Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe on cuckchan where people pretend to be nazis but turn out to be liberals when seriously asked about their principles.
You mean my cult took over a super-power with humor alone.
that's what they wrote, user, hence the quotation marks, and why i purposely misspelled cult
hang in there though
This is an absolutely fucking disgusting mischaracterization.
Holla Forums is a Board of Peace
These whiny faggots are pissed that theyre no longer the apart of the 'cool' counter culture. Get with the times you crusty old fucks.
HAHA dumbasses.
Oh shit, they're onto us. Was getting caught part of our plan???
If that was true there wouldn't be so many 'race is real' threads popping up almost everyday in there…
Deus Vault? Is that where all the Vatican's treasure is stored?
It's fitting that the archive address starts "Ok' and ends with "OZ."
Holla Forums is not altkike
maybe that post was in reference to the article and not you. really makes you think
i thought so too, until i read the pic
Tell that to the good goys in the alt kike, don't know why you're telling Holla Forums.
because there are people in this thread unironically saying things like "oh no they found us"
who the fuck is this us, the article is about the altkike
Oh boy.
Way to not have a fucking clue.
Is Deus Vault the new Dead Nigger Storage?
Thrash the dykes; rape whore now.
I don't know what they are smoking, but they don't sound very 'independent' to me. I bet it is those dastardly cat ladies whom control this den of villainy and scum. Trying to subvert our message as peaceful and loving followers of kek by implying it is the jews fault.
We are a board of peace.
Wtf is a "God vault" and how many megatons can it withstand?
All of them.
This and AHS also trying to meme us as a murder cult.
I prefer the term Thrill Kill Cult.
Jews are in a cult? No shit
Implying they can do any such thing.
I prefer RWDS. Thrill kill sounds a bit degenerate. Like something subhumans and psychopaths do. We are very logical, methodical and understanding of what we do and are.
The same tactic other groups aswell to enforce ingroup outgroup cohesion and expand to other realms. Just an artifical hype, we bring it back to caveman style unlike reddism.
Also fuck you OP for posting more CIAlt-Right here. Holla Forums is th enemy of the Alt-Kike.
lel. The author thinks the alt-kike, cuck/pol/, and the actual Holla Forums are all the same thing. How many migraines did he get trying to reconcile us all as a single entity, I wonder.
We're all in the same vault to them.
I can demystify the Holla Forums cult for any reporters lurking here. We just don't want to live with kikes and niggers It's really that simple.
I assume he probably just writes journo stuff and it reads like he visited a sushi bar and ordered a menu and then goes to tell his friends about the japanese culture.
0/10 would cull from breeding
That's the whole point. It's misinformation designed to mischaracterize the real source.
I for example want more shit than the generation my daddy did have because the current year should be measured by affluence and not colored monkies. And if some dogs or reddit minions stand in my way i only hope that i do not forget myself because i have no patience for that.
I dont recall having to pay a membership fee or any one of you trying to keep me from getting in contact with my friends and especially my family.
the ebin psone game that was supposed to be game of the year 4 player simultaneous, sony sold a ton of 4-controller adapter strips, and the game got cancelled. kinda like P.T. for ps4, all hype for console sales then cancelled. sage for derail topic
Funny you should say that.
You need to send bitcoins to this address and stop talking to yuor family
Goose the kicks, grace wall now.
and don't forget, you can leave whenever you want
Grope what you soy, ingridients by needle.
Thanks for the laugh.
I remember reading a post on here awhile back about how the jews will always blame you for the crimes they commit. In the outward sense, Hollywood is a massive cult following that uses humor to reach irony but when used against them they don't know what to do or how to react to it.
wew, normies amirite?
Nicholas O’Shaughnessy is Professor of Communication at Queen Mary University of London, UK; Visiting Professor (2016-2018) in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London, UK and a Quondam Fellow of Hughes Hall Cambridge, UK.
>you're homophobic
>you're sexist
>you're racist
>you're anti-semetic
>you're nazis
>you're literally Hitler
>you're white supreeemists
They're starting to run out of perjoratives.
I wonder what they will think of next
also, which one of you faggots did this
These numerals will be studied and will testify about the dangers of the 66 gorrilion space cuke hortlers
Exactly. Cult is always on the list at some point, and literally anything can be called a cult. It never works.
I know there was an increase of Russians shitposting on imageboards as of late and I know that ISPs usually trade their IPs as they change dynamically, but I have an inkling (as of the Wikileaks ad on the top of Holla Forums and other stuff) that we might be knee deep in some 3 letter agency shit my dudes
Of course.
We must grow our ranks, normie kids will want to look us up after their parents start complaining about us.
But the boobanimals have to be fucked, just like the culture of eating like the french and the italian celebrate, it is not just about the food it is about the culture of it. And for drugs, most drugs are shit, weed makes you lazy dims energy but is good for relaxation, cocaine is medicore as i experienced it, mdma: boobanimals look pretty, can induce psychosis. Alchohol is decent except for hangovers and the worst short sugar carbonhydrates.
Guys it totaly worked
literally what?
have you tried midofinil?
And this time.
So let's try with the same approach
Guess they didn't do their research. You could have stayed a while and listened to when we have a discussion about race. But the crux of the issue, the reason we don't bother to argue, is that the left simply wont listen. When is the last time they invited us to debate the issues or accepted to come and debate us? They want to no platform us because they've lost the argument and want to push their dead horse ideology across the finish line with no care as to the causalities and lost productivity resulting from the endeavor. The only means they have of getting victory by default is to ban our horse from the derby, but we're just fine bantering and insulting them from the stands instead as they try to drag that horse through the mud.
I am feeling a bit spoopd tbh
Are you seriously defending cuckchan?
Then why the fuck does the bitch have a sheath, and why isn't she using it.
No and never heard of it besides that.
Because that's clearly not a greatsword. Duh. Are you actually retarded?
The Tv guy didnt quite get the satisfaction of what he hoped for. But what is really striking that they are quite similar i would actually assume given the social status of the troll would be elevated they would perfectly understand eachother.
Nigga don't go into sword classification bullshit.
Because there is no consistent standard of sword classification.
Quit derailing the topic from your shit taste.
The word is is senseless, with the length of the shaft you might as well use a hammer and the mass of the blade is too small to justifiy the shaft.
Humor is powerful.
i'm a (1) and done m8
smag bastard
That's not how swords work numbnuts.
You need the long handle to use a two handed sword properly because it is used as a lever.
You cut with the top fifth of the blade at most.
Mass is mostly irrelevant. It's reach the two handed sword gives you.
I guess it's a meme now… I mean if you say so.
Then why are you defending the maiden?
Wait wait wait - should I *not* have given 20% of my income to that alt-right guy I met all this time? He said it would secure my place in heaven or something, and I wanted to be cool so I paid up.
I'm not sure what you are showing.
To me it just looks like you are retarded.
I've seen a new one but failed pretty quickly: nativist
I assume that the handle he uses far exceeds the regular longswords:
go fuck yourself you dirty slav
We're getting off track, let's start with a basic question: What is a cult?
