Meanwhile "college educated" women are saying how important abortion is because it might save their life
I wanna see some feminists try and say how she should have killed the baby instead.
Meanwhile "college educated" women are saying how important abortion is because it might save their life
I wanna see some feminists try and say how she should have killed the baby instead.
Feels bad man, why do these things always happen to good people and not purple haired bulldykes instead?
Yahweh confirmed for being the satanic tribal god of the jews.
That's pretty rough, best of luck to her and the child.
Don't be too happy, faggots. She probably got brain cancer from her shit genetics. He kid probably has it, too.
Eh, the child will grow up a shitty life without a mother.
Let's hope he will not start watching anime and become a loser.
Great woman.
And abortion is a good thing.
Dead niggers.
Right back at you, Chaim.
Are there any statistics that point towards single fathers creating degenerate children?
This is what we protect, faggots.
We protect our beautiful, faggoty, idiotic, genius people from the niggers and the jews to preserve this sort of selfless sacrifice. On another note, I think we need to prepare for the DOTR.
I know I'm ready, anons, and I would never ever ever commit any acts of violence against enemies that want to kill me ever :^)
These files may contain non (((kosher))) content.
It would be pretty bad to learn how to make gas and IEDs. Imagine poor niggers, fags, and jews dying in explosions.
I don't know of any, but there might be some out there. Regardless, being a single parent is hell.
At least she did her duty and had like 6 white children so her genetics aren't wasted.
Stop being a disingenuous kike. Widowed != single. Children raised without a father/mother due to untimely death do not exhibit the same bad effects that you see from things like single motherhood (as in, single mother who got knocked up or divorced the father). There is still respect for the dead parent from the living parent, unlike in a single mother situation.
You're putting the cart before the horse and mistaking cause and effect.
What a beautiful human being.
A child born of this level of love and self-sacrifice will have a reservoir of strength to tap into and as a result this act of absolute bravery and kindness will reverberate through the generations. RIP Mrs. DeKlyen
This is who we fight for, gentlemen.
It shows that humans aren't selfish beasts, if they care and choose not to be.
A trial by fire were many, shall perish or be reinforced.
Usually if pressed you're to save the woman before the child, reasons being that the woman can have more children, the child will grow up without a mother, will need a surrogate for feeding, and the father could well harbour resentment for the child
of course, that's for a bad birth. for a terminal illness unrelated to partuition, i guess it's reasonable to save the kiddo because the gril would probably die later anyway
Please stop trying to derail the thread.
I see they were Christians. It seems that Christianity, when properly followed, produces altruism. Does Judaism?
What are her odds of surviving if she went through with chemotherapy? Surely It's pretty low when you're bombarding your brain with radiation.
l o l
altruism is a trait bred by natural selection in developed species you cuck. the basis is that you take harm or risk unto yourself to benefit relatives if the benefit to your genome is greater than the risk*consequence of whatever action you're taking, which made altruistic lineages more viable in many cases
what christianity did was pervert altruism into cuckoldry, where you do good for the sake of doing good and your lineage does not profit from it
Also the treatment could fail and then she'd kill her child for absolutely no reason.
I think that she made the logical decision.
McCain has brain cancer. Or did. Does he still? Either way, that old fuck will probably die from it at some point, whether he still has it or it comes back later.
Yad is the tenth letter in the Jewish alphabet, the first letter is for Al-lah. If you look into Rabbinical groups you can even find those which use Sayin or Nebo deities in their names, all only serve to benefit Semites and their customs.
Honestly i'm extremely happy that I most likely won't have to deal with cancer in my life. None of my relatives on either side have gotten cancer before their 70's. Except my great grandmother who had breast cancer but I doubt I have to worry about that.
Not a single premature death on either side. Feels good coming from quality stock.
That's why the kikes in this thread are so butthurt.
Yes I understand altruism developed to ensure the life of the family over the individual member. That's how altruism relates to why are we altruistic? because in today's context many are not altruistic who naturally should be, largely due to our social conditioning. Christianity seems to unlock the virtue of altruism in the psyche and produce it in people who may not possess it already (ie niggers). The entire religion is focused on developing altruism so it doesn't seem like a far off claim that in many believers it does. So does Judaism produce altruism?
