Well, well, well, guess who's back!
Female body types in video games must be realistic and diverse
Other urls found in this thread:
Let's give her more attention. That always worked.
Racial diversity just means get rid of whitey.
As such, diversity of body types just means get rid of attractive women.
The Dubs?
Just like male body types.
Oh, wait, you don't care about equality.
Let's get all her videos demonetized according to the new policies.
What now?
Oh, what, one example isn't good enough?
Well one video isn't good enough.
We need more Gruntilda!
Doing everything else didn't work shithead.
you think they will ever stop lying and just say they want fatties like themselves in everything?
Fake! Women like this do not exist!
the whole reason all this is happening is because 'we' are not the people who are able to get things done by massive corporations like youtube and 'they' are.
hell, the new guidelines are at least in part influenced by (((them)))
I agree with her for very different reasons
You dense motherfucker.
You absolute fucking retard.
What the blueberry fuck good do you think it does to ignore this bitch. How the fuck many views do you think she's getting from that archive link up there? What percentage of her audience is composed of Holla Forums's rabble?
This bitch is fucking proven to make up death threats and harrassment whole fucking cloth if there aren't enough juicy real ones when she wants to beg. Whether or not we ignore her is 100% fucking irrelevant to her.
Her buisiness is preaching to the cuck choir. There is literally not one fucking single reason to ignore her other than a genuine lack of interest on your part.
She's only reported on by SJW media(of which we've taken out a major pillar already), and yet, despite having less youtube subs than tons of people that actually don't suck, she's still somehow popular enough to speak to the UN
Now why the fuck would that be, you retard?
Geez, what makes you think that?
You're not giving any arguments in favour of caring about her or giving her attention.
I don't actually give two shits about her, I just hate YOU.
We have IDs here, cuckchanner.
How is that fucking relevant. I know you aren't the faggot under OP. You're still a fucking faggot.
They rather bury the truth under their fatroll with everyone supporting it then to admit that they fucked up themselves.
At least she has a good smug "get a load of this guy" face
Laws of the market define which body types sell the most, others don't sell and "fat acceptance" game companies are doomed, to the despair of fat unhealthy feminists.
Well this is a shy hope I have.
Now you just sound like a whiny baby.
she's right tho
every female character is oversexualized
I mean look at this hot piece of ass
So the bitch (or perhaps her (((masters))) maybe?) would rather the world have the the left than the right to play as?
It's funny just how much obesity and unhealthy life style is being pushed on modern white womyn, because doing squats and riding a bicycle four times a week and looking normal is simply too hard.
that's why (((they))) are trying to artificially engineer society to change how people react to certain body types.
it's an experimental genocide tactic; they're trying to convince us that our natural preferences are wrong so that we'll resort to something we wouldn't otherwise be attracted to in an attempt to make our children objectively genetically inferior.
No, bad user!.
go to your room and think about what you did
Fuck off child molester.
man, i have more cuckchan webms than i thought i did
Theoretically speaking. What would oral be like with a giant spider girl?
She didn't get there because of popularity numbnuts. She got there because of connections and a vagina.
She would have been there even if we never had a single thread on her even back on 4cuck.
I'd like her face to get a load of my guy
Anita wants Slark's fishdick
Is there one video game where you straightforwardly play as a fat guy?
Really tight, unless she was very big (a far bit larger than you are) or you have a small benis.
A spider's mouth is quite small, even if she was human-sized; your mouth would probably be larger.
Is this guy actually posting hebe shit here?
He was b& and his shit was deleted.
You can play as a fatass in Dragon's Dogma.
It's just your imagination
moment too late to save. fug.
Pretty sure her videos aren't monetized.
Would fuck.
why exactly wouldn't they be?
there is exactly 1 thing in the universe that anita sarkeesian cares about and that's money.
do you really believe that little miss $1000 shoes isn't monetizing her vids?
I was so disappointed.
Oh boy, wonder why she would say that.
She has copyrighted stuff in her videos, she can't monetize them without nintendo nuking her channel for calling Mario a rapist and his games rape simulators.
Her piles of gold don't come from youtube.
An man talking about the antiques an auction house has coming up for sale gets more view in a day than she does in a week now, and he posts videos nearly every day.
A psychologist rambling about broken toys intended for children a 10th his age in front of a stained and decaying sofa gets more than that in an hour.
you think nintendo wants to get called sexist?
Good point. Why didn't her shit get taken down around the DMCA explosion ?
Was she ragging on Dota for not having female heroes as diverse as the males?
Because that's just retarded.
She's basically the Al Sharpton of vidya.
Are you talking about the horse thing? I don't think the second part of the dog story got translated.
That doesn't count. Games where you can customize or alter your weight isn't a game marketed with a fat protagonist. The only somewhat schlubby normal video game character I know of is Frank West, and he's pretty unique because of that. And hell, in Dead Rising 4 he looks completely different to be Generic Quippy Stubbled Protagonist #94.
This is the only video game protagonist we could find that is fat. Boogerman.
So is everything that comes out of her mouth.
Let's be frank here, Anita (or better said, her puppetmaster) never had any point to begin with, it was always weak conjecture and cheerypicking.
But guess what? It doesn't matter to her leftist public, it never did. They don't care about the truth or objectivity, they never have and never will, they have already made up their mind about vidya and the vidya community a long time ago, Anita is merely preaching to the choir.
