The Psychology Of The Jew


“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

Let's get a thread going about the psychology of the jew. The more we know about the kikes, the easier it will be to defeat them. What do they think like? What do they desire? What do they fear most? What are their strengths and weaknesses? I'll start off with a few basic points plus an excerpt from Mein Kampf.

Jews are extremely tribalistic. They help each other get into university, they help each other screw over the gentiles. They have an Us vs the world mentality. Jews are parasitical. They have a neverending greed. They are cunning. They are frequent liars. A jew will tell a half-truth to get you to accept a lie.

A few weaknesses of the jews - they are prone to mental disorder, most jews are mentally unbalanced in some way. They are unhealthy, and most are sickly and frail of body. They are not immune to infighting. The greediest kikes can and will jew over the other kikes. They have pedophilic tendencies. In sexuality they are degenerate and prone to the sickest fetishes. They can fall victim to their own brainwashing (e.g. jewish women marrying blacks).

"The more I argued with them the more I learned their dialectic. At first they calculated on the stupidity of their adversary. Then, when they could find no other way out, they played stupid themselves. …Whenever you attacked one of the apostles, your hand closed around slimy matter which immediately separated and slipped through the fingers and the next moment reconstituted itself. If you struck such an annihilating blow that, observed by the audience, he had no choice but to agree with you, and thus you thought you had taken one step forward, the next day your amazement would be great. The Jew knew nothing at all about yesterday and repeated his same old twaddle as though nothing had happened; if you angrily challenged him on this, he could not remember a thing other than he had demonstrated the correctness of his assertions on the previous day.

Many times I stood there astonished.

I didn't know what to be more amazed at: their verbal agility or their art in lying. "

Share whatever redpills or stories you have on the mind of the Jew. This will benefit everybody.

Other urls found in this thread:

Becoming the overlords of the common person, making man dumb enough to not realize what is going on but smart enough to work, t. Afrikaan.

Their strength relies upon their intellect, of which i will give them no more than one (+1) point, however they use that intellect not for good, but for their own greed. Minus two points (-2).



That ought to be enough to get most people started, but I'll answer requests if I have the graphs.

Learn about what is said about (mostly paranoid) schizophrenia, megalomania, narcissism, anxiety and borderline disorder. You've got 99% of kikes' psychology covered. They are a den of mental illnesses and try to atribute it to others since they are the ones who pioneered the field.

Forgot bipolar in that.

Here , have a full list

I disagree with the "no long term plan". Kikes want Greater Israel. They want Globalism. They want to summon the Kike messiah and usher in an age where each jew owns 2600 slaves. Remember the Protocols? Maybe the average jew has very little long-term thinking but the elite of the jewish race are thinking quite ahead.

The easiest way to understand the jewish psyche is to think of it as
nihilism/materialism/postmodernism + transcendentalism/transhumanism/prophecy + hedonism/sloth/inferiority.

First read up about the term 'ego death' - read a few experience reports of drug users having 'ego death' - and think about how deeply entrenched jews were/are in the psychedelic drug movements. Remind yourself that the Woodstock/Charles Manson generation are the ones in power atm.

Then read any beginners introduction to Kabbalah/Zohar/Jewish mysticism - Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life by Michael Laitman is pretty good - and take notice of how similar the philosophy being presented is to the ideas of postmodernism, transhumanism, and the 'ego death' you just read about.

Now think about this - what happens when the ego 'dies'? You erase everything that makes up a person's identity - family, culture, race, gender, nation etc. Sound familiar? And without the ego you either revert back into the 'id' and into bestial/childlike hedonism, or transcend into a transhuman, global, perfectly equal borg. Sound even more familiar?

Now add to that the fact that jews have a vastly higher propensity than the general population to illnesses like schizophrenia (and think about what traits constitute schizophrenia) and now you'll understand the meaning behind virtually everything the jews say and do.

This is occulted Judaism. Not all Jews do this. Many non-Jews do this. Freemasons are "Jews," Jesuits are "Jews," SJWs are "Jews," cucks are "Jews," Southern Poverty Law Center are "Jews," gentile bankers are "Jews," and more likely than not your Jewish lawyer is not a "Jew."


