectified," since they are LITERALLY objects. REAL women are more important than cartoon women, like all the women being beheaded in 3rd world countries for example! You know, the women blue hairs choose not to worry about because they're too busy crying over made up cartoon women being gawked at by nerds!

I got a million.


but user, your hatred derives from your passion and love of vidya, there hate has no passion behind it, it's just that they've been told that whatever there against is evil and they go of of that

While there are significant differences between men and women, they're not drastic enough to warrant legal distinction outside of, and even these can be argued, bathrooms and sports leagues.

that's true. Christ I wish these fucks would just piss off out of vidya forever.

I'm impressed by your knowledge of walls.

His avatar reminds me of this. Same author?

Imagine how far the technology, science and society would have developed if those "we have to concentrate on those problematic things" didn't existed.
Slowly developing into a federal inquisition

Forgot how that definition was called. Polarization or the Dark Enlightenment.

That's from a Spongebob episode.

Feminism seems to have always been a mixed bag. I would argue that in a lot of ways its made things worse for women in the west, even before its continued antics started fucking everyone over.

Military, and sports leagues are generally based on physical prowess, which is something that there should be no arguments about there being differences.

Wrong, they know intersectional theory and the communist manifesto inside and out shitlord. :^)

Using people's guilt and altruism under the threat of calling them bigots is probably one of the easiest way for mass manipulation. Also helps if people are primed with cultural marxism from universities.

spongegar is the latest and shittiest meme in facebook

Back to feudalism and dark ages if that happens again, which seems to be the direction nu ingsoc wants to push for. Blaming satan is passe'. Blaming patriarchy, advocating the death of cis white het scum, that is the new scapegoat.

The EU worked hard and succeeded into moving that into europe actually.

They are even censoring their crime statistics to accommodate their cultural enrichment.

I know the sentiment. That and love for everything that triggers in some way that fuels my hate even more.

This. I'd describe it more as a war between autists and psychopaths.

Nuh uh, don't you shitlords know that girls are interested in it until they get bullied in the workplace when they're adults!

Actually, isn't there a report that says something along the lines of girls who were shown STEM related subjects at a young age were largely disinterested no matter what?

They're not psychopaths, they're just retarded. Piece of shit subhumans know exactly what they're trying to do.

One of the best ways to slam the retards is pointing out how they'd rather bitch about cartoon women then the actual evils of mudslimes.

fuck me, how could I forget.

I would argue they fit a certain definition of psychopath. they do have empathy, but it's "cold empathy", the kind where you understand what people are thinking and feeling, but don't feel any sympathy for them. this inability to care about others, combined with their greed and desire for money, fame, attention, etc. is what makes them psychopaths.

mudslimes dindunuffin, they a religion of peace

I mean, sure the rank and file might be retarded, but I don't buy for a moment that this movement is not deliberate.

They ignore actual facts that prove them full of bullshit about sex and race because muh feelings. They're retarded and they don't care.

ha not even close, try narcissism and/or passive aggressive personality disorders…

high functioning autism would not make it past the first bogus statistic


Being synonymous with forcing women to cover themselves up or be stoned to death along with raping foreigners regardless of age or relationship is all I need to really shut them down.

There really needs to be more awareness about these despicable creatures and all the bullshit the sickeningly biased liberal media spews as an excuse.

No shit, Sherlock. I mean his use of memes hints at the possibility it's the same artist.

Gaming media is not corrupt. Do not listen to those gamergators

- Sources: gaming media


I took people's advice and re-edited the infographic. Thoughts on this draft.


That background looks horrible

Get better fonts. Don't use repeated punctuation. Study other works.

was this made in paint or what
look at a professional infographic and copy their style, yours is shit. pic related.

It's not that hard to tell who is genuinely interested in studying a field, vs someone who is trying to hijack it for something else. If they're spending their time and energy in practicing their craft there's a good chance they're real. IE: Someone passionately wants to create robots and robot accessories, they study robotics and everything and anything else that helps them creates robots. And they create robots in their spare time when they're not making robots at work or school.

Someone who isn't really in it, who just saw hey this robotics thing looks cool I want to be cool too but I actually hate robots and the people who likes them are UGH GROSS. But it looks cool and probably has loads a money.

They will spend their time going to conferences on why robots are actually phallocentric and yet another example of rape culture. They get an RFID implant and call themselves the next gen robo fusion and write blogs about how they are at the cutting edge of human and robot interface intersectionality. At best they made one dinky wind up toy they re-classify as a retro robot, and milk that forever instead of making different robots, improving on what they first learned. Assuming they learned anything. When asked if they use hydraulics or solenoids for certain parts, they get assmad at how triggering those sexists words and concepts are to a cyborg, cyborgs such as themselves. But they can't seem to answer a simple question such as, when will your robot be finished?

From the thumbnail it looks like a screencap of a Web 1.0 page. We should make a neocities page for GG made entirely in this style.

good analogy
I would cap this but I'm fucking off now

the //s are missing in the second url

also your argument seems weird. she didn't troll that jam, she sabbotaged it. use some other shit she's done that fits more to contradict how she presents herself.


What are they going to start injecting testosterone in the amniotic fluid of girl fetuses or something?


They assume all gender gaps are due to sexism by default, so they will fuck with autism diagnosis methods until they have 50:50 or just more women than man is probably good too in their mind.

I thought they got rid of namefags like Val on Holla Forums.

Fucking Mark, stand up for what you believe in, don't woshwash. You had majority support.

I surprised Usher's articles are getting attention from sjws, there's a faggot in the comments bitching about how we should ignore them like how anime fans do and does this faggots not realize that sjws have a much more significant effect on vidya then they do on anime.

If statistics on the matter are to be believed, the rate of autism has been consistently increasing for the past few decades or so. If such a trend continues, we'll reach a point where autists start to outnumber non-autists.

Which could improve vidya in the long run.


you retards


I agree. let's write some letters to protect the good students and their right to a safe space.

It's pretty ironic he's bitching about reddit while using sage as a downvote.

It is to the feminists

You don't understand how this place works, do you ?

Saging for potentially offtopic, but it's worth taking a look, very interesting insight and story.
Dilbert's also a good comic anyway.
Requesting that dilbert animation

This D&C bullshit you triple-niggers try to pull with CHSommers, Milo and basically every reasonable pro-GG voice because of "muh jews" has never worked and will never worked.
Fuck off back to your Aryan roleplaying board. I'd say go back to 4chan but 8/pol/ is far worse than 4/pol/ thanks to wanna-be edgelords like you.

Sage, for off-topic.

I'd assume even 8/pol/ doesn't want anything to do with them. /revolt/ is a source of mockery from all of the internet, you know.

They still think everyone is a feminist

These kind of people are the reason that Holla Forums currently has this mild stench of autism. Every time an argument starts, these idiots believe of using this pseudo reverse psychology. "Maybe I call him goy. That will surely convince him" same way as radical liberals use the word "racist" constantly to shut people up.
They create nothing more than annoyance and cancer.

I'm so fucking sick of them trying to speak for everyone that doesn't tolerate their nonsensical bullshit.

About the Youtube hubbub yesterday.


Yeah yeah Leddit frontpage, whatever.

Have you even seen the average 8/pol/ thread? They're in a tight echo-chamber. They shout down dissent and their mods are fucking trigger-happy.
Not to mention if you criticize Trump in any way, even if you support him because criticizing people you like is a mark that you still give a shit and think they can improve, means you're a kike shill.

Anyway. I'll shut the fuck up about Holla Forums being cancer. It's irrelevant to the current situation.

How's the jewtube situation? I hear it's an automated system that's going berserk. Did youtube address it yet?

Goy is a non-jew, though, you're thinking of kike I think.
Also after Sommers failed to apologize to Lewandowski after a bunch of GG people asked her to I'm just going to watch this event while eating popcorn as I don't particularly like either side.


Sorry, that's not what I meant, 8/pol/ is shit sure, but I was saying that even that place considered /revolt/tards cunts and morons.
Regarding youtube, they purposely say nothing but "those are the rules now". They're as vague as possible so that people self-censor by themselves instead of finding loopholes and issues.

He's saying they use it to try and convince you it was a ruse rather than actually presenting an argument or facts.

Is anyone abandoning youtube or are they all just taking it up the ass?

Got one guess, m8.

Well, critikal released a very interesting insight on it today, but he's somewhat hopeful. I'd say in two weeks it'll all be over and youtube will keep ruling over the way things work.

What is the pastebin address for the CON leaks?

You guys seen Alpha Omega Sin's video on it? At least he seems like he wants to jump to a different platform.


That's the issue, pretty much absolutely everyone wants to jump to a different platform, but no one will do it.
The audience won't because their content creators won't. Content creators won't because their managers don't want them to take the risk. Their managers won't because they're aware that moving to an alternative would lose at least half of their audience. And you're back to square one.

If they neuter their content they'll lose a shitton of viewers too.

Google knows how to play this game. Offer dry bareback pozdaddy anal, negotiate down to using lube.

Exactly, which is why everyone's pissed and afraid right now. Thing is, youtube doesn't give a shit, because if pewdiepie stops getting views, his audience will just go watch something else… on youtube. A guy that doesn't mind getting his videos flagged as "non-advertiser friendly" because he's just playing games for fun. And then the next day he wakes up with fifty million news subscribers, and he becomes this huge thing, and he starts thinking money, and a year or two later he dies too because he fucked one of his teenage fangirls like they all do and does sanitized shit to get the youtube dosh back. And so on, and so on, and so on, and all this time youtube keeps getting the audience and the control.

Thank you.

It's just the clique pushing people towards Patreon by influencing Google policies from their consulting positions.

The fuck is with all the backlash with youtube?

Google isn't censoring anyone, period. This is advertiser discretion, plain and simple. The same thing that you guys brought to Intel and whoever else's attention to have advertisements pulled off of Gawker.