single fathers are shitty parents only in movies
your premise is flawed. in today's context many are super-altruistic who naturally shouldn't be. beside, proper altruism is largely useless now because people generally don't die from predators or starvation or what have you, so there's not even any basis for determination of whether altruism has been abolished by society. if anything, altruism in european nations is largely a vestigial trait
Similar. My aunt had breast cancer, but no one else in the family did, I don't think. Not that that means much anymore. All the shit they put in our food, water, and even the air we breath. For all we know within the next ten years half of us here will have cancer. Everywhere I look these days I see all sorts of artificial sweeteners, GMOs, I read about the contamination of fish, water, hormones in my meat, my vegetables coated in poison (absorbed by the plant through the soil as well), our food are packed in plastics etc. It's fucking insane. I live on a mountain, near the peak I think, so my water and air should be good. Everything else is about the same. And people wonder why I want this civilization to collapse. There's too much corruption to fix. It's not just fucking politics. Everything is poisoned, from people's minds, to our food. We can survive a collapse. Kikes and niggers can't. Mega corporations can't. I really should buy more fresh vegetables from the local PA Dutch. They cost so much more than the store though…
that almost leads one to think that maybe this recent development of wide-spread pathological altruism is just a reaction by the naturally altruistic to practice altruism when there is no relative to really help
Maybe I should move back to Pennsylvania to live with them
Chemotherapy is in the process of being exposed as a fraudulent and disastrous method of treatment anyway. Chemo is notorious for being somewhat effective at treating tumors but having a high risk of causing it to spread elsewhere. Want to know what is a far more effective method of treating cancer? Overloading with antioxidants.
Not joking. Just ingest massive amounts of antioxidants and let them do their work. It turns out that the body will use them as assistance and you can take upper limit serving amounts according to your body weight throughout the day. You're better off taking 5 grams of vitamin C and 6mg of Astaxanthin than chemotherapy.
The fucking cancer industry does nothing to help actually solve cancer but instead relies on a fraud process that perpetuates cancer by placing it in other areas of the body. You could have cancer in the stomach but after chemo find it in your lungs and neck.
The problem with pathological altruism that that they're drawn to help members of out-groups
Having people fanatically dedicated to helping their fellow white people can only be a positive.
interesting perspective user ill think more on it
Why would you leave to begin with?
exactly, the very purpose of altruism is being attacked by the recent perversion of it kind of like jewish perversion of many things
i don't know how you could convince them to exclusively help whites, though.
huh, national socialism is really just what you're talking about though. helping fellow whites. that hitler speech, don't help them as the other, but give aid as though you were helping yourself, or your brother. maybe he realized this
6th white child.
This woman has done more for the white race than 95% of the normies you see walking around.
Dad moved away because he didn't want to inherit the family farm.
I was raised in another state but ethnically i'm PA Dutch.
So I havent heard any news about that since it initally dropped. Has his health been deteriorating?
Cool unsubstantiated claims, dude. Got any source to back that up?
can altruism be produced in niggers?
She probably chose life for both herself and her child. Chemo doesn't work and is basically a death sentence, as is radiation therapy. Cancer deaths are almost always chemo deaths.
You can't. European altruism has never been reserved for European peoples. Even everyone's beloved Hitler saw good in the lesser races and wanted the best for them in their homeland. Altruism is a sickness. No political system is foolproof and will remain uncorrupted in the long-term. Not National Socialism or any other. Every single political system will be corrupted eventually by some means, just like every single form of rule and politics has been corrupted in the past. Altruism will always be manipulated. It needs to be modified using modern techniques through eugenics. Sure, it may have negative affects on our social advancement and our overall group structure, but it'll keep us from being so easily subverted and controlled. You can't just educate people out of their instinctive, genetic behavioral traits. Just like the majority of niggers are always highly criminal, violent, primitive scum, regardless of the continent, culture, or time, the majority of whites (well, germanic, nordic, anglo etc., not the mildly mixed groups out east and down south) will always be altruistic, trusting, helping, nice people whose defensive/survival instinct is hindered by their altruistic nature. We're a race of explorers and pioneers, and secondly warriors. We take orders well, I suppose, and thus we attack when told, but we don't, on the ground level, seem to have any desire to fight or preserve, but solely to better our surroundings, regardless of the racial makeup of those surroundings. We just want to live and improve. And for that we'll all fall victim. I mean, sure, temporarily someone may find their way to leadership who can give the necessary orders of attack, but we're so well suppressed due to corruption in politics that I don't know how it'll happen. We're a minority. We whites with dwindled, neutered altruism are to whites as an educated, hard-working nigger is to niggers. We're the exception, not the rule. We could lead the rest to their safety temporarily, but that will always be short-lived. We can only live for so long. Eventually the wrong leader will come along and begin the path to destruction. Anyway, that's my feelings on the matter. I'm 100% pro-eugenics. I want to perfect the flaw in our people. The only way we can remain as we are is if we get a Hitler to rule the entirety of our race as one, with hatred to rival mine, and lead a charge of attack against all of non-white humanity. One or the other, and we know that leader, and that unity isn't happening.