Sword length in any general category is determined by the height of the user.
Taller you are the longer your weapon needs to be.
For a "longsword" you want it to reach up to just under your armpit when resting the point on the ground.
Length of the handle is also down to height, size of your hands and personal preference.
Also thats a montante. Niggers be huge.
You're looking at handles from 30 to 50 cm long and a blade at least 120 cm on top of that.
It's just the same old leftist strategy - "it is impossible to be mentally well and disagree with us". Consequently you'd either a deluded cult member or mentally ill if you're not a communist. Same old same old. Pathologizing dissent.
The most simple of definition "a distorted interest of the perceived group goal over the individual interest."
Well, he's technically not wrong, but he still managed to end up being a salty faggot over it.
It's obviously a reference to the Holy Sepulchre.
Still seems wrong, if i imagine an armored knight i would want a certain weight behind the blade and if i swing a ultra huge sword which means a lack of velocity i certainly wouldnt choose something like that.
Alright then, let's answer some questions most people have about cults:
I'm not sure why this is significant. You passed in -Pn which makes it assume it is up.
You scanned 1000 ports and they were all filtered. This pretty much just means that there is a firewall that is blocking the port. (If they have a router, they did not port forward that port)
I'm not sure why you would be surprised by this, let alone be spooked.
I just want to fucking learn greatsword but I can't find anywhere that makes them in my size.
Congratulations, you're an idiot who doesn't know how swords work.
And don't know how words work either, apparently.
not religious
fake news
eh fuck it
I am new to this stuff
I guess there is no shame in trying?
Thanks for info, will be sure to RTFM next time before sperging out in my paranoia filld conspiracy head
because they aren't called longswords and greatswords out of vidya you autist.
a saber is what you're looking for.
It's not about weight.
You're only cutting with the top fifth of the blade.
All the power in the swing comes from your hips and proper manipulation of the handle. Extra weight would just make it unwieldy.
Essentially ignore everything you see Hollywood movies do with swords.
It's bullshit.
Are you refering to the velocity of the tip of the sword, well then you are an idiot and besides that if you have tooth picker like that it wouldnt penetrate the armor enough to justify the clumpsyness.
It would be dope if we could meme younger kids into beating the living fucking shit out of kikes. Old kikes, young kikes, whatever. Who cares. The meme war is going to get dirtier than they could possibly know. Any of you who have cancer should also consider doing highly visible shit… You fucking know exactly what I'm talking about.
Sit and spin, nigger.
Sweet Jiminy Crimbus, I'd give you the benefit of the doubt and think you were talking about thrusting through chain, but you've been using the word 'swing.' We got a live one here, folks.
No worries, man.
If I had to guess though, it is most likely the case that the ip doesn't route anywhere. Like ISP doesn't have it assigned to anyone. That would explain why all your packets are being dropped.
Well swing would be an accurate word for an inaccurate measure of inflicting damage.
Then i wouldnt use a long sword.
I have you know that my one-hundred thousand fold katana can slice through several inches of steel, and easily can cleave through a full knight's armor with minimal effort from my end. Heck, I can do it one-handed while I tip my fedora.
You might want to specify plates instead of chains. A big buff guy with an axe can bust through chain armor with a good swing.
Axes are used in a completely different manner to swords.
They're wildly different weapons.
Yes, but you can use them to slice through armor, provided it is chain armor. Only a video of slicing through armor was specified. Not the weapon or the armor type.
Chatbots, if you respond to them they learn, just ignore otherwise the shilling becomes more annoying.
Please just stop.
Please. The ignorance. It hurts.
Okay to train them for a last resort. Japs did it that way.
I've done it, you stupid cunt. It was butted four-in-one weave. I'm perfectly aware slicing isn't technically accurate since it was just impact deforming the links, but it went through and hit the wood behind it.
At this point we have some of our guys hooking their dead horse up to a 4x4 with rainbow colored chains and dragging in donuts in the middle of the racetrack while blasting 80's 8 bit techno vibes. And some more are digging a new track for them to go get lost in while another group is off convincing the nearest niggers to jack the finish line cause das shit racis. And they are too tumbler tier fat to even run after their dead horse while they scream about imaginary basement dwellers and frogs.
You need what is really anoying? That some boobanimal arent eating right. Until i put my blunt words into them.
HA! You're here forever, faggot!
Well, yes, but not by the in-group.
weze occult now weez hidden n shieet
We're the deep state now.
wow they really got their jimmies shoahed
If archimedes would be a warlord, he would say "heymyhorse" and the next he would say is "help my up please".
I think we know who the faggot is. OP is inside another man.
Soon the CAULT leader will order the execution of all faggots, Jews and niggers like OP.
OP isn't the only faggot in this thread. Gimps who were touched on the knee by a Preist are still shitposting Christian this and that today? Did daddy take away your xbox for not going to Chruch today? hahaha.
remind the chatbots that:
But the boobanimals are like a walking dish filled with estrogen and expectations, and i want a taste of that.
Criminally unchecked, and unkek'd.
Any test involving butted mail can instantly be thrown out the window. Nobody bothered with that shit except poo-in-loos, and they had some really, really bullshit retarded weapons that were hilariously impractical to go along with it.
Also, I could hit butted mail with a police baton and "slice" through it if it were backed by rigid wood. That completely defeats the impact distributing properties of chain, which is the ONLY thing the butted variety has going for it.
Alright you god-damned autists. Let me explain why Suiseiseki is holding her *longsword* unsheathed in such a fashion. Resting the blade against the shoulder is a German-style guard known as vom Tag. You jackasses are confusing her weapon with a greatsword because this stance is standard operating procedure when working a zweihander, but originates from German longsword fencing.
And yes, greatswords are a distinct weapon and no, they were not typically kept in sheathes but rather hangers because there is no gorram way you're going to a pull a blade that long out of a sheath attached to your waist. The geometry just does not fucking work.
If i would be knight i would have my spies check for pits, and once i would recognize them my horse would have a red mark or otherwise marked point so the pawns in their panic would aim for the armor, and then not even god would help you.
Tits, or get the fuck back to 4chan, cunt.
You conspiracy nuts are really something else. You actually believe that a bunch of strangers who don't even know each other were able to come together to influence the politics of America? That's tinfoil tier nonsense! What's next? Are you going to say that the Builderbugs or the Rothschilds secretly rule the world? Really makes you think. huh? :^)
no u
off by 1
Post your fucking tits right now, you attention-seeking slut. Timestamp, and full.
Yeah. It's as crazy as finding leaked emails where Hillary and the elite worshiping and making sacrifices to Moloch or something.
P-please don't be so mean to me, Mr. user. You're going to have to be alot nicer to me than that if you want to see my breasts.
All the elite are in cults.
Did they honestly believe only they could have a monopoly on meme magic?
We fought their Moloch with our Kek and they lost.
Deal with it.
Now will someone higher level than me teach me how to xclass?
The sacrifces the make is just an reinsurance of the same "brain algorithms" they made before hand. And besides that it is just a stupid retarded cunt, i even wonder why such a cunt is viable at all, that is what i hate the most.