Patreon is actually using that to get more attention amusingly. They've been pushing some more promotion of their platforms with a "come with us you deserve to get paid for what you do !", even though they're just as likely to fall into the "we're terminating you for saying the wrong stuff", which'd hurt even MORE than just losing a few bucks for a few vids getting flagged; if patreon drops you, it's your entire source of revenue that just crashes down.

He's right, though. It's not censorship, it's just that the new policy is going to have an immediate effect for people to either self-censor or suffer, same way you would if you thought a site was being partial to bullshit.

Perfect to fist lure people away from monetization from YouTube, make them dependent of Patreon and then completely kill off the livelihood of the wrongthinkers. Gatekeeping and social pruning achieved!

False, the advertisers aren't making the call, Google is.

That was horrible written, hang on. The sites that would lose advertising are getting the same treatment these Youtubers are getting: conform so that advertisers can give you money, or else.

It's not advertisers who are making the decision.
It's google making that decision for advertisers.

And it's all bullshit. Google is still running ads on demonitized videos under the new policy. It's just that YOU won't get paid for it. Google just gets to pocket all the ad revenue instead of split it with you.

The issue is, it IS censorship, but one that they're completely allowed to construct. Imagine if you're watching the news, and right as it starts, the presenter goes "hello, there are terrible things happening in Iran right now, however our channel needs the money from Coca-Cola right now so we will talk about puppies instead ! Oh and we had a report on diabetes too, but… yeah. Sorry folks !", you'd feel disgusted.
Then you switch the channel, a show you like is starting, then it starts with a white on black text explaining : "This episode's plot has been rewritten, as, during the ad-break, Apple wants to promote their latest i-pad, so we can't mention china anymore".
Technically, the channel, hell, the advertisers are entirely allowed to do this garbage. To force this shit. It is nonetheless complete, absolute, obvious censorship.


No, it's not. Censorship would imply Google is actively taking down videos with "unsavory" opinions or content. Are they? No. Not censorship.

Censorship implies control over a creator's work for moral reasons.
No exception whatsoever.

It's passive aggressive censorship instead of actively shutting wrongthink down.

It's censorious enough to make the need for a youtube competitor clear.
They've been the only game in town for too long.

No, censorship has to directly suppress the content. A chilling effect is not actually censoring them. It's a fucking awful control, but it is not supressing them. Officially.

It's like getting strung up on a noose, placed on a chair and told not to move instead of kicking the chair out from under you.

Stop being a retard. Censorship is someone controlling what information is and isn't okay because they think they know what's best for the masses. Taking away the money from discussing certain things(certain things which are okay for TV and movies, but not YouTube apparently) is just one means of control.

Taking the money away from a creator because they make stuff you don't want them to isn't suppression?

Bullshit. If a writer isn't allowed to mention a certain thing in his story but is still writing his book otherwise, it's still censorship. Have you ever heard or China ? Are you baiting ? There's being obtuse and then there's forcing that shit.

Actually, I'd say only the intent to suppress is clear. Almost like a grim warning. So far they're just saying they're not going to support them.

It still has to be stopped before they go even further. This is the warning phase.

This is a win/win for Youtube no matter what. Saving some money and forcing some people to avoid saying what they don't want to see.

You're a fucking faggot, holy shit. The story can still be written, it can even be published, but the writer won't get the money set forth by the contract because he broke a rule. That's not censorship, fuck.

Only if your livelihood depends on it. I know, that's what we're arguing over, but a portion of Youtube isn't in it for ad money. They just make videos and deal with it.

Taking the money away from a content creator for breaking rules you notified them of isn't suppression. The content can still be made and published. The creator may stop if it was their livelihood.

Holy shit.

Almost like they're literally saying "Be good goys and keep under control or else". Like anything less than emotionally lobotomized society that cares nothing for sex, violence or even human expression is detrimental.

you're a literal retard then

Still threats of punishment to coerce you into removing specific content.

Read up on oppressive governments and how some of them would not outright censor news organizations. They'd instead make it extremely difficult to make money and choked them out that way.
It's censorship, because the end goal is the same, the flow of information is impeded or altered into something they find to be more kosher.

It's close enough to censorship that a case can be made against it on anti-censorship grounds.
There's a reason laws are generally vague, and that reason is faggots like you defending faggots like those at youtube because "muh letter of the law doesn't outlaw this specifically"

Nah you're a literal retard.

Guy in china denounces his government, chinese government burns his books and toss the guy in china jail. This is censorship.

Dude in france makes a video about white genocide and the refugee crisis in europe and uploads it to youtube, his video stays up and he doesn't get thrown in jail. There is no censorship here.

You can be delusional all you want about Google's "censorship" through taking away precious ad money but it still ain't.




So is this youtube just trying to drive the content creators to work for that youtube red shit?

You're a good goy, aren't you? How much is Baron Von Shekelstein paying you, Schlomo?

I guarantee that within three years it'll go from these videos not being allowed to be monetized to not being allowed to be uploaded.


There's that too, definitely. The point is to keep the money and the content and the audience all in here, all under their weight.


Well it is a soft censorship. They decide what is best for the advertisers without asking them. The sensible thing to do would be letting the advertisers decide if they want to advertise on videos about controversy topics. I am sure a huge number of advertisers don't care as long as they get clicks and views.

It is true though that google has any right to not give you money for your work. You are not entitled to get paid for your videos if google isn't making any money from them themselves. They are actually losing money by letting you use their service for free.

what did i miss?

Superior old but gold

go back to reddit

yeah just like twitter
close the gates amirite

Proven opportunist when she joined Shapiro in backing the Michelle Fields hoax. For some reason, a serial liar was to be treated with listen & believe even in the face of evidence by a person who had previously & explicitly rejected listen & believe. You can argue whether it had to do with jewish tribalism since Shapiro, Sommers & Fields are all jews as well as the many journos that covered it, but regardless Sommers went completely against what she'd been preaching to GG. I didn't grow suspicious of Sommers until I saw her high opinion of the ADL, which after a bit of research I learned was initially created to defend a jewish pedophile, had been caught stealing police records & tapping phones on top of pushing gender bullshit through Common Core & backing Sarkeesian. That was the first hint of tribalism from Sommers before I realize AEI itself is kosher-as-fuck.

It was the same story with David Draiman. The guy was on Twitter mocking feminists & trumpeting about free speech then when that comedian who had performed material showing Israel in a bad light got the Daily Show suddenly Draiman goes apeshit & starts making demands of GG to reject that comedian's freedom of speech & instead shill for Israel.

I used to be a fan of Sommers & Young. I loved AEI's debunking of feminist BS. But I lost any respect for Sommers after watching the extent of Michelle Fields lying (not the first time she'd lied to inject herself into the spotlight) & the evidence presented to Sommers & Shapiro who STILL backed the hoax.

The biggest "redpill" on jews is their own behavior. The sheer entitlement, the hyperbolic whining & the blatant dishonesty when they aren't getting their way drives people away. It's why they've been kicked out of countries throughout history. It's not some "lol nazi larper" shit. Look at the way these people act. You can cry "not all ____" until you're blue in the face, that doesn't stop plenty of muslims from raping nor does it stop jews from jewing.

I dunno how long Milo is gonna right the Alt-Right wave while pretending all the race realism & anti-jewish sentiments are "just trolling". It's theorized that he just wants to pozz up the Alt-Right as much as possible to kill any moral values it might have brought to the many disenfranchised leftists pouring into it so they remain self-destructive degenerates eroding the movement from within until it's like Libertarianism with a naked retard prancing around on a stage.


Go kill yourself, pedo. Where's the suppression? They don't even remove the video from the front page if it's trending or popular. They just make it so that you can't have a business on it. If anything, it's to promote Red since I bet they can swear and provide all the news they want, but it's not censorship.

Threats? No. They're making it harder to run a business using their service. There's no legal reprecussion or physical if you don't comply. You can still publish Maiden Rape 3 as long as it's marked appropriately.

The flow of information is controlled but not through suppression. It's a semantics argument, but it definitely isn't censorship.

Yes and most judges can refer to previous cases and slam the shit out of companies for doing dumb fucking shit. But where is the case for anti-censorship? If anything, they're getting close to anti-trust with a monopoly on video sharing.

Yes, it is definitely a way to get people who use this for their jobs to conform or else.

Not the best example. France has anti-hate speech laws that basically only require something to be inflammatory to be illegal, it doesn't have to actually advocate harm.

If I was shilling that wall of text would be lazy copy-pasta instead of a genuine retelling of my experiences with these people.

Dismiss my effort to warn you like I dismissed Holla Forums's warnings initially until the evidence was just too much. Dismiss every (((jewish name))) behind press collusion & the massive push of feminism into gaming while you're at it. Better to bury your head in the sand than be called a racist or anti-semite.

Yet you continue to dismiss Holla Forums's warnings about the alt-right label.

Not fully true, them being "inflammatory" is not enough, advocating for something is necessary and it needs to be obvious enough that it's serious too. Jokes, vagueness and/ot artistic content are sufficient to allow it. Although on youtube it might get flagged and taken down nonetheless.

I'm starting to agree with these faggots. GG is a hate campaign, they just get the targets mixed up. I HATE fucking gaming journalists, and they can all go fuck off and die. Also, I've never heard of this fucking blog before, so he can double go fuck off and die.

Mission fucking accomplished then. Get a real job you fucking worthless shitstain!

So we've finally discovered the Great Filter then.

I merely spoke of what it happening under that banner. Just talking about it at all is enough?

You're just puking up a derail like a rote responding retard following a script someone else game him. You're a fake.

That fucking pic from the new Anita video, with her saying "whatever this thing is!" what is in the video? All I see are edits.

That's more an issue of a changing definition.

