Which side do you support?
Questions For National Socialists
The first side of pure breed. You can breed out genetic defects over time with culling of breeding habits of the undesirable breeds while keeping the desirable ones breeding with each other. But if you go the cross breed route then it will take even longer to get to a lack of genetic defects breed as each race of human has its own defects.
This of course is talking over many generations of humans unless you do something crazy like breed humans like animals while young. Or gene therepy en mass on the males.
Neither because thats an autistic argument. Just make sure nobodys marrying shitskins or Jews and the rest people can decide.
name one human (not dog) example of multiracial children being desirable, or superior
The Huns
In a healthy traditionalist civilization there is no need to micro-manage.
Because of fides to the king and empire, all acts will in the end benefit the empire.
With the advent of technology that allows for couples to select the most desirable features in their children, I don't think it would be a problem at all. (It should also be a free service provided by the state, in order to allow the poorer white people to get access to superior children as well). Look up CRISPR and realize that gene therapy is right around the corner.
Are you sure you're a national socialist?
Oops, kept my sage from the shill threads yesterday.
Yeah, no shit? Why did you think I want to give it to the poor? That's almost like, the whole point of National Socialism? Making ones society stronger and making it's volk superior?
Oh look it's another "White people are inbred and should fuck gooks and niggers" thread
I would have made it stronger but cutting out the fat, but that's just me.
I have been on Holla Forums long enough to know what happens when dog breeds are brought up.
Where did I say white in the post? This question was made in such a way that it could be any race.
Obviously removing the parasites should be a priority, but once that is done, we are still going to have competition with China, since they have a gene-editing program as well, as they want to make test-tube geniuses. Funnily enough, China has been trying to do that since 2008, and we only started doing it around 2013, and we somehow manage to be years ahead of them. Almost like…
Anyways, gene-modding is still wonderful as it allows for us to have large portions of society become geniuses or super-athletes, which will benefit us once we send people of Earth in search of new places to colonize.
OP is a faggot. There are no benefits to mixing different races and there never will be. >>>/salt-left/
As an American, I'm ok with allowing new WHITES to come in and marry our people.
If the "pro-mixing" group specified that they meant Europeans ONLY, then I would support them.
How do you think the slavs of today came from?
So you're fine with black europeans, or do you actually mean only white people from europe?
There is no such thing as a black European.
Saying white europeans is like saying white snow
There are no negroid europeans only african invaders
top jej, no
Only white people from Europe.
It's called a birth certificate you moron. Or are you using that idiotic born in a barn argument?
Miscegenation is a mistake
You mean the losers?
Civic nationalism is a meme. You're only European by blood.
How is the only fighting force to ever beat Russia Losers?
By that logic, non native Americans of america aren't American.
No, they aren't. They're European settlers. The founding fathers were just as British as I am.
White americans are native they conquerd and build america to what it is today the injuns they lost in the struggle for existence and i will not allow my people to lose this struggle i will fight everyday for the continued existence of us
You can mix all you want, but your mongrels won't be allowed to stay here. Ethnic purity as part of the citizenship requirement.
I'm going with this option. White people have bred a workable population for the entirety of our existence without government micromanagement.
Mongrels should be exiled along with the rest of the degenerates
Let's get one thing straight mate, you're American if you're born in america, You're a red American are you are born in america, you're a native American. That would mean black europeans who are born in europa are european, and white europeans who are born in europa are native europeans.
Go away please.
Then by that logic the refugees and black europeans are just as native, because they're conquering it as we speak :^)
lol ok mate.
Silly question.
Many dog breed were bread for aesthetics and end up having health issues. So "purity" in that sense is trash, you're keeping their problems.
So in short - whatever keeps my people healthy.
Purity, but to a reasonable degree - we all know what happened to the kikes genetics.
Only white americans the inheritors of the British settlers can be American. If you and your brown horde defeat this America congratulations ari.
If you're a injun you are a loser who couldnt maintain his his territory because he was busy killing other redskins.
Black europeans don't exist its the homeland of Germans,Greeks,Italians,Norwegians and much more.
Thank you for being honest and showing the average person what you support your attempt at invading us will throw even the most average joe into our arms for we will defend them as our brothers while you only have contempt for them.
I'm indifferent to immigration as long as it's legal. I miss having a flag to show I'm not a fashie.
Scrap-of-paper civic nationalism. "American" isn't an ethnicity. You're either English, French, Dutch, German etc or a mongrel mixture. America is an abstract nation, an invention of the 18th century enlightenment. Not a real nation, as nations are defined by ethnicity.
kek ok.
Kek user I'm just following your own retarded logic. No need to get so buttblasted over your own flawed worldview.