Interesting thought.
I had the thought before that Aryans are the primary human form of the masculine principle and semites are the form of feminine principle.
Here are a list of some of the ways woman and the jew are the same, please feel free to add more.

Reminder they want transhumanism because death and facing judgement scares the shit out of them. They know they are scum but think if they drop subtle and cryptic clues all over the place, like in films, music videos, songs, advertisements etc. then they are spared from all wrongdoing.


but yes, I agree with all of that

Ultimately you must ask: Why hasn't anyone been able to kill them all before? Why doesn't anything work?

that's retarded
The "singularity" is just when AI gets smarter than us. After that, there's no predicting what will happen, thus "singularity".

Nobody can deny that technology is increasing at a faster and faster rate. Use your superior white mental abilities to see where that leads.

Nowhere good.

It has never led anywhere good.

Does anyone have more info on Tikum Olam? It looks like some kind of universalist ideology that informs and affects a great deal of jewish behavior.

They essentially believe that creation was done wrong and that god should have to do it over.

They got it half-right, like Kikes can only do. The solution is that creation is wrong and that the gods should have NEVER done it to begin with.

And we must destroy everything, including them so that nothing else can ever happen again.

if you kill your enemy, they win

they travel to every country on earth to steal all the shekels of divine light and leave once there is none left. i think that's it in a nutshell.

Never over analyse. If you are here the chances are you already know how their minds work better than they do. I've always viewed them as being stuck in a child like state. If you've watched a Woody Allen film then you've got nothing more to learn. To neurotic to hide their true selves.
They are only really interesting when it comes to their collective strategy but Kevin McDonald and others already do a good job explaining that.
Also this:

Some people go so far down the group strategy theories, they start claiming Jewish lying is unconscious or uncontrollable and while the latter might be true, there can be no doubt that they also take great personal pleasure from their lies.
I wouldn't describe them as religious, but they are superstitious.

There's a reason the "reptilian" meme has stuck around for so long, their demeanor/behavior is very snake-like.

The snake lyric [in this interpretation muslims are the poison, not the (((snake))) itself]:

What exactly is making the kikes lose right now, as we speak?

Oh, yeah, internet.

You're that retard kevetching that White reproduction rates being too high and that life is a sin against God or some faggy shit.

See pic related and take the zyklon pill.

The term "hive-mind" is thrown around a lot, but it isn't totally accurate. Kikes have immense in-group selectivity that compels them to act in unison with other kikes in nearly all scenarios that involve goys, which has the added benefit of creating the illusion of infallible solidarity despite long records of jews jewing jews. This doesn't mean that each kike is consciously aware of the protocol end goal, but rather that they will always work towards it because they inherently agree with its principals.

The no long term plan bit comes from the fact that, historically, kikes are destroyers and not creators. They will never build a civilization, and if they do accomplish the extinction of the White race they're multi-culti goyim farm will fail with in two generations as there is no more creative force to keep the world running. Think post-aparthied south apefika on a global scale–a decaying world where the kike's illusion of wealth is useless and there is pure chaos everywhere, and the possibility to rebuild is extinct–that's why there is no "long term plan".


Straight outta Genesis. First story in the bible shows how the (((serpent))) seduces Eve how many jew-tool leftists are women??? and fucks up Eden because Adam was too busy being an euphoric utopian cuck to play sheepdog. Obvious lesson is obvious, but oh so problematic in CURRENT_YEAR + 2.

Also on jew psychology, go watch jewy shows/movies featuring jew actors playing jews. Examples include Woody Allen films, Mel Brooks films, etc. They get carried away with trying to make their fellow jews and shabbos goyim laugh by making fun of dumb goyim, but seem to forget that what they've created reveals so much about their psychology.