Though there probably more retards running around these days. Generally speaking, they're more likely to succeed and reproduce in modern society compared to even 50 years ago.

I was responding to a pre-existing derail. Do not attribute the derail itself to me.

I know the CON logs reveal a great deal of autism, but was there anything in them about derailing GG threads using a script? Where are you getting that from?

You talk like a goon.

Alright Campbell. I'll just email your EiC next then, faggot.

Were talking about French laws, right?

Campbell? EiC of what publication?
Reaanon, what are you on about?

She's baiting for attention by making something easily exploitable. It's typical SJW victim complex, where they do something retarded and then complain that people are calling them retarded.

I highly doubt anyone is actually going to care. The typical shit sites like vice will talk about how "literally Hitler misogynistic dead gamers are harassing the greatest intellectual being video games has ever seen, for no reason at all other than they can't deal with CURRENT YEAR" and no one will give a fuck or believe their lies. It's Anita's sad death throes as she tries to bait "harassment" to try and rev up donations. And the CON leaks make this all a lot more clear, specially with Katherine Cross being involved with that whole scene of "lets encourage people to harass us so we can go to the media who loves us and talk about how we're being harassed for no reason, and they won't even question what we tell them"

I'm guessing Colin Campbell of Polygon.

Sargon is doing a stream with Skeptic, chris raygun, Shoe, and margaretbelly, but they're going to watch Anita's new video. I'll literally retch. I can't watch it.

Mmmh interesting, I'd have to take a look at what happened in court. Most of the time just saying "I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way" is enough to get out. If the accused were retarded enough to double down and go "they also did 9/11" or some shit too, then… yeah.
Also the holocaust has a very specific treatment too.

But for example an artist in france made a song where he called for the murder of his cheating girlfriend, and tons more calling women cunts and whores and shit like that, and got fully acquitted in the end; or a comedian called a female politician a cunt, she sued him for 30k€, he called her a shithead the day before the verdict, and he got fully acquitted. So just "hate speech" isn't enough to get punished supposedly.
It's always kinda interesting.

Colin Capmbell


After an entire video talking about female characters only having young, slender bodies while male characters can come in big, fat, bulky, etc sizes she adds a new point that is something like

"and why can't female characters be rock monsters, flying skeletons, or whatever this thing is"

It was another example of a fantastical, non-humanoid character, probably from LoL, DoTA or whatever since MOBAs were the foucs.

How so?

I think you're really reaching now to solidify a conclusion based on nothing. The events I relayed were factual. Sommers DID back the Fields hoax after preaching against such bullshit. Even if you don't feel betrayed by that, I do. It was such a 180 on her supposed principles I'll never trust her again, Shapiro as well. Milo has yet to do anything other than be a colossal faggot. Hope that he doesn't pull a 180 as well.

What are you e-mailing him about? Maybe I can help out and send a few e-mails, too.



Just like that. It's the same chain of responses goons always regurgitate. Change your script and way of arguing around. Then maybe you stop standing out like a (really) sore thumb.

Shit, I just closed the tab too. But here ya go. youtube.com/watch?v=sEedCAcapWs

Okay. Now let me post my personal diary entry in response to yours.

I had a big ham pizza with jalapenos this lunch, as it turns out this causes my butt to hurt when I poop, which I am currently doing while writing this. Previously I have just watched the last episode of Stranger Things, which was quite alright I rate it 8/10, pretty solid. So the day was quite pleasant until I've had to notice that some douchebag on fullchan Holla Forums's gamergate thread had to post some personal shit that nobody really cares about, this didn't improve my already subpar pooping experience. I hope he won't do it again.

Based on your examples, my guess would be that France is willing to criminalize hateful insults against *groups* of people (race, sex, place of origin), but for individuals they have normal defamation/libel laws.

Their article about the Polaris Game Jam, where they used Zoe Quinn as a source

I'm pointing out that Zoe actually had a hand in sabotaging the event, and that it should probably be mentioned in the article

Owen Good also contributed to the article, so you could email him too

Send them OAG's article about the leaks

Seems like it indeed, pretty much. Thing is, even then it's a bit complex, as it'd be different if the person's a journalist, or a public figure, or… it's different towards religion, as there's no such thing as a "blasphemy law" (well except in a single department of france, which is still completely baffling to me), so it means you get to shittalk religions if you feel like it…
Basically you're not allowed to discriminate against individuals; "groups" are somewhat okay however… if, again, it doesn't turn into accusing the individuals who are part of the group. It's complex and that's kinda why I'm thankful we have a justice system.

And their twitter too

You couldn't pay me to watch that shit. I already know to expect cringey intentionally-dishonest propaganda. That's all it ever is.

The fuck are you talking about?
Really, what the fuck are you talking about. Present something instead of "it is because it is".

Ok. So I was going through one of the special chat logs and I noticed something interesting. Most of those in CON are fucked up mentally.
It goes further than that. Maybe psychfag could help me with this if he is present.
Many of the CON participants have be diagnosed with depression. I think this is a misdiagnosis. They also show strong signs of cluster B personality traits. Perhaps their depression stems from the fact that the world doesn't bend to their will or desires. This would also explain why they have such an interest in social justice. "Patriarchy", "Misogyny", "Sexism" and "Gamergate" gives them a scapegoat to blame all their failings on.

Stop shitpostingPic related

I'm not presenting proof for you, you're presenting proof for me.

Looks like a fucking website from the mid 90s.

I'm guessing he'd caution against attempting to diagnose people through online interactions alone.

There are numerous instances of them talking about incestuous tendencies, self-harm interests, admitted perversions, etc. And like not just reading hentai, Dina at some point mentions how she shared most of her porn with her brother. They discuss enemas and how it's actually totally cool or something. There's lots of stuff in there that shows they aren't really all that sane and well treated by their loved ones and families.


"I don't trust CHS or Shapiro because they backed the Fields hoax"
That's all you have from me. If that automatically equals goon to you, you're fucking retarded.

Fuck off goon.

Alright, you're fucking suspicious.

They are clearly not getting the help they need at the moment and switch doctors that they disagree with.

I'm just fucking with him.

Here have some salt

twitter.com/search?q="Lena Dunham"&src=tren

Look at all those people taking the worlds biggest shit on Lena Dunham.


praise the coloringfags

One of the reasons that gaming journalism is such a cesspool is that crooks occupy all levels, meaning the entie system is corrupt. And as a rule, a corrupt system favors the corrupt.

She played the "I was merely pretending" card

I'm a bit out of the loop - who is this and why should I care? Was this Dunham person the same who fingered her little pre-pubescent sister and wrote about it?

At least what I posted was somewhat related you fucking faggot.


Can I nickname this angry Chinese lesbian or not?

It's from the Neptunia series, a shitty weeaboo JRPG series. The games aren't even good.

If you do I'll add the nickname to the file name.



Dear diary, he keeps doing it.

>>>Holla Forums658853

Ya entiendo. Usted tienes problemas del cellebro.

DAMNNNNNNNNNNN that is 4th degree shit.

The very same, a person who's entire shtick is that she's fat and ugly but likes to get naked a lot.

It's ok to enjoy something and accept that it's shit. I had fun with DNF and I know it isn't good to start with.


Dear diary, I think he is trying to have a conversation with me now.

The faggotry in this thread is off the charts today.


You wanna stop shitposting around each other and have makeup sex or what?

This reminds me




BREAKING NEWS: Randy Pitchford just mentioned GamerGate in a rather awkward song during Gearbox' PAX presentation.

I dare not imagine what they will do to the Duke ;_;


Wrong location Traitor?

Well that was incredibly awkward


What, did Pitchford get butthurt after the backlash of his Duke Nukem PR stunt?

Wait, what? Does anyone have a webm?

I'd gladly campaign against Bitchford but I need evidence. Otherwise, fuck off.




After the Battleflop shit, they're really going to keep hacking away at the bogeyman?

this gave me cancer

also, why is pitchford dressed like a contemporary country singer. His shirt looks as retarded as the numale doing whatever the fuck it is he's doing next to him

what, the previous fifty times he did, and the massive amount of crap and detestable shit he utteredbefore wasn't enough, but him making a retard of himself is sufficient for you to get mad ?

In all honesty, I'm surprised Gearbox is still around, considering how much that shithead struts around like his shit doesn't stink.

Touché, you namefagging tafiole.




I really want to fuck Milo but I doubt I'm up to his standards

If you're a nigger you are halfway there.

HOLY SHIT normalfags overload.

who did you harrass this time you GrottoGoblins?


Here it is

Wake me up inside.

I'm sorry

is there a mirror of anita's new video?

that interviewer was complete shit
I miss it when milo did not dress like a complete fag

What is this from?

no you don't.

he has AIDS.

Gearbox PAX Stream.

Isn't PAX completely diseased?

The Gearbox PAX stream

I hope you weren't planning on getting excited for Duke Nukem

I always found it funny how many GG people are into DS9. Seems it is one of the thing gluing us together.

The projection is off the fucking charts, holy shit. He must be asshurt that GG pretty much won in every fucking way possible.


It's that the 3DS successor?

Aaand the usual suspects are already on it:



he fucks niggers.

case closed.

also he's gay.


Why don't they cry about fucking Lobo while they're at it?

Because there's already a movie planned about him and you can be sure Lobo will be all the right ways of correct in it.

So who is Randy Pitchford, what relation does he have to gaming, gamergate, and what does he look like? I need dirt!

is this irony

No, all I know about him is that he's related to Duke Nukem.

a jew

CEO of Gearbox, creators of Memelands and Battleabortion. The dude who released Duke Nukem Forever as-is and outsourced Colonial Marines (embezzling money from Sega in the process) for a quick buck. Generally all-around scum. Hell, I think he even tried to claim the Sega lawsuit never happened.