And no I'm not a refugee and have no interest on living in Europe, so cry more.
Thats right you little faggot. Get back in your little civic box and never post again, this board is for big boys.
My people weren't asked if they wanted to become a minority in their own nation. and if we were we would have said no.
Open borders for israel
become black already shlomo your daughter wants it.
Na, I like asking right wing sjws questions.
The Jewish people are genetically very weak they need to breed with blacks or they won't survive i just want the best for the Great Jewish people the chosen ones
You're a cocksucking nigger
pic related for "hybrid vigor"
I didn't make that comment. I posted this same question over on half chan and that's what I got.
We as Jews need to accept that we have a responsibility to our future Jewish children to mix our Jewish daughters and Jewish sons with blacks we will become stronger than we are now currently we are so weak our genetics are so bad we need to improve or we wont survive please give us your genetics blacks
You like it until you get answers you don't know what to do with. No refutation, no witty little comebacks. Just an "ok" like the fag you are.
I know you didn't post that comment. Doesn't stop you from being an enormous namefag. Indifference to legal immigration would imply indifference to the admittance of shitskins no? Which makes you either a TRSodomite/lolberg tier faggot or just a gay.
This Jewish women and Black men make the cutest couples!!
Did you not notice me arguing over who is and is American?
I'm saying "American" isn't a nationality (unless you're a native American), and that most modern Americans are British, French, German etc in denial OR mystery meat mongrels.
He doesn't care. He thinks a mouse born in a horse stall is a horse. Most likely because he himself is mystery meat with no roots and no sense of identity beyond self. see
I would say we should favor the best within our population to have as many babies as possible. No mixing with outsiders. Anyone below 100 IQ should be prevented from breeding and over time the IQ requirement to breed would be raised.
All you need to do is look up the founding of America and you'll see it's a nation created by a scrap of paper signed by radical politicians and traitorous ex-British Army officers. How can a bit of paper be a basis for a nationality?
I'm not really disagreeing. The biggest mistake they made was putting the power and identity of the state before that of the nation.
However it was explicitly stated to be a nation for whites only.
Mate, you're American if you're born in america, You're a red American are you are born in america, you're a native American. That would mean black europeans who are born in europa are european, and white europeans who are born in europa are native europeans. It's that simple, Europe is a place. What you just gave me is the stupid born in a barn argument.
You're also a nigger for posting screencaps from your own duplicate thread on cuckchan, giving the "hybrid vigor" analogy using dogs. You're arguing semantics. European refers to either the geographic location or to a genetically distinct group of people. But the people are tied to the land. The land exists the way it does, because of the people. You obviously don't understand this and like I said before, it's probably because you have no roots of your own or an identity beyond your own self. Fuck off with your cuckchan thread and bullshit civnat arguments.
Tell me, in your mind are ALL the people who are born in Scotland and have birth certificates there true Scotsmen?
If your answer is not yes, that means you're a total moron, who falls for the no true scotsmen fallacy.
This, remove all shit skins and jews and probably most asians and everyone else marries who they wish. Immigration can come from pre approved races and countries.
Miscegenation does not create better people, so you kill the mixers.
no race-mixing, period.
Being born in Scotland may make you ""Scottish™®" but the only way to be "Scottish" is to have the correct genetics.
Humans aren't dogs, for fuck's sake. Here's required reading for Holla Forumsacks on race.
Genetics: pastebin.com
Myths: imgur.com
Diversity: pastebin.com
Genocide: pastebin.com
Reported. Kill yourself.
Reported. Kill yourself.
You need to kill yourself, for starters. We're done engaging with you. Go make your shilling better somewhere else.
ok. Hope you have a nice day mate.
This. White people, when free of Jewish cultural degeneracy, naturally manage these things quite well without it needing to be implemented as a government policy.
Blow your fucking brains out.
as well as pic related you gigantic faggot
okay. OP (23) is a paid shill who is a part of a wider group promoting race-mixing all over the internet. On 4cuck it takes form of BLACKED porn threads, here it's a little more sophisticated, but the point remains. Just read this guy's posts in this thread
;) maybe someday.
This nigger is literally cross-posting shit from his duplicate thread on cuckchan.
That being said, this is now a designated thread to dump your race folder.
Agreed, please post race folders.
We do it for free cunts
What if it was possible to genetically alter the sperm and ovum of whites to shut out other races' genetic traits regardless of crossbreeding.
So no matter who you breed with, the child would come out white?
If that were possible, then ironing out genetic defects as well shouldn't pose much of a challenge.
Nice proxy hop faggot, breeding with subhumans doesn't lead to less defects.
And since you love your dog analogy so much
That's not me mate.