Will take this thread seriously due to good omens. I personally think this is a good idea. It'll cut down production costs, money that can be used better elsewhere. I wouldn't, however, mind an add-on that allows for Wii U compatibility. Something like the x360 HD-DVD drive, but for the Wii U. That way you're not abandoning those consumers that bought a Wii U personally don't own one, can't think of 10 worthwhile games on it.
Highly unlikely, if they do chances are that will be the death of the console from the get-go. Some people don't have acess/poor acess to the internet. Most people enjoy owning actual things, not something tied to a server that will ultimately be discontinued.
If anyone seems like they're going more software than hardware its Microsoft. They might continue with the Xbone expansions but from their continued changes towards PC it looks like they're going software only regarding games.
Unlikely to happen. It would certainly hurt but I don't see Sony surviving in that case since their only profitable section is the Playstation. While the Xbox has the bajillions of $$$ from Microsoft, as mentioned earlier, Microsoft doesn't seem to intent in staying in the hardware business. Maybe they won't leave completely but they'll certainly tone it down.
Jack Nguyen
Seriously, why is that so hard to do for Nintendo?
I'm not looking forward to the NX at all. The way they handled the Wii U after 2014 disappointed me to say the least, but also because we have like until March 2017 before they announce or release the console, and yet we know absolutely nothing about it. Plus from what I've seen of patents it looks like it'll probably be another tablet.
Blake Clark
There's still nothing confirmed or even convincingly rumored about the NX. All there is is wild, baseless speculation.
Angel Morgan
Thinly veiled dubs thread.
check em
Liam Price
Well, historically speaking, Nintendo and 3rd party firms have always had a bad relationship. During Nintendo's stronghold on the American market, 3rd party companies had to sign a very sided contract with Nintendo limiting production of games and licensed titles. If they tried anything else they would sue them to oblivion. Likewise, some of their baffling decisions (ie - Mini-discs for NGC or carts for N64) had developers scratching their heads as to the limited storage compared to the competition. Its no surprise barely any 3rd party developers like Nintendo. Add to that how Nintendo keeps a strong grip even during development, one can see why 3rd party developers don't want to go through that hassle. Just take a look at some canceled games and the reasons why (everything ranging from racism, abrupt, unspoken, forced changes to games etc).
Anthony Lee
They are getting a % cut on all Pokemon-Go income so it has really worked for them.
They have only been moving hardware with their popular IPs since the N64 and have been trying to recreate the mass appeal on the Wii a dead gimmick
So long as they maintain backwards compatibility between the NX and whatever is next I don't see this as a huge issue.
I hope they go with SD or another solid state storage. Really everything should have been on solid state for the last 5+ years.
Pants on head, no other way to say it.
Nope, Japs do business different to the west and generally play a long game meaning they will take losses longer before they drop a market.
That is why they are still alive, when everyone else is selling realism they are taking the fun market.
No, Nintendo actually invents new things instead of just stealing them.
Michael Price
I can't form much of an opinion about the NX yet, but I know it seems like Nintendo has no faith or investment in its western market. I just wonder what the sentiment is for NoJ.
Logan Torres
Being worried for Nintendo is like being worried for Hillary Clinton. Nintendo is a Yakuza front and they deserve to go under.
Chase Wood
TL DR but judging from OP's second post I'd say this is underage
Benjamin Clark
You do sound pretty autistic. I'm not sure how anyone here can claim to still love Nintendo 100% after all of the sudden censorship, but I kind of get what you're saying. Wild speculation is still stupid and I'll never participate in it for something like this, you're working yourself up over rumors. Just wait until they do a proper reveal (probably before the year is over) and then reassess these fears.