If only you lived in the Information Age, where answers to almost any question could be obtained in just the press of a button

Well I found his pic.

yes yes, I can go read his wiki article, or dig through a few Kotaku articles. But I want dirt. I want what only you guys can give me.

fucking gearbox
why are they still a thing at this point given how big their flops are

They're probably still riding on Borderlands money.

Well, Battleborn is still good as dead and nobody really wants another Borderlands game after 2 and the PS, and everybody knows how shit DNF was; so at the very least Gearbox will eventually die out.

What a fucking loser. Reading that convo, I can only laugh at his sad little song.

Con leaks :^)

Which companies are you certain will die out, gamergate?

My picks?

I'd like to point out that this Duke 20th anniversary thing doesn't have any of the expansions, its just the base game and 8 new levels.

No duke it out in DC, etc

I'm not sure if Telltale will die out, they seem pretty niche.


So who here saw Anitas new video about video game bodies?

Just got up, what is this with Randy Bitchford sperging about on stage in PAX and doing career suicide, while singing a spaghetti-dropping cringeworthy song?

Great Video

I completely forgot about fullbright's next game until you mentioned it, and even then I forgot it's name and confuse it with Soma.

Literally who?

They can only produce the same meaningless choice adventure game for so long before everyone calls it quits.

There is no one who likes their Batman and Minecraft games, Game of Thrones was forgettable.

Who cares

I remembered they are making a game. I forgot what it was called.

I'm guessing the ending is a revelation that you're a girl in a guy's body.

I like you Guys

Best Aquarium that ever was build

I like you too user.

Well, the shill is enjoying himself, just listened the stream and the lyrics was fucking stupid.

Did you know, Anita has a child.

i'm sure she's had multiple, multiple children in her life.

and none of them escaped her womb alive.

Two times


It's always the same insults, as if they had an effect the first time.


what happened in vegas stays in vegas

One more Insider

Kluwe has an Alkohol problem

The cultist and Gearbox drones who bought Battleborn went along with it, everyone else was dumbfounded that he would do something as stupid as this, literal career suicide, add in to Duke Nukem being lobotomized for their new game, there's really nothing going on for that bastard after Blunderborn.

Time and time again, they keep saying the same insults, thinking it makes us look childish.

Doesn't bother me one bit, but it would be a much funner fight if they were better at the bantz.

Your group was infiltrated on march 3, 2015

He's still butthurt after two years about a dead minority hate group, really makes you think who's the dumb kid is in the room.

Youtube happening is a Red Hering

Good Day gooberglober

Go home. You're drunk.

The guy can't even handle these guys.

I'll be frank. I'm not the most masculine person, but I'm certain I'm tougher than him.

Drowns out the memory of that underage girl gangbang that he covered up

I think it makes him great /cuteboy/ material.

I should know, when I camwhore on there, I get tons of replies.


What. The. Fuck.

FBI released documents of their investigation into Hillary's email shenanigans.
>>>Holla Forums7341310
polite sage for off-topic.

Reality has completely fractured, and the pieces are melting around our feet.

Pitchford is such a shit

sure would suck if randy pitchford himself was a bigot.

He's probably projecting. Thing is, I'm not sure who he's bigoted against.

Is this supposed to be funny? I feel indifferent, not even cringy… except that part where he asks the public to sing with him, and they ignore him.

Free, independent thinkers.

What's the highlights?

This one's funny.

>>>Holla Forums7342225


I'm gonna try and webm it for the sake of the cringe threads, but God knows concentrated cringe like this is just too pure kek to break apart into more than one video.

That Clinton was secretary of state for four years and doesn't even know how things are designated classified

That's because she's only interested in the job title, not the duties that come with it.

So it turns out Trump's boneheadedness is mainly kayfabe while Hillary is genuinely ignorant.

Yeah, that's what I thought it said. What the fuck, man, and she wants to be president?

P-Pls no bully for using mixtape, I honestly forgot what the other sites for uploading this shit were

Again, does anyone have a mirror for anita's latest video?

they are way too upset about that one tweet. then again they are way too upset about everything.



shame the media is catching onto his game of making his enemies tell the truth, I thought his, "she used bleach chemicals to delete everything" bait would get them rushing to tell how it was really Bleach Bit but they didn't bite.

That doesn't scare me as much as the fact that she has a chance to win.

And here's the second part


The only way I could possibly see her winning is by cheating. I can believe that faggot Gary Johnson winning more than I can believe clitoris winning.

I honestly can't even watch this shit anymore.

How the hell did that guy become the Libertarian party's nominee?

Macaffe was running against him, wasn't he?


On that subject, I think aside from Trump, either him or Jill Stein are actually going to have a solid chance in the polls this time on account of Shillary, the only real competitor to the Republicans, being exposed as incompetent and corrupt as fuck in comparison. Mind you both Stein and Johnson are far from what our country needs, but at least in Stein's case she's apparently not in favor of TPP.

I think they just have one bullshit convention so its probably easy for people to subvert and choose the winner.

Gilda's birthday will be this Sunday!!

Nice, I'll be sure to give her a perfect gift of for the occasion, alongside headpats.

For me I'd vote






Comment section archive: archive.is/cbEDV
Mirror: a.uguu.se/YyTqMJLgdO61_TwitterTrollHasNoRegretsAboutAttackingLeslieJonesːPart1.webm

Off the top of my head:

You mean the Sunday after you rediculous person.

Just out of curiosity, do you celebrate the birthday of every turd you throw into the toilet?

Because you should be celebrating right now. I am 99% sure you took at least a piece of shit a year ago, and a year before that, and so on

Thank you user-Senpai, you're a lifesaver!

Well off to playing vidya to wash out the cringe, daily reminder BattleAbortion.

I respect Stein, even though I don't agree with her shit.

The same can't be said about Hilldog.

Yes, yes he was. I noticed some fear mongering over McAfee being a suspect in the death of his neighbor when he was in Belize, despite it being an obvious as fuck set up.

Also Johnson is propped up by establishment Republicans who are butthurt over Foamboi and Guacman getting rekt, but also don't want Clinton.

That's not bullying. That's being an asshole for no reason.

Tell Gilda you feel sorry now.

The cuckservatives are shilling some complete no name guy Evan McMullin now. Rick Wilson can't stop sucking his dick.

They are trying to hijack votes from Trump by shilling literal nobodies.

Meanwhile, Stein and Johnson are stealing votes from Hillary.

Holla Forums here.

General consensus is that we don't really like either of you, but yes /revolt/ was pretty cringe.

Putting aside /revolt/ for a sec, I'd like to share my personal criticisms, maybe you'll take them onboard, maybe not but if you're going to persist with gg (personally I think it's been done for a while) maybe it will help.

The biggest problem is that I feel gg as a whole was too short sighted, focasing only on vidya when the real problem was and is the institutions and (((groups))) that perpertuate cultural marxism and create the SJWs that plague all of us. They ruin way more than just vidya.

Second, you conceded way too much to PR and internal identity politics (same mistake chanology made) which left you pandering to people and ecelebs that really didn't have your interests at heart.

The best thing you can do is dig and attack. The same method Trump is using against Shillery.

Always stay on the offensive and be both ruthless and merciless. Be prepared to exclude, regardless of reaction and call out and cut loose any and all identarians.

Also, maybe avoid letting jews in in any capacity. They simply aren't good people and will always put themselves first.

Sincere good luck.

also, this is the same network that aired that hilariously bad LW2 story about her cancelling her talks for no reason

This is going to end up on cringe youtube channels. It's like he realizes half way through this was a big mistake. He keeps looking around for reactions from the crowd and they never do anything.

So other than embezzling, he has no talent.

Hue. We grow. Shame they did not boo him though or did they?

I've been attacking

I've used the clinton leaks in ways you couldn't belive with results that are laughable

also remeber Dentons nice? her suiciding? it wasn't pols fault he was raping her

Use this

First exodus Holla Forumsack that left when imkampfy and co shat up everything, here. I don't think GG was ever capable of dealing the Frankfurt school disciples perpetuating academia. What it could and is doing right now is attack the media(MSM or vidya) and set a precedent for future grassroots movements as well as redpill the occasional normalfag into reading alternative sources of info.

What did that have to do with McMullin?

Basically this, we had tools or bullets if you would which was the frankfurt stuff, common core, academia and so on, but without anything to fire those bullets they were a little useless.

But we must play with the idea of "What happens if indie media goes mainstream?", 'cause there is a possibility that normalfags will let this culture war repeat.

Leftovers from a aborted post in the Quick reply and a lack of sleep due to being on an emergency shift. Sorry.

That is quite the conundrum isn't it? Remove the old establishment, and yet somehow prevent a new establishment from taking it's place in the power vacuum.

My basic plan was just to hassle all the journos for a few years to help them slide into complete irrelevance due to youtube. Now that youtube is cracking down I'm worried.

Just look at how much the audience loved Pitchford's singing.

That's how it worked for me.

Maybe making Youtube the Big source for free-speech wasn't the best idea, now was it, Jack?

why isn't gearbox dead yet?

Youtube itself(READ: Not the content creators, but Youtube itself) and by extension Google(Alphabet) is part of the problem. It's essentially a monopoly with little to no actual competition. We are going to have to find and promote (and even make our own if need be) alternatives to EVERYTHING(from videohosting to microblogging and whatever) from hereon out in order to prevent something like this from ever happening again and we need to do it CONSTANTLY.
PS. One thing we desperately need alternatives to is Archive.is, in case it ever caves in to legal pressure.

Does Holla Forums not have logs anymore? Want to know what mod locked something as I'm pretty pissed about the thread being locked.


Why the fuck does this retard have a resonator?
It's one of the least flexible guitars you can buy, and you definitely need a versatile instrument to make up for a voice that lacking.

Archive that response too please

You answered your question.