The only way you'll make her and them stop is to chase them out and tell them they are not welcome.
can we talk about male bodies
because there's an underwhelming amount of twinks in video games
unless it's like
squeer anux
and league
she conveniently forgot nearly every yordle girl, anivia, rek'sai, annie, cassiopeia, kayle, leona, nami, sejuani, and i might be missing some
Fair use.
She will also never complete her kickstarter because one of the goals is dvd's with all the episodes, again, she wont be able to make money and sell them because her videos have copyrighted material in them, so she will either find a fool to make and ship the dvd's for free or more likely she will never do it.
Never let reality stand in the way of the narrative.
Nah, the second part of the dog story is the first one's kid letting his friend fuck her.
Mario is pretty pudgy.
Is (((GEORGE SOROS))) funding her now or something?
What does it matter?
Are we pretending attractive people are not attractive now?
I really hate (Western) women and their fragile egos, I hate how they have destroyed femininity and beauty standards because they are too lazy to stop stuffing their mouths with food and exercising a bit, and we, collectively, have to suffer for it.
Big the Cat and Robotnik as well, also Wario.
I'm pretty sure Anita is the puppetmaster. She's one of the ones who makes money off spouting bullshit, not one of the ones who listen to it.
This. Fat women do everything in their power to make everyone else as miserable as they are.
Anyone have to vid coming on webm so that I or we can hack it up?
That's a weakling bodytype, though.
I want women that with diverse body types, but ones that suit for the role of a character that does lots physical work. If you put a fattie in action or platforming game, you better realize that it's surreal parody.
Noice. This character is funny since a lot of porn exists of him but most of it is way below acceptable quality standards.
There is no bottom.
Oh, I never finished the fifth volume of KL. It doesn't seem so bad, it looks like they are both using her.
I want attractive women in my escapism.
Fuck Anita and fuck every other cunt that gets triggered by a flat belly.
i mean that's fair but i can't think of a girl in league that i wouldn't fug except like annie because i hate her voice, illaoi because her face is fucking gross, and…i think anivia would freeze my dick off
with that said, rek'sai is the sexiest league girl
yeah, it could be worse.
I'm just salty being a big fan of vanilla love and the character.
So fucking a spider girl is sorta like fucking a Loli but little more legal?
And around 356 times more likely to get you killed post coitus.
I'm salty about the KL6 part with the demon lady being 3 pages of one-sided futa shit.
Yes. Constantly.
Post some oppressive patriarchal bodies!
She has half a point with Dota, there's only like Broodmother and Winter Wyvern who are notably non-human waifus.
Damn son, i don't remember Kasumi being that much developed in the rear department.
we can never have our cake and eat it too huh?
If you want your cake and eat it too, you have to bake a quantum cake.
And Enchantress too, forgot her.
holy shit that video is cancer.
Why the fuck does Anita still get any attention? Who cares? No one, that's who. No one with a brain, anyway. Let her speak her garbage. It just pisses me off that she gets a large amount of money in the form of donations and sponsorships from her fans and organizations like Intel, to say nothing of her supposed tax-exempt status.
Venomancer is a dude.
THe bottom is that (((them))) are taking orders from Satan
Vengeful Spirit
Queen of Pain
Agreed. Look at this sick filth
i want to protect her smile
Man I've not played Dota for a while. I've forgotten literally everyone. Queen of Pain is debatable though, considering she's a literal succubus.
everyone got a better rear in DoA3X.
also Honoka best girl
Damn, I wouldn't mind giving her a coronal mass ejection.
I'm interested in why there would be retards out there catering to mentally ill hysterical women who are jealous of those prettier than themselves.
You are right, user, retards like Gawker simply went bankrupt on their own. GG only made them richer and slowed down the process :^)
They're very loud, so devs and publishers think there's money to be made in pandering to them. Nevermind the fact that none of them actually play videogames and you're alienating your existing fans by pandering to someone who won't even buy your game.
Wow Marine looks great in the Venus swimsuit.
Game's shit but the waifus are pretty neat
Ask your dick if he would if he were desperate and you probably get a hesitant "I'd prefer not to but yeah, I guess…".
And there's your answer: Desperate betas do so in the vain hope for sub par pussy.
My dick is not going to be pleased
But they can be healthy at any size!
because people going apeshit over her terrible opinions allowed her to manipulate the situation in her favor (i.e. play the victim and gain a ton of positive notoriety quickly). if no one had given a shit about her she would have moved away from video games years ago because it wouldn't have been profitable from her. people forget she's a con artist, not a mindless feminist.
I don't think she meant to make that joke
Bitch stop, you're not thick and curvy, you're morbidly obese.
I don't want to fuck you because i'm a manchild faggot that doesn't know how to handle a "real woman", i don't want to fuck you because you weigh more than me and would probably snap my dick in two with your monster vagina.
There was a point when giving her attention for the sake of shitting on her was a good idea. Now she's a joke to anyone who isn't a male feminist and I doubt she had a lot of attention. At this point, it would actually be best to ignore her unless she does something more than just make another shitty video that she was already paid by a bunch of morons to do, but couldn't be assed.
Did you even read your own post, Autismo?
How oppressive.
She is honest. I cannot hate her.
Christ if there's one thing I love in life, it's that little muffin top that happens when a girl wears a tight thigh high. God bless.