How old is the fucker? 80? 90? That shitstack got rich and will die old and with (((honors))).
Thankfully, he will be more lightning than sun next time.
There has got to be a God. A good deed such as this proves that there's still good in the hearts of humans.
I don't understand how these well-connected rats always manage to live so long. Do they have access to medical techniques, medicine, and services that we common people don't? It's beyond money, because there's plenty of rich people who succumb to far less. But these select few seem to live on and control our way of life forever.
I always do. Thanks for asking. What I want to know is why you missed the thread we had on this a few months back when it was breaking news and don't already know this.
This was just the latest study exposing this. People had already known for a long time that chemotherapy causes cancer to spread.
Oy vey, stop sacrificing yourself for your white child, goyim.
He should have died when he was captured, decades ago.
Chemo isn't radiation treatment.
Chemo is poisoning yourself just enough to kill the cancer faster than the poison kills you, radiation treatment is radiating yourself just enough to kill the cancer faster than the radiation kills you.
And the chemo is enough to kill the fetus, hence her decision.
Worked for Steve Jobs.
Right. I was responding to a specific comment with a misconception about chemo.
People seem to confuse Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy a lot. Chemo = chemicals (which may or may not be radioactive) radio = radiation without pharmaceutical supplement.
To add to it. Chemo is an injection, Radio is usually a machine bombarding the area with invisible rays, just like how an x-ray works.
Steve Jobs died of AIDS, not cancer. Wasn't just verified by Wikileaks either.
Really? Thought it was cancer, my mistake then.
Gingers are love. Gingers are life.
Still though, loading up on antioxidants isn't going to do shit for cancer.
I look forward to this
Bless this woman. My father was killed whilst my mother was pregnant with me and she told me, that a doctor had advised her to get an abortion. Of course she refused, and life would have been easier had my father not died, leaving her to raise two children under age 2, but she devoted her life to us with damn good results, if I say so myself. The kind of sacrifices some women make for motherhood should be revered.
It seems be a particularly nasty consequence of "feminism" that women are encouraged to behave as men and take on men's roles, as if traditional female roles were somehow inferior. Men take care of things on the outside, women take care of things on the inside, and each are as valuable as the other. I wish society still had that balance.
Maybe a bit off topic, but I've noticed how common it is for families to either get cancer or heart attacks. I've not known anyone in my family to get cancer, we just drop dead from a heart attack at age 80-something usually, sometimes 90-something if we're lucky. I wonder there is more to the pattern of who gets cancer and who gets a heart attack?
Not once you have it, all during the life it might though, considering how cancer is formed. Oxidative stress is a big component of how cancerous cells are formed.
Your first comment is extremely misleading if this comment is what you believe.
Wait, you aren't the skooby doo mofo
He covered it up because he was a notorious faggot. Alternative medicine people were criticizing his supposed treatment plan and then as it turns out they were right on the mark when wikileaks confirmed he was battling AIDS and that he got HIV 20 years ago. Imagine how pissed they were that the news was blaming alternative medicine for his death when he wasn't even following the regiment they would have called for.
Antioxidants alone won't but most people are deficient in the type of antioxidants that human bodies are supposed to have normal levels of. Most people are already vitamin d3 deficient which is already a huge issue to begin with because d3 provides auxiliary support as an antioxidant. The next and arguably more important antioxidant is produced by the liver itself which is glutathione. Glutathione requires Magnesium (most people are deficient in this), Methionine (vegetarians/vegans are deficient in this), B vitamins & choline sources, and glycine.
You sound and post as if you were from cuckchan.
Better than blondes to be honest. Although not the super bright orange ones, they're horrible. The pic related is great though.
God, no. I actually have a background in organic chemistry, with a focus on the pharmaceutical industry, that's how I learned about the suspected mechanism of cancer.
Well I'm glad you're not retarded.
Please continue, this is important
Crushing hard on a little redhead at work but I'm not gonna blogpost
Auburn red is the color of pure, unadulterated love.
Pumpkin orange is the color of STIs and borderline episodes.
A nurse "advised" my aunt to pull the plug on my German grandfather who had pneumonia. Easily treatable, but the worthless hag gave bad info and made my aunt think he was done for. I wanted to get to know him better. Too late now. He was Hitler Youth. I wanted to talk to him about that.
Interesting that 15-19 "teens" have the lowest rate of miscarriages, it's almost like nature is telling women to get married and have children earlier.
Oh, in other news, the marriageable age used to be 12 for girls until liberal faggots raised it.
I wouldn't mind diluting her genes with my brunette, hazel/semi-green eye genes.
All my girlfriends but one were gingers (the other one was a natural blonde who dyed her hair auburn), really fucking wild in bed naturally to be honest. Sadly they mostly were fickle too and some accused me of being a faggot when I wouldn't want to fuck as often as they wanted.