He chose to start his Labor Day weekend, and one of the better known expos with this song. He sure blew those GamerGators out of the water, whoever the fuck they are. I thought everyone involved chose to use a random word generator for their operative names two years ago



Report the video to Youtube
It's sensitive & controversial material and the reporter is enflaming and deliberately aggressive and belittling. That breaks YT's TOS.


I don't know for what purpose I made this.
Or who can use it.

But I just love the way his voice cracks when he says GAMERGATEEEER

It's so whiny that it sounds like he's almost crying.

Probably is. The last two years have been unkind to him and he's been making nothing but failures.

As a guitar player, I am fucking triggered

Have a better guitar playing webm.

Here's a postable version of the whole thing, since I didn't see one.

Well, he did Have a shit team and embezzle money all the while making shitty games aside from borderlands 1 whic had its moments. hes also lucky burch did not rub off on him.


I don't understand the whole thing, why is he up there, why is he singing about a tweet exchange, and why would people go to see that?

This vidya drought is killing the earth.

I might jump on Shitter just to tell that dog it's going to be put down and filth like those coverings are going to be ashes.

Death to mudslimes.

And what started that whole shindig


Fresh Socks!

I got paid yesterday


Get that man a drink. He's earned it with all the quality salt he made. Still, how bad do you think gearbox will do with Duke? Not sure how much worse their opinion can go, but I'm sure they'll surprise me somehow.

This Randy shit is funny and all, but I can't come up with good OC for it.

It's pathetic. How am I supposed to laugh at this cringy shit like SVU, which actually was?

Considering how bizarre Randy's standards are for acceptable humor and unacceptable humor, I don't think it will be very good.

Guaranteed there will be a gamergate reference.

Laugh at him? And remind yourself you aren't Randy Pitchford.

I see it now.Take a bow, got burthurt enough to bard the salty tale to fellow ideologues. That's top tier.

Wouldn't surprise me, and it would likely make things worse for them. Half of what caused the sequels to lose popularity were jokes that either aged poorly or were relatively niche. The other half was just the shit writing and general job, but the fact still remains.

With Gearbox's quality, it'll probably just be gamers behind a fence surrounded by pig cops, and Douk will say for once he agrees with them. The irony will be lost on the entire studio


I never played DNF.

How bad was it?

That's not funny to me. And I'm yet again especially in a not laughing mood because of the very reminder of mudslimes.

Imagine a half-baked Duke Nukem game that, rather than just taking one plan and going with it, was rebuilt over and over again based on whatever was popular at the time.
Then let Gearbox do writing.
It's that bad.

Bad. Very bad. Think nudoom to doom clasic and dnf is nudoom to the original duke nukems.

Generic FPS with boring weapons unimpressive weapons and shallow imitation of the series charm.

Is there a good review on youtube that can sum it up for me? Like, include clips?

Should I play blind and make a vid?

Best way to put it? A lesagna made of broken studios, broken dreams, and squandered resources. Considering how many studios had its hands on it, you could tell when the studio shifted from one to the other. Hell, you could tell when the popular thing in FPS games shifted as well. It was badly put together and just felt like a mess both gameplay and presentation wise.

Though chances are gearbox will find ways to screw that up as well.

Do a blind if you want, game is shit.

Whats even sadder, reading the mini artbook showed the otigional team had good ideas ahead of their time, but gearbox used almost none of them.

I hate Gearbox but DNF was a product that had been designed for a long time, most Gearbox was put some finishing touches on it.

Absolutely terrible comparison, Nudoom at least stands on its own, DNF does not.

The only thing that stands on its own in nuDoom is Doomguy. Literally everything else is shit.

Why did Holla Forums go absolutely autistic over nuDoom being bad? I actually really enjoyed it.

Oy, it was the best I could come up with.

And the other problem was the project was scrapped and restarted many times over, a decade if I am not mistaken. And the scrappings were half done each time from what I could read into it.


Thats usually the case with a lot of these failed games. Mass Effect, Spore, the Megaman series, and a lot more had a major divide between the content creators and the people who actually push the game out. Either through greed, pride, or trying to make deadlines, the game comes out subpar, missing important bits or details that put it all together.

Its not a easy tightrope mind you. Waiting a decade for a game to come out, even with constant work will screw it over due to the expectations or the lack of any and with the way the companies keeping pushing for bleeding edge tech before anyone can really refine or understands it makes the chance for shoddy workmanship and bugs grow significantly.

You think all the inevitable backlash against the new Duke game will help even more like with a certain recent glorious karmic bombed piece of shit?

Most of doom fans wanted enemy hell insted of a small number of sponge enemies. 10 enemies who you could dispach quickly instead of a single guy who soaks damage.

No it isn't, Nudoom is a perfectly servicable game which is the POINT I am trying to make, remove the license from both and at least Nudoom can stand on its own, DNF was just trash.

Denuvo+ the sperg tendency to protect old franchises like a mother hen.

And you missed my point. The second you remove Doomguy, the game becomes so objectively shit that it isn't worth bringing up.
The engine limitations alone are bad enough that gassing people is a legitimate response.

Ian's on fucking point.

requesting Peter Coffin's Gamergate song, full video.

Wait, Peter Coffin made a GamerGate song too?

Yep. I'm going to do it, I'm going to make a DNF video review. However, I need peter coffins song for a brief bit.

True, but GG was meant to be focused on this area. We had immediate visible tangible scandals that we could point at and say they are bad for their own reasons. We forced the SJWs to defend work relationships where bosses can demand sex from women subordinates, journalists knowingly printing lies, and probably fraud in the rigged contests. If you start talking about the propaganda rhetoric and geopolitical agendas of the various international powers to normalfags their eyes glaze over. The deeper investigations did open up a lot of people's eyes and we've been going after MSM and SJWs in general since we've noticed that they are the problem.

And if you focus only on ((those)) ((groups)) it is my turn to call you short sighted. Yes, many of the familiar names are involved. They have been infiltrated, coopted, captured by someone else who is no friend of the Jews.

Both have upsides and downsides.

* PR Upside: #Gamergate has never been involved in harassment or illegal shit. They've been investigating us for two years and have nothing. We've gained supporters from nothing more than seeing now badly we have been treated.
* PR Downside: We walk into the fight with our hands tied behind our back. Sometimes we can't post evidence on our own forums because of our outing and "doxing" rules.

* IDPol Upside: Our speakers are a literal faggot, nigger, and cripple, and plenty of women. We shatter narratives.
* IDPol Downside: We reinforce the narrative that identity matters.

Overall: I can agree with "too much" but not "way too much". There are good reasons for these choices.

GG went to shit when Thidran said we needed to start excluding people. It turned out he had been hanging out with Izzy Galvez. We need everybody who produces good work, it doesn't matter what they are. Call out shit work when you see it and give advice to make it better.

And I'll propose this: we need a team that presents a friendly face to SJWs because we get our best information from the inside from infiltration and leaks. You're not going to redpill a cultist in one day but you might have some success giving someone a friendly environment and putting one crack in their shell. Different tactics for different targets.

This is the closest that I can think of.

it's sung to the tune of "Shake it off"

You probably mean this one.

There we go.

Thank you.

You can't be serious, user? That's impossible. Ian Miles Cheong was a fluke.

Always glad somebody meme that stuff around

Checks out.


They already scripted the ending.

wasn't that the guy with the fake asian girlfriend?
who tried to harass some girl on tumblr and failed spectacularly.

I wish Gilda was dead.

And the doll


holy shit they actually have a few people which aren't white, it's like a motherfucking rainbow by their standards


what did I mean by this?

This shouldn't annoy me as much as it does

and with that said i think is about time to lear how to use nico nico douga since japan is the only country that seems retain the good sense

you, i like you


But I still love you and hope someday you show us your dick.


If the the CON leaks wasn't proof that he's a racist fucktard attention whore who hates games, this is to be expected, remember to check who's who is gonna shill for his garbage.

Is it me or is Godfrey just trolling?


most likely yes


Can someone please spread more anti-mudslime shit? I'm so sick of it. I really, really, really fucking am hearing anything from these retarded actual biogted savages that isn't about the Muslim Reform Movement.

Remember that shit has to be kept out of vidya as well.

they think math is magic

tic tac toe I've got three landwhales in a row

no you don't.

none of us does.

The socjus are becoming more and more of a joke with everything they shit out, but it feels like an actual menace isn't getting nearly enough pushback. I can't stand not being able to stop thinking about it in the back of my mind.


What the fuck is an intellgentsia

You're a faggot.

The intelligentsia (Latin: intellegentia, Polish: inteligencja, Russian: интеллигенция; IPA: [ɪntʲɪlʲɪˈɡʲentsɨjə]) is a social class of people engaged in complex mental labor aimed at guiding or critiquing, or otherwise playing a leadership role in shaping a society's culture and politics.[1] This therefore might include everyone from artists to school teachers, as well as academics, writers, journalists, and other hommes de lettres (men of letters) more usually thought of as being the main constituents of the intelligentsia. Intelligentsia is the subject of active polemics concerning its own role in the development of modern society not always positive historically, often contributing to higher degree of progress, but also to its backward movement.

pardon me, would any of you have and be willing to share with me the image similar to and covering the same topic as this one, but with the sorceress in question?

this one?

yes thats the one, thank you. was able to image search a better picture too.

The power of oppai is too fucking strong.

Remember what you fight for.

Brought you by, Mark Kaufman

i wonder what insightful things he would type up if he were to examine oppai loli.

Always worth sharing when that shit's mentioned

What was that quote by Voltaire? Do not fucking post Descartes.

At least they're still pushing on "It's okay when we do it!" type of satire and strawmanning, really gotta hand it to liberals for making it a culture to just mock your opponents with lies instead of debating them.

Bonus bullshit from 2014 archive.is/gV4zM


Cancer of course.