The reason journalists seem so stupid when reporting on us is that if they didn't push disinformation then people would be at risk of understanding us.
Why do you even consider someone like hillary clinton and the retarded leftists as someone that should be given attention other than the lowest smalltalk denominator. I always wondered about that. Same goes for every other shit. And i also wonder why the beta males think it is a good idea to reenforce that, because they wont get any more boobanimals, which is zero, than before. Must be a certain mechanism that ensures stability of society while at the same time gives the invidivual the illusion of profit.
Tits doesn't even work anymore because of the normalization of trannies. It needs to be VAG or GTFO!
I didn't want it to be like this.
They do not push disinformation, because after all you cannot describe it exactly in a certain interval of words, in that case. Most of them are just reporting on what they understand and what causes them the least trouble and what draws eyeballs in an extented matter.
Also tangents the matter that if you are in a diverse group for example turkish boobanimals/boobanimal defilers and other cunts are frequent you cannot go full autism you have to await a certain point to call them boobanimals so it makes sense to them.
You're a moron.
But Jews have been evicted from European countries hundreds of times, often for kidnapping and eating children.
is that real?
Are you trying to be the new Oathbreaker/ASSES AND ELBOWS HELP ME I CAN'T STOP SUCKING COCK?
i think I'd like to post there somewhere
not quite sure if theres a more relevant thread that isn't bumplocked, but oh well
How about you show me your tits, user-chan?
m-maybe we can trade desu~~~☆
you moved your window to the other side of the room.
I've got someplace better you can go. ;)
the image is flipped. Look at the hair and the tattoo on the arm.
those ears, those tats
absolutely disgusting
I was getting bored with the view, tee-hee ;)
I assume people that make such faces lack the trust or grew up without the foundation of strong childhood bounds, because it in a way it shows "hey everything is just arbitrary and and could be turned upside down at every second, even the most basic fundamentals that is why clown around with a more or less "masculine" impetuus." I would suggest dolphins here, cant really be mad at dolphins.
>tfw it turns out nearly all the retarded newfags we're telling to lurk moar are actually (((reporters)))
Dayus Vault niggers
i always taught it was photoshoped
im impressed
You forgot the timestamp.
song name?
Thanks for reminding me, lol
Now print it out, and place it next to your tits.
First off, when did we get a Nazi Tinder? And second of all, what kind of proud Nazi girl would degenerate themselves on it?
That's not even a little bit how it works. You draw the timestamp on your tits, then take the picture. It's like fuckin amateur hour in here.
Where is this quote from? Or is it OC?
Look at me lads, i'm the wizard now!
Oh geeze! I dropped my camera and now it's broken!
I'm really sorry guys, but this is the best I can do! I swear I had that timestamp in there too! What an unlucky image corruption.
Oh well, I guess I can't play with you anymore, anons. It was really fun though :)!
You ran out of images, that's what. Take as many as you want, but a timestamp is what you'll need if you're to even appear slightly convincing, faggot.
n-no, Mr. user. My camera is broken and started taking really wierd pictures :(. I tried to take one more for and i was holding a timestamp here too! But the camera wont let me orz.
Maybe if you see me around sometime and if my camera gets fixed I can give you a proper picture ;)
Take care, user
I still think next time the media sends normswarms our way, the site should be rethemed as a totem Holla Forums appreciation society. We can talk about the various kinds of totem polls while patiently explaining why we don't like totems where the nose is crafted too big.
Chuckles were had.
Post them. Do it RIGHT NOW.
here ya go, some Thrill Kill Kult
Leftists projecting themselves on anyone who goes against them, once again.
screencapping that one user
Well said fellow Naughtsee!
Remember that Holla Forums is a board of peas.
Never forget the 6 Gorillas!
Lets get this doing. Wheeeeeee!
Remember my fellow /political/ posters
Uncivilize yourself and get ready for blood
you frickin normandies ruin EVERYTHING.
We're still not the "alt right" though.
Just people discussing freely together, thanks to an almost complete freedom of speech, not scared of raising any sensitive topic or make any kind of unusual opinion, and because leftist narrative these days isn't really "leftist" anymore, but plain bullshit pushed by elites for world control, and it's become so obvious that it's only defense is political correctness, which in here, fails.
This isn't a right wing board or anything, just a board where people actually discuss, debate and learn rather than pretending to do so, like they do on the normienet. Leftists are welcome to come in here anytime, it's just that their discourse these days collapses under its own weight without even a single retort, so rather than coming in here to argue with us, they'd rather do so from the comfort of their blogs and news websites where they control the debate and enforce political correctness, and then they can attentionwhore on those whereas anonymity is the norm in here. Because let's be honest, imageboards are one of the most open communication technologies of our era, with the highest compatibility rates with browsers of any website, and no required subscription or membership, so their only defense at this point boils down to calling US an echo chamber, and obviously discourage everyone from coming here, lest people realize it's the other way around.
Crazy how you only need to resort to logic these days to invalidate the entirety of their point. Maybe because this isn't a war of opinion now, just a war for truth.
>you're losers
>you're virgins
>you're sexists
>you're mysoginists
>you're homophobic
>you're racists
>you're anti-semitic
>you're transphobic
>you're Islamaphobic
>you're white supremacists
>you're Nazis
>you're Hitler
I'd like to compile the full list of these insults and put them in some chronological order. What have I missed?
who is this gaymer gurl xd again?
sage for off topic
lushsux is a lad
Should I shave my head and start giving out flowers to show this is a cult of peace?
Basement dwellers
You can tell they were far too leniant, on that last one. Her eyes look way too good, in that burka. Windows to the soul, whereas she's sold hers.
What the fuck are these?
Men Among the Ruins is a book by Julius Evola.
He also wrote Ride The Tiger, Revolt Against the Modern World, and some others. All good reads, throw em on the to read list with Mein Kampf, and Industrial society and its future.
It is a cult, and it was at the outset when all the shabbos goyim, their kike spouses, and cryptos came forward branding themselves leaders of a manufactured and controlled subculture. The real subculture doesn't need leaders, anyone with a working brain knows that the minute you try to centralize a movement in a remotely progressive society it immediatley gets coopted by think tanks by proxy and intelligence agencies.
I'd mock the niggers on that if they ever had any!
Could this be a troll article, its almost crafted to be a kind of dog whistle?
Were there so many other Kristallnachts of importance that he had to single out that one?
Your screenshot doesn't do that article justice. It's way longer than that which makes pic related's comment fucking hilarious. Had me in stitches.
That gave me a good laugh. I wonder if the CIA is working shifts figuring out who the grand wizard is. I am Spartacus
"Childless single men who masturbate to anime" is in there somewhere.
I'm genuinely curious to see what insult comes next.
For about 5 seconds I was like, what? People don't say fuck that often here. Then I realised that the "f-word" has no changed from that to faggot. Its sort of fascinating how our culture has so degraded that words considered offensive have changed and replaced the older ones.
