This fucking game has my dick so hard right now

This fucking game has my dick so hard right now.

Why is it so perfect?

I don't know user, you're the one playing it, you tell me.


The japanese roguelike formula is a fun one, I liked Izuna although I only finished a few dungeons

Seems fun.
This is the PSVita one, isn't it?
Well maybe i'll give it a look in 10 years when the price for it drops at a reasonable level.

I paid 70 bucks for the special edition.

The maps look exactly like pokemon mystery dungeon.
Oh it's the same engine. I might just emulate it later.

This gets less funny if you post it every chance you get

PMD (specifically red) spends its first couple hours as shallow and tedious. I couldn't stand it. Would you say it gets better?

Japanese roguelikes always seemed shallow to me, I've tried Shire, Izuna, PMD and ZHP, and out of these I've only liked ZHP, also the terrain generation seems bland as fuck on most of these it makes Moria look like the vanguard on procedural generation.

Looks ugly.

Looks like a zelda game, where you doesn't even play as zelda. Is combat any different?
What's up with those terrible fonts?

nigga please

How's the RNG? The Nintendo DS version is brutal! You can be doing great in one floor, but, as soon you arrive on the next one and BOOM! Your items are transformed into onigiri or stolen, and fucking tanks blast your ass so hard you loose everything in a couple of turns. That's why I like the Pkm mystery dungeon series better…

What the fuck user


Please kill yourselves. Or at least never post on this board again.

Yes, definitely. For greater comfort, I would emulate team blue.
It does start kind of slow, since there are some events that get triggered later.
How ar were yo into the story?

I guess I can't stop you from really enjoying your shitty taste, but ok.

My question stands, what is the combat like?

And my answer is, kill yourself.

Why is it that in the past few months people think
Is this an epic new meme?

How about you play it? Try the Famicom version, I think there's a english patch.

不思議のダンジョン, Fushigi no Danjon

So the game in question is just shitty zelda clone, but you're to butthurt to admit it? Very well, proceed with your fruitless rage over elf slut simulator.

Have you been able to rescue anyone yet? I can't seem to find anyone every time I search.

For me, personally is that I played something more "actiony", it's hard to go back to something less "actiony". It seems boring.
It's like liking final fantasy X and then playing kingdom hearts 2 and then trying to go back to final fantasy x.

Shut it

Its because RPG elements are added into many games now, so to the common retard that means any RPG and RPG element is bad by default.

Its stupid faggots making broad generalizations because they lack the intelligence to judge things case by case.


looks like a mystery dungeon game

Half this thread seems to be stupid faggots who don't know how to look up things on the internet or are generally just your typical Toddposter or anime reaction image poster.

You somehow spent 70 fucking dollary doos on this piece of shit, made a thread to circlejerk about it and had absolutely zero intention of answering any questions about it? I think it is you who needs to never post again.

That's how its always been.

Seems fair enough. Although I personally can hop between turn-based rpg's to action-rpg's and still like both genres.

No it hasn't. Only the last year or so. I've given up on any hope for this board a long time ago. Most my hope died when I got banned for "derailing a thread" dumping Ito in an shitposting thread about alola eggxecutor's neck.

The board is a shitheap. This thread is only affirming it.

You forgot, the other half is pretentious faggots like you and You know, just saying that to help you catch up to that ultimate feeling of self awareness.

The only pretension here is that I would be able to discuss a game with people who have actually played it and know how to appreciate japanese dungeon crawlers. Instead I get people who post like they're writing kotaku articles and whining on twitter.

Bye then

At least they used to have the decency to post once while saging and then leaving for the next thread.
ID filter's are there to be used.

I enjoyed the pokemon mystery dungeon games, so I am interested into other games of the same type. How is the story?

Why not play a Japanese roguelike that actually gets your dick hard?

post download link faggot

user, don't feed underageb& the attention they want.


Just because it was more vidya than shitty webm threads doesn't mean it wasn't shitposting.

I mean, unless you seriously think a bunch of shitty reddit meme comic tier MSPaint OC is worthy enough of being deemed "Not-shitposting."

Well, you're not the arbiter of what is and isn't shitposting, so don't be surprised when you fuck around in the grey area and get slapped.

I swear this board is full of retarded niggers who cant even a work a computer, your probably posting via mobile anyways you literal fucking bottom feeder.

Have you niggers never played an actual roguelike in your life or what?

If shitposting threads about alola Eggxecuter while the board was flooded with shitty sun and moon threads is a grey area, then Holla Forums is filled with liberals.

All roguelikes don't play the same, user.

Whatever, just keep shitposting like you were going to do anyway. Just make the board worse for yourself and everyone around you instead of doing anything productive.

In a more complex sense, yeah, but most of them are pretty similar unless you really start getting "out there" like DoomRL.

This wouldn't have happened if the mods did their job and banned the "IS THIS ZELDA?!" and the "IT'S SHIT!" shitposting faggots at the start.

Perhaps you should apply for a moderator position when one opens up.


And another thread went to shit because people don't recognize bait.

I'm sorry I have failed you.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is basically exactly like Shiren, except dumbed-down for retards. If Shiren was Morrowind, then Pokemon Mystery Dungeon would be Skyrim.

god hates casuals

This is a terrible analogy. Pokemon just traded off the rogue-like components for monster collecting and party building.

it's all your fault tbh


Sounds fun then, I'll give it a try.

literally the best companion

Are you, unironically, trying to say mystery dungeon games play like Zelda?
Are you incapable of looking up gameplay?
Are you incapable of not making up claims with practically nothing to go on?
Are you incapable of reading a thread?
Have you never seen Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?