Probably to promote the upcoming Shadow Warrior 2, Shadow Warrior Classic currently is free to download on both Steam and GOG.
Just wanted to let you know.
Of course, you can always download it where it's always free
Probably to promote the upcoming Shadow Warrior 2, Shadow Warrior Classic currently is free to download on both Steam and GOG.
Just wanted to let you know.
Of course, you can always download it where it's always free
Other urls found in this thread:
Shadow Warrior Classic was always free since before the release of the Redux version, you uniformed user of excess melanin.
P-pls no bully
Seriously, I thought they'd still cash in 5.99 or something like that as with the Doom Games, or Duke Nukem 3d before Gearbox ate the license
God thank our ratings system and it's decade spanning backlog of pixels (and laughably harmless movies) still indexed.
…I actually have SWC in my library even though I'm a Gerfag. Don't ask me how I got it.
Iirc the BpJM recently enforced a sales ban on indexed games in online stores that were openly available for years now. Postal 2 for example was easily aquirable on the german Steam store just a few months back even though it's been indexed for a decade.
Seems like someone had too much free-time on his hands and rectified that mistake.
Doesn't help that the senile old fucks in the BpJM actually don't play the games themselves, but pay "third party experts" to do so and list up all the icky stuff for them.
I guess the section of the BpJM that focuses on music solely consists of deaf people.
They do cash in on it. Shadow Warrior Classic Redux is the modern up-port of it, whereas just plain "Classic" is just the original game packaged with dosbox. Also I don't think it has the expansions like the paid version does.
Will the German government ever not suck? Rhetorical question
how did you get it?
Yeah, shits fucked. They aren't always retarded, they reversed the decision of the USK to index Mortal Kombat X for example, but they're still shit by their very nature. I really hope they reverse the decisions on Valkyrie Drive and Criminal Girls 2 as well, no interest in those games, but a dangerous precedent.
Why's that? All I know is that there are a bunch of rap artists and 'Rechts-Rock' bands that get almost banned by default.
And for good reason.
Half-offtopic: Would there be a way to replace Lara Croft's sprite in Shadow Warrior Classic Redux with the ones from the old demos/betas?
That was a sarcastic pun on the fact that the censorfags do not actually play the games they want censored.
As for the rap artists - it never fails to baffle me that the "killer games debate" is kicked lose every time someone who likes video games shoots other people, but hardcore gangsta rap gets no "age rating" despite of the fact that all the little Turkroach shits listen to it unironically and promptly get wannabe criminals themselves.
I must admit that I don't really see much of a difference between the two pics, other than the doubled gun holster and the changed shoes.
Well, both of these "pixel art" sprites belong to the prototype versions.
The one in the final game was completelly redone as a pre-render image.
The underwater base level is the fucking shit. Tons of interesting levels in this game. Severely underrated.
And then there's this faggot.
in all fairness it was free before too and I've had it for ages
reminder that there's still no source version of the best Build shooter out there because Atari are giga-kikes
BloodCM is the closest we've got right now and it's bretty gud but doesn't support Cryptic Passage and mods
will Jace Hall ever prove he's a cool dude and release the source?
What is the deal with Atari and holding onto IPs they have no plans to work with? Is there some sort of inherent advantage to doing this?
I think (emphasis on "think" here) that some of the modified source files are available in the pre-release version of Blood. Bad news: it's zipped, password protected and I'm not even sure everything needed is here.
They're probably holding onto Blood because the name is something lots of companies would like to use. It's retarded.
huh, first I've ever heard this one. I'd be surprised if it was true because a password protected zip file doesn't exactly seem strong enough to block the autism to get into something like that.
I know Devolver has said in the past that they are interested in acquiring the rights but that was a long time ago and there's been nothing since. It'd be cool if they did because even if you don't like their games I enjoyed shadow warrior and I'm looking forward to the next one god knows they're better than Bethesda or Activision getting their claws on it
You're probably right: it's from the Alpha, the file is dated february 96 and is called "".
Check it out if you want to. Not sure what's in there.
They wanted to get Metal Wolf Chaos re-released as well, but there's been no news on that either. Hopefully it just means there's talks about it going on.
From what I know, Devolver is pretty legit as far as publishers go, so it'd be good hands.
What's interesting is that the game wasn't always free. I think someone found a loophole to get the game for free or someone leaked CD keys for it so the devs decided to make it free. I didn't know about GoG version though.
It would be nice if they combined both the beta and the latest versions.
They should've hired Levelord again honestly. I find it sad that there is not enough city and factory maps with good level design, the guy knew how to do things right and with improved Build engine we could have even better puzzles. Sometimes Shadow Warrior felt like a Shinobi FPS with Chinese protagonist and I'd like to have more of this feeling, even the plot was kind of the same, there was something similar between Zilla and Zeed. Though if I'm not mistaken, 3DR wanted to make ninja protagonist, when the game was supposed to take place in feudal Japan. Shame there will ever be improved sequel to the original game.
meant to say with improved level design and SW Build engine version
It's been free on Steam for a long ass time, GOG caught up with free classic and the release of redux just today. Still pretty cool.
Wasn't redux available long time ago on GOG? If not, maybe they finally going to release DK expansion or maybe they going to fix the fucking game too, I don't even ask for a multiplayer, I just want the goddamn game not to be buggy and I want to play fixed DK.