What was that quote by Voltaire? Do not fucking post Descartes instead.

archive.is/EVhPJ he's a betacuck of course.

Pathetic pieces of shit are trying hardest to unseat Todd at his own art form.

The difference is that he has charisma and humbleness.

#GG has always needed a fairly delicate balance of cut-throat and friendly, primarily because we need numbers to make real change.

Too much friendly and you lose your edge and quit taking opportunities to fire. Too much cut-throat and you devolve into pariahs as most normal people abandon you on your own merits as opposed to the narrative lie. And when people shun you on merit, that shit will kill you.

All the big internal conflicts seem to stem from disagreement as to our exact position on the "Hatemachine PR" line and which way we need to move to balance it out better. This is made worse by extremists at both ends playing tug of war, and by people having different reference frames. An user here for example, would find the claim that we're "too PR" laughable, because nobody here is. A recent recruit on Twitter or KiA who is getting blasted by cancerfags would claim the opposite is true - they'd think we're acting too much like assholes.

Sacrilegious motherfucker…


I think my favorite part is the audience laughing at the science porn tweet. Actually laughing because it's a joke and has humor. And then the faggot tries to justify his feelings by announcing "I own Duke Nukem, I can take a joke. This was supposed to be my safe space science feed. " like that means anything. An American Indian tribe that sees butterflies as an ill omen has a joint venture in a butterfly zoo where I live.

I was wondering does DN account also belongs to Pitchford or someone else working for him? Because that one just reeks of incapable to take the hit and calling help


No doubt. Pathetic max.

Just going by the times, he either has a login or is within earshot of telling the intern running it to type what he wants

I think Randy Pitchford is now a lolcow.
I don't think I've cringed so hard in months.



I don't think his ego would have taken those softball insults the Duke account threw his way if someone else was in charge of it.

holy shit this is like a cartoon

Dave Gruber Allen, The name strikes a chord, much unlike Pitchford can, but I just can't place it. I hope somone else recognizes the Deliverance looking fuck and can help out in what other shit he's done



twitter.com/GodfreyElfwick he back

Yeah, a 15 point swing in Clinton's favor immediately after changing methodology when Trump was winning is completely natural.

I have a hard time telling if this is a work. It seems too blunt for his usual stance. And only currently following that snoke faggot only adds to my suspicion.

Don't know about that but I'd like for another meal of similar of Zachattack

anything new about the conleaks? Any news or jewtuber braking the echo chamber?

Just refreshed, because twitter a shit. The account tweeted walls fall out. I feel pretty safe saying it's either compromised or pulling a sjwryuko. Given the past dedication, I have a hard time seeing that. Also a tweet just now to Jack saying he got his account back. Do whatever you like, but I don't buy it.

Mombot might give another round, depends if she's not teasing. And about youtube, beats me.


Did they go against their own narrative?

48+53+51 > 100%

Even 48+53 > 100%

math is hard

and what about people who are able to brake the echo chamber. Don't get me wrong, it is nice to see that people from within gg do something but their reach is limited. We saw it all what those fags do arcording to the conleaks
So what about people who are more in the focus of those sheeples who didn't get the conleak memo?

not gonna lie at first glance I was this retarded
but its % in the race not % as a total
so 48% of white adults play vidya

either way I very much doubt these statistics


Is an invalid link (Maybe you wanted thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=Main_Page) and
Has an invalid SSL cert.

Asians don't exist?
Though, Looking at the room and at the screen you sure can smell the diversity

I think the text means the percentage of each race. 48% of adult whites, 53% of adult blacks, 51% of adult hispanics

Best thing for now is sending and showing them the leaks

So why mislead with that? the white population is the largest (for now) of both Hispanic and Black, need the entire shit show on view so we can check the entire data they pulled out of their asses. And look, I bet the Asians were combined with the White people!

so far it seems that didn't work very well. Who here send an email? I did! Who here got respond from it? I didn't! Facing the reality, we can't even make something viral and looking at the last 2 or 3 breads, including this one, it is very derailed and unfocused.

my guess, after a week it is old news.

So…I guess nothing is happening with the CON Leaks?

Bit disappointing tbh.

I've been sending bitching emails since before gamergate, and I'll keep doing it until the day I die. My father sent them to the papers, my grandfather sent them as well. Nothing has changed in that regard other than a clear target, and I will keep doing so even if people choose not to join with me

thinking about to make it viral

i also notice that it didn't even went out of the gg hashtag. I know twitter is cancer, so is reddit and facebook but their are tools as we use twitter as tool and yet, nothing on other platforms.

no thread on h3h3 reddit or tb reddit. no OC's on facebook and so on. Just nothing.

This is getting ridiculous now

what the fuck did you want to happen
attack attack attack? go be IA somewhere else

What I wanted to happen was to see people outside of Holla Forums, Reddit and some niche websites talk about this.

I wanted to see a ripple in this giant fucking world, I wanted to see just fucking one.

Nothing has fucking happened, I am losing hope.

It's so confusing, we get actual evidence about everything we were saying, evidence that can be used against aGG, used against the people in control, we can show the world that we were right and that they were wrong, that companies were following bullies and promoted bullies and let the bullies work for them to stop other bullies.

But here we are, weeks later.

Nothing has happened, some articles made, barely any videos made.
No responses from people.

It's fucking sad.
I wouldn't be surprised if the fucking shitposts in this thread and the last threads were all fucking shills.

Fuck I'm probably right.

This is pathetic, down right pathetic.
Nothing will happen and gaming will continue to get worse, censorship will get worse, all of the shit we fear will get worse.

We have the ability to stop it, but we aren't doing anything useful.
Not a one person has mentioned any responses from well known people.

The Plans we have been following has been doing fuck all, and it's either

some reason it wouldn't let me finish.

Anyway, it's either the plans not working, the people not following the plans or the people aren't listening.

why did an active thread just die?

how many of you are actually socjus moles?


i guess you are right. I'm confused too.

why would random people care?
Everyone who cares about LW or GG know
anyone who doesnt know doesnt really care
use it for future reference when LW and con is brought up
use it as knowledge you were right

shoving it in peoples faces who dont really care will just annoy them like fucking Mormon door knockers

ok, found something on tb


the hell is going on? THIS IS AKWARD!

Majority of the fucking userbase of Twitter will fucking care once they find out the Safety and Trust Council are fucking harassers, people in control.

If I was a random person and I found this out, I would fucking quit Twitter.

This we talked about them in the thread, nothing else for us to do.


i mean, i was aware of the echo chamber gg is in. As i asked before "why nobody from the outside is making it news" seems to be because than, it wouldn't be someone from gg and therefore more reliable.

Go to revolt if you want to be an IA attack attack shill.

does revolt even still exist?


am i rly reading this? What the fuck is this ?

am i still in gg general bread on Holla Forums?

What the fuck is IA?

Nothing else?
Nothing fucking else?
There is a ton of fucking shit you lot can still do, like holy fuck it's mind boggling how dumb you all are.

Lemme make a list.

Make videos on it
Make articles on it
Post about it on forums besides 8chans
Talk to people about it
Contact Advertisers
Contact Shareholders

So fucking much more

How do you lot not even understand that you were given the present of a life time, evidence that we weren't fighting for stupid reasons, evidence that can change everything.
But here you all are, sitting on your fucking asses, shitposting, doing fucking nothing.


hello sir have you got a minute to talk about twitter dot com and the major new con leaks?

Those 2 ID's, hmm…

holy shit

these gg threads are rly full with socjus(((anons)))

why did mark gave Holla Forums aids?

well you see sir in this line a person by the name of Randi harper says she doesnt mind sexism in video games

shocking I know

the fuck

I'm waiting for LeoPirate's video on it.

he is part of th egg group, as the tb mod said;

so, nothing to see here, huh?

Why do you think that I was mentioning about you?

Someone should let him know that Islam is a religion of peace

im just confused as fuck about this thread


This is amazing.
This is apparently the same group, the same people, who fucking helped take down Gawker, who fucking made aGG actually fucking scared as proven by the CON Leaks, the same people who has made an actual fucking difference, an actual fucking effect.

But here we are.
The same people, the same group, the supporters who support the same thing.
Sitting on their asses, making jokes, shitposting, doing fuck all after being given the single piece of evidence that can change the entire fucking tide, the evidence that can show people that Gamergate isn't a hate campaign, but people like Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu, Anita, so on and so on are.

You have been given the evidence on a gold fucking platter, you have experience on spreading the word.

I am surprised that aGG is fucking scared of us, because right now, we look like fucking idiots for not using the evidence that can take them down.


They said that if anything from the chat managed to get out, they would be ruined.

Oh looky here, WE HAVE THE ENTIRE CHAT (That we know of) AND MORE LEAKS TO COME (Mombot has more stuff apparently judging by their twitter)

What a big dent we made in the last week eh?
The last two weeks, i dont fucking know…

What a giant Dent, this dent is so big that everyone and their dogs know about it.

But here we are…no one knows except this little circlejerk and reddit.

Downright pathetic.

You know, if we got this word out earlier, Randy Pitchford would have looked even more stupid when he sung about Gamergate on stage at the Gearbox presentation today.

But he doesn't.

He has gone out and actually mentioned gamergate, spreading the word of how evil Gamergate is.

More people found out about Gamergate from him, than people found out about the CON Leaks.

Oh, so you got confused?

dont give up
there is always another door to knock on so get on your bike

It's ironic.
Cause if I actually did go out, go door to door, showing people evidence.
i would have done more than everyone else in the past week.

good post, I read it :^)

sure you would

this whole bread is fonfusing as fuck. it is not GG generel, for sure. It is mor elike a shithole for little socjus moles who pretend to be anons.

And than, a big fucking happening comes up and this bread derailed almost ON PURPOSE

and when trying to speak abou tit, anons get called out for being a IA attacker shill? This is on so many levels wrong.