They still fuck 12 year olds behind closed doors.
my grandfather had walking pneumonia for about the last 20 years of his life, I still don't believe he had to die when he did. He died choking on the vomit in a scummy retirement home and my boomer parents had no problem with this. I still believe he killed himself with his own vomit because living there was so bad
I would not have that problem. If a woman turns me on I can go multiple times a day. I'm a bottomless pit of energy with no means of letting it the fuck out.
this happens a lot family friend also made this choice a last year, and she died from the cancer shortly after the baby was born, it was to late for the treatment to have a chance
That's the most disgusting thing really. What could be a innocent wife for life is instead turned into a broken whore.
>Oy vey, a white woman having a white child? I better shut this down!
Boomers are the natural goyim. I suspect my grandfather to have been choked to death in an old people's home (he was from the greatest generation, mixed with boomers) because he was an asshole to everybody who didn't understand his genius. The man could smell politician bullshit a mile away and would always complain about incompetence and corruption, didn't help he watched the parliament channel all day everyday. Also called my father a failure for making me play vidya as a kid instead of forcing me to learn shit about how the world works and science. The old bastard could spot intelligence when he saw it. Looking back, he was fucking right as I had to develop all that knowledge by myself instead of having support from my surroundings. Hell, if I listened to my old man before he died, I should have dropped out of school right after first college semester.
Stop masturbating.
I don't know all this woman's particular circumstances, but this is not healthy or wise
Probably because they're often both used, and the topic is morbid enough that most people (even many cancer patients) don't want to learn the details.
I think I might start a thread on eye color on pol.
It isn't exactly a secret by any means. The main problem is that most people are uneducated in basic health information and go to big-pharma supported sites like webmd that gives them outdated information that's based on when big-pharma had its strongest grip on medical information. Regular people are dependent on doctors that make more money when writing prescriptions or referring them to treatment centers for unnecessary surgeries.
That and the fact that alternative medicine people are becoming more popular and just in the last two years over 50+ of them were mysteriously killed off. Imagine how much money big-pharma makes per year and how once regular people know where to go for cheap natural treatments that they won't be dependent on big-pharma shills.
Let's face it, if she did undergo treatment, she would lose the kid. There is no guarantee, however, that she won't be made sterile by the treatment.
I'm skeptical the jews would allow Steve Jobs to die from AIDS. I mean, they can even cure that these days using a full bone marrow transplant from a naturally resistant donor. Now, that option probably wasn't available to Steve Jobs because he was a mixed race mutt, part Germanic part Syrian. Still though, billions of dollars and being worth more alive than dead to countless jewish investors should have surely been enough to keep the HIV infection at bay indefinitely. It only makes sense if he was denying treatment, which is the explanation given for how cancer killed him too…..
I'm a born cripple. I use most of my stamina to do shit during the day, I wouldn't have lost it in my earlier teens but since I hit 17, it's gone downhill thanks to my back fucking up gradually more and more. That's why I couldn't do it 4 times a day as asked many times.
If peole would stop eating processed garbage, they would have more chance of living healthy too. Nope, instead they believe in the propaganda that they must always be on the run and have 15 minutes to eat a meal. Better eat that cancerous hot-pocket, goyim. Great meals are only for those who pays $100 a meal.
There's also no guarantee that she'd survive, even with treatment. With treatment the death of her child would be certain, and her survival would be far from certain. Without treatment, the survival of her child is certain (near enough).
Ethically, she clearly made the correct choice.
I was born when my mom was in her thirties, dad pushing 40. Brother was the year before. Sister four years later. Sure, we'd be better off had it happened 20 years earlier, for a number of reasons, but just because a woman is 37 it doesn't mean she's limited to one kid. I bet we'll see a spike in births when millennial whites finally accumulate enough wealth to settle down comfortably. As is, everyone, at least in the US, is on a downward spiral, with apparently "conservative" whites having the highest birthrates. I'm not opposed to finding a Gen Z girl and having kids. Although, I thought about it, and it's claimed they're the most Right-wing, yet they're the ones who comprise all the Leftie rats on campuses and in Antifa, and at BLM rallies. So who the fuck knows. Maybe college is just that good as propaganda and indoctrination. Millennials aren't in college anymore, so I don't know why all that shit gets pushed on us. Those are the first wave Gen Z kids in college now. They're the hardcore feminists and shit. I guess Gen Z is either Right or Left, with the centrist dying.
I was lucky to be born to parents both in their early 20s. My mother was 21 and my father was 24. Still, my father had that hereditary boneitis so I spent months in hospitals. At least my brain wasn't affected considering how far I got academically.