I really like girls with nice thick thighs and nice round butt, the kind you get from doing squats and shit, i don't care even if she's flat as a board as long as she's got that right.
try searching skindentation on your favourite booru
I can.
The problem I have with that is nobody can change their height. Fat is, in most cases, the direct result of laziness and hedonism. The bitch outright says she's "420 friendly", which is code for "I smoke weed".
She looks like the dark side of the Moon.
it's muh game and i'll oppress if i want to
i'll oppress if i want to
i'll oppress if i want to
no, it's code for 'you can smoke weed in front of me, but if you ever piss me off, i'll call the cops on you'
Here's a conversion for you trigger-niggers so you may know what you are talking about.
Much appreciated mates.
I'm guessing the dumb fuck didn't even notice that a lot of heroes in Dota are actually addressed as "it" as well, which she's probably grouping together with male characters despite not belonging there.
Finally found it.
Thanks, user, that's a pretty good analogy.
When she says "diversity" what she really means is "Unappealing to heterosexual men", as in, female characters that don't remind "real" women they are ugly and nobody wants them.
As always, she hasn't played a minute of the game she is criticizing.
White European girls are the best.
i consider white burgers to be Europeans as well
Incidentally, this is the famous hambeast that was featured in that gif from the talk Milo and Sommers were attending.
Not relevant, but I love terrible presentations. They should be awkward for everyone in the room.
looks like it
It does really seem the case, although she's not equally applying that to male characters because she's pointing to slark and tiny.
But then again, you can't expect anything else from feminists.
I like how she mentions both of those instead of just one.
Also, it fucking is a moral obligation, as other people have to pay for your healthcare. At some point, you'll be required to supply your weight to health insurance, and then those rates will stop people from being such fucking lardasses.
great job anons.
Thanks, (((user))).
That's because you're naturally attracted to females with bodies that enhance their sexual characteristics.
Wide hips mean that she's able to give birth to healthy children; a big ass highlights the spot where you are supposed to put your penis; big boobs (not in your case, but still relevant) draw attention to the fact that the female can feed the child and they may mimick the ass.
Being obese gives you these things, but they're disastrously hidden by the rest of the fat.
I should have known something was going on. what are the CONleaks?
Oh, attractive men are okay. You see, attractive women are the problem, but it's all about equality, I swear.
I like how she ties her being an ugly, fat slob with capitalism, patriarchy and white supremacy.
I guess Holla Forums sneaks into her room every night and stuffs her full of marshmallows or something.
Just a coincidence.
fuck off sjw asshole.
well, the whole LW clique doxing random people, blue whale fucking AAA devs ina swimming pool, calling trans a shit of piece and talking about gangbang and flatchest porn.
Why can't they just say "I fucked up" and change their ways to better themselves. What's so hard about that?
Why do they always have try to justify their unhealthy life styles to others in retarded ways instead of just fixing their mistakes?
why do they do this? It badly represents their product. You can't even focus on what they are saying. Why not just have a well spoken person come out, say what they need to say, demonstrate what they need to demonstrate, then fuck off to do their own thing.
Lol, stay triggered, skinwalker.
Because hip n trendy
Because they refuse to take responsibility for their actions. For all their mocking of manchilds, they act like literal children. Just look at how they speak.
what does this even proof? You shitlord pretend to be anons by just calling everyone tinfoiled skinwalkers (((anons)))
basiclly, you fucklords project a lot here
just so you fucking socjus(((anons))) can derail more!
you have to fuck your ass right now you fucking nigger!
first off, quit giving this controversy kike attention, it feeds it.
but seriously, dota 2? there's like 4 traditional hot women in dota 2.
Stopped reading there.
well I kinda already knew LW and her goons harassed people who disagreed with them, this does confirm it all for anyone doubting said claims though.
You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?
Are you having a stroke, (((user)))?
oh no, they found our evil lair
don't worry, i'm sure pharaoh sarkeesian will recognise your valiant defense and reward you in the afterlife
it's a big fucking smoking gun and yet, everywhere silence of shifted focus to other happenings. Jewtube going full karlmarx or femfuck fedora Banita shit videos.
You see a lot jewtubers going immiditley after a short time full nuts after their ads got cut but you see zero reaction to the doxing-sjw-cabal fucking up the indie scene.
Actually, all these jewtubers are fucking dickheads.
You know, you could just make a thread about it and stop shitting up this one.
Or is Mark in league with the Elders of Zion and preventing you to?
But I guess it's more fun for you to scream about persecution and conspiracies instead.
Go back to /ss/
Winning the hearts and minds.
I think the reason it's not getting much attention is because it's a shitload to swallow. Someone should do a bit-sized explanation of what's going on. Something that can be watched quickly and shared easily.
bonegolem already did a good short summery of it. Not a video but still something that can be shared. Same with the handfull of news from usher but still, there seems little to no movement! Anons and normalfags got derailed in the last 2 days heavily.
Gee I wonder which ones the modern design guys?
thanks la current year
That's what this is about? Then why do we have naga, brood, enchantress, wivern or lc (stronk black womin) ?
Is there anything better?
Wearing low hanging jeans on top of that.
Do you or anyone else have anything of the Japanese volleyball players? I didn't follow the Olympic waifu threads this year because I refuse to go back to /sp/, but I saw some player's butt on Twitter and dayum.