Finally, someone is speaking my language here.

You wanna know why GamerGhazi went silent? Why aGG isn't on full damage control?

I've seen the same posts, the same shit, the same format, every fucking day now.
It's clear as day, Ghazi are on damage control, they are fucking in here.

Okay I may have went a bit too far down into the conspiracy hole.

My point is, something isn't right here.

You seem to think we are the same GamerGate they where afraid of in those logs, back in 2014 you had IA attack attack group out there doing all they could to dig and get information anyway possible, we have long since decided to go passive way to attract the neutrals.

something isn't right here, but it's right now 2 vs 5
and i can bet my ass that 4 of the 5 anons here actually sjw derailer/baiter.

just mark the ID

Doesn't seem that way to me cause the tactics I've seen posted around to get the word out and to target the advertisers, are the same tactics used back in 2014.

Anyway, I just realized something quite odd.

These CON Leaks are big, bigger than we have ever had, but yet, there is barely anything about it in the OP…The OP that most people will see.

Why hasn't the OP been properly updated?

Isn't that the Brote leaks part in ongoing discussions?

You seem to still think we are the Alt-right attack group like back in the day. We removed Holla Forums. and revolt they are the ones that do thing with leaks.

Go to them if you want them to do with the CON leaks what they did with the DNC leaks.

yep, barely the only thing mention. NO OP's, No current task email op's or what ever.

Yeah but my point is, it's not exactly emphasized at all, someone just walking by, sees this thread, checks the OP, doesn't see stuff about the CON Leaks except for little bits, then walks off after thinking it's not important.

Alt right? Attack Group?

…We were never like that, I don't remember anyone in GG calling us Alt Right, nor an attack group.

Only aGG has called us that.

nobody said that

no, you did
well, about this, when i look what revolte is doing at endchan, they are way more focused as (((you)))

I suppose you could notify $TWTR stockholders that their trust and safety team has a deus ex tramp stamp.

Make an infographic with some lines from the logs and the crash override logo. Similar to the ones from the nyberg thing.

this is pitched since the last week in every thread. And than everything gets derailed by val being an eu cuck and animu shitposter.

What the fuck are you saying? Stop it.

Yeah, after someone asks for people to do something relating to the Leaks, or asking for an update.
That person usually gets ignored, and the thread continues to be derailed.
Each thread is the exact same.


I'll try spreading the CON leaks on Google+ later today because there's a little hospital situation at the moment.

What's the best video to link?

whoobs, sorry for direct link



LeoPirate is literally the one who made the most helpful video for getting people caught up on GG.

I'm not believing shit from you about him being useless for one second.

We need the information in an easy to digest format with likewise easy to read sources, or at least that was the idea before. Forgive my inattentiveness and lack of initiative but how has that been going so far? Once we have what we need then there should be no problems proceeding with an op. We should have a list of people and places to email but we still need the kind of information a person who can devote 30 seconds at best to reading emails at their workplace can understand. The leaks themselves are no more of ammunition than raw gunpowder is, or so I think.

For better or worse, I could say the same for most of what's on there. We'd need a separate section that can summarize a currently ongoing hot topic that does more than include a link if we want to remedy that.

I don't know about videos, there has been pretty much fuck all about it, but as for pages, here we go.
bonegolem.wordpress. com/2016/08/27/contextualizing-the-crash-override-network-logs/
reddit. com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/4zswdn/crash_override_network_leaks_megathread/
Sargon did a video on it.
https:// www.youtube .com/watch?v=r3hIS-3r3pQ
And broteam did two videos on it, but one was taken down.
https:// www.youtube .com/watch?v=xGOueq31ZkY

We do have that information, on who to send to.
It was posted in the threads but…as I noticed, it was not posted here at all.
So here they are.

not saying he is useless, but its a fact that he get associated with the gg crowd and as th emod said itself, therefore is bias.

But anyway, what is more important that the conleak infos get out of this gg echo chamber, therefore, people from the outside need to be informed. And yet, if people from the inside do the job, the info will stay in this echo chamber.

We all saw what kluwe has done to the gg crowd on twitter, blowing up the gg followers to hold them in a chamber. They gave the gg twitter people just the feeling of being heard.

Oh, thought you were implying he somehow went full retard and thinks they wouldn't matter.

Fine, here's your fucking emailing and CON related

Articles which gave positive coverage to CON

And the other related thread >>>/gamergatehq/327075

Contacting to these authors

I will be in bed in half an hour, but once I am up tomorrow, and if I don't see any change in the new thread, I will redo the OP, I will make a new thread, and hopefully we can get some actual shit happening.

even Usher said it, it is a damn smoking gun.

Everyone else saying otherwise, is a fucking shill, a fucking socjus(((user))).

Anons of Holla Forums who are in this since the very beginning should be already fucking aware OF THE FUCKING FACT that these gg breads are actually full with sjw who just pretend to be anons. Concern trolling, namefagging and bite the bait posting all the way down.

With this leak it should be no suprise that the ongoing shilling got doubled. So, fuck your tinfoil replys to this post. This goes out to all the anons who don't fuck blue whales while crying about huge mungus raping their assholes.

Get you fucking ass up and stop being derailed by the shit ton of socjus(((anons))) in this bread
And mark, do your fucking job damn jew!

Let's talk straight for a moment here:

What do we (i.e. #GamerGate) need

1. We need evidence to show that CON as an anti-harassment organization has done jackshit as far as anti-harassment is concerned so far
1.1 In other words, we would need to get in touch with clients of the platform, but this could be extremely difficult as many of them (however disillusioned they are about CON itself) probably still see #GG as "right wing death squads" or whatever the MSM is calling us by now. Likewise, contacting them without telling them about the affiliation to GG might backfire

2. We need evidence participated in harassment rather than preventing it.
2.1 The question here is whether or not our addressees will give much of a shit about two-year-old quotes from a chatlog, even if they do portray the clique as disingenuous assholes. A potential alternative angle might come in the form of Candace Owen, or other individuals that we identify as receiving targeted harassment by CON via the leaks.

3. We need contact addresses for a) shareholders (esp. those of Twitter) and b) advertisers of sites who covered CON in a good light and now refuse to cover it.
3.1. There's already good pastas containing Twitter shareholders, but we need to kick OpDisnod back into life, esp. when we have evidence that those people who covered CON in a good light but now refuse to cover it do so because of personal ties to the clique (-> DeepFreeze!).
3.2 Moreover, it may be sensible to write to said sites who covered CON before but have not done so after the leaks, and to ask them why they're radio-silent now. I don't expect much to come from this other than ("N-not relevant anymore") or just even more silence, but this is a prequisite for 3.1 - otherwise the advertisers may just wonder why we haven't contacted the sites before going to the next tier, i.e., them. To my knowledge, some anons already have written to the usual suspects, but have not received any responses (please correct me if I'm wrong).

And yes, I know, >(1)

I guess it really is 2014 again, if weekend threads have become this shit.

A second thing:

I would like to emphasize that, sweet as revenge may be, this OP should not be seen as a means of getting back at Literally Who and her goon bootlicks, but instead must showcase the incessant degree of collusion within the tech-industry,

LW can go fuck herself as far as I am concerned, but making this solely about her is just cutting off one head of the hydra to see it replaced by a new one. Like Iolaus of old, we need to cauterize the stump by making it entirely undesirable for corrupt jornous to cover their buttbuddies without further scrutiny.

I know, I was just using Zoe as an example.

Anyway this is a lot better, there is an actual discussion going on which is the main thing, a thing that hasn't happened for the past week.

A lot of the stuff we need that you talked about here are things we have to TALK about, you know, DISCUSS?

I ain't talking to you specifically, I am talking to everyone.

Cause, we haven't talked about anything at all for the past week.

Right. As you pointed out, the OP post needs a redesign to keep the attention of the thread on the given issues - CON should be our primary priority right now, if nothing else because it presumably is the task that would reward the least effort with the most effect.

However, the OP post is bloated as it is - OP Baby Seal, Prime Rib, and UV are pointless because Gawker as it used to be is no longer amongst the living, and should be replaced with an alternative, (currently) low-priority OP to keep an eye on it's cancerous outgrowths under Univision. It also remains debatable whether OP Vulcan is still being actively pursued and/or needed.

overall, it needs to happen on more platform, no matter how much of a cancer these might be, it needs to happen.

there is imgur, reddit, facebook and twitter where an info can spread far and wide but also these are the most censoreship triggerd platforms.
Than there is slimgur, voat, niche foren where infos also can spread but mostl ystays under the same crowd who already is aware.
but than there are platform almost not used to its full extand like DISCUSS or simply the jewtube comment section, subreddits like pcmr or h3h3 and so on. There is a shitton of comments section on the internet to use that have less moderation - gaming news and what not.

Unrelated and off topic, but I'm super pumped! Star Trek Online will allow gamers to 3d print their own ships, kinda like how Blizzard use to let you print your own character. I'll be printing off my green and purple gamergate ship


The problem is that only Usher ever reported about the CON leaks.

Breitbart really has the most reach and is shitting on Twitter pretty heavily now, so the CON leaks would be right up their alley, but for some reason they haven't written anything about it.

Normal people will see this and wonder what the fuck is wrong with him.

Fuck you guys are retarded, enjoy your PR + companies raping you

Done. Reported for abusive content, ABC reporter abusing a gay man.

You keep talking about how the CON leaks are so powerful, how they are so full of outrageous information.

Yet you seem unable to mention those bombs that will expose Quinn's little club as the monsters they are.

The only thing I have seen so far is Zoe Quinn fucking up that game jam. I know most of you are too drenched in hate to realize, but those logs were fucking hilarious. All the stuff with the Mountain Dew cans actually makes Quinn look like a human being, someone able of intelligence and humour. It is the last thing you'd want to spread.