I don't know if I'd want to do that every day, but you can give her a bit of action with the hands or tongue. Fuck, there's loads of "toys" out there these days you can get her off with if you don't have the energy. Get a vibrator or something. Or a dildo. Who the fuck knows. Some here may call it degenerate, but if a girl has a high sex drive, it's better you pleasure her with your dick or a rubber one than have her go out and fuck another girl, as society has opened her mind since birth to allow as an acceptable alternative. Give me one of the girls in the pics. above and they'll be telling me they don't have enough energy to go again though. Man, my sex drive is way too fucking high. I'm the opposite. I wish I could cut it down. I'm pushing 28 and I have a higher sex drive than a kid going through puberty. Makes life hard sometimes. Makes social interaction awkward sometimes.
And a corresponding spike in autism.
This will ultimately be the jews' undoing.
My mother underwent chemo + radiation after her masectomy (breast cancer). 10 years later she's completely cured. Thank God you're wrong.
Unquestionably. The tism was their greatest golem, it's only fitting that this golem will eat them alive.
you couldn't make their case any easier. I would have aborted it. but Im a dude and never have to worry about that. lack of legal equality for men aside, let women fight over that shit.
Processed foods that are not just lacking in nutrients but contain ingredients which are pro-inflammation. Most people in the west are on a diet of pro-inflammation ingredients like corn and soybean oils, trans fats, loads of refined sugar, (((refined carbohydrates))), and way more. They wonder why they feel like shit and can barely move their body when they are what they eat, and what they're eating is making them sick. Then to make things worse, chronic inflammation fosters an environment for far worse diseases.
Thankfully nutrient-dense organic foods are way more available in my area. What redpilled me to organic foods was not just that it was untreated with (((modern farming practices))) but the food actually does taste better. That, and you get to support white farmers when you buy directly from them. Organic grass-fed beef tastes absolutely amazing and contains omega 3's.
Reread what I said, because I didn't say it doesn't work at all. If you're celebrating the fact that your mother is an exception to conventional cancer treatments you should also be wary to the fact that there's a reason why she's an exception and not part of a bigger crowd of people that survive cancer. If chemo & radiation was way more successful for treatment, then having cancer itself would be way less alarming.
This is why knee-jerk response posting belongs on cuckchan.
They don't exist. They never did. all women are liars, fucking whores, chesters and child killers. They are worse than children's and deserve pity. If they love Muslims so much. Let the cunts get raped all they want. Let all women root. None of them are worth saving. == Do not fucking fool yourself ==
This was her 6th kid.
Fuck off too where you belong!
Forgot to say, I was considered a Gen Y before all that millenial horsecrap was shoved in. Nowadays Millenial means anyone who was born between 1984 and 2000. It basically means we weren't legeal before 9/11 happened. Gen Z starts at 2001 from what I've read.
No shit, I ate pussy like a madman, still didn't quite fulfill the girls I was with. Maybe I found some who were mostly turned on by penetration (I'd have to admit I'm not a horse either, enough to be pleasurable but not to get addicted on if you know what I mean), never thought about mixing it up with toys though. The one girl I did have around my pinky since she loved badly how I ate her was a brunette who turned out to be underaged so I didn't mention her
BTW I'm 869b82 had to hop IPs since my VPN shat itself.
Nice redtext, amateur kike faggot.
No shit, the first time I noticed food tasted better while organic was when I ate my own crops after learning how to garden/farm. Taste can't even compare. That's why I buy local nowadays, where I live local still means the regular farming way, shit even berries tastes like the ones you would cultivate in the wild.
I live in the mountains in PA. I can buy from local farmers about three months out of the year. Apples and whatnot slightly later into the colder seasons. Their prices are high though so I haven't gotten into it. I should though. Maybe next summer I'll start buying more vegetables from them. I started my own garden this year for the first time ever. Learned a bit and got some experience under my belt. It's hard growing shit here, and my soil sucked (plus it's been cold as shit half the summer and rainy every other day), but if I fix the soil and get slightly better luck with weather I could probably grow my own crop all season. That's preferable, honestly. Everyone on Holla Forums should take up gardening. It's satisfying watching it grow and eating your own harvest. I hear in some shit-holes it's illegal to have a garden in your yard. Probably California…
Really? I thought it was like '96 or something.
Are you really hanging onto a picture of this race-mixing bimbo?
This is so fucking obvious it's actually hilarious.
Don't look at me man, I didn't follow the HWNDU lore, I just picked up a few reaction images along the way.
I dont know what their problem is, but leftists always go nuts when I say that blacks should be allowed to abort, but whites shouldnt because we are already at risk of demographic replacement and experiencing genocide.
