Games that have huge, huuuge problems, but also have great, greeeat qualities that made you wish so much that the problems never existed.
ITT: Best worst games
MGS4 is a weird game.
From a purely technical point of view, this game took MGS as a series to the next level, the gameplay was FANTASTIC.
But you had like 2 minutes of gameplay in 50 hours of cutscenes.
It's sorta how MGSV also has really good gameplay in terms of movement especially, where it expanded on what MGS4 started, but then the content itself wasn't especially good so that nullified all the gameplay polish.
MGS3 was probably the last coherent, full experience that felt like a proper balanced game.
I think we can all agree that act 3 a shit
If all of MGS4 was like acts 1, 2 and the part where you're sneaking through the deck of Outer Haven in act 5, it would be one of my favourite games ever.
I don't know who it is who designs the gameplay in the mgs games. Kojima seems to be more interested in making it a movie rather than a game so I can't imagine he's the one who makes the gameplay so good
For all its faults I enjoyed MGS4 more than MGS3, and would play the former again first. But then again MGS3 is an overrated piece of shit, so that's faint praise.
shadow moses is cool and all, but you don't actually get to do anything cool in it since all the enemies are just those little drones, and arsenal gear is just a straight line to the boss rush, and act 3 made the mistake of being an escort mission
it's a waste of a fucking map
I still liked MGS4, yes I know there were too many cutscenes.
I think MGS4's stealth was hindered by being in the middle of the fucking battlefield most of the time. The new controls were most welcome, but I don't know about the gun customization. It's like in Hitman BM where there's a lot of it along with conspicuously large guns, yet it's a fucking stealth game so why would you use it?
I feel like OctoCamo was too much, it overpowered the camo system making you able to get huge camo index anywhere, especially with the FaceCamo you get later on.
What I sorely missed in that game was good codec conversations.
MGS4 was the first MG game I played.
I do not recommend doing that.
Well, no shit. I never understood why some people don't start at the beginning of a story.
Now that I think about it, there weren't really any codec convos about conspiracies and shit, just the characters telling you the objective after telling their retardedly boring life's story, especially the B&B convos, and occasionally talking about how futuristic everything is.
Why would you even start a franchise on the fourth game?
The legacy collection wasn't out yet.
I got it because it looked fun
I finished the entire game without knowing how to use CQC. I am a retard.
That was already evident.
I hope you learned from that lesson, user.
Also, I sure hope you didn't buy the PS4.
Risk of Rain.
And yet, I just can't stop playing this game. I'd choose this if I had only a choice of one game to have on a deserted island.
I hate the Fallout games, their gameplay is so fucked and casual and its a menu simualtor like every shitty rpg. But what other modern games let you you interact with people like them, NOT A FUICKING SINGLE ONE
I'd say MGSV. A few more lines of code and it'd be as great as the original trilogy, if not moreso. I have to get the one mod that adds a fuckton of shit in though, maybe that'll fix it.
Another one would be Mankind Divided. It's an aesthetically perfect cyberpunk game on a few of the levels, the problem is the poor level design and gameplay that doesn't adhere to the original one, where you could beat the game in any way you please.
Hmm. OP having a good opinion, on my Holla Forums? What year is this?
I don't know. MGS4 was cinematic bliss, and the first act or two were fucking amazing, but MGS3, despite how much I personally don't care much for it, overall feels like a better game.
The problem wasn't the battlefield, it was the fact that those areas didn't have structured enemy routes, so gameplay was entirely randomized which meant that you could never really learn from your mistakes if you got caught, because the AI was just all over the fucking place despite being extremely intelligent.
The Yakuza games come to mind. So many flaws and so many restrictions, yet they're still amazing games.
really makes you think.
Ur mom has huuuuge problems but also great "qualities" nowadimsayn.
Destinys shooting feels better than any other fps. its brilliant.
Lack of non-lethal weapons annoyed me. If I remember correctly there were only two or three.
Went through the game only using those of the 20+ guns available.
Tranq pistol, stun knife, mosin nagant, any shotgun with vortex shells, stun grenades, smoke grenades, magazines, sleeping gas mines, tangeshima and solar gun. The last two are ones you are going to get only after finishing the game at least once but still.
Not saying MGS3 is not going to appeal to most players more, but MGS4 for me was the more enjoyable experience. Might have been because my buddy and I played it to completion together in one insane sitting, and spent the cutscenes looking back between the screen and each other with utterly bewildered expressions for hours.
The original version of the game only had the shooting going for it. Almost every other aspect of the game was trash, from the story line to the death march grind for loot you had to do after level 20. Nowadays, the game is actually pretty good. There's a bit more flavor text for each mission, and in the expansions, the characters actually start to have some semblance of personality. The grind for loot is still there but it's so, so much more lenient now than it was back then. The biggest flaw of the game right now is the lack of personality and braindead AI in most of the enemy factions.
whoops meant to reply to