It's good. He calls alot just as it is, from the catholics using beaners to fill the church and onward
Bannon on 60 Minutes *video
Other urls found in this thread:
>direct linking (((CBS)))
It's fine. Just use youtube-dl then watch it locally
Is this how American TV works?
>Giving (((CBS))) your clicks
Good goy
4th dimensional goy
That's a way to save the world right here.
ad-jew. Also, TV is dying.
Our television, with the exception of PBS, is not publicly funded so there are ads. Not defending it, just sayin'.
I don't watch much tv, but I'd rather get lied to by kikes for free than to pay my government to have BBC charge me for the lies.
It has for decades at least. There's a reason why PVRs are a big deal.
Absolutely postwar, goyim.
ALCON - Here are all the videos that could be mustered on this topic.
Thank You!
This is my first time trying to encode something so sorry if it doesn't work.
part 2
Yes, only subhumans watch it.
I totally understand what he means by the Catholics wanting all these Catholic Mexican Illegals coming in - more money in the donation plate at church. totally with him on that.
Hopefully he redpilled those who watched the program too…
Yes, everybody must know about it, everybody should read "Web of Debt by Ellen Brown".
BUT I FEAR that by exposing it, he got the Banker's attention that he's a real threat.
>At 22:50
>Even Banon was leaking from the WH
top kek
Shit what I wouldn't give to see this not chopped to shit and rearranged. You can clearly see where they edited out good bits cuz when they pan back to him he's all flushed like he just went on a tirade. God I fucking hate television. I don't know how people sit and watch this poorly edited schlock for hours a day.
Thanks user!
thanks (((Ira Rosen)))
What is his endgame?
Fuck it I'll just vote for Bannon in 2020.
Wew I wonder what they censored. Probably 90% of anything important he said.
I'm guessing they didn't let him record the interview as well. In my experience, if you insist on that they usually cancel the whole thing. Even local media act that way. I don't know Bannon well enough to guess if he would attempt that sort of thing (legality? If you don't tell them first).
Also this. Anons posting about what's on FOX/CNN wasn't acceptable years ago. Despite recent events, they still do it today. Poor lads just can't live without talmudvision.
The cadence and maneuvering of the interviewer is so stereotypically jewish. Emotional appeals, talking down, lying, omitting, reversing previous made admissions or concessions as if they didn't occur, hyperbolic kvetching, dictating standards for others but not following those standards themselves, etc. It is so overwhelmingly stereotypical that it reminds me of Adolf Hitler's quote on debating jews.
I can't help but think that I'm meant to be the rube in the room, when I watch that.
Nevertheless, Charlie Rose would do well to be reminded that he is no more the Church than the spics imported to its pews, nor more than the cuck cardinals so extending their livelihoods selling what does not belong to them. That godless childless 'god father' appears to have always literally sold out everything fathers leave for their sons – all so that he can feel like a mother to goats.
He'll be placed on a twenty foot lance and left to rot, if those cannibals he so loves don't get to him first.
thanks for poastin btw user
"On September 28, 1978, he had been pope for thirty-three days. In little more than a month he had initiated various courses of action that, had they been completed, would have had a direct and dynamic effect on us all.
The majority in this world would have applauded his decisions, a minority would have been appalled. The man who had quickly been labeled "the smiling pope" intended to remove the smiles from a number of faces on the following day."
"The Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Jean Villot… studied the list of appointments, resignations to be asked for and transfers the pope had handed him. He had advised, argued, and remonstrated, but to no avail. Luciani had been adamant."
"It was by any standards a dramatic reshuffle. It would set the Church in new directions - directions that Villot, and the others on the list who were about to be replaced, considered highly dangerous…."
"There was one common denominator, one fact that linked each of the men about to be replaced. Villot was aware of it. More important, so was the pope. It had been one of the factors that had caused him to act, to strip these men of real power…it was Freemasonry."
"The evidence the pope had acquired indicated that within the Vatican City State there were over one hundred Masons, ranging from cardinals to priests."
"Luciani was further preoccupied with an illegal Masonic lodge that had penetrated far beyond Italy in its search for wealth and power. It called itself P2. The fact that it had penetrated the Vatican walls and formed links with priests, bishops, and even cardinals made P2 anathema to Albino Luciani."
"That evening, September 28, 1978, thirty-three days after his election, Pope John Paul I, "the smiling pope", was declared dead. No official death certificate has ever been issued. No autopsy ever performed. His body was hastily embalmed. Cause of death: Unknown. And Vatican business continues…"
"The facts are here in meticulous detail, documenting widespread corruption within the Vatican and presenting a compelling case that six powerful men, to protect their vast financial and political operations, decided on a shocking course of action – Pope John Paul I must die."
more clips here:
I think you can almost always record your own conversations. I think it would also be impossible to argue that there was an expectation of privacy when the whole purpose of the meeting is to record an interview for public broadcast.