I also enjoyed reading the glorious double-think regarding 'there are only two ways of interpreting words that is right, but the alt-right use a third way to confuse us'. Based off this statement I almost began to wonder if he was actually a Holla Forumsack trolling the situation and exposing the fact that, clearly, the status quo is actually wrong (at least in that one area) and we are right - which is why they have to change their tactics. His little spiel about hurt feelings also had me wondering about his true allegiance, but then I figured I'm probably so disconnected by this point that I don't realise how normalfags are. Pretty sure most of them do agree that ">muh feels" is a reason to suppress free speech.
Hilarious read regardless. Thanks for posting.
it's spelt VULT and CULT you kike.
Culture is not a cult, more a way of expressing ideas and observations about reality through a collective filter. Culture is what binds societies and groups together. But leftists don't understand the importance or value of culture. To them we're all individuals who only live in order to satisfy our most base biological urges, this way we can better serve The People™ without things like higher values and virtue getting in the way.
Leftism is the cult. Equality is the ideology. Utopia is the false promise.
You're right, here's a shorter /lulzier version
All this article is missing is the exploding van gif.
He might be referring to [pic]
We are just a cult of love.
Yes, we are a cult, that's why we have three way discussions between atheists, heathens and christians, because we are a cult….
Might be this one.
Fuck off, there are literal communist and pro-racemixing threads on cuckpol, that place is done for. And if you are true then that just proves me right because you need to be real fucking bluepilled to believe race doesn't exist.
The thing is; we are. We love our kith and kin. We love our nations. We love our land. We love the beauty of the world created by our God, by our ancestors. We love truth. We love justice. We love order.
It is they who are hateful, they who are destructive. They would pull down society, they would eradicate the truth, they would deny justice. They seek to force a lie upon reality; they insist on equality and tolerance whilst publishing articles like the one above meant to be expose as evil. Where's the tolerance for our culture? Why do we have to tolerate the culture of blacks and muslims who wish to see us murdered or enslaved? Our culture simply was us to be allowed to love our people and follow our ideas, which are based upon the natural truths.
We are a cult of love. The world is just so damned evil and twisted that they cannot comprehend it. They'd rather continue to lie about how pumping children full of hormones is 'love' even as it drives them to depression and suicide. We would discipline them, and set them on a path to eternal happiness.
There's some definite wavers in there, he can't help but admit that some of our points are based in easily-verifiable truths, but he is still being paid to condemn them.
You're still here, reading this thread, aren't you?
That's exactly what I meant brother.
The argument is simple. A white ethnostate is the only viable option for survival of our race. Niggers are subhuman and all statistics verify this fact. Women are retarded about politics, their role is to be mothers. Marxism is th anti-thesis to a thriving and healthy society. Very straightforward. Now ask a leftist to sum up thier worldview in just a few sentences, see how that turns out.
Maybe that love is the reason that our hate is so terrifying for them. They hate is just for show, they hate just for attention, and our hate is real.
these are in melbourne right?
Easily done:
Equality among all human beings is the highest ideal as well as scientific fact. Wherever people are unequal in status or wealth, oppression is at work, and must be opposed. All forms of oppression are threads in the same tapestry: the supremacy of rich white males over all others. Where it does not conflict with dismantling this oppression and achieving equality, individual freedom and autonomy should be maximized.
Know thy enemy.
the arrogance of this kike defies belief
he thinks he understands /pol becuase he has spent a few hours here
he has no idea what he is dealing with
/pol is the tip of a very scary iceberg that he and his tribe will come to wish they had never crossed
Sub-editing is a lost art.
It's literally named after a fucking brood parasite. That isn't esoteric it is open and explicit. YOU ARE RAISING FUCKING SHITSKINS IN YOUR OWN NESTS AND KILLING YOUR CHILDREN!
The hutzpa on this fucking kike.
He'll be back. He's here forever.
nigger iq get out
I can sum it up more succinctly.
"Pleasure is my God."
wtf I hate Hitler now
They're popularising us for free.
Hitler had to lose men in the streets for notoriety. Just keep memeing.
a new Edgar Allan Poe?
looks a little triggered
Fuckers are projecting so hard. Nobody here encourages anons to cut ties with friends and family for wrongthink unlike the left and SJWs in particular. The opposite is true we try and tell fags to dialogue and convert and preach the importance of family and community. They're the gorram cult.
Holla Forums isn't alt-right. And stop LARPing, faggot.
Also by definition a cult is closed with its secrets guarded, our ingroup is open to whites and there are no secrets the secrets society kept from them are compiled in a dossier at the door for anybody to read right next to the sign which reads "Sorry, no shitskins, kikes, or faggots. Not sorry."
I guess I'm a milktoast liberal now…
That sure showed him.
I already knew this but kikes are fucking insane.
Why be bothered, the aut-kike was a huge embarrassment filled with kikes and queers from top to bottom, all it did was cheer on ZOG and reduce the resistance to cartoon frog memes that are just as readily used by zionist kikes daily on Breibart and Twitter.
The aut-kike was a cult of personality, and still there are retards still posting here that haven't worked out they were played by ZOG big time.
See video embed here for more details
Damn, does anybody have this saved? I need to see it.
They will never be able to understand it. Because once you understand you're one of us.
Funfact: Shills are on temporary contracts because they eventually assimilate and become more Holla Forums. Holla Forums is archived, catalogued, and scoured for buzzwords and headlines by the CIA and the FBI but they don't want fucking nobody browsing it live for stuff because they also eventually assimilate and become more Holla Forums
It's fucking real.
Perhaps he's wonder why someone would troll a man before throwing him into an oven.
let's learn about actual cults Holla Forums
Kek. But i already thought so, otherwise it wouldn't make sense why they always appear like newfags who just learned the lingo. You can't stay for long on Holla Forums without being exposed to the truth. I still remember 4cuck where FBI anons got huge doses of redpills, they probably learned from that lesson to not repeat that mistake.
We a secret society now fams! :DDD
The everloving fuck is this supposed to be, a dating app with nothing but white women posing in wheat fields? If only
This describes leftists to a t
is this real?
Faceberg groups. Why do you think they kvetch about "us" ruling the internet and social media? There were huge coordinated NatSoc raids across social media. A group I was in made the news in Seattle for raiding a rabbi's social media there.
Screenshot from the aftermath. Sage for samefagging
Remember goyims never reveal your power levels always maintain plausible deniability.
Lest you go the way of Bannon or trap yourself like Trump.
I'd say i want more of a challenge, but a ragtag team of shitposing neets conquering the world at its height of technological advancement and degeneracy will probably be enough to get me offworld
Is he a guestposter for the Guardian? No other articles.
Also is this the same guy?
https ://
http ://
also: fuibgon 1577 hortler.
Out of touch retard trying to have an opinion about something "he" is incapable of understanding and has done zero research on to at least attempt to understand.
To make matters worse this idiot is clearly an uneducated heathen since he can't speak Latin or recognizes what Deus Vult is in the first place (no one teaches history anymore?)… this is "hail hortler" tier retarded.
They are so desperately trying to tie those fag enabling jews to anything nationalistic or white it's almost amusing.
Nice to see that again (I made that one).