Do you ever notice how a lot of modern indie vidya have everything look very shiny? Like they don't have actual lighting but just stick bloom on everything. I noticed this a lot in New N Tasty
Getting proper surface light and luster working requires actually skill and talent. Not to mention high quality normal mapping that would be needed for that to look anything good to begin with.
Bullshit, Anita. You've got sexy sniper bitch. She's fucking purple, which makes her racially ambiguous. What more do you want? You've got fat and nerdy Eskimo Velma who has spawned a shit ton of porn that depicts her as a fucking whale. Oh, and what about the huge and muscular Russian bitch with the pink mohawk? Is she not enough of a rejection of the standardized concept of beauty that is perpetrated by media and upheld by society? Then you've got the asian anime girl cut out. They all have pretty different body types and personalities to boot.
Implying implications, Anita. So what? You WANT to play as an ugly, overweight prudish whale of a woman? People play games to ESCAPE from the mundane realities that we're stuck with; that means some people, women included, like to pretend they're not a flabby, unattractive piece of shit and instead evoke the fantasy of being an all powerful and sexually appealing character. How is this so difficult to understand? For fuck's sake.
Bullshit, Anita. You damn well know that's not true. Are you forgetting characters like Duke Nukem, Kratos, Nathan Drake, the assassins from Assassin's Creed, Ryu and Ken, and pretty much all the fit and attractive characters from every fighting game ever created? That's not even the tip of the iceberg, either. Women and men alike want to be attractive to some degree, and this is reflected in character designs. Nobody wants to create ugly or fat characters because these things are generally considered unappealing. It's the same reason nobody wants to create a protagonist that you can't relate with unless there's some reason you're doing so, like setting up a story hook and them throwing curve balls all over the damn place to get readers/watch to change their perspective on any given character over a course of time, but generally people want to make likeable characters, especially main characters who are meant to be at the forefront of the series/movie/game/whatever
Women can, too. Sheeva from Mortal Kombat has four fucking arms and a muscular build. Mileena has a generally decent appearance until you remove her mask.
So, what exactly do you want? You bitch but provide no examples of the way you'd like to see things
Nature. Nature takes care of this. Nature is the engineer of human desire, and even though there is some variance in what people enjoy, we all tend to be attracted to very specific qualities when looking at potential partners; that is to say, we want hygiene, physical symmetry, the ability to produce offspring, and general indicators of health. These things are the direct result of behaviors that also produce people who are slim and fit.
Isn't that what you want? First you bitch that women aren't allowed to be comical or grotesque, and then when you find examples of this, you say they're wrong because they're exaggerations of normal human beings? You're just contradicting yourself now.
No, fuck off.
I don't think you're looking hard enough for decent examples of older female characters, Anita. Maybe none of them are protagonists, but that is likely to do with the fact that most old people are not interested in consuming video games for their own sake, and tend to see them as a waste of time or a novelty. The mainstay demographic has always been young males between the ages of 18 - 35. You have to sell to your audience's preferences, otherwise you'll risk losing sales.
So, yeah. Same old tired bullshit, eh Anita?
The only skinwalker is Mike Pence's daughter.
are you retarded or just pretending? you projected my comment 180 degrees
Oh my GOd.
Which one is the daughter?
Sure thing Moshi.
Would it be funnier if anita had quit by then or she was still "working" on it?
Anita's a sad old dyke, but I do hope they add more chubby girls to games. That's my fetish.
why not japanese wrestling
I can read between the lines
its mikas partner
There was a very cute spanish weightlifter who was wearing like black socks with colored hearts on them, and after she finished her last weight she stepped back, smiled and gave a heart to the audience
Literally, why even live?
their "journalism" is fueled by engineered controversy. kick bee hive, receive money. we can shit on them here, but any attention in public translates in to money.
Wario? TF2 Heavy Weapons Guy? A whole bunch of fighting game characters that I won't list?
And Earl from Toejam and Earl.
Anita, is this you posting or one of your unpaid interns?
No one has given her the right kind of attention yet.
The UN embarrassment alone was worth any effort.
they are working on fucking up olympics as well
Sling bikinis.
Long live the patriarchy.
the one who doesn't show up in the mirrorfaggot
Already did with the trans- and intersex shit.
They really wanted a married lesbian to win women's beach volleyball. Thankfully both Brazil teams lost in their finals.
And those muds in trash can bags just gimped themselves and haven't won anything.
wr = qts
What in the actual fuck?
There's nothing more disgusting than a fucking fat piece of shit.
Anita a cute.
you're not
and some vidya related olympics
Yeah she's the one. really cute.
a lot of people used to think "well josh macinjosh writes the content, so he's in charge" but that's obviously not true. he was her content creator.
by now she's spewed enough of this boilerplate that she could probably do it in her sleep, so cutting him loose hasn't slowed (heh) her down.
none of those women is trying to look beautiful, they're trying to be functional. they're trying to be able to do things well, not look good. indeed it just so happens that the functions that they have been working for years to be able to achieve do not give a person a traditionally beautiful physique like running or swimming do.
the kinds of women making a big deal out of these people are those who simultaneously don't try to look good and don't try to be able to do anything. those womens' very existence is an insult to those olympic athletes and a mark of shame of the rest of humanity.