96 is a lie, Gen Y were told that the generation lasted from gen X (up till the early 80s) till the early 00s. Then the horseshit millenial term appeared to make anyone who was between 6 and 20 when 9/11 happened was a millenial. In practice, they tried to kill Gen Y and merge many generations together to make the cancerous millenial generation. Gen Y was from 1984 to 2000, Gen Z is from 2001. marketers and Jews deserve brutal death.
Nigger you know exactly what their problem is.
We should all get together and start a fundraiser t to buy the kid a care package, some diapers, stroller, playpen, toys. Being a parent myself, I know that shit can get fucking expensive; I couldn't even imagine the strain being a single parent doing it.
I was mostly being facetious.
this should happen first we should gain contact and offer to help
Why's that?
I'm on fire today. Polite bump.
I love this idea. Not becasue of moralfaggotry or PR, but becasue of the massive amounts of lulzy butthurt it would cause if the internet hate machine banded together to crowdfund aid for an infant in need.
A white infant in need whose mom is the antithesis of a Marxist anti-white rat. Their rage would be because of that, not us, we'd just be the excuse. If they had it their way all of our wallets would be drained to fund nigger babies.
Daily reminder that most oncologists are jewish and chemotherapy worsens cancer in 98% of cases
You forgot your embed.
Rather it's because their women are whores with bottomless semen guzzling vaginas who steal the genetics of superior groups to blend their hordes of rat kikes in. That's why many jews look similar to us and blend in well. Their women are eternal whores and their men are eternal cucks. They're a race of stolen genetics. They're filth.
why was this post deleted?
He was spamming across several threads with no rhyme or reason to who he was replying to.
Nice "not all white women" propaganda story though.
Thought process without cancer:
Thought process with terminal cancer:
What I wrote here is FAR more likely:
pre-mature birth is the strongest argument against abortion and the future will make the "pro-choice" crowd look like bloodthirsty killers. this alone will become the peak of degeneracy in history books surpassing lobotomies for bored housewives.
currently there are babies born 6 MONTHS prior to the due date and live healthy lives and thats not super uncommon. while my son was in the NICU after birth, i saw pictures on the wall of babies born premature that the hospital delivered healthy. most of them were 3-4 months… and one said 6 months. the pictures were current-ish pictures of the families. as this science improves it'll get earlier and earlier.
eventually a pre-mature delivery and an abortion are going to be the "choice" and the people that choose abortion will be seen as monsters.
mark my words.
I think the woman was very brave. Very very brave to have chosen her child's life over her own. I can't imagine that decision, or growing up knowing that your mother sacrificed her life just for you. I would push myself harder than I do today, I know that, simply in her name. But beyond that I couldn't begin to comprehend it. And the thing is, that no one would ever blame her for choosing her own life over the child. She could very much have more children and you could easily think of it as the logical decision. But she didn't. She chose the life of her unborn child instead of her own. Its heroic to say the very least. Thats the type of shit that legends are made out of.
Imagine this though, from a Nietzschean perspective, where there is no God and there is no heaven or hell. There is simply life right now and attempting to create the overman. Imagine the gravity of that choice, to chose an infinite blackness so that your child may enjoy the nectar of life. To totally eliminate yourself as a human being, as an existing entity and return to nothing more than matter. Its beyond selflessness at that scale, making such a decision like that. To me it indicates a certain sense of purity and honor that I thought had died. You can argue that men who charge at machine gun fire to defend their children are heroes, which they are, but you can always argue that there is a certain sense of savagery simply out of the murder itself. Even in self defense. This woman died literally to create life, an act of the purest sense of honor and dignity. A death only an Aryan Overman (or woman, in this case) could achieve. If there is a heaven or Valhalla, may she be guided by the strongest warriors to have graced the earth and be placed among them. She died bravely in battle.
In the article she says that its because of her faith. There's still good in the world, user, don't be so pessimistic.
Such a noble deed. To think leftists willingly kill their children simply because they don't feel like raising them, while others literally sacrifice them selves so they can be born.
It really shows you leftists are lower beings incapable of being virtuous (not counting their narcissistic virtue signaling on social media).
How utterly ridiculous, the logical thing would be to chemo, get cured by science and then make a new baby.
If it weren't for the fact that cancer can only be cured by magick or fasting anyways and that the chemotreatments are completely ineffective I would just say she's being really stupid. If, theoretically, the chemotreatments could save her life then it would make the most sense for her to just let the child die and save herself so she can go on to have 14 kids instead of just 1 that has no mother.
However, knowing what I know, she did the best thing. She couldn't actually save herself anyways. At least she had 1 child before she died.
