Lets talk about how great this series is and how happy we all should be for Munche's Oddysee finally losing it's xbox...

Lets talk about how great this series is and how happy we all should be for Munche's Oddysee finally losing it's xbox exclusive status and moving to PC.

It's also on sale right now for 3 bucks.

fuck i hope so nigga munch's oddysee was my fucking jam
hell i got into the series with abe's exoddus and discovered abe's oddysee later oddworld was fun as hell i got butthurt with stranger's wrath and thought it was a cashgrab because FPS

This is great news.

Nigger what?

I've had Much's Oddysee on steam for a really long time.

Also reminder that this is the best recap video in any video game. I really like Lorne Lanning's voice.

Odd, I never could find it on steam until now.


That's so damn weird. It's only showing up now that there was an update.
Also weird, I assumed it was a 2D game and not a 3D game.

How are we feeling about Soulstorm?

I'm fully on board with Oddworld embracing the more sinister, industrial horror vibe that it lost after Oddysee.

If it's anything like New N Tasty I'll probably really hate it. The controls, the horrible audio mixing, the bloom on everything, that piece of shit song they picked for the credits, even Lorne Lanning's voice wasn't as good.

So long as Just Add Water isn't in charge of it, I'll remain positive.

Ugh hate the way they've made Abe look now, it's like they tried to make him look more realistic but failed and made him look more cartoony

I think Just Add Water is making it, so it will probably be dog shit sadly.


More like Just Add Shit


Actually it seems that Just Add Watered Down Elements isn't working on Soulstorm.


You had the shitty original PC port that was so awful that everyone ignored it.

New N'Tasty was made by a different dev studio so the main games should be safe.

I had just gotten past all the shitposting
When the strangest thing I saw
A video game thread was before me
And its faceā€¦ Abe's jaw

Then it fell off the front page
and smashed its head
When some user appeared
And yelled "shill, shill, sage"

Said this board was changing
Was Holla Forums with video games at best
He told me my fate
Was to shitpost the rest
For webm and share threads
Had been sacred once
But that before normalfags
Had posted them for a facebook dunce
And they live in social media
And here they still nest
And facing these creatures

That was my test

Cautiously hopeful, but not really holding breath for it.

Something about his initial design now looks a bit off.

Thank god that never happened.

New game is being developed by Firma Studio, I think it should be fine. I hope for that, at least.

What are your opinions on Stranger's Wrath?

Man that first rhyme is still stuck in my mind.

We used to make Meech Munchies
Until the Meechies were through
We still made paramite pies
And some Scrab Cakes too
I thought I had a good job
But that's before I knew
How we'd make new n tasty
I was still to find
The truth, as it turned out
Would blow my mind

The Glukkons were scared
Cause profits were dim
Paramites and Scrabs
Were turning up thin
But Molluk was cool
He had a plan

This new type of meat

Thank fuck they fixed it up.

Didn't know they finally updated it, been waiting for the last 4 years since they updated Stranger's Wrath. Guess I waited for them add 'HD' to the name like they did with the Stranger update, so I didn't notice. Thanks OP.


Thank you user



Did they ever fix Strangers Wrath?

The HD version runs well enough.

Abe's Oddysee was better.

I liked it. I have a thing for western/pseudo-western settings. It's the only Oddworld game I've played.