Why do you guys hate Anita? I don't agree with everything she says, but she makes valid, thought-out, logical points. That's more than you can say for yourselves. I can understand disagreeing with her, but treating her like she's Satan and here to steal your video games is truly bizarre. And the irony is that all the attention you give her only makes her more relevant and more highly regarded. Especially when you make attacks on her, which only makes people feel bad for her and draws out her supporters to defend her. If you had any sense you'd ignore her. It would kill the discourse and she'd fade into obscurity.
tl;dr Whatever you feed grows.
Name one
She gets attention, money, and power from people for the same reason Al Sharpton does; she profits off of grievance and complaint. She turns social justice into a business model. Now, she's making an embarrassment everywhere she goes, and it won't be long before she fades into obscurity with everybody's money or somebody finally decides to slap a goddamn lawsuit on her, one of the hundreds of laws she's broken or copyrights she's violated have to stick somehow.
Fighting games have tons of fat dudes you can play as.
Female characters in game traditionally being relegated to objectified roles such as eye candy or trophies to save?
Because gta 5, doa dimension banned themselves and doa extreme 3 didn't come to west because KT simply didn't feel like it.
Xanadu is also pretty fat.
excellent points!
I see what you did there.
Explain how Anita Sarkeesian got GTA V banned.
You are a cock gobbling newfag retard.
Go read one of the ten fucking billion archive threads from years of 4/Holla Forums posts about this insufferable cunt.
Spend five fucking minute on YouTube with the hundreds of videos that shred everything she has ever said to peices.
Or go jump off a bridge you peice of shit.
the only attacks anyone has ever made on anita sarkeesian have been, ironically, because she doesn't actually take part in debate or address actual criticisms made against her ideas.
that is, the fact that she makes it so difficult to argue against her ideas and have them actually addressed is a criticism of her as a person. it's like some kind of ad hominem ouroboros.
Has Sarkeesian actually done any work on her new crowdfunding project? Or is she just using the new funds to pay for her old stuff?
She was supposed to start doing history videos but I think actual historians shut thay plan down fast.
Nigger you first.
Nice bait retard, what are metroid, phantasy star 1 and 4, urban chaos, tomb raider, beyond good and evil, the longest journey and dreamfall, every single fighting game ever created, vigilante 8, front mission, red alert…
How did Anita who told mentally deranged girls that video games will rape them and that they are worse than Ahmed and Jamal grooming you ten year old daughter for child prostitution caused those people to demand target removes gta5?
Gee, really makes you wonder.
inb4, she didn't do it herself and in person so it doesn't count, check mate shitlord
While she does make some points that are obvious, the worst part about her and her ilk are the insane amounts of profiteering they do on people they convince are marginalized. These people are directly responsible for the victim cult that exists today on the internet and they continue to milk these sad fucks for huge amounts of money. He kickstarter for a 10 video series raised 158k and she still has only delivered on like 3. Even with that she is running even more kickstarter scams. This known scammer then gets invited to talk to the UN about internet harassment. Thank kek they have no real power to regulate the internet or we'd be fucked. There is your fucking reason to hate her.
artificial social pressure.
same way feminists do literally everything they do. also intimidation, felony vandalism and extortion.
squeaky wheel, etc.
Like this?
I'm okay with that.
I'm pretty sure we're getting rused.
yeah probably
doesn't make the arguments against her any less true though
All this post makes me think this is bait, a well thought bait, but if not, there are plenty of reason to hate Anita.
Saved for pasta.
I have bad news for you user. King Nigger is giving control of ICANN to the UN in a couple months. He also wants to run the UN after he is out of office, and Shillary wants to shut down alternative media that QUOTE "have no right to exist."
SJWs are complete losers. I remember watching that Anita thing on Colbert and all I could ask myself throughout the whole time she was sperging through it is "who the fuck is this complete loser"?
t. tits
Jew complaining about games that have an implicit requirement for the characters needing to be semi physically fit at the minimum. e.g. They're all super heroes ect.
Jesus christ, when will the events of hotline miami occur?
You know the rule.
So we are fucked. Kek preserve us.
Did she talk about butts this time? Like asking for more diverse butts?
Post more cute girls, especially ones with thighs/butts.
This is Bridgette from Big Brother 18.
Damn that's good.
People actually get this upset about YouTube videos?
But that's not true. She's had to weather so much bile spewed at her over the dumbest shit. Examples are in this thread. People attacking her appearance, her sexuality, making sleazy comments about fucking her. You just make yourselves look bad.
I already did though.
When did I say all games were like that? How old are you?
Are your viewpoints really so deeply ingrained that when someone disagrees with you you think they're lying? Or are you just saying that in an attempt to invalidate what I'm saying?
You're drawing an imaginary causation between her videos and GTA's apparent banning.
Has she ever called for GTA to be banned? Has she ever appealed to any retailers not to stock GTA? Do you have any evidence that they heard her appeal and did what she asked?
Because you're just using her as a scapegoat and a bogeyman at the moment. All your ire towards feminism is being directed at her, as though she's responsible for everything modern feminism does, and you're blaming her for some unrelated things that happened to some video games you like.
Where's your evidence she appealed to Target (or any stores for that matter) to remove GTA V? Where's your evidence they listened to her appeal and granted her request?
Well thank you for conceding that I was correct and she does make valid points. But now you're moving the goalposts.
By the way, what other people choose to do with their money is their responsibility. You resent the fact that their money is getting her more coverage and influence when you disagree with what she's saying. You don't care whether or not people are being exploited by her.
