SHMUP General


nip shit, euroshmup shit, degica shit, you name it
Get Crimzon Clover for two shekels, Raiden IV, and the ALLTYNEX trilogy if you haven't already. Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours is off for 50%, meaning 22 eurodollars, and it probably isn't going to get any lower any time soon.

Astebreed, Mushihimesama, Eschatos, RefRain, the Zeal games and Revolver 360 are preddy gud recommendations. Waifufags probably want to get Deathsmiles.

Dodonpachi Resurrection Steam port slated for release somewhere after September, includes all modes and shit.

what a shame



tell me which game is good


Please fuck yourself and die, Degica.

t. shmup fan



Well, I would love they had agreed with GOG, but it seems like it was no possible.
I got there Raiden, Revolver, Crimson, Astbreed and Tyrian.

Blame GoG for being a bunch of Jap hating fucks.

That's the weird part. They were not like that. GOG was the first to sell Blazblue, Guilty Gear, Raiden, La-Mulana was there quite early too. But something happened and they just stopped.
GOG have ben silent about everything lately, so, it's hard to know what happened.

Whats the name of that SNES shump thats was also on arcades where which ship is from a country?
I think thats the only one i ever played to the end

CDProjekt went public and are now kikes, they will become even bigger kikes overtime as shareholders will tighten their grip.

Unlike Valve which is private and ran by a small group of people

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I just beat Satazius on normal. Holy fuck that was a hard game. How hard is Gradius compared to satazius?

Also how hard is Gradius compared to Raiden?



Just paypal'd gaben $500 to spite you Steam haters, while I enjoy the golden age of PC vidya.

I remember playing the shit out of the Einhander demo on this, shame I never really got into shmup games

That golden age is the iron age of video gaming.

coming soon desu

Keep in mind that Gradius has a rank system depending on how much power-ups you pick up. If you know that and skip some power-ups intentionally, you might have an easier time.

Nah I'll blame Degica because GOG isn't the final word in DRM-free. If they wanted to release without DRM on Steam they damn well could have. Stop making excuses for them and kill yourself shill.

Apparently steam counts twin stick shooters as shumps.

Is RunJumpRunGun any good or is Assault Android Cactus the best the genre has to offer?

Pretty much, although RunGunJumpGun doesn't look bad (just them using actual levels instead of procedural generation is a big plus), might wanna take a look at Xenoraptor too.

I've tried to like SHMUPs before but they just seem so dumb. Dodging walls of pixels, learning enemy spawn patterns so you can remove them before they attack ASAP, making little micro movements to bait their attacks giving yourself efficient space, 1 hit deaths. The only decent thing seems like the boss battles. Plus ones with unlimited credits just seem dumb, playing for the sake of playing for some autistic number to go up a little. Sin & Punishment had to be one of the silliest I tried, just walls of enemies filling your screen. I love the music and visuals and the idea of an unforgiving game that wants you to learn it but I don't think the design is that thorough, it feels very basic. Either too hard or what's the point. How can you make it fun.

Prove me wrong.

The nature of arcade games (or any game for that matter) will have you memorizing the stages in the process of getting good, whether you want it or not. Some older SHMUPs like Gradius, R-Type or Border Down rely more on memorizing whereas danmakus are more about dodging impossible patterns at the spot. Memorizing is inevitable, even moreso if you are playing for score. However, more than enough SHMUPs will force you to adapt on the spot through RNG.

The ultimate goal for arcade games (and by extension nearly every SHMUP) is to clear them in one continue. After all, where's the difficulty if you have infinite lives?
The scoring systems in most SHMUPs are an indication of how well you have mastered the mechanics of the game. Some rely on speedkilling, some rely on memorization, and some rely on acting recklessly. Playing for survival only will get you so far, as most SHMUPs tend to provide extends with every million points or so you earn. If you want to creditfeed your way through, I won't stop you. The path to obtaining a 1cc is one you have to discover yourself, as nobody can convince you that you must push your skills to your limits in order to complete a self-imposed challenge performed by many.

If you don't think Raiden Fighters and Ketsui are tight shit regardless of your skill level, get out of my face.