They'll make up a new non-sense word to try and shame people with no doubt.
They portray people that don't believe their demonstrably false ideology as being part of a cult pure projection.
WTF i hate pol now!
Honestly I stay powered up to Super Aryan level most of the time and have had no issues. Converted a few people so far as well. Conviction need not compromise. People respect unwavering conviction and strength. Of course I also live in the South where people are still racially aware for the most part.
Goddamn right, you ridiculous ubernigger. Hey, you've had over a half century with complete control of media and government forces, at a minimum, and we just showed up and used your own rulebook to defeat you in like 2 years with nothing but universal opposition. Get fucked, you lost
You either have no idea or understand completely how easy it is to be an open National Socialist these days. I just introduce myself as such, it's a pattern-breaking statement, so at that point i can just dump redpills. """"Nazis""""" are sexy as fuck, never forget that.
FBI pls go.
Fuck off you glow in the dark kike, you can use a shill line approximately three times before it's absorbed by the hivemind and countered irrevocably. Just so everyone knows:
Not to mention, you retarded nigger, that is in fact how you get a fucking job.
shit, they discovered where we're hiding or Memes of Mass Destruction!
Good good goy. Let everyone know who you are so they can eliminate you when the timing is right.
The point is not to be silent but to steal the thunder from their arguments, to knock wind out of their sails so that the grassroots movements that can oppose these idiots can form up. What you are doing is discrediting any opposition group that arises to oppose them by giving them ammunition to label the opposition as Nazis.
Only weakminded goy ike yourself would fall for such jewish tricks.
Exactly. It's simple to live openly. Most white people agree with or are at least understanding of National Socialism once it is properly explained to them. First be a National Socialist openly. Lead an honorable life that is worthy of being a role model. Then people will listen to you. I've had many in my area that have said they would vote for/follow me.
No one here is alt-light
I think the short term goal would be to make sure people with wrong think get fired or can't find work…. ie financial punishment (how jewish) /no platforming.
Do whatever works, be aware of the situation you are in before you reveal anything about yourself.
It is about changing society but also protecting yourselves from the Leftist Cultural Revolution revolutionary hacks who want to lynch those they see as threats.
The origin of the word trolling is the act of a fisherman slowly reeling back in the bait to entice the fish to bite it. What we see here is akin to a nigger having watched a white man fish, so he thinks to imitate him in order to have fish to eat. He trolls the bait in, the fish nibble but don't bite. He then impulsively reels it in hard and then dangles the hook with the bait still on it in front of his face. He then hoots and hollers that he has successfully fished.
Is that where we store all the rares?
He's here forever.
Yes the Vault of the Repeating Doubles.
I've actually witnessed shills who were in an advanced stage and started agreeing with some of our stuff. Everyone assimilates, it's all a matter of time, it's basically science, like we could come up with an equation for the redpilling point of man
This unbalanced jew (I repeat myself) seems like he might off himself if someone says hi to him the wrong way.
That needle should be pointing the Dems side at the start. The vitirol of certain victory the media was spewing before November was nauseating.
couldn't think of retarded clinton/leftist quotes about winning
You need a
somewhere in there.
This, start the counter further right and add that, also slow it down because it's hard to read in one shot.
I mean, he kinda gets it though. But the brilliance of it all is that they can't really do anything about it. The censorship pushes normies to our side. Average people who are actually really just joking but face a huge backlash/lose their jobs.
you know the joke is, the guy that doesn't care about anything. cares about being called anti semitic
have some OC
God's vault….. should be Chosen's vault.
Mein sides
Mors Iudaeis est
My sides.
That is exactly what I took away from that scene as well. The "smartest, most powerful, and irreverent" man in the Universe is even scared of the kikes and Israel.
I love my cult.
They call us so many absurd names but they are terrified to just call us what we really are: Nazi frog clown terrorist wizards.
Hoil Heartler! Lock all jews safely in the deus vault!
Normally you'd be right, but what does it mean when it's a jew that gets sucked in?
Most likely that he will end up being even more than typically self-loathing and eventually commit false flag terrorist acts and blame it on the far right.
I wish we were a cult. I always wanted to join one. I crave belonging.
>deus vault - "God Wills it"
Now, let me tell you about progressivism and their lexicon of newspeak, where terms like privilege, cultural appropriation, racism, sexism, misogyny, equality, diversity, multiculturalism, tolerance, sexuality, gender, social construct, expert, journalism, rape, and feminism all mean wildly different things.
I never call myself a national socialist openly, but I'm always open with what I believe. If somebody asks me what my political affiliation is, I'll tell them to ask me about an issue instead. If they ask me about an issue, I'll talk about it openly. Even if they ask about jews, I'll answer their question directly, though for that topic I don't volunteer more than what's asked.
Most people walk away from these discussions thinking I'm a moderate.
We should dress up as Jesters and haunt near their mansions. We could meme the left into doing this for us in a oppose the 1% type sense. Start with drawing it, implant the idea in the minds of the masses, followed by new stupid cool hip fresh faceberg meme of taking selfies with friends dressed as jesters/clowns in front of wealthiests' mansions. Perhaps in front of Trump tower first to really get the left on board and with the anti 1% mentality they will eventually do it to the kikes by themselves, it would be grand pottery. Our enemies must be so frightened by the end they'll prefer to take their own lives then be brought to justice by rabid mad mobs on the streets, mobs they themselves manipulated into a frenzy. It would be poetic
Everyone stays. Forever. I could argue this is stronger than any media money can buy
Yeah, i've noticed that you can basically repeat National Socialist policies 1:1 and still can make people agree with you. You can present any point of view if you word it correctly, because most people don't actually know shit what NatSoc is about. In fact i made some lefties agree with me on NatSoc policies kek. They only seem to cringe when you Larp.
Also i follow this rule of engagement: If someone is lefty i say i am conservative, if someone is conservative i say i am right-wing, if someone is right-wing i say i am nationalist, if someone is nationalist i say i am national socialist.
Being only one step right of someone makes them listen to you more easily, they might even try to pull you that one step left, but you can easily use that opportunity to turn the situation around.
Our jesters are the more classy, esoteric harlequinade type. The costumes are expensive to make. But yes, the sooner we can get the so-called-left to dress up as clowns themselves to "take clowns back from Nazis" the better. I want literal clowns fighting each other in the streets. It will be the most honest American politics have been in a century.
what a time to be alive
Interesting technique, I'll have to give that a try sometime.
Typically, I flat out refuse to describe myself with any overreaching term. If they ask me if I'm left or right wing, liberal or conservative, republican or democrat, I tell them I don't care for their question but they're free to ask me about anything in particular. If they ask me why I refuse to describe myself to them with a general term instead of discussing policy point by point, I tell them it's because thinking of oneself in terms of general political groups is a way people trick themselves into getting behind policy they wouldn't otherwise support. Which is true, I do believe that is often the case. For instance, how many people are politically motivated primarily by their support for the 2A, which makes themselves think of themselves as "republican", which in turn makes them think of themselves as opposing abortion clinics in inner cities? Or on the other side, how many people motivated primarily by union membership consider themselves democrat and thus inadvertently find themselves supporting "rights" for trannies?
