So? It's nothing?
So? It's nothing?
literally video games
socjus-cabal who fuck up the indie gaming scene.
user, are you fucking retarded? Go back to your fucking fuckbook account and tell everyone how proud you are about pre-ordering nuh-males-sky, you fucking shitlord.
Are you a retard? I think you may need to go back or at least lurk.
"Indie scene" was always pretty terrible and pretentious.
fuck the gaming community. Fuck video games. Let socjus run this industry into the ground. Have fun with your social correct video games or learn japanesse if you want to play DOA.
Stop virtue signaling and go to the designated gg thread and do something about it like other proactive anons if you actually care, you dumb nigger
ni/gg/ers once again proving they are reddit incarnate.
Don't you underage shitters have your own board to shitpost in?
They killed all of them by chasing everyone that wanted to contribute away because they made them look bad in the eyes of the leftists.
kill yourself and take your shit meme with you.
youre so emotional. Like a woman. Or a gg cuck.
nigger, please
It's absolutely everything. It proved GG was right about fucking everything and even more the chat logs revealed CON engaged in illegal activity and things they accused GG of doing or being paranoid about but GG was right about everything.
Also Mark needs to fuck b& everyone who is aGG. We came here all in the exodus for a reason and if he can't even manage that much there's no point in being here over cuckchan.
this is now a dubs thread
Both these threads seem to intersect.
And the CON goons are deeply scared of the logs since it can land them in prison so they shill against it as much as possible like they've been doing since the thread first appeared but Mark is such a useless faggot he can't even create a sticky for it.
That's the plan. Shame you're retarded and can't into Japanese.
Or maybe people stop giving a shit about this PC bullshit. Even normalfags are tired of it, specially tired of SJW.
So what is it then
I mean we have objective proof that these people have been fucking up the games industry and media for years, but what is it really, user?
this. the only fucking reason I'm wasting my time here is because this is the only place on the internet that is strictly pro-GG. now it's like every thread is clogged with shills spewing retarded sjw bullshit. at this point I don't give a fuck about freedom of speech anymore, they can fuck off back to tumblr and die of cancer for all I care. 8/v/ should have a no sjws/leftypol/shills policy, they're a million times worse than namefags, avatarfags, and tripfags combined. I'd rather a rugga tbh fam.