After KAT whats the next hub to find updates for Patreon(western) porn games?
The only option is hunting for mega links across topical threads which is like going back to the stone age in terms of convenience.
Western erogames
Other urls found in this thread:
stop being a poorfag and get a job, NEET.
i have two jobs and i still pirate shit
Try pornolab
Nutaku is the same as always. 100% 18+ hentai individuals.
Mangagamer seems the only shop thats worthwhile atm and they're releasing those rance games in the west.
A Russian website will never be popular in the west.
99% of non-russians who google pornolab instantly go "nope" after seeing Cyrillic writing
use russian forums
is that dude actually playing unteralterbach with a actual physical child?
It's called grooming.
Those women are over 18.
Little girls like gaming too, you misogyterrorist.
You don't play visual novels dumbass
you wouldn't play unteralterbach with your daughter?
there's more than one?
eat shit, quads. If you can "play" a DVD menu game then you can "play" a VN. Don't argue semantics.
implying i'd let some thot hold me down
the nsfw tab has the most accurate list of western erogame devs.
Disgusting. Patreon is where porn goes to die. What do you recommend in its current state, then?
Since its practically impossible to make money from erogame developement outside of japan it pushes talent away, usually artists cant use nsfw art in their portfolio to send to potential employees so that too makes it unappealing career choise.
As for suggestions; Akaburs games, UAB, roundscape, re:maid, whorecraft parodies. You might like games that use non-drawn porn like "last man" and "mysteria lane".
Then theres uncensored eastern games like Hizashi, littlewitch academia.
>Not remaking your daughter on all of your games including eroge
Are you gay or just a bad parent?
i don't get how porn exists.
who pays for it?
It's a dying industry because so few people do pay, it's currently trying to remodel itself into more of a "camgirl" monetization where you pay for requests / private shows or idiots just give them money for the fuck of it.
I don't think I'm even old enough to fit the culturally accepted age for marriage yet.
Judging by this thread, I don't think your age even has to be in the double digits. So based on the fact that you can type out an understandable sentence, I think you're fine!
is furry porn still a lucrative shekel guzzler?
i've been noticing porn artists do a few things differently since last i checked. things like banding under one name at one site, selling merchandise, even artist collab books for charity
I have no idea about furry / drawn porn.
Honest to god I love this place.
You have strange tastes my friend but I do not judge.
There's a pretty good Torrentz clone.
Oh shit time to wipe my HDD again.
Akabur Motherfucker
ALL FOR FREE ON HIS WEBSITE, Princess Trainer even has a NG+ and is more fun than most shitty games out there!
A lot of non-jap porn games seem to come from CIS region.
I guess the amount of money you can make from patreon donations versus regural job is somewhat higher there compared to West.
But the legal age in civilized countries is 15
You mean 13.
In my world, the legal age is 8
some questions are better left unanswered
Your country is not a world, Ahmed.
Demonoid is actually back and not a honeypot?
Porn used to be a difficult thing to come by. I suppose some people also didn't want to risk sex with prostitutes. Porn movies used to be actual movies too, like Porky's but with a lot more fucking.
Camwhores know nothing about advertising, do they?
That was a fun thread.
It's not a good thing.
My parents were very sexually non-restrictive towards me and I ended up as a massive fucking faggot. If I somehow ever have a kid I'll be a fucking nazi regarding sexuality.
My bloodline doesn't need any more deviants.
This is called backlash.
You will be prude nazi, your children will be deviants again, their kids nazis again…
Do you want your daughter dating a nigger? Because that's how you get your daughter to date a nigger.
How to Raise a Slutty Daughter 101
be a non-restrictive nazi and you'll be fine
Didn't you have any other hobby besides looking at dicks?
Tell us some stories.
Is more that market places and financial services always require "all characters are 18+" or the services are terminated and authorities notified.