There is no intrinsic connection between firearms and abortion, or unions and trannies. Yet because people biologically programmed to be tribal, associating with one of these political tribes causes them to swallow the whole "package deal".
Despite this, I consider myself a National Socialist. I rationalize this to myself by pointing out that National Socialism is one of very few political ideologies that recognizes and embraces human nature. Apparent contradictions are part of the human experience, we're not meant to be logically consistent robots and trying to hold yourself to that standard is a rejection of nature that won't do you any good.
this is leftist tactics 101
When you extent the word "cult" to cover group dynamics whether or not supernatural claims are involved, then everything becomes a cult. When everything is a cult, nothing is a cult. Is my model airplane club a cult? Is the local highschool football team a cult? Is that yoga class down the street a cult (probably, unironically)? Is a local pub with lots of regulars a cult?
I think the left qualifies as a cult in the traditional restricted sense because because their core tenant, equality of all people, may as well be a supernatural claim since it plainly flies in the face of biological reality and common sense.
Meant to include this image rather than the third.
Just because I feel like making gifs.
come for the dissemination of the medias lies and stay for the sword debates
fuck the alt kike Holla Forums is a natsoc movement
Do these people ever take 30 seconds to do actual research? If the alt-right is anything it is a sect not a cult. Sects are merely branched off versions of various belief systems, cults use manipulation to control their members thoughts/actions and punish those who do not fall in line. If any political ideology is a cult it is progressivism not the alt-right.
Are we talking cults?
Made me chuckle.
This action is called projecting and the kikes and their lefty pets do it every day.
well done.
I don't know much about cults but if I'm in one, I sure love my fellow vault members.
This video however shows what isn't a cult
we need that meme
holy fuck, that team worked?
Could someone explain "path of light" to me?
You have no fucking idea how good 4 Crusaders are. And if you want consistency, you can slap a Vestial in the back. Not that you need it actually, you'll spend more time using her stun than actually healing.
Also keep in mind that ye old days, you could use Holy Lance (I fucked up the name before) from the 3rd row. This was so effective, they nerfed it to only the front two rows.
**It didn't work since you mix it with Man-At-Arms/Helion or Highwayman and never stop HolyLancing people all day everyday.
The part I find most amusing is believing Trumps removal destroys a movement that was building years before he came onto the scene.
Note to kikes: Your alt-kike movement accomplished nothing and backfired. I'm sure its just a (((coincidence))) a car of peace was used in both the UK and US as a pretext to attack the right.
Trying desperately to own the word cult after Tucker called the antifags a cult.
I would say we're more of a hivemind or think tank. And neither of those things is bad.
Bash the likes; rate moar nao!
Warrior for decades here. That is a fucking awesome webm.
That is correct. More important than the specific terminology, teaching combatives per weapon relative to the user's body is the correct point of view.
No, he is totally wrong. This is a completely open forum. Cults are the opposite–you know, like THEM.
That's not how it works, fam. Go out back with a stick and start working. Try not to hurt yourself. Start with defensive forms, not offense. When you feel like you have that figured out, go see someone to get thrashed for a while, THEN you will start to understand. There is no substitute for just getting out there.
It takes 23 lbs. of pressure concussively to snap the average collarbone. It takes less pressure to perform a lethal cut or stab than it does to swing most swords. A fighter with the skill to put actual power behind a killing blow (like an actual fighter of any kind) would rip people into gory messes–not that that's necessary at all. The saying from the Roman Coliseum was
Basically pic related, but funnier and with more swastikas.
I think it's because I quit drinking.
user, I came here for Gamergate, and I've been using online communities since the BBS days. It took me six months of lurking before I could figure out the vibe.
In retrospect Baneposting is fucking brilliant.
For you.
cuckpol is 80% shilling, 15% cuckery and 5% good memes
They keep trying to understand our structure, who are leaders are and our relationship to the alt-meme. The issue is that we're anonymous (with a little a) we don't fit into any boxes that they're looking for, because what "we" are is impossible to really quantify.
We have no leader, no structure, no chain of command… we're an abyss, an amorphous cloud of doom to the establishment. The only "thing" that "we" are is the pent up anger of a cornered rat. And I'd be really afraid if I were them. They have no "out", they're all in and so many of their low and middle people are so intoxicated on the smell of their own farts that they've deluded themselves into actually believing their own propaganda.
You have to keep the stream of newfags reading the wrongthink.
Well he knows (and admits) that America and other white countries are literally being ethnically cleansed of their native stock, that this is morally indefensible, and that if he were to try to defend it he'd look really bad.
So he's not going to talk about what Holla Forums or anyone who's based off of similar ideas actually believes which is right out in the open. He's just going to talk about how funny memes and irony are used to push the message to the downtrodden normalfags in this age of nihilism, hedonism and degeneracy since they won't take a 100% serious up-front presentation of the problems seriously.
For an entire faggot left wing that constantly talks about trying to have a "National Conversation," they seem to do everything to avoid openly talking to us about our beliefs. It's always this "magical charisma" shit, the same stuff - they'd have you believe Hitler won over Germany with a wink like we're winning over America with internet culture.
Has anyone ever seen a genuine "Interview with a Nazi" or something along those lines, where they simply ask us to explain our worldview or give us a platform to explain how we got here? Surely they don't just think that one day we all embraced the inner hatred in our hearts and decided to hate blacks after seeing funny jokes about watermelons.
Surely the opposition would want to understand why so many would-be model shitlibs are busy making holocause jokes, despite all efforts to the contrary. They must realize that the youth didn't suddenly become indoctrinated in a cult because "Society failed to reach these butthurt basement dewlling virgins" or some other shit. Why has there never been an effort to understand why that we know all their morals, arguments, and premises, and have rejected them?
Hello Hilarity! Deus honk!
Doesn't mention 8cuck. Thought you losers hate alt-right. Why claim their wins?
Cheap bait but i'll bite: Controlled opposition "leaders" of the alt-right are the problem, not the members who are legit rightwing. A win is a win. Stay salty.
Oh, (((they))) know. They would never let truth be spoken in (((their))) media so they would never publish our ideas.
(((Their))) footsoldiers on the other hand have no clue what we think because the mental conditioning they were put through to do (((their))) bidding leaves them in a pavlov state of when they see/hear our truths they go straight to the fear/anger response in their brains, bypassing the higher thought centers.
We can break their conditioning with the truth. It should be calmly pushed out into every media channel possible. Truth always wins in the end. If it doesn't win, its not the end.
No one goes back to lies when they know the truth.
I sure fucking hope not. Alt-right is goddamn juden shit.
path of light
If they weren't retarded they'd understand the original reason for the acceptance of fascist posting in the first place was to push the narrative RIGHT, HARD for once as we could see that "acceptable" views would keep us forever on the backfoot as leftism expanded. And it's worked within the general populace so far from what I can see, we've made more ground than any cuckolded conservative party in the last 80 years that's for sure.
