First men, now boys are ‘Going Their Own Way’

MGTOW = Homosexual cult?
MGTOW sounds like a homosexual cult that hellbent in indoctrination of young men who have trouble with women.

No it's just people who see liberal (most) women and hate what's going on. Some are prison gay because it's difficult knowing you're going to die alone as a genetic dead end. I deal with that feeling almost every night. There's just so little hope left with a lot of things. The only think keeping me alive is hoping Trump makes the country great again.

MGTOW doesn't mean you can't/don't fuck women. All it means is don't get trapped or taken advantage by women because you're a dumbass thinking with your dick (e.g getting married).

Exactly the guy they interviewed was 15 which isn't even that young I figured out the truth about 3DP around 19.

Poor bastard

To be honest, the only people I see complain about mgtow are fat chicks and feminists. I say who gives a shit.


I think they are pathetic. I don't think I'll get married either, but I don't go around beging other people to validate my choice. These sad fucks probably want girls but their "movement" serves as a good excause for not being able to get one.

What I don't get with the whole MGTOW thing is this: why would you make relationships and women such an integral part of your philosophy and daily way of thinking? When I talk to one of them it's pretty much all they talk about. To me they seem like someone saying one thing and doing another.

If you want to cut ties to the system that's fine, but I don't see the reason to fuss so much about it. Just do it and work on your own projects, live neet life making the best of it, find happiness in other avenues. Identify yourselves with your life projects, not your contrariness to women. Women aren't that important in my opinion.

They are sort of the other side of the coin of the "redpill pickup alpha" guys. Also completely obsessed with relationships and women, only from a different angle. Either doesn't seem healthy.

100% true OP

Just like feminism

I think thats the philosophy around it. Just some are more vocal.

Yeah but that's what I mean; that's what they say, but what they do often doesn't really match up with that. When talking to the average follower it soon becomes obvious that they actually think and even obsess about women much more than your average guy.


Marriage as an institution is broken, and to get married as a man is a suicidally stupid liability. Not even Traditionalism - which realizes that the Man needs to have authority in marriage - is uncucked enough to see its own gynocentrism. Under Traditionalism, a woman is a man's property, so therefore what the woman does is the Man's responsibility. This is a cancerous conclusion that 100% leads to Feminism and eventually societal collapse.

MGTOW - unlike Traditionalism - realizes that women are hypergamous, promiscuous, life-ruining creatures by their very nature, and that a female's actions are the female's own responsibility. Women must be kept in chains, both MGTOW and Traditionalism agree. Where they disagree is their understanding of why the chains are necessary. Traditionalism incorrectly sees the chains like the bond of parent (Male) and child (Female), where the Man is 100% responsible for training and disciplining the Woman. MGTOW correctly sees the chains like the relationship of master (Male) and slave (Female) where the Man is only responsible to keep their woman locked up, and the female is punished by society as a whole for acting up.

MGTOWs are the sad, self-pitying equivalent of ugly, overweight feminists - they claim they are the ones rejecting the opposite sex and that it's not them being rejected, and anyone with the slightest bit of common sense knows it is sour grapes talking.

Talk to me when Chads are going around talking about how toxic and evil women are, and refusing to sleep with them.


Beta MGTOWs know women are toxic, untrustworthy, and evil and run away screaming like little bitches.

Alpha Chads know women are toxic, untrustworthy, and evil, and fuck them anyways. But don't marry them. Pump and dump.

It's simple dummy. They do want them

Why was this bumplocked?

There are already too many shill threads for jew divorce lawyers. We don't need another one.


Mods are pedophile MGTOWS

So they aren't pursuing diddling little kids and instead focusing on other things.

Don't marry the first chick you meet and you'll be fine. All you need to do is find someone whom you can trust. That's it. Who cares what her politics are? All women want to be lead around and told what to do.

Women bitch. That's what they do. People talk about these mythical "foreign women" who don't complain. Well, I'm going to tell you that even those "traditional" Eastern European chicks bitch and moan like all of the rest. If you're such a sensitive wimp that you can deal with a bitchy women, then go be a faggot and get it over with; then you can listen to your bitchy boyfriend. HA

MGTOW is definitely a gay/pedo recruitment ring. It preys on socially awkward teenagers and 20 year olds who've had their hearts broken by some slut, but haven't the courage to get back on the horse and move on.

When you're 40 years old, with no kids, you'll regret it. Kids are the only thing that makes this world a better place. Otherwise it's all just pointless and you might as well kill yourself now and let the niggers take over.

I can understand the purpose of "MTGOW." The system is fucked. "MGTOW" isn't anti-woman, it's anti-politics and anti-society. I mean, some are anti-woman, but the general talking points are more about alimony, and basically the many privileges allotted to women over the past decades in return for their loyalty to daddy government (and its many propagandists). I'm not "MGTOW," and I don't watch their videos or read anything by them, but I believe these same things, and so do many on Holla Forums. "MGTOW" is being used as a catch-all buzzword to demean a group of people who hold a belief that many of us who don't identify as "MGTOW" hold. I'd rather not talk about "MGTOW," like a raging Leftie rat, and talk about the issues, like government getting involved and giving incentive to women to divorce their husbands, or have bastard children at the man's expense. Affirmative action was a female privilege in the beginning, allotted to them by daddy government for their loyalty, whether it be votes or vocal support through social movements and whatnot. Now it assists every nigger and beaner in the country in taking jobs a white man rightfully deserves. Christ, these niggers on life support in this country, whose bastards are funded by tax payers, and whose diets and bills are funded by tax payers, have white women to thank. Socially active white women of the past who traded loyalty for privileges from daddy government. These are issues that need to be talked about. They're fucking us over. White men specifically. These issues are literally oppressing white men to the benefit of not just white women, but muds and niggers too. They're governmental privileges given in trade for loyalty, and everyone's loyal except white men, so we get the shit end of the stick. We can't just fight the new, we need to dismantle the old, because they're like concrete blocks tied to our ankles drowning us.

Your politics are an expression of the same core beliefs that dictate your stance on nearly every other subject. Politics matter. They matter a lot. They're a good indicator of who you should and should not socialize with, and especially who you should and should not have a relationship with. As a White Nationalist, how do you suppose a relationship between me and a university feminist would go? Obviously apolitical women are the best, but the apolitical are starting to dwindle in number. I'm not saying you can't try to reeducate a woman, but don't ever enter into a relationship with a person whose politics are opposite your own. It's not going to last. As a matter of fact it's going to be hell for both of you as you bump heads on every significant topic and end up hating each other.

Feminism is a divide&conquer tactic by the kikes to lower our birthrates. Reacting to that, by going after the women like MGTOW does, is playing right into the hands of the kikes.

Women needs to be led. We need to take control over our own societies first for that to happen.

Chads live by everything MGTOW preaches. MGTOW in a nutshell just means no marriage, doesn't say anything about no sex.

tbh most of the chads I know hate the idea of marriage and kids

they still sleep with lots of women, obviously, but the notion of settling down and having a family doesn't appeal to them.


Fag detected.