Is the 2013 SW any good
what's the difference between the classic and redux?
It's a churazy, linear corridor shooter with a melee focus.
so sure
depends who you talk to. I enjoyed it as a modern take on the series but it's far from excellent. The levels are super linear, it's more of an arena shooter/nuFPS than it is closer to the oldschool non-linear mazes of the 90s era games. Monsters get repetitive and the upgrades are kind of lame.
That said, slicing shit with your sword is incredible, it plays quickly, there are plenty of secrets, and the humour is there too. It's worth five or ten bucks if you're remotely interested in it.
It looks like they're fixing a lot of what made it mediocre with the second one, so keep your fingers crossed they improve the stuff that worked, and ditch the shit that don't.
Nah, they added it today along with SW2 preorders
Which reminds me
Prepare for shit
As in, literal shit. Gearbox will find a few ways to fuck it up.
Am I supposed to see anything?
Is this the shitty port of duke with CUUUURAAAAZY lighting effects and shoddy extra maps? Duke around the world something or other?
fix your clock
something is happening in 3 hours and we won't like it
We'll truly blow it out our ass™
Think of it like this: Blood will never have an absolutely garbage modern day reboot ala Duke Nukem Fornever or BethesDoom as long as Atari has it locked up.
…at the cost of us never having the source ports that would allow the community to thrive and create content that Duke has enjoyed for years.
It's okay. It doesn't really do anything new, the melee combat is fun, the guns are okay but enemies become bullet sponges on the hardest difficulty (that's locked first playthrough) and the 'humour' is pretty crappy.
That being said, the guns aren't that bad, the melee is fun enough to keep you interested and it looks very pretty in some places. If you have other devolver digital games you can swap the skin on the sword for other stuff (Hammer for Serious Sam III, the Penetrator for Saint's Row III, a low res one for… Hotline Miami [?] and so on). Plus you keep your weapons and abilities and upgrades for newgame plus, and can spend the cash you pickup on buying ammo for guns if you don't have any ammo, so even the guns that you get later can still be used.
8/10 for me. Nothing to push it above and beyond other games, but it also didn't do anything to pull it down, and the melee was fun.
It's shit, and I don't mean it as an edgy contrarian, it truly is shit.
You know everything good about the old Shadow Warrior? Level design? Fast as fuck gunplay and swordplay?
High lethality which meant you either got gud or savescummed like a bitch?
The hilarious and racially insensitive quips from Lo Wang? Old 3drealms trademark attention to detail?
All gone, supplanted by the antithesis of each and every one of its elements. They went out of their fucking way to make it as removed as they could from the old material, not only in tone to appease the usual sjw faggotry, but in gameplay too.
The level design is the worst offender by far, as all of them repeat the same pattern of linear corridors and enclosed arenas which only open when you kill all the enemies.
Not only are the maps linear, limiting in exploration (as they close previous areas as you go forward to stop you from backtracking) but their layout is comprised almost exclusively of square angles.
Every fucking room is square, all the corridors are perfectly rectangular, the worthless faggots responsible for level design only know about 90º angles, which mean that even putting aside the enclosed arena bullshit, they don't have any kind of flow. It can't even be excused by arguing they are sticking to a realistic japanese architecture, as I can easily find layouts of old castles and towns in google with more pronounced variations than the box fest that are SW maps.
Their idea of detailing levels and offering interactivity consists of filling them with meaningless clutter and making you stop to open every highlighted wardrobe in search of ammo and money, repetitive act that they employ to disguise the lack of real exploration.
Nu-Lo Wang is an unfunny faggot whose terrible one-liners are supposed to be the joke, a completely different treatment compared to the real Lo Wang who was the butt of many of his own jokes (that were genuinely funny).
Slow gunplay, boring enemies and bosses, the weapon "ecosystem" was utterly uninspired compared to the Build game from 20 years ago. All in all, a worthless game with shit design, its honourless developers should commit ritual sudoku.
This is really because of the combat itself. 90% of the enemies just charge at you and melee you, and other enemy types are too spongy to place them in great abundance. There's no real need to move around geometry in order to evade projectiles, enemies blocking your movement is made moot by your special sword attacks, and since enemy variety consists of generic melee enemy and enemy with shield as cannon fodder, with the rest being massive bulletsponges, you don't have much variety in what you get to place where.
In short, even if SW2013 copied the level layouts directly from Doom, everything would still play out the same way because of how it was designed. The combat isn't designed around using your environment to your advantage, and as a result all levels feel the same. At least FWH tried to make each level look different.
thanks for letting me know OP, just picked it up
you guys really got cucked eh
where's the zyklon b?
They're free mods that were plucked from the internet. Please do not enable their Judaism by spreading their misinformation like that.
I'm trying to stay optimistic, but the closer it gets to release the less I'm liking the look of SW2.
I get the feeling I'd be happier if the game wasn't called Shadow Warrior II.
Of fucking course. Apparently you can gift it though. Would an user be kind enough to drop me a code?
Speaking of Old Games how should I play Quest for Glory if I want to do a Thief with Magic casting?
doesn't look too bad but its just a remaster and a level pack. Wont buy it anyway.
I do find the very last part funny though.
Pirate it or use proxy