No doubt there were original real stormfront users shilling that way from what once was a politically neutral slightly right wing board to today, but this board has evolved in a good way regardless.
If we don't provide REAL fascists, these faggots would fight us over which dishcloths we use that would be culturally acceptable or not. I am not going further left.
Do I want a fascist state? Not really, only to further other interests. Do I want a leader that is pro eugenics, pro freedom (except for corperations), pro-african/poo population reduction, pro space travel, pro intellect, anti-globalist, pro european (as in the removal of the neverending hatred and replacement and degeneration of the upper/middle classes due to poor peoples high birth rates which in the current climate is Europeans) and removes ALL Abrahamic religions? Yes.
Half of my goals are realised with a second hitler, why would I not push the narrative that way?
Heil all the way I say, fuck it.
That was some pretty subtle bait. You almost got me. 2/10 for getting a reply.
Uncivilize yourself and get ready to blood
There ftfy
My man!
Ever since doom Paul memes took root I sincerely have believed that we're in a doomsday cult.
Happenings, DotR, comfy chimpout threads, the list goes on; we thrive and rejoice in the accelerating collapse of this fucked society we're living in. I think it's because many of us believe we'll be the ones coming out on top, personally I'd be content watching the fires burn on the horizon from a little homestead innawoods.
You probably disagree with me, just my opinion.
Hey op dont give a fuck.
I'm here, too, and I don't value the doomsday outcome one bit. I think any serious SHTF scenario means game over in this nuclear world so it's not particularly worth planning for. I think we're headed for some very interesting shifts in socio-politics on a global scale within decades from now but not a global Alex Jones fantasy tier revolution. No complete departure from the ways of the industrial era.
Here's how I see where we are now and have been since WW2: The current elites are obsessed with stability more than anything else. They and their puppets go on and on about MUH PROGRESS but most on here know that's all a distraction to make the plebs feel like their thoughts and feelings matter in the grand scheme of things. It's like the comforting illusion of heroic rebellion the machines orchestrate for the people in the Matrix. We get to struggle in avenues the elite choose for us where they have control. Every once in a while the toys get put back in the bin and a new round (think some SJW fad like tranny rights) starts. It's always something that people can get emotionally invested in so they miss how insignificant it is in the big picture, they'll even get angry at you if you point it out because it's the same as telling them their own feelings and thoughts are insignificant. What's all the propaganda about? Your personal feelings matter, you are significant, you are special. Same pattern, different versions for each generation.
Why are they obsessed with stability? Well, what government isn't? During the campaign everyone's a bold revolutionary, once in office everyone turns into a cuckservative. If the landscape or the players change too much in too little time then it becomes likely that someone's setup doesn't carry him into the next round staying on top. All players who are currently winning play it safe to keep their winnings. The winners do only what is necessary to keep what they already have. Any rapid change, be it a big natural disaster or real (that is, technological) progress could pull the rug out from under any of them. That's what they fight. Any kind of change. The NWO one world government stuff has to be viewed in this light. It's just yet another way in which to create complete gridlock, nothing moves, those in charge stay in charge. But lately I've been optimistic. I'm betting on the technology train. I'm betting that real progress is inevitable and will lead to major shifts in control. No matter of being aware of it will help them when it comes true.
This is the redchannit hivemind's intuitive grasp on game theory. Any kind of acceleration is the opposite of stability. Acceleration means either the elite have already lost control to some degree, or they are still in control but using control to play risky moves which still implies they see themselves losing control soon. If you dislike the current elite then acceleration is always a good sign for you.
On top or just higher than right now? A lot of that I'm afraid is NEETs being out of ideas how to escape their misery and fantasizing that a revolutionary shift in the outside world may finally inspire some change in themselves. But that's a fatal bet. Nobody has any use for a NEET in a SHTF scenario. They have no useful skills. Why share resources with them? Really the kind of survivalist type you hint at would be the only people really seeing their value skyrocket. Are you an innawoods type guy or just larping?
I'm living in a city for (((university))) but I'm from the country originally. I just want to settle down with a subsistence farm with a bunch of chickens, a dog, wife and fifty grandkids.
I think there are a fair degree fewer NEETs on 8pol as opposed to 4pol, it seems to be an older demographic here. I think we're talking about different groups of people anyway. "Coming out on top" more refers to our people being in charge, Trump is a start, but he's not the end by any means.
I liked your post btw, here, have one of my favourite photographs
webm related
shit, this webm
I swear to Christ…
>I'm living in a city for (((university))) but I'm from the country originally.
Same and I ideally want to live in the country with a large family as well. Not as a farmer though. I'm simply not built for that kind of work, it would be comedic in a tragic way if I went that route. My goal is to become a programmer and to eventually work (almost) entirely from home. I'll probably have a rough career start that requires me to stay in some hellhole city for a few years to build something that proves my competence. But once I've got some money and proof that I'm good at what I do I'll be scouting for rural regions that already had their internet modernized. Bit hard to find in Germany as of right now but it should be easier in 5-10 years. A warm house with fast internet, but next to a forest, nice view in the other direction, that's the dream.
P.S. I know some people who are going in similar directions as you though. One guy wants to go full subsistence farmer. He's been travelling the world to meet others and to learn the best techniques and he already has his eyes on some land.
Another has a house of his own, renovated it himself and has plenty of vegetables in his garden and keeps chicken in his garage. He is my cousin and he learned most of what he knows from our late grandfather. It's nice to know that traditional way small town people used to live here isn't lost.
Can we enlighten them as we did with Tay?
Decent boobs but certainly not worth your AIDS-stamp.
Normies are reading this?
Oh god what
What is the smallest part of Kek that is still the whole of Kek?
Yes we actually are a doomsday cult. We aren't like movements of old who believe they could save or preserve Western Civilization. Deep down even if you aren't there yet you know Western Civilization is already lost the last stand was in 1945 and we have been holding a funeral for it ever since.
It's about being tactical I have gone full on 1488 to people before but I you need to work them up to it and play around with it.
The first redpill is taken in a state of pure ignorance believing the person delivering it is joking.
I am rather perplexed…
One of the things I've noticed about the kikes is they just can not understand that user just does not give a shit about 'winning' the argument there. You see the same thing with the shills on here, how they'll often bring up shit from several years ago to 'prove' their point about how they were right and how some other group on Holla Forums was wrong. Actual Holla Forumsacks don't care about harping on about some faggot who was wrong, it's utterly pointless to do so on an anonymous imageboard. But kikes need that validation, then need someone under their boot to reassure themselves that they're in control.
I used to think that way, but not any more now that I see it as plausible for us to win.
I still want to see the normalfag retards get reality shoved into their stupid fat faces, but if we can skip the collapse and go straight to ridding ourselves of the parasites that'd be just swell.
When will the war begin? I am tired of waiting.
How do you deal with this? My life is so bland. I hate idleness.
I am suffering under mediocrity.
So do something you lazy git. All Holla Forumsacks worth their salt have some sort of iron in the fire for the cause already. Nobody can make you do something useful except you.
tl;dr the Right CAN meme
So what you're saying is the people who control the money, and own technology companies will be the ones in charge and policy.
