Where can I get money from Cultural Marxist known as George Soros?
Holla Forums said I can get money for rioting and shilling for him.
Where can I get money from Cultural Marxist known as George Soros?
Holla Forums said I can get money for rioting and shilling for him.
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He's the Donald Trump of the left
*spoiler*he doesn't fulfill promises
Don't do it. It's a scam. We've been hard at work destroying the white race on Holla Forums and we have yet to see a single dollar from this guy.
I'd like to know this too. I was getting all my money from CTR but now that the election is over I'm broke again
I heard it's easier if you join the local antifa and get paid by local government.
Start woking for BLM or another group that is paid by him to protest. If you have drivers license for a buss you can also buss people to protests. You will be paid through one of the organizations he finances.
If you don't live in the US, it'seasier to join antifa and get paid by the state to protest
you can't destroy what doesn't exist
I want to live in Holla Forumss fantasy world.
you are already in a fantasy world it seems
Haha I knew this all along you dumb kikes just played into Holla Forums's hands wait until the glorious sons of Europa see this. Day of the rope soon, you cucks.
I want to be one of the communists that secretly controls the world economy. I've been a communist for 16 years now and still feel as far from this goal as ever.
I'm of European decent, but have no qualms about selling out the white race if it means I get to pull strings and destroy cultural values.
I'm black and in decent shape.
Still never found those interracial breeding grounds, maybe I can get in on this at least.
How long have you been part of the program? Usually newbies have to wait 90 days before getting breeding muh privileges. If it's been a bit expect your personalized key card in the next mailer. It's pretty sweet. Every time you impregnate a white woman they stamp your card, and after twelve they send a white guy to buy you dinner at the restaurant of your choice for you and his wife. Last time I had red lobster. White suffering only makes it more delicious.
how many pure aryan waifus have you impregnated already THIS YEAR, you greedy bastard?
What a fucking ripoff. I found Mr. Soros at my local Masonic lounge the other day and told him I work 40 hours a week leaking white guilt and irrelevant shiting propaganda into the internet and media and all he did was give me a little pat on the back and congratulate me on my progress on destroying the white race. For my dedication and all the work I put in I expected he at least give me some sort of recognition and invite me over for shabbos. But he hardly looked at me and didn't even give me a shekel for the ride home. He just walked away and started a conversation with some other reptilians about undermining Western values with homoerotic animes. Don't trust this guy, he's a total schmuck imo.
Fucking top kek
Kek what a bunch of cucks you are. I met comrade Soros himself at a Messianic Kabbalistic ceremony where we sacrificed the virginity of 100 white maidens by releasing some strong black bulls to impregnate them while we worshiped at an altar of Karl Marx.
Only rabble rousers get money.
The mob usually thinks it's genuine so they gt nothing.
And did he actually pay you anything? No, he didn't. Apparently, you're quite content being "paid" in petty status symbols.
Soros is ripping us of, that's all there is to it. WE do all the work when it comes to destroying Western civilization and we hardly get anything more than meager shillbux. This needs to stop.
Guys, I've been bringing single black bulls and married white women to see private showings of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Bella and the Bulldogs all year, to promote irrelevant shiting. I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN A SINGLE CENT FROM THAT SOROS BASTARD. ==REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE==
Guys I'm thinking we should put together a union for shills.
To be honest the rates CTR was paying per post were outrageously low and Soros is just not meeting his obligations to us.
Shills of the world unite!
I say we have a strike. If we're not on twitter ifhgting for the destruction of the west then it won't happen.
Soros needs us, we don't need him!
honestly though, protesting CTR publicly on twitter for "not getting our paychecks" would be fucking hilarious
It's like,
a universal
that can
as a
of itself.
yiffunist agenda
used and discarded like a condom
Apply for a foundation grant.
You sasanachs picked the wrong employer. Work for us. We keep our end of the bargain, unlike Soros.
top fucking kek
You can meme all you want, but he's basically a porky supervillain turned real-life and you ignore him because Holla Forums hates him too.
He's just enacting on Stirners philosophy, Holla Forums should love him.
Fuck, sounds better than what I do for a living, where do I apply? I don't even like antifa but money is money
Aw shit let's do this
Are you really surprised, tho?
Maybe he realizes how irrelevant and useless you guys are. You're a bad investment. He may be a machiavellian globalist sociopath, but I can't fault his business sense tbh.
Don't believe it user. It's a lie.
It took a huge effort of mine to get my white friends to kill themselves, and I didn't get shit.
thanks, that was pretty funny in the context of this.
Fucking soros never funding communists despite communism clearly being part of his plot. It's almost like the conspiracy is inconsistent…
Focusing on Soros is like saying removing one particularly large turd from a cesspool will turn it into a freshwater lake.
Sigh… looks like I'll have to sell out to the chemtrail reptilians then.