So its free this month on PS+
Just how bad is it?
I've heard buggy and samey as fuck but i could go for another monster fighting souls clone fun times.
Is it worth deleting some shit for HD space or skip it?
So its free this month on PS+
Just how bad is it?
I've heard buggy and samey as fuck but i could go for another monster fighting souls clone fun times.
Is it worth deleting some shit for HD space or skip it?
It's a dark souls clone that was used as a prototype for denuvo. Just play dark souls instead.
But i've done that so many times and DS3 sucks!
heres a topical and hip game to play then, the combat is slightly worse than dark souls but other areas of the game make up for it
i tried the witcher 1 and 2 multiple times and hated it. My witcher evangelist friends all go "just read all the books then!"
It's free, just check it out.
It's not any worse than DaS2 but it's definitely got it's own faults.
It's okay. Has it's fair share of good, like the music is good and the secrets are well hidden, the artstyle is pretty nice if you're into Darksiders and the prayer system is very neat, and the way how some weapons weigh and feel is really good, easily better than Dark Souls in that regard.
But on the other hand the bosses are really badly done. Very easy, one pattern, easily cheesable, that sort of deal. Enemies seem to have near infinite stamina, especially the ones with tower shields that take all your stamina to guard break and then by the time you have enough stamina for another attack they're already back at full guard, running attack for heavy weapons was stupidly broken and so was the sprinting shield bash.
It's a solid game but it's very flawed. Give it a shot.
well, W3 doesn't play the same or have the same plot, so unless you just really don't like whitehaired Slavs that's not particularly relevant.
Not that I know why somebody would recommend it to somebody looking for a Souls game, it's an open world RPG.
Also OP if your'e really looking for a good "soulsgame" try out Serverance Blade of Darkness.
In my experience every w3 thread has plenty of people suggesting to play BB instead so I assume they're practically identical.
You've been bamboozled then.
it's good for free tbh. just don't go for magic since there is no magic.
isn't it a bit too old?
Old but gold. The combat's pretty good in it and it has some actual gore. Some people call it proto souls, I don't see the connection but you should still play them anyways since people who like the souls games also seem to almost always like Serverance.
The magic is pretty much just the gauntlet. It's an okay gimmick but it's not well executed.
Either that or he means the prayers which are a pretty neat thing but not exclusive to mages.
Why would you pay a monthly subscription to rent a game of Sony's chosing for a month, when it's cheaper to do it at some video-store and you get to pick the game yourself.
Oh so its there but just DS3 lightning spear tier worthless?
You get a free 12 months when you buy a PS4 in bongland. Got mine as a gift last christmas so still have a few months.
Why would you waste money on a subpar machine that has no games?
its a really average souls clone
It's good enough to play for free.
It's a badly optimized Souls clone and not worth more than 5 bucks, but i would still say good enough to check out for free.
Are consoles that limited that you have to delete shit from HDD?
Yes, you have to install games on consoles since 7th gen.
Its part of the reason I left the platform altogether
It wasn't so bad back then.
It was usually only 2 GB at the most.
meh I couldn't run it. I think it doesn't work on newer windows(10 64bits).
I guess if you already have PS+ might as well but you should play Nioh demo while it's still playable. It's actually a good Souls knock off.
Lords of the Fallen is very mediocre. You can tell they didn't really give a shit when they made the game, they put the bare minimum effort into it. It was just trying to get easy money by using the "Souls like" retards.
7th gen was cancer, most faggots here were too young to realize it.
I'd assume so. The gauntlet is three modes, one is a normal projectile, one is a bouncing explosive type and the third is a shotgun. But since I didn't put any points in it it always did jack shit worth of damage.
Thats the kinda shit I want to avoid when I buy a console you fucking idiot.
Whats the point of owning one if consoles are going on the same path?
Better than Dork Souls, more so if you dont play these games with lock on like a mangina
I wish i wasnt burn out on this formula when i played it, cant stand these kind of games anymore
i was told this kind of cancer didnt stand around here
Read my other post my man. I don't see the connection between the two games but I still recommend playing Severance.
If someone tells me, that I hate witcher cause I played DaS one more timeā¦
some of you faggots really need to buy a dictionary
Yeah.. normally when people dont like a game they dont play it and move on with their life.
But good lord with witcher series people just cant move on.
You instead should get more practice on reading comprehension user. Stop memeying
Considering you already paid for the console, for your internet and probably for the game you want to play multiplayer with, it's just as stupid.
not really but I get your point
That's just people arguing about GOTY of last year, and they are correct because TW3 is shit and BB is a good game. EDF 4.1 is the true GOTY though
There is zero reason to play anything other than Bloodborne on the Bloodbornebox so I don't see why those "3 games per month" mean anything. I can get as many games per month as I want by using the five finger discount on PC.
6 or 7 out of 10. I wouldn't commend it for anything, but it's decent.
PS+ isn't free and you don't own the games.
surely you must be memeing
I was thinking of picking it up for my nogaems4, I guess I'll see how it is first.
It's exceptionally dull. The only thing I appreciated was that the not-souls would decay over time, so if you died with a ton you had to haul ass to recover them.
Overall though, it's pretty bad. The gameplay is clunky, and the fights aren't very exciting. The bosses are extraordinarily forgettable except for the double demon boss. The pacing of the game felt off to me - the aforementioned boss appearance was borderline absurd, for example.
The plot is catastrophically retarded, but thankfully the game is only 10ish hours or so.
And it doesn't help that all the environments are samey as hell. Everything is a dilapidated snowy fortress, even the Hell dimension if memory serves. But if memory doesn't serve, that's a testament to how boring and forgettable the whole thing was.
If you want to piss away a day or two, go for it. If you'd have to delete something you use more than twice a year to clear space, it's probably not worth it.
At any rate though you should be playing the Nioh Beta if you have a Bloodbornestation 4 since that's is legitimately free and actually enjoyable.
Sony found a way to raise the price on "free" games!
Why haven't you bought a FPS4 goy