If you make a loli game you can only release it for free, and good luck setting up a revenue stream trough donations. Patreon prob takes half of the donations and its unclear wether they ban lolis or not so its risky.
What a cancerous society we live in.
A reminder that liking loli makes you a pedophile.
as long as i dont molest real children it wont be a problem
Well, my sister still ended up dating a nigger. So I don't think that's how it works.
Videogames and self loathing.
Not a lot to tell really, both my mom and dad taught me stuff like masturbation and sex was a perfectly normal activity for a 12 year old to be doing; and they completely accepted the fact that their 14 year old kid was a furry porn addicted homosexual (even if that was kind of a phase).
When I grew up after changing religions like a dozen times they were still accepting of what I turned into, and they are even sad because I think being a homosexual is more of a disease than just a personality trait; because they believe that makes me sad (which is true, but anyway).
Their whole mind set was "I want my kid to be happy and be who he is" but that kind of mind set led me to become even more depressed than I would be if I was straight.
In short, I'm the kind of fag that Milo is. The kind of person that would rather ask for a cure to homosexuality than for acceptance and respect.
Perhaps nigger-loving is just in your genes.
Cry more, you insecure losers.
Fucking retards I swear on me mum
Jeez, man, I feel bad for your parents. Imagine loving and accepting your son and he just grows up to be a depressed faggot who hates everything about himself and doesn't want to be happy.
you're the one crying about people's imagination
Most coal burners just do it for the attention.
This pisses me off. Kiddie fuckers should be shot.
Well she does cut herself and has a tumblr.
You might be right.
>>>Holla Forums
At any rate we're the end of the blood line and we're both unlikely to have children for different reasons so I don't think this will go anywhere.
You tell me.
The thing is, the furry art community is probably the healthiest art community on the net. They appreciate a ton of different styles, know what it takes to git gud and call out bad art when they see it. Plus, they know that if you like something, you need to throw money at it if you want to see more. Furries are pretty much the only folks left that practice life drawing, apart from the few actually good comic book artists.
What, you don't have any cousins or uncles?
Her buck will get her pregnant eventually.
I have a single uncle, but one of his children has Down's and the other one is infertile.
She's clinically infertile and I'm gay. Do the math.
Yeah, maybe your bloodline shouldn't continue.
The left is full of pedophiles though you fucking retard.
Remember to report thread derailers instead of (you) train.
It's actually one of the major factors that bothers me.
I want to have children to perpetuate my bloodline but I just cannot. It's one of the reason why I'm "a depressed emo faggot"
What are you, a prince? Who gives a fuck about your shitty bloodline, faggot?
youre hilarious
Well, you did asked for it.
What did I ask for, exactly? What makes your bloodline so special and worth passing down, hm?
admit it, you only got into loli because its the only situation where girls will fuck you unconditionally, and aras ruin that by potentially being better than you at sex.
You asked about the rest of my family when I said I was the end of the line.
I supposed you were asking about my bloodline.
Also sage because I already derailed the thread too much
Yes, and the rest of your family has told me that there's nothing there worth passing to the next generation.
You could always ask /scurv/, you know.
Just a commonplace filesharing forum.. with people roleplaying as pirates!
It adds to the magic of the place.
Its a feature
Well actually genetically if you're a fag then it's good to pass down your genetics. I mean you'll find countless studies that children with the "gay gene" as they call it are more likely to have much higher IQ and intelligence levels.
Plus add this on to the fact that some of the greatest artists and other great men would be considered gay. And there have been quite a few studies into the fact that since homo's are more accepted now-a-days it's going to lead to a overall lower amount of geniuses in this generation due to the fags not hiding it and having kids to hide it.
Though that doesn't stop you from being a fucking emo faggot just spread your genes unless as you've said you have retard incest genes.
I never said I have retarded incest genes.
My uncle had the Down's child because he was around 50 years old when he did. The probabilities for a fetus to develop such medical issues are directly proportional to the parent's age.