The logical thing in this case would be to do water-fasting and prayer (affirmations) because chemotherapy is a scam that kills.
I know that feel well. Like I'm always playing catch up.
This is the shit that really gets me depressed. Assholes live forever while the good die young. It's like life is specifically set up so the more morally good you are as a person, the worse life fucks with you.
Iktf user, I guess it's just because the more morally good you are, the more you put yourself in the line of fire. It's why societies in the past placed so much importance on reputation, to reward and encourage people to stick their necks out for the benefit of others. So it's unsurprising that the kikes went after it as soon as they could, that's why there are so many movies and tv shows that portray the asshole as the hero who always wins while the moral character is portrayed as a loser who constantly gets shat on
Fuck that, you shouldn't have children if you're in a shitty situation like that. That kid will be miserable his whole life.
American blacks have some white DNA leading to incompatibility and auto-abortion for some zygotes. Pure african blacks have fewer birth problems, but are even dumber.
Fucking hero. She made as many white children as 6 liberals put together.
Reported, enjoy your ban, kike.
Aids deaths are always covered up and called cancer now. The heebs don't want it slowing down their degeneracy program, so they call it cancer or sarcoidosis or >insert crazy rare shit here
You know all that organic stuff is bullshit jew marketing to sell you the same shit for 5x as much, right?
The white race needs the bottom 20-50% to reproduce below replacement anyway, otherwise bad genes will weaken us.
That's some next level shilling, mate.
That is not what he said, Chaim.
He implyed, that the label "organic" or "bio" or what ever they call it in your part of the world is a scam.
Grow your own shit or use your trusted network.
Then you know atleast to some degree (uncertainty rises through toxins in rain and ground) whats in it.
I'll never understand the American evangelicals on this board who oppose all abortion. Some abortion is bad, some of it kills baby niggers, some of it purifyes the gene pool.
And stay there!
Wonderful woman. Her example will live on.
Welcome to the demiurgic world
Chemotherapy would have just killed her quicker and made the cancer worse anyways.
It's because abortion is murder. The real problem is not that classification, but that many people don't understand that sometimes killings are justified and required. The public needs to grow a spine over it. I oppose right-wing white people having abortions but if nogs and libtards want to destroy their next generation I wouldn't intervene. If anything going further and castrating the subhumans entirely would solve the problem outright in a way that even the Evangelicals could be persuaded to come around to.
Also, since there's a ton of kikery in this thread, remember that even though the Church in the US has been dented by the kikes, Christians are still the least cucked demographic by far.
Go back to /r/fedora, you lump of cells
How the fuck were all 3 of "Agnostic," "Nothing in particular" and "Something else" large enough in terms of sample size? I thought the first two were the same thing. Also, that feel when you are one of the 14.2% of Atheists that voted Trump. Polite sage.
You speak like a jew. Out of curiosity, how's your eyebrows?
Even if you already know they child would be a tard? You know as in eugenics?
Christian opposition to eugenics is infuriating.
Someone should send this story to Martha Plimpton and see her rage.
The story: Actress Defends Her ‘Best Abortion’ in Twitter Rant
Do you really want someone who thinks abortion is a good thing to raise a child? They will imprint their progressive ideology on that child. Think of it as natural selection for ideas. Let them have their abortions, think long term.
I just don't want to pay for the abortions…. However I'm open to the argument that a $900 abortion is going to be a lot cheaper than a lifetime of welfare for that un-aborted progressive human
I could never feel any more respect for someone than I do right now.
In a world where every kid that "saves" a baby bird from being eaten by a cat is called a "hero," there are still REAL heros, risking and giving their lives for others, that they never tell you about.
I kind of choked up, hearing about this.
It just seems that way. It's because when the good die, we all feel the loss…when an asshole dies, nobody gives a fuck.
At least use a better argument than "why does rain fall on my bad uncle's farm," Schlomo.
I do to.
And we buy from farmers in the area, as well.
We already have a backyard that is filled with vegetable gardens, fruit trees, and chickens.
The Appalachians are not wealthy, but this is a white paradise. Neighbors are decent folk, the surroundings are beautiful at any time of the year, and nary a p.o.c. to be found.
and if you love hunting or fishing, this is where you want to be.
Sounds like you don't know what organic is then.
Organic certification labels are supposed to be an inspection label verifying that the product has not been subjected to jew farming practices which became the norm in the midde of the twentieth century. In effect this means that organic labels and the practices they call for are the minority. The jew managed to take complete control over how a white man grows his food for his nation and by virtue of the fact that food and water is a core part of survival, organic foods have managed to make a comeback and be on par with what our ancestors subsisted on prior to the twentieth century.