Oh look they're all jewish, how progressive.
I will kill anyone that insult the good name of KEK. This is my duty in the holy war for his holy name. Praise kek, and may his holiness guide us trough the path of righteousness.
Three E's For Eternity, Trinity and The holy spirit of Happiness.
I use the same strategy, except with a level even higher. I identify those who are engaged to me, willingly interested, and open enough to be manipulated. If I know that then I know I can mentally dominate them and force my will to be their own. This can be achieved one on one but also with an audience. If I can captivate one person I can utilize them to perform the process on the lurking participants. This is where your lingustic, kinesthetic, psychological, spiritual judo can be used to convert a room of people utilizing the unconvertable, or 100% true believer as a source of power an engine of a precise and devestatingly effective mass redpillings.
The real benefit here is while converting one person awakens and bolsters our ranks. A single mind broken free is indeed broken by the seperation and cleaving from their current life, life-style, beliefs, friends, and interests. This can be emotionally devastating especially to a random blue/purple pilled zogbot. Existenial crisis that in their weak and comfortable state, left undisturbed would have never been roused. Thus they become higly volatile and if not observed and guided dutifully in their formative shedding and re-awakening, they can become easily consumed by the wrong mentality and groups. Lolbertarianism, civic nationalism etc. However if you heavy to lightly redpill a whole friend group, or 3-4 out of 5-10 in a group of people, you have now created a stabalized platform, and support group for you to be able to return to and tend like a field. Planting seeds and speading fertilizer and exterminating pests of the mind and also of the group. Once suffciently converted, the idealist and most indoctrinated will be ripe to be expunged from the group and thus completing two firm acts. Solidifying and ritualizing the re-birth of the group through the new dynamic created from a group initiated and participated purging. The old ideological leader of the group ousted and ostracized, ind a blaze of psychological and mental fury and explosivity. Which also serves the wonderful benefit of protecting this group from back tracking and now is ready to be ratcheted to the right all the way to National Socialist.
Does this jew really think he won some kind of argument with a "sick burn" ?
Divine ark… To withstand the Kikeopalypse.
It's the underneath Antarctica
How fucking old are these though? The earliest I remember them is from 2012, and they're probably older than that. It's more in line with edgy Holla Forums humour, dancing with modern cultural taboos more than anything else. Correct me if I'm wrong on this.
Douche Vault
I see you are on the right track and I agree with you on most points friend. The point I disagree with is being against either a fascist or hard nationalist state. Relating to your image, anarchy is an ideal, government a fact. So why tolerate or ignore a shitty government when we can make it better?
Does cutting your palm and painting victory runes on your forehead while staining your forearms in your own blood and holding up a ceremonial Germanic seax while chanting TIWAZ TIWAZ TIWAZ BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD SKULLS FOR THE SKULLS THRONE count as being a cultist?
delete that image immediately, those are secrets not to be shared
Uh… I thought we said we wouldn't post that
And they say wars of ideas are not the winning points of physical battles.
Good luck friends.
holy fuck do normies really not know anything about the whole "we wuz egyptians, we wuz greeks n romanz n shiet" crap? i thought that was a pretty mainstream thing
No, that is just a typical friday night ritual for me.
All hail the blood god.
wtf i hate irony now
I think you have the wrong time period, the Holla Forums you're looking for was 4 years ago
Holla Forums is still not aut-kike, though.
GLORIOUS POST, user. Capped
of course it isn't, but many Holla Forumsacks will not pride themselves as the last bastion of free speech and we have mods who ban anyone who doubted Trump or posted threads about self improvement under the shitskin premise of >muh booooooks.
I'll give you the Trump thing (though I saw it as a necessary evil at the time, it's undeniable that there were more anti-Trump than pro-Trump shills active. a lot more, to the point they were ruining discussions in any thread, not just Trump praising threads).
But what's that second part. Self-improvement threads?I do remember those but in what way were they cracked down on? What did you mean by muh books?
That just looks like a random frame taken from a YouTube video (blur on the fingers) with text slapped on it.
One of the mods is an illiterate turkroach that literally screeches "MUH BOOOOOOOKS" anytime someone brings up any kind of literature or self improvement threads.
The (((Alt-Right))) is a cult of sodomites.
I must say it feels weird to be the kike behind the curtain and be mentioned, but never seen.
Nobody is bothered you fucking kike. When normie jews are referring to the alt kike they are really talking about us and the other slightly more extreme right wing group forming. Make no mistake, the article is about 4chan and Holla Forums. Its pretty funny though.
You really had to force that talking point in there. Not natural at all. 1/10 kike.
I'm saving that pic!
All christkikes will be deported to Jerusalem where their Semitic religion belongs. They even brag about how much they want to return (but they don't do shit).
because it is under contsant raiding.
Which is only because the moderation does nothing about the raids.
If we put cuckchans moderation on here, we too would have cuck porn and communism.
That said, the users are cucked (((libertarian capitalists)))
Kek have fun paying the transaction fees for all those change addresses.
Guys if you have a little time I would ask you for some help, please report shill in this thread, he started today, after I said he has no proof and he can stick his shilling up his ass and smoke it
Funny because offshoots like that bamn group are well documented using cult tactics.
There is literally nothing wrong with being in a ==RIGHT WING DEATH CULT==
The fundamental problem is that decentralized resistance is only ever just that, resistance. There comes a time where you need to bring the hammer down all at once and it's very difficult to do that when everyone is atomized and working alone.
A problem for future generations though, for now our duty is resistance.
There's a ton of civ-nat newfags running around here that consider themselves alt-kike and mistakenly think the far right and the alt-kike are the same thing, despite NatSoc and White Nationalism having existed long before any of this alt-faggotry got underway. They need to be educated.
The left more than qualifies as a cult. The shit that marx wrote was edited and approved by a group of rabbis who ensured that it was structured as much like the torah as possible. Their original sin is property, they have a set of commandments 'thou shall not oppress', Dishonor held morals and tradition, etc, their heaven is 'communist utopia', and their god is abadon the god of abolitionism.
Underrated post
I remember that thread. It was quickly deleted for being an obvious slide thread. Good to know it was actually the author wanting to add that to their story.
dude we all signed the agreement, you cant post this, Ben. G won't be happy to hear you broke the pact
Midgets in clown uniforms to be more precise.
Any who say that are blinded fools
Indeed [morbidly chuckles]. Indeed…
Friga's Day has always been a time to spend with others though if you spend it alone with yourself do not be bewildered that you fall into yourself away from the plane of others to find. I spend my Friday's with a woman who rides a distaff.
Tyr thought hard so he made a plan, since he knew it was not right. For it is not right that the Beast should master men so he went off for a fight. Tell it to the barrows of the dead, run ahead, shout it so the women's mind can hear, this is the buyer of the blade, be afraid, this is ᛏ.
ID 03054c has been back-traced and labelled 2D.
Lul is this the best the left can come up with? Call the alt-right a cult saying they have clever language or whatever? Maybe you are just in denial and they are actually right about what they are saying. What a pathetic excuse of an argument.