So I need to ask you, anons, spoonfeed me, show me the logs that expose SJWs as the monstruous sadistic dictators they are, so I can spread it everywhere. :-)

Hey, blame me not everyone else. I just want a 3d printed gamergate ship.

Dipshitz she left you dude just stop

This actually surprises me - apart from allowing them to shit on Twitter, it would also allow them to take a quick dump on the liberal-regressive establishment. This should by all means be irresistible for them.

Has anybody reached out to Milo, or even better, Bokhari?

They've been spammed on twitter and these threads constantly by tons of people. There are numerous articles written on the question you faggot. Just read those posts for all the links on it :

And that's not counting shit like the zachattack too.
Ghazi surely needs a new moderator, you should try it out.
Can't you at the very least try next time ?


Literally val irl

Val's a Frog not a Panda

If it's Izzy that you're talking about, then he's still minding his own business by pretending that zachattack never happened.
The usual from every sociopaths. They will hide their heads under the dirt, waiting until things calm down and then continue their own business like usual. Sometimes they react if you pester them good enough

m8 you are good at constructing accurate metaphors

And that's good. That's actually a great result of that shit : they're now fucking off. Moreover, most of them are now looking at each other with contempt and worry, since they can't keep sharing anything together without risking the garbage being spread around later on.

Do you REALLY think that they will fuck off after this? It didn't stop those journalists colluding each other after jornopro and game jorno pro leaks. They will always find another way to discuss, only much more under tighter leash.
And the other thing is that they will desperately try not to let other people, that they surround themselves, ever to know about this. The info must spread far and wider, never to fizzle out.

No mercy must be shown

God bless our drawfags!



I'm not clicking those. Fuck cuckchan.


Still mad

you didn't even managed to copy the entire text….
such a bathetic sight

Into ythe trash you go, indeed.

Holla Forums IS FINISHED






It's not bait if it's true, mark killed Holla Forums and Ron killed Holla Forums. Why are we here? we might as well go back.

Changing your IP's again?

I agree, Mark is shit. Let's go back to 4chan.


It's not half bad ! But I feel sorry for gilda…

Jesus, these threads have been swarming with (1)s and defeatists lately.

holy shit, halfchan has gotten a shitload of new boards since i last visited

looks like a pathetic attempt to rival with a chan with INFINITE BOARDS HOTWHEELS ACKBAR

Instead of staying with your ID and confronting, you are talking to yourself.
How sad

Here's the reply. The only good Gilda is a bullied Gilda

But she IS getting bullied!

C'mon val, we all know you are a pedo lolicon, you wouldn't feel bad if you were there

Not enough. I desire more intimate

Can you give an example?

Thanks, this is what I was looking for. So this is what we have.

She decided to physically spam Mountain Dew cans everywhere because they forced them to advertise Mountain Dew. Golden material right here.

Actually she just linked to PUBLIC Facebook profiles and groups. Wow, why isn't she in jail?

Nah, they actually talked about starting legal actions against an actual doxxer who published her real life info (you know, actual doxxing) and an autist who spent literal days making Twitter accounts to nag her. Of course all of this turned mostly into LARPING, just like treats against our cripple, TB and others.

Yes, of course they did, Wu is an unpredictable schizoid. His tweet food is full of complete angry nonsense, he contradicts himself on a daily basis and makes sad dramas like the Samus Aran is a tranny shitshow, where they had to ban him AND block Samus' article on the wiki to stop him from spamming his tranny shit.

It was all LARPing, just like Holla Forumstards with their happenings, their day of the rope and their race war. It's fucking nothing.

Which perfectly describes this leak. Fucking nothing. You got their most private logs, where they obviously show their pitiful themselves as they are, paranoic, malicious, depressed, a sad bunch of assholes. And that is all, a bunch of mentally ill nerds. Gee-whiz I wonder where have I seem that combination before.

The reason this isn't getting published anywhere is because it's garbage, it is not even worth as clickbait.

Sure, dear. Whatever makes you delusional twats feel safer. I wouldn't want to break your delusional echochamber bubble.

How about Gilda stays the same position but the ass is directed more upwards.
Vivian leans close to Gilda, while pulling the hat and rubbing her left leg at Gildas forbidden territory.

Id say its more like when leddit


Gilda without her hat isn't Gilda. It's like she is too naked.

It i pull off the hat will she die?

It would be extremely downvoting


At least the Vivian looks nice sans the clover which I may replace with a ribbon.

There's also >>10589775 >>10589788.

like pottery

[04/01/2015, 6:44:55 AM] Rob: one good thing about nero?
[04/01/2015, 6:44:57 AM] Athena Hollow: OH! It was you :)
[04/01/2015, 6:44:58 AM] Remy: It's weird because the article covers exactly that excuse
[04/01/2015, 6:44:59 AM] Rob: He lives in the fucking UK.
[04/01/2015, 6:44:59 AM] Athena Hollow: sorry.
[04/01/2015, 6:45:00 AM] Athena Hollow: hahaha
[04/01/2015, 6:45:06 AM] Athena Hollow: yup.
[04/01/2015, 6:45:07 AM] Rob: The UK has hate speech laws
[04/01/2015, 6:45:11 AM] Athena Hollow: Knife has been filling out police reports
[04/01/2015, 6:45:16 AM] Rob: and defamation laws that are, well
[04/01/2015, 6:45:19 AM] Rob: they're really shitty
[04/01/2015, 6:45:22 AM] Rob: but fuck him b/c I don't care
[04/01/2015, 6:45:22 AM] Athena Hollow: and they pretty much fucking HATE HIM there already
[04/01/2015, 6:45:39 AM] Athena Hollow: unfortunately, they don't have trans protections :-/
[04/01/2015, 6:46:01 AM] live:riotarms: everyone, you can fill these out user
[04/01/2015, 6:46:09 AM] SF: Archived, added to trello.
[04/01/2015, 6:46:10 AM] live:riotarms: secure.met.police.uk/hatecrime_national/index.php?rid=2924
[04/01/2015, 6:46:15 AM] Remy: thanks much
[04/01/2015, 6:46:17 AM] live:riotarms: please please fill this in
[04/01/2015, 6:46:28 AM] live:riotarms: the area the crime took place is "metropolitan"
[04/01/2015, 6:47:30 AM] SF: Also created a dossier just for Milo.
[04/01/2015, 6:48:06 AM] Remy: If he isn't on Zoe's list I get the feeling he is going to earn a place very soon
[04/01/2015, 6:48:21 AM] drinternetphd: hahaha honey please


04/01/2015, 6:51:12 AM] Remy: Did you see the link where we can file a police report?
[04/01/2015, 6:51:18 AM] Remy: on Milo
[04/01/2015, 6:51:20 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ?
[04/01/2015, 6:51:26 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: wait i thought you meant like, am i here
[04/01/2015, 6:51:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what room? i'm confused
[04/01/2015, 6:51:38 AM] live:riotarms: I'm reporting Nero to the cops
[04/01/2015, 6:51:42 AM] Remy: secure.met.police.uk/hatecrime_national/index.php?rid=2924
[04/01/2015, 6:51:44 AM] Remy: and so can you
[04/01/2015, 6:52:02 AM] Remy: It's the coolest new trend, Sarah, everybody's doing it
[04/01/2015, 6:52:07 AM] live:riotarms: Am I OK to refer to you in this and are you in America
[04/01/2015, 6:52:13 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yep
[04/01/2015, 6:52:18 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: and yep
[04/01/2015, 6:52:25 AM] live:riotarms: I hope everyone is doing it
[04/01/2015, 6:52:48 AM] Remy: oh yeah this is WAY more fulfilling than filling a twitter harassment report


[04/01/2015, 7:10:27 AM] Chris Kluwe: ok, reported Milo

So first there was sent a syringe to him and then they wanted to false report him to the police?

Great plan, because Milo's in prison as we all know.

He'd enjoy it, but I don't think Butts would.

This is like watching an episode of the office, where Michael does something to make an ass out of himself and you don't know whether to laugh or cringe.

won't take Milo much to demonstrate a concerted effort in court if he goes against twitter, someone who have to go under oath and then it all falls down

Randy is a fucking liar. He knew he was following a joke account. there's no way he expected 100% serious, no jokes ever from an account called SciencePorn. He's just assmad because this joke, out of the thousands they have posted, triggered him.

You need unbiased and credible sources like Clinton News Network to be taken seriously.

The guy also got assmad over people criticizing his game, and claimed they were sexist to justify not responding to their criticisms.

Seems like he's an angry, insecure person at heart who just doesn't have it in him to admit when he acts like an idiot and just starts slandering people as bigoted when he doesn't get his way.

On a side note, Peter Coffin now has a job at the Huffington post

As what? Their realdoll industry correspondent?

Of fucking course he does

I don't believe it


it's just a screen cap, post an archive of an article written by him

that's called being paid ten bucks to write some random crap if an actual journo calls in sick

When he writes one, I'll post it. We'll probably see an article by the end of the week.

Or getting an op-ed published as a one-off and putting it on your CV because that's what you do nowadays.

Oh, I can already see it coming:



it's like you hate titties or something

Better archive, faglord.


this, and get rid of avatarfags while you're at it

isn't that the cunt who was hanging around in Ralph's slack group?

he looks like donte with bleached hair in that pic


He can't shill for hillary, he used to make a lot of anti-hillary videos mocking her. But then again these people have no shame



I'll bake. Tentative title is "It's 2525 Edition". Anything to change/add?

Pretty good


Well shit

you're a shit

I honestly thought we were on Page 14

What badly done bread, where is the [#GG + #NYS]…even gildafag makes better threads than this.

Well, I guess everyone moved to the other thread already.

Probably put in an ad requesting a cheap doll cleaning kit.