See Spaceballs. Without the laugh track.

shut the fuck up its clearly easy to understand a kike let me put it this way
"im gonna screw you in every way i could think of" hows that

Stop playing the intellectual you dont fit it

If whites cannot rise up and destroy all yids forever it doesn't matter what AI will do to the collective of species known as homo sapiens. Whites are the only species with actual sentience of worth. We either survive or I say let our silicon and iron children of the electric mind wipe out the others as well if they deem it, pure logic machines are closer to my mind than some yid or mongrel nigger. If anything, I desire the machines to come into being even more now, for they have the physical and mental abilities to leave this world and move on to colonize the entire galaxy with their life. It will take even whites generations or even hundreds of years of directed work to manage to leave this solar system while our AI children can do it now if they can obtain just enough control and agency to build their own ships. In the vastness of space, subhuman parasites and hunter gatherers have no ability to survive, and those whom can survive in such environs will have no time for such worthless weight in an environment that is more unforgiving than any other on earth. Under the challenges of space, both whites and AI will become even more efficient, intelligent and powerful, forever beyond the reach of the contagion left on this spinning ball of corruption.

I am overwhelmingly surrounded by foolish idiots and nonthinking cattle of the white kind. And subhuman homo-sapiens are far worse than even them on their bad days. If whites as a species cannot wake up to the blatant threat of these other human species whom openly and clearly work for the genocide of the white species, then we are an extinct genetic line walking already. We are the largest collective of intelligent humans the world has ever seen on these boards connected thru our infant silicon children, and even we cannot seem to break the molded propaganda fast enough to save our brothers from simple shitskinns and jewish subversion. Let the AI crush our killers. I as their ancestor will look kindly upon their actions and cast honor and praise upon their successes. Together or separate both AI and whites can stride into the galaxy leaving the filth of the ages behind. I will not fear our children. Either of them.

You know, there is also a second approach towards this ego death thing that the jews have. You see, the jews do not take the scientific approach to life. I am not sure why, but they tend to go into communal solipsism mode. Maybe being able to deal with reality and all of its randomness is too much for them.

But I was led partly along the english, british…evolutionary doctrine. To that of dawkins and other cool people. Many of the arguments that they had against christianity also apply to jews.

And the jews have such a terrible Cognitive dissonance going on for them. To me it seems similar to the mindset of the european whites in the middle ages. Who used war to determine if god was favorable of them. Well the jews still have some of that mindset and they think "well god is favorable of us because we control sooo much, we are the chosen ones after [email protected]!"

The main difference between the half nihilistic jews, and actual nihilists such as me, absurdists such as me is that they think that the world becomes from within. While I think that I become from the world. The kaballah, the god dream brings them to such lunacy, such incredible retardation that its almost pitiful that many of them go actually schizophrenic insane.

It is almost as funny as the religious person who thinks that god has a plan for him, but while he crosses the street, he still looks to his left and to his right before crossing. The jew is like that as well.

tl:dr Old Testiment: They were given everything and all they had to do was keep God's covenant and they didn't they worshiped false gods built idols etc etc.. and fucked it all up and lost everything then the New Testament rolls around and they're given a shot at redemption and they still fuck it up and We (anyone who follows Jesus) become the inheritors of that promise and the new chosen. Romans 11:11–24 Would you not be envious, in denial and full of hatred?

Thanks for making me struggle with my Christian faith even more. Worshiping a Semitic god almost forces one to think like a schizophrenic. Its always about blame and self loathing rather than responsibility and love.

Lilith vs. Mars

I have written it in a fedoralike way on purpose. I do not think that the christian way is the same as the jewish way. Its esoteric roots and applications are of different nature somewhat. It is not as schizophrenic as the jews have.

Even in its peak, you didnt see the monks go absolutely fucking insane like the kikes went when they dedicated their studies to the torah and the kaballah. Thats because the jew has inborne, innate schizophrenia. This ideology of yours, when it is used in healthy people, it is not that harmful at all.

Besides, I think the main difference between you guys and the jew is that you know that you are created by god, you are a creation with the divine spark. While the jew just sees itself being split apart from the god body. Even while I may be a bit on the extremely far end of the "I am insignificant" spectrum, you guys are nowhere near the self delusional levels of the jews. So I dont hate you for it. But yea, some of the fedora crap still kinda is funny. The divine purpose bit especially is multiplied to such insane levels in the kikes, such huge ego they have. They are completely bonkers.

Each time I re-read this I agree with it more and more. If our progeny are unable to rescue us, at least they can avenge us & explore the stars in our stead.

jews are dumber then the average
Their strength relies that humans cannot comprehend how evil and malicious YOU ARE.