I wouldn't be surprised if he did record it.
In addition, CBS would be stupid to pass up Bannon's first interview, even if he wanted to record it for posterity.
He said a lot of truths that people need to know. Again, step in the right direction.
(((t. economic Nationalism)))
Get to work goys. Fuck your race and culture there is a factory job waiting for you in a few years next to base black man and american mexican. You will soon find race mixing more appealing as $50K a year solves all social issues and niggers love to work!
t minus 6mo until:
we waz george orwell.
have your meme-o-graphic ready.
I'm mighty tired of this fucking meme. Look – economic nationalism is the wedge with which we start the dangerous talk. When the vast majority of the public is conditioned to recoil from naming the Jew, when virtually nobody in society even sees the Jew, our efforts are for naught if we start with blood and soil. "They're taking our jobs!!!" however, is a winning talking point to the normalfags. They've been well (((conditioned))) to see every public policy in terms of how many shekels it will bring in or cost, and so that's where we must begin our attack.
If I made the case that we must expel the spics, on the grounds that they have a generally low IQ and present a real danger to our gene pool, the overwhelming majority would flat refuse to hear me out. I'm just an insane racist whose time has passed. But if I open with the economic harm "illegal immigration" does, I'm starting the thought process that these people don't belong here. This can expand into more general opposition, but if your listener thinks you're working off a private grudge, you can forget about getting past Step 1.
Tl;dr: Be less autistic and learn to dogwhistle, you fucking NEET.
No, fuck you. The ad companies already stated they don't give a shit about money anymore. It's all about the propaganda, so I'm not watching any ads, and neither should you.
Don't me look when you're going to say stupid shit. You're bad at redpilling people. You're bad at having strong opinions. That's what your posts really says. You're a weak person user or you're young. We're not deporting anymore, remember? We're "increasing boarder security and increasing jobs". That's been the cuckservative baby boomer position for 50 years now, and look where it's got us!
Bannon claims the future politics are "populism". You know what that translates to under ZOG? 1990s politics. Clintons were pure populists because Bill wasn't a retard like his cunt wife. Bush was a populist playing on (((Christian))) sentiment as a born again.
Notice Bannon's Breitbart crew at the end (see 60 minutes over-time)? It was all young fucking Jews. He's not even hiring white men.
Bannon is a fucking delusional Boomer and he sounds just like Bill Clinton in the 1990s, with exeption of the Chinese trade war – a war brought to you by Trump and Trump alone.
Fuck N. Korea and everyone who support that commie shithole on here.
In case anyone thinks this is tinfoil.
It could be done in a weekend if we go to war. Schumer will be on a flight to Israel within minutes.
It could be done in a month if they dropt the pedo tapes to Holla Forums. But no… they're going to play soft ball and make sure not to offend ZOG
Can't help but think Jared Taylor would've done much better in an interview like that, he used to the leading-gotcha questions and doesn't really compromise (save Judaism, being one step below us).
If we could get those tapes their whole cabal would come crashing down
GTFO CIA or I'll kill you with my mind.
I already know all this, which is why I said
save for Judaism
this kike is unbearable
Overall really good job by Bannon. It's a shame the interviewer was such a faggot, and it's also very clear that the interview was heavily edited in post and chopped down completely. I wish I could see the entire thing unedited, because there were clearly times that he kept going and dropped some truth bombs, but they edited it out.
I still just can't get over what a piece of shit the interviewer was. He sounded like my teacher in first grade catholic school trying to scold me or something.
He sounds so much like Bill Clinton in the 1990s I can't even describe it to you young fags properly.
Here's some extra clips that were on 60 minutes overtime.
Everything they included in the broadcasted segment makes Bannon look unprepared and amateurish. The unedited unspliced footage relegated to the "extra content" pile consists of Bannon stumping Rose and full context to the disjointed broadcasted clips.
Imagine my fucking surprise.
Peter Duke discusses how the media used color enhancements to make Bannon look like shit. The media is so fucking slanted they can't even resist faking a video recording.
Not to mention how it was shot with a giant close up on Bannon making him seem huge and inhuman.
Meanwhile we see the all of Charlie's body in the interview. It's propaganda, but damn is it effective.
well done, thank you
No doubt they tried to make him look bad, I can see the poorly applied makeup around his nose that is the totally wrong shade for him… but this guys video is bad analysis. If you look at the actual interview the curtains he compares are two different types of curtains, one is white and light yellow, and one is solid deep yellow. There is no reason to believe that they should be the same color.
Yeah it's hilarious how the kike only speaks up and interrupts in the broadcast. When in the extra clips he sits there quiet and mumbling trying to come up with counters to Banon.
I believe Peter Duke stated that he knows Steve Bannon, that he had been to his house (where the interview took place), and that the curtains behind him aren't that dark of a shade of orange.