And if you go to youtube.com
Even if she were a scammer, it wouldn't invalidate the harassment she's received and continues to receive from people the posters here. She is in the perfect position to talk about internet harassment at the UN.
I hope you do actually use my posts as bait. That's a compliment.
I called it.
Fuck off, m8
Kill yourself you fucking kike.
Here is your (You).
Blizzard made a fat chink in a four inch thick parka and a bulldyke fantasy to 11 and it's STILL not good enough.
Top kek
So why not say something logical instead then?
Anita Sarkeesian isn't responsible for everything you've ever disagreed with that's happened in video games. Next you'll be saying she invented DLC.
Are you harassing me while simultaneously trying to deny that Anita Sarkeesian has been harassed?
Thank you.
atsa spicey bait, i'm simmering
You didn't, but it's obvious what you came for. Have another (you) to shove up your ass, faggot.
Did you miss the post, or are you just playing dumb?
Realistic AND diverse? Holy fuck, talk about wanting to have your cake and eat it.
In action games and similar, like assassins creed, the only remotely realistic body types will be highly athletic ones. The only figures women could have in such games (including LoL etc) would be highly athletic. By realistic here I mean 'closest to what you would expect' even though in most cases the physical feats displayed in games will be beyond what an elite athlete could do.
In fact, look at how gymanistic events differ between women and men at the olympics. Men have so much more upper body strength, so to be more realistic, you would need to make sure games like mirrors edge have men not women.
Go to the gym. Look around. Are most of the women there in good shape or tubs of shit? Why are they in better shape than the general population? Because they work out? Hmm. It's almost like how women in action games that have athletic capability have it as a result of training.
Games like street fighter have insanely muscular fighters. Look at Chun-Li's thighs! The only character I can think of that isn't conventionally ripped is E. Honda, who is a fucking Sumo wrestler (i.e. built like a brick shithouse underneath the fat).
If you want to have games where 400lb rainbow coloured piles of podge jump and spin around, no problem. Just make the game yourself, don't try and leech off established IP and don't accuse people of being bigot when your sales numbers are shit.
Here's an idea. A really revolutionary one:
The market will decide. It always does.
no, he's saying that having mean text sent to you on the internet does not warrant a speech at the fucking UN.
You aren't a high-level NEET, that's fine.
The show itself is shit, I only care about watching the livefeeds and picking a qt every year.
Show me any other show where a sperglord from /sp/ can meme his way into winning half a million dollars?
Because apparently to feminists/SJWs, not all women matter.
Only their specific brand of fat ugly loser women matter.
Well you know what? Fuck you. kthnxbai
It's just mind boggling to me how Feminist Frequency was able to brainwash an entire generation of females into thinking they're being oppressed. Every time I talk to other girl gamers our discussions always get derailed by "gaymer boggymen". I always feel so mindfucked every time it happens. I've been called misogynist for once for disagreeing. I been told I am demeaning to other female gamers. I been called sexist, for trying to voice a different opinion. I don't know they always resort to personally attacks. It just fucking sucks man.
that's sexist
stop objectifying yourself
The solution to this problem is to avoid white women like the plague.
Considering the male examples she posted (Rufus, Honda,,,), I'm guessing she wants more females who would look like the 3 last ones in this image. But truth being told, I wouldn't mind more female characters looking like the ones in the middle row though.
I'm torn. On the one hand, I find white women to be physically the most attractive. On the other, I really have no interest in going out with someone that would just be absurdly high maintenance, expect me to do everything as reparations for being a guy and essentially have an insane world view.
Some kind of dating site where you could only get an account if you thought social justice was BS would be awesome.
what if we photoshop 'top10 hottest men' into fat stumpy lards?
Stop going after Americanised women. That's the true problem.
I a society with a straight white male majority it's unfair that minorities like gays, women, colored people and ethnic minorities dollars while being equal in value don't mean as much to marketing teams and developers.
They're just fap material at this point and nothing else. If you want a legit relationship then you go for a non-white girl.
I can't really speak for certain on white women but there's always someone worth being with if you look hard enough.
Rigging what is actually purchased to promote a failed ideology requires too much money.
It's much easier to fake a consensus & pretend a demand exists where it does not by using the press & censoring social media. That's why cultmarx' love "networking" to establish connections & collude to promote their ideology while pushing out any opposition. They go straight for the employment of those opposing them every time to retain a monopoly on influence.
Attention, money & influence are everything in the soulless eyes of an ideologue.
No, I am telling you to find a different site more suited to your interests because you most definitely do not belong here. In case you are too retarded to figure out why what you said was wrong then let me explain it in detail.
It is known that she is a scammer both from her past and the fact that almost every single bit of footage that she claims to have recorded herself was taken from longplays on other Youtube channels. This means the money that was stated to have been for the games themselves was in fact not used to actually buy them, which is further proven by the fact that a lot of her statements on the games she talks about contradict the content itself. She also didn't need it for editing software because she very clearly had that already and her current camera seems to result in footage almost identical to her previous shit. So really the only thing she would have needed that money for is for oversized earrings and a cheap as fuck shirt with a generic pattern.
99% of that shit is simply other Youtube channels making videos in response to hers and banter on Twitter, she also makes comments sections seem like a valid place to look for legitimate threats which seems kind of unlikely considering how many twelve year-olds there are that claim to have fucked someone else's mother.
This is blatantly false, she has lost absolutely nothing from putting her content on Youtube and making money on top of the money she got in advance to make the videos. To contrast, there are people that have posted shit on the internet and had others look for ways to incriminate them with it in order to ruin their life for holding these views, a good example would be the Getting Racists Fired Tumblr page. So no, she definitely isn't the most suited to complain about harassment when the worst thing that has happened to her is a mean comment left on her videos.
Not enough cute girl thighs and butts ITT.
It's not just white woman though. They honestly believe male gamers are out to get to them. I gave up arguing with them. There are rare moments when we just discuss games until someone say something stupid. Then everyone gets all emotional and opinionated. I decided to grin and bear it. I'm done arguing.
I am a defeated user.
i really do not see why these threads exist. What are you cucks hoping will happen? Some asshole stops making boring videos on the internet? This seems like it's the equivalent of twitter protesting but for imageboards.
mod#s deleting conleaks threads.
Forcing you to use the gg bread.
the bread that is full with (((anons))), concern trolling and derailing everything about cobnleaks.
no conleak sticky
fuck this place
It's about shape, not race. Brood and Wyvern are the only outstanders.
the con leaks are the biggest happening since tzp/gamers are dead, why isn't it getting more attention? why aren't the mods making a sticky for it? even a cyclical thread would be fine.
and they never delete sjw/shilling posts either. very suspicious.
mods want you to go in the gg echo-chamber with all the pro-(((gg))) anons hust*SJW to worship VAL and his goon army so you get derailed to some EU-cuck and lewd shitposting.
feels bad man
where the fuck is mark that fat fucking kike what the fuck is he doing
it's nothing but a glorified containment thread at this point
Holla Forums had a sticky for it.
deleting conleak threads
try it yourself
remember, that's actually plebbit level.
Tits are literally fat. So, pick one.
With good reason. Next to the tumblrtale faggots there is no one more obnoxious than the GG autists.
Holla Forums is not kosher. They make GG look bad in the eyes of their fellow leftists.
Youre right. I do resent the fact that their money is getting her coverage and influence that I find troubling. I dont care about the people she exploits. Its been awhile since Ive looked into her channel, so I didnt realize she finished that series. As for the harassment, I have seen a lot of evidence (though most of it was from gamergoobers so who knows) pointing to the fact that most of it is fabricated. What concerns me most about her and the power she does wield on the internet is the fact that she is in a unique position to further censor the internet with the help of powerful organizations that take her seriously. She represents a world view indicative of the far left which is running rampant through america censoring all kinds of media while championing regressive media. As someone who considers themselves to be a moderate leftist, this shit is getting kinda scary. Before that UN shit I didnt really care about what she had to say because it was about stupid shit. Now that she has a larger stage she can shape more than how videogames are looked at. She can change policy. Should someone who talks about women in videogames really be given that kind of influence? I really dont think so. As for me calling you a ruser, Im still not sure. If you arent then sorry I guess. Considering where we are I usually just assume.
bitch please. you were spammimg the fuck out of them
Self-harassment is page 1 of these fucking cunts' playbooks, they do it and then cry rape and death threats after they post them themselves, literally SECONDS after they write them on their sock puppets. It's their MO, their motif, their modus operandi. It gives them more credibility than they would have otherwise (read: none), and it gives them sympathetic allies that would otherwise not get involved or even watch their bullshit, because fedora wearing beta cocksuckers (like you) just have to protect that maiden on the internet because their single mother was unfit to raise a child and taught him GIRLS MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS, but unfortunately there just hasn't been a gun pointed at a woman close enough to you yet to fall on your sword and die a fool's death as you gleefully think of what a great guy you were because you always protected the womyns, even when they were in the wrong.
The name of the game is slander, how do you slander a movement? You claim that all of its member write you nasty shit every day, threatening your life and your body, pretending you're afraid. What did Sarkeesian get for it? A successful kikestarter to start, it made companies listen and believe her bullshit, buying her time as a public speaker at $100,000 per speech, she got a bunch of money from Intel sponsoring a network she was barely associated with.
No, she's a fake victim just like Wu, Quinn and the rest of those CUNTS. Fuck you.
We know.
Fuck off goon.
calm your autism underage. Instead of posting on a chinese imageboard behind tor, why don't you tweet your opinion at her instead faggot
spoiler pls
Just hit the hide button above the image.
get off my board
I'm glad I left this tab open.
Cuck 2.0
Fuck yourself sjw
There is so much going on here. Never change Holla Forums
If I wasn't impotent, I'd have a boned right now and be clutching my knuckles in my teeth at the awesomeness of her body.
Fuck life. I'm 36 and I feel like I'm 80.
Never seen that picture before.
Here's some more oppression. We need more oppression. Hail patriarchy!
There's only one serious question to be asked.
Has Anita ever read these threads and masturbated to the thought of being gang raped by a bunch of angry video gamers, who also and choke and spit on her
Anita, pls.
This loud mouthed hag would have been drowned in saner times.
She doesn't deserve any attention whatsoever, and has no talent apart from being a victim.
Gut all feminists, they are insane.
Women were always crybabies, the difference is no one listened to them and if they did it too much they were shunned.
yeah probably
Like a three some, with two guys and Anita, spitroasting her and pinching and pulling on her clit and nipples.
Before you finish with her, then piss all over her body while she gently weeps and rubs it into her skin.
Can I get into the screencaps as well? If anyone at the UN is reading this. Umm…
Suck my clit, goon piece of shit.
>bitch demands more "diverse" fat body types
The reason why you don't see a lot of fatties in games, is because unlike the players - the game characters are running cross country, engaging in advanced martial arts, climbing sheer rock walls, dodging incoming fire, and other active lifestyle activities that would give you a body like that. Nobody wants to play a fat lump of shit who can't run slow jog more than 10 feet without getting winded, and can't get up off the ground without assistance if they get knocked down.
But I agree… seeing more diverse body types in games would be nice. Though, we tried that once with pic related, and the SJWs almost went into seizures from being so triggered.
"Diverse bodies" really is just code for "Fat Acceptance/HAES Propaganda" and total biological atrophy.
Women hate anybody who is cuter/more popular than they are, and it really makes no difference if they're real or fictional.
Not really "fat", but paunchy bordering on fat.
this is why i bother defending your ass.
That's because none of you understood that the only time Anita lost followers (yes, she actually lost followers on her youtube channel during a small period of time) was when she uploaded that "how to be a feminist" talk, where she says women shouldn't have the voice to do whatever they want and they should follow the directions of feminism instead, her line was more or less "choice feminism is an internet thing, it's not good for the hivemind"
When that video came up, more people left her channel than people joined (it's the only time it happened since the creation of the channel). If you communicated on that, you would be more likely to have an impact on how people perceive her.
I don't know how you think that talking about her on an imageboard full of anons aware that she's full of shit is going to grant her more support somehow.
I need source this anons.
I almost agree with that point, I don't think she has to be healthy and maybe she shouldn't be. If it's not a natural instinct for you to stay/become healthy then maybe you should remain unhealthy and unattractive. We need to remain in agreement that unhealthy is unattractive, if not we put our entire species at risk.
It's Anita alright, ignoring the inconvenient facts and shooting her own argument in the foot under any amount of scrutiny.
Spiders are lewd and lewd is bad.
It's from Kemokko Lovers 4 and the second part is in the follow up book.
Webm related
Fat women are notorious for being lippy and giving attitude all the fucking time, and this is really no different, just because the attitude she's portraying doesn't sound quite as "DON'T GO THERE GIRLFRIEND" as other fatasses.
"I feel resentment because I have to justify my existence" – no, you don't, you need to answer your own fucking question. You asked someone else a question, making it out like she's got an eating disorder and there's something wrong with her because she lost a bunch of weight by making an effort you aren't willing to make. You make it out like your problems are all biological, and that you would be a size 3, 10/10 smoking hot woman if it weren't for them pesky biological traits that make you fat. When someone flips the tables, and asks you the same questions, you suddenly become a bitchy cunt about it and are like "oh my god, fucking normalfags, do you not know how physical activity works? I walk 2.5 km a day, clearly I get a TON of exercise, I'm sorry that I'm too much woman for you to handle, this is my natural state, large and beautiful!"
I'm overweight myself, and let me just say, it's really easy to hate overweight people for making you look even worse when you're overweight. But I'm making an effort to get rid of it, I'm not going to be some asshole sitting on a stage being like "man, I'd love to be thin, but nature just didn't deal me them cards, can I get a half-dozen donuts up here?" Fuck that, and fuck these people.
Middle row is soft, bottom row is ham. 40% is POSSIBLY fuckable if there is some kind of cardio or muscle excercise going on, kinda sumo-style. If it's just a lazy bitch, then no way in hell
Nah, as far as ASSFAGGOTS goes, Smite is one of the most bearable in the market, and with the best controls in my opinion, since you aim with the mouse and move with keyboard. I already saw many LoL/Dota players avoid it because the controls are "too hard".
By the way, would like Snek, Spider, Half Dragon, Half Wolf Legs Loli?
Bacteria spread through uncleanliness. You avoid it by washing your hands.
Femists spread through attention whoring. You avoid them by ignoring this shit.
Fighting game characters are not protagonists. I said protagonist for this exact reason. Rufus and Bob are jokey characters and their weight is emphasized through humor. That's not 'straightforward'. You might as well say Fat Princess is a hero of body image.
So right now we have Mario and his recolors, Leisure Suit Larry, and Boogerman.
so if you let your enemies kill you, you win???
Or, based on your first analogy, maybe we avoid them by cleansing them from this world. You ever heard of corrective rape?
how am i supposed to rape a smelly hambeast?
APB: reloaded rip non reloaded version lets you make a fat character. I remember i once saw a guy playing as a morbidly obese he-man and it was pretty funny
Black dresses with high slits.
I want more female characters who belong in the top row. Gaming needs more muscle girls.
You know what would be really progressive? A game where the roles are reversed and we have a strong, muscular woman fighting for the thinner, weaker, shorter guy she loves.
Well, of course they didn't like the Amazon - men found her attractive. That would have been enough, but the fact that men were demonstrating attraction for a very muscular woman totally disproves their whole idea that gamers want weak, submissive women. They don't know what to do when "You can't handle a strong woman!" is visibly proven false.
No, feminists, it's not that men don't like strong women. It's that we don't like strong women if they're cunts who want to use their strength against us. Just like how you don't like strong men who use their strength to abuse you. There are plenty of men who would love to enjoy being protected by a stronger woman, but feminists usually join the tradcons in mocking those men.