My infertile cousin is a radiography technician, meaning he gets bombarded with a lot of radiation on his like of work.
And my sister had hormonal issues since she went through puberty.
Well you should have said that then, if you don't tell us these things it's leads to misconceptions. Just got get your $20 for wanking into a cup or something if you can't bring yourself not to actually have sex with a woman.
Eh, incest related retardation would disappear just one generation down the line that stops inbreeding. It's caused by homozygosity of subpar genes, so one crossbreeding event would be enough to cure that completely.
Retarded parenthood produces shit kids regardless of the end of the spectrum you apply to it.
>>>Holla Forums
So you proved his point then?
I don't think you mean milo
I think you mean the guy that funded hulk hogans law suit
You can have all the 30 year old alimony bait you want.
When was she added, and how many girls does he plan to add?
Literally kill yourself.
Speaking of western porn games.
Free Cities
>Immediately sell them to organ harvesters
You have a whole board for that thing, go there
Just kidding, but I really can't find the appeal on a text based porn game
Make like Elton John, just marry a girl for the kids, then break up when they're older.
Any of you memelords wanna join here and make some mayhem?
Also they added some /k/ to this shit, idk just putting the idea here
if you can't find the appeal in injecting breast enhancement drugs into 25 slave women to the point you have to modify your compound to accommodate them because they have trouble going through doorways I completely understand
Oh shit not this autism again.
Yes this autism again now with everyone trying to get into a threesome we can lure some lost souls and give them a lecture about our lord and savior bane like the last time
no, you were born a homo
small world
add me fam i got into a party with some normalfags
>>>Holla Forums
I can confirm.
Going to try this, post a link or a way I can join you fags.
What group is more likely to accept pedophiles, and thus have pedophiles in it: Right or left ?
Join gloryhole, wait below the tits on the beach, try to get normalfags to invite you into a party and get us in so we can shitpost their shit
wrong image
neither, the point of a boogeyman is to have something to hate.
When did it go so wrong?
Why not better find a fucking middle point?
Don't let your dreams be dreams.
Pedowoods is left leaning or right leaning?
Take a guess
is there an archive?
Hello reddit. enjoyed your stay?
We cannot start this again. It got really gay the last time we played.
girls don't play video games silly
Would you rather a neckbeard playing as a girl hit on you?
I got careless
This is wrong fam
Your doing it wrong
either way all the most powerful people on earth are pedophiles
welll i mean, older women will just marry them to get their money or a free ride. Children have no concept of money and they are pure.
its part of a vampiric ritual. its directly related to why goodness is leaving the world
Wew lad
Good night fam
You can't really play either.
VN's are a bigger cancer than walking simulators
>Decide to let every black slave get pregnant and have them abort every season
oh shit i didnt notice
it really looks like the loli is unzipping his pants
hope user managed to fuck her cunny, god bless him
Lolis can get pretty lewd.
what universe are you in where VNs are paraded as the "next stage of vidya?" I don't see Uncharted turning into a VN but it sure as fuck turned into a walking sim. Don't even get me started on most current year action games with the ass ton of set pieces. Kill yourself, you should feel bad for your post.
Fuck off.
Are you fucking blind, she has her hand on the keyboard
hetero trash
Who said i fuck men?
also congrats to thatguy for reaching lvl 3, he must be really autistic
Kill yourself immediately. You're the kind of cancer that killed /u/ back before 4chan was called cuckchan.
ZzzzZzzz. Why are responses nowadays so copy pasted.
the game not the person..
Doesn't change anything.
My parents never hid sexuality from me, and I turned out to be 101% straight. Still a loser, though
Akabur: Princess Trainer
Shame when he included a school girl into the game she just had to have gigantic breasts.
If I had the disposable income for porn I'd be getting laid more often or more interested in other things that I could now pay for. That said, VR porn like waifu shit might be proftable since it's a different demographic than "somebody needs to rub one out" and more "this guy is a shut-in who has unhealthy attachment to fictional character." The latter less likely to spend money willy nilly, but will cash out if their waifu type fetishes are fully realised by some impressive tech.