You're giving that other guy way too much credit. He claimed that all organic foods is nothing more than a jew marketing ploy, not to be vigilant with finding where your food comes from. His post is subject to disinformation for throwing it out there.
She's dead
Why would the Vietnamese kill a valuable source of information?
Reminder that only virgin losers that will become pedophiles watch anime.
Why would so many Orthodoxes vote Hillary and how could they not find a sufficient sample of Muslims? It's a really big religion.
White women are the best women in the world. They make our race immortal.
Let's all hope she pulls through. She just has to hold off long enough to have a c-section and then she can undergo treatment.
She's already dead. She died 3 days after giving birth
What the fuck do you even mean?
Quick, call him Chaim to fit in!
Now that's an interesting thing about race-mixing that I didn't know about.
True, but there's nothing wrong with murdering shitskins and retards. In fact it's a good thing.
There's a difference between murder and killing. If I kill a dumb animal that's destroying my garden, it's not murder. If we genocide niggers, it's not murder. Murder is a legal term. It's an illegal act.
Yeah, but abortion is legal so I could tell the christcuck meant it in a moral sense.
No, but they are emotionally disturbed.
Children need a father and a mother, or they will grow up fucked
But if it's the mother missing at least they won't harm other people. They will just be starved of affection.
Hi, kike.
Good news, her children will end up here.
Not that I admire her choice genetically speaking the mother is sometimes more important because she can have more children. However in this case save teh child is way more important.
Meant to say not that I don't admire her choice, genetically….
Whats the name of the song?
that how you know your doing something right.
read "the prince" tbh
It's a good place to be.
The last harvest festival I went to in that area was a sea of white people. It was beautiful. We rented a cabin in W.Va this year so it should be a similar experience. I hate MD
People like this are why we exist.
People like this require the people like us to protect them, because without us they are defenseless.
She was 37. Her calculation was correct.
Probably a very case-by-case basis.
Just because a person does not/no longer has a partner doesn't automatically fuck over the child. Maybe other parent was a crackhead, ran a prostitution ring, or pushed on pull doors.
Just hope that dad in OP has grandparents n shit to help out with new babby. He will not survive first year otherwise.
I wish my wife would choose her child over herself, but she is a stupid cunt who "has to find herself" so she's running out on a 2 year old.
This. You save the woman if she will come out of it alright. This comes up with some conditions, like pre-eclampsia. In this case, she was dying anyways and chose not to prolong the process.
Wait, if she had 5 children before this one wouldn't it have made more sense to go through the chemo in the hopes that she could raise the five? I mean, it's not like this baby would have been her only. Choose between five properly raised children or six children raised without a mother.
I hope this makes sense
And I suppose it depends upon the age of the other children, at least one is age 18, if the others are teens too then it wouldn't be so bad.
It was terminal brain cancer; she would have died no matter what.
I take it you aren't aware of the rather large monetary sum one has to pay in order to have the OMRI stamp thrown on there?
A good portion of "organic lines" if tested will throw out heavy metals in the results. Mercury in fish related products etc.
It's usually somewhere in the fine print. But it's hidden in the form of directing you to some website that oh so conveniently redirects you somewhere else because the pdf with the listing 404ed. And I wonder why that is?
Also they're a "non profit" organization and the board of directors are in Jew havens. NY, OR and CA.
So lets see here.
I'm thinking the scene in Orgazmo where Joe and his soon to be wife are questioning why it costs so darn much to get married at the Mormon temple.
Just where that money is funneled after that is a question to me. But we all know non profits are tax evasion money pools.
One of these days I'll get bored and dig through the family trees of the board of directors.
Make an infograph for the hippy potheads of their Jew masters just for the irony of it.
If you're going to do organics then source your materials yourself and do it from scratch.
so much wasted fertility. In our new system, females shall be prohibited from doing anything other than producing children from ages 14-34.
How many times must it be said …hibernians are the whitest whites. We didn't mix, didn't get raped en masse by sand niggers or asians, and until the last decade or so (when literal rabbis invaded and took power within our ethnic and nationalist parties), literally killed anyone who tried to dilute our blood or soil.
Forget British propaganda, forget south park jokes, fuck you Anglo worshipping cucks, the Anglo and Jews are allied against the only people who had the balls to 1488 their ENTIRE existence
user, what if the reward for being a good person is an early release ?
Life in a Jewish world IS a prison after all.
This is horribly sad but hugely inspiring at the same time - one of those rare testaments to the amazing bravery and love that is present in the human soul. This part really struck me:
Why do you think they are purple haired bulldykes in the first place? Their existence is a state of suffering.
implying the chemo wouldn't kill her too
lack of Altruism is what makes shitskins shitskins.
get rid of Altruism and you get white niggers