>You, your fans or White Knights deliver pirated content to us
You could pay for them.
That's a positive, not a negative. Means its less likely to be shutdown.
If it makes us more attractive, can we modify it to remove the fag enabling and just spread the sexy virus en mass?
That isn't how dubs is supposed to work user.
Also it's just a thought experiment.
Well it doesn't address the fact that homosexuality is more of a memetic disease than a viral one. We already have proof of this.
and that proof is…
The fact the gay lifestyle spreads from person to person independent of physical connections, but more through social memes.
And yes, I am in fact saying that memes make you gay.
Yeah but at least the toxoplasmosis post had some sort of information to it.
Look I'm no sciencetist but I'm pretty sure as an advanced rate of progression, tumblr could be used as a study of how memetics can make you gay/bi/trans just by the volume of people that go into there.
And I'm fairly certain the "Do memes make you gay" study will never get funded because it absolves the biological irresponsibility of their being a gay gene/virus and presupposed that meme indulgence can cause this and that it can be something socially preventable.
Yeah basically. At least not in the states in the CURRENT YEAR. It'd be nice to find out, though, since I recall something about the "Gay gene" being a myth.
Well any eroge that works well on windows 7 and doesnt have censored genitals. I do not care about censored genitals.
Of course the gay gene is a myth, it only exists to afford certain people certain privileges in exchange for party support, like ignoring a private company's right to denial of service.
Yeah let me shock you right there it's ILLEGAL to force a company/person provide service to you but guess what? It's illegal for a church to refuse to host a wedding ceremony in a ton of states.
She got about smallest in the game.
Also were you home-educated? Schoolgirls develop breast to their max size at like 9th grade.
I guess the fucking stolen art is an issue, but it's better than plain text.
Are you retarded?
pic related
problem, officer?
Ribbon a cute.
The best western eroge i ever played.
Doesn't look like much but i really invite you to give it a try
Adeleine is better, and you know it.
shes fine, too
Both are great, though I have a soft spot for fairies.
Is that the one with Oblivion backgrounds? I remember playing a similar looking one which involved taking a walk in Chorrol.
We meet again, my arch nemisis and I.
It took me ages to finally get this game down.
You dont have to pretend to hate it to seem cool.
I'd say one of the biggest problems is gameplay.
Erotic can be a theme but gameplay is often shot in the foot.
Tobihime is one of the best eroge I've ever played.
Inma No Ken being a close 2nd.
Behind that probably Parasite in City.
There are a lot of bad 2D platformers.
A lot of VN games.
People keep sharing flash games on here as of late.
I wonder if I can share one that I liked from a gameplay perspective.
It is one of the few Meet And Fuck games that I liked.
The fact the fuckers who make these don't just do dialog boxes annoys the shit out of me though.
Why does /hebe/ keep trying to start shit by bumping this thread
I seem to remember that /hebe/ died after hotwheels passed the torch, maybe they made a comeback though.
fucking pedos
Stop posting snug smugs its activating my big, hard fatherly instincts.
Some dumb flash h-game, kinda fun
how's it feel to be a brainwashed good goy cuck
Most really don't.
They think people recording shows and posting pics hurts their chances at new clients when they don't realize they're essentially getting paid to serve clients. The ones who'd just watch a prerecorded video don't care enough to get a tailored show for them in the first place.
tl;dr it's legalized prostitution and any revenue is good revenue
Sleep snug, smug
Get on my level.
I need more of this. I checked the rest of the author's stuff and it's just not as good. I need a dating sim where the girl is an asshole if you don't do it right.
I feel like I'm going to jail after reading this thread
If it's for being a faggot like you, then yes.
What does an innocent board about plants have to do with this?
You won't go to jail for that, but with that comment you